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Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Use for works concerning the science of law. For individual laws, use "legislation", "environmental legislation", etc.
  • S'emploie pour des ouvrages se rapportant à la science du droit. Pour ce qui concerne des lois spécifiques, utiliser "législation", "législation de l'environnement", etc.
  • Se emplea para las obras que se refieren a la ciencia del derecho. Para las leyes específicas utilizar "legislación", "legislación medioambiental", etc.

Nota(s) sobre el origen


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    • Usado para Legal sciences
    • Usado para Science juridique
    • Usado para Ciencia jurídica

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    1218 Descripción archivística resultados para Derecho

    1218 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
    P.D.WOODWARD (Deeds collection)
    GB 0074 E/WDW · Colección · 1870-1922

    Title deeds for properties in Brixton, Sydenham, Herne Hill, Tooting, and East Dulwich.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ILS · Colección · 1790-1974

    Records of the Inner London Quarter Sessions, 1790-1974.

    Papers of the Justices of the Peace, including Lord Lieutenant's papers; official lists of Justices; papers relating to the jurisdiction of Justices; papers relating to juvenile courts; correspondence and papers relating to the County of London Magistrates Club.

    Papers of the Court in Session, including sessions rolls; court books; deposition books; court minute books; registers and indexes of appeals; Sheriff's inquisitions and returns; depositions; certificates of conviction; orders of court; reports and correspondence regarding the Mental Deficiency Acts; calendars of prisoners; estreat papers and rolls; and calendars of viticular licences.

    Administrative papers including staff books; papers relating to probationers; County of London Standing Joint Committee minutes and papers; Committee of Quarter Sessions papers; Magistrates' Court Committee minutes and papers; County of London Licensing Committee papers and reports; County of London Licensing Planning Committee minutes and applications and County Confirming and Compensation Committee papers and reports.

    Documents registered with the Court including papers relating to licences; maps and plans showing petty sessional divisions, borough boundaries, licensed premises and roads; papers relating to railways; lists of blind persons; register of parliamentary deposits and reports from the Commissioners on the State of the Roads.

    Papers of the Clerk of the Peace and the Treasurer, including cash book; papers relating to County Days; correspondence relating to borough maps; general correspondence; indexes of deposited records and plans; and summaries of costs of criminal prosecutions.

    Sin título
    B. & J. NEWTON
    GB 0074 CLC/B/227-012 · Colección · 1810-1837

    Records of Benjamin and John Newton, notaries public, comprising memorandum book of legal documents drawn up, attested or certified by the brothers or their staff.

    Sin título
    MAJOR, Henry (fl 1785)
    GB 0074 CLC/B/227-127 · Colección · 1785

    Account book, including client information, of Henry Major and Robert Slade, proctors.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/047 · Colección · 1606

    Quit claim for an orchard in Lambeth belonging to William Sanderson, 1606; with an undated note [twentieth century] on William Sanderson, financier and merchant adventurer.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/051 · Colección · 1818-1845

    Papers of the Souter family, including letters from the Stationers' Company to John Souter, 1818-1829; letters of administration for Mary Sowter of the Strand, 1834; and bill to John Souter for legal charges in enfranchisement of copy-holds in Lambeth Manor, 1845.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/108 · Colección · 1769-1921

    Records of the Hitchins family, comprising documents relating to the ownership of 39 Curzon Street, Mayfair, 1769-1921, including leases, abstracts of title, wills, assignments, schedules of fixtures, plans and elevations, and undertakings to repair.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/179 · Colección · 1722-1880

    Papers, 1722-1880, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to premises in Grosvenor Square, including leases, mortgages, bargain and sale, indentures, assignments, fire insurance policies, inventory, abstract of title and agreements.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/189 · Colección · 1884

    Letter to Reville, Esq. from Henry C. Scott, secretary of H.P. Truefitt Limited, hairdressers, concerning the sale of Truefitt's business at Sandhurst to Mr. Herbert Cottrell, 1884.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/264 · Colección · 1887

    Draft agreement of employment relating to work in Dulwich, between William Crundall and Company and George Spanswick, commercial traveller, 1887.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/323 · Colección · 1654-1817

    Property documents relating to the Hatton family estates in Hatton Garden and surrounding area, Holborn. Also papers relating to property in Barking, Clerkenwell, the City of London, Westminster, and Southwark; and share certificates in the Southwark Bridge Company.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/394 · Colección · 1873

    Grant of letters patent (including a great seal) issued to Edwin William Thomas and Edward Nightscales for an improved self acting steam water lift and injector.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/406 · Colección · 1846

    Title deeds relating to two houses in Brompton Road, later 1 Bute Sreet and Bute House, later Prospect House and Bute House, later 1 and 2 (also 2A) Sussex Place, 1846-1931.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/409 · Colección · 1685-1817

    Collection of title deeds and marriage settlements relating to properties in Fulham, Holborn, Enfield and Hampstead.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/413 · Colección · 1759

    Articles of partnership in business as fishmongers and venison dealers, 1759.

    Sin título
    TURNBULL, John
    GB 0074 O/428 · Colección · 1801

    Conveyance of the de Leifde coffee plantation on the Island of Wakenaam, Guyana.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/482 · Colección · 1776-1797

    Papers collected by Myers Autographs in the course of their work, comprising abstract of the title of Mr. Vincent Durant to a copyhold half-acre of land with cottage, garden, and appurtenances near Hammersmith, 1776, and brief for defendants in a King's Bench action Holloway v. Rodbard and another relating to a wharf and premises near Essex Street in the Strand, and the erection of certain granaries thereon, 1797.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/493 · Colección · 1688-1811

    Papers, 1688-1811, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds relating to The Black Bull Victualling House and other properties in Tooley Street, St Olave, Southwark. Documents include wills, marriage settlements, indenture of fine, leases and releases, abstract of title, feoffment, exemplification of recovery, agreements and certificates.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/508 · Colección · 1926-1933

    Papers, 1926-1933, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, relating to 101 High Street, Plumstead, including leases, assignment, plan and sales catalogue.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 O/509 · Colección · 1709-1725

    Papers, 1709-1725, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising leases for chambers in Doctor's Commons and New Inn.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 P85/ALL2 · Colección · 1847-1940

    Records of the parish of All Saints, Lower Marsh, Lambeth, including registers of baptisms and marriages; orders relating to the benefice and a charity cash book.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 CLC/301 · Colección · 1631

    Record of the Court of Wards and Liveries, comprising examinations of defendants in a court case concerning commodities in a court yard adjoining the Bull Head Tavern in Cheapside, October-November 1631.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 CLC/309 · Colección · 1500-1899

    Collection of documents relating to courts and legal proceedings in London, including notes on jurisdiction and procedures; historical notes; reports on cases; briefs, case notes and proceedings; correspondence and financial accounts for various courts including the Court of Star Chamber, the Court of Exchequer, the Court of Chancery, the Court of King's Bench and Queen's Bench, and legal institutions such as Furnival's Inn, the King's Bench Prison, the Old Bailey and Marshalsea Prison.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 CLC/443 · Colección · 1850-1969

    Records of the Dent family, watchmakers, comprising legal papers, deeds and related papers mainly relating to family estates and property in Charing Cross and Worthing.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 CLC/454 · Colección · 1480-1863

    Records of the Greenhill family of the City of London, Middlesex, Surrey, Sussex and Oxfordshire, comprising deeds, legal papers, probate records and related items. They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1977.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1284 · Colección · 1870-1950

    Papers, 1870-1950, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Willesden, Edmonton and Southgate, and Friern Barnet, including leases, mortgages, insurance policies, coveyances and correspondence.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1315 · Colección · 1833-1957

    Papers of the Shadbolt family relating to property in Edmonton, including conveyances, releases, mortgages and agreements.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1317 · Colección · 1814-1923

    Papers, 1814-1923, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Chiswick, Kingsbury, Ruislip and Willesden, and of family papers of Birkett, Dawson, Feilden, Rawson and Palmer families. Papers include copies of court rolls from Manor of Sutton Court, mortgages, probate of wills and papers relating to bequests and inheritance, marriage settlements and correspondence.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1336 · Colección · 1882-1909

    Papers, 1882-1909, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Hornsey, Tottenham and Willesden, including leases, mortgages, assignments, and conveyances.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1357 · Colección · 1882-1929

    Papers of David Brown of Harrow Park, including title deeds and abstract of title; valuation of Harrow Park house and contents; papers relating to other property in Harrow owned by David Brown; insurance policies; papers relating to the will and estate of David Brown and papers of the trustees of his will.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1369 · Colección · 1880-1904

    Papers, 1880-1904, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Ealing, Harrow, Harrow Weald and Hillingdon including conveyances, leases and mortgages.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1382 · Colección · 1853-1941

    This collection contains mostly personal and property papers of Silas Thatcher, carpenter, and his son Albert George Thatcher, teacher, as well as general family papers and photographs.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1389 · Colección · 1661-1771

    Records of Benjamin and Mary Eager relating to their property in Brentford and Ealing.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1394 · Colección · 1857-1920

    Papers, 1857-1920, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising probates of wills of the Haig, Knowles, Macmillan, and Pellatt families.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1395 · Colección · 1817-1961

    Papers, 1817-1961, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties at Chiswick, Hayes, Hendon, Hornsey, Islington, Isleworth, Shepperton, Stanwell, and Shoreditch, including agreements, copies of court rolls, conveyances, mortgages, leases and releases, assignments, letters of indemnity, deeds of covenant and sales particulars.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1414 · Colección · 1791-1938

    Papers, 1791-1938, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Saint Marylebone, Ealing, Edmonton and Sydenham comprising leases, abstracts of title and correspondence. Also papers of Harriette Turner of Camberwell, relating to her marriages, properties and financial accounts.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1419 · Colección · 1783-1853

    Papers, 1783-1853, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising wills and administrations: probate of will of Susannah Dawson of Bath, Somerset, widow; made 2 Nov 1781; letters of administration of estate of Susanna Dobson, formerly of Kensington, afterwards of Leicester Square and late of St. Paul, Covent Garden, widow, 1795; probate of will of Felton Smith of Westmoreland Street, Saint Marylebone, gentleman; made 2 Jul 1806, proved 1820; copy of will of Ann Ainsworth late of Prestwich near Manchester and now of Kensal Green, Willesden, widow and mother of novelist William Harrison Ainsworth, 1842; copy of will [? for probate] of John Ellerbeck of Winchester Street, City of London, tailor, 1845 and duplicate appointment of trustees, 1853.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1423 · Colección · 1843-1878

    Papers, 1843-1878, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Clerkenwell and Southall, including leases, mortgages, assignments, sales particulars and letters.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1437 · Colección · 1800-1825

    Enclosure Acts relating to Chiswick, Cranford, Edmonton, Enfield, Finchley, Harlington, Harrow, Hayes, Isleworth, Northolt and Willesden.

    Sin título
    NEWTON, John (fl 1815-1816)
    GB 0074 ACC/1456 · Colección · 1639-1884

    Papers of John Newton, brewer, relating to property purchases in Brentford, Isleworth and Twickenham.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1457 · Colección · 1868-1941

    Papers, 1868-1941, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, mainly documents relating to the business of Wyndham Hewitt Limited of The Causeway, Staines and 9 Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, City of London; including letters patent and other documents relating to inventions for improvements in generating machines and extractor fans by Henry F. Joel; and business agreements between Wyndham Hewitt and other businesses including Lagonda Motors Limited.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1463 · Colección · 1921-1951

    Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising probates of wills as follows:

    • Probate of will of Arundel T. Spens of 27 Hamilton Road, Ealing, late Colonel Bombay Staff Corps (will made 16 Feb 1898; four codicils, 1911-1920), 1921. Bequests include: household, domestic and personal effects to daughter Alice I. Spens (second codicil 12 June 1913); remainder of real and personal estate to be invested by trustees.

    • Letters of administration of estate of Ruth C. Fortune of 171 East 60th Street, New York City, USA, widow, 1940. Administration granted to son James C. Fortune of 40 Grange Park, Ealing, member of Auxiliary Fire Service.

    • Probate of will of Fanny Crucefix of 15 Elm Park Court, Pinner, widow (will made 16 Mar 1940), 1941. Bequests include: various pecuniary legacies; remainder of property, including trust funds of marriage settlement, 29 June 1885, and settled legacy of £12,000, to trustees for benefit of two duaghters Maud E. Hatch and Rosa G. Miller.

    • Probate of will of Evelyn M. Horton of 92 Pope's Lane, Ealing, spinster (will made 28 May 1951), 1951. Bequests include: various pecuniary and other legacies; all real and remainder of personal estate and effects to trustees for benefit of sister-in-law Margaret Horton.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1468 · Colección · 1902-1946

    Papers, 1902-1946, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising conveyances relating to properties in Acton.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1553 · Colección · 1868-1929

    Papers, 1868-1929, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties in Bethnal Green and Upper Holloway including sales particulars, leases, deeds of covenant and probate of will.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1701 · Colección · 1933

    Abstract of title of Perrys (Ealing) Ltd to number 65 Village Way, Ashford, part of Ashford Farm Estate, with plan, 1933.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1708 · Colección · 1846-1905

    Papers, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising settlements, probates and other documents of the Mends family of Notting Hill, St. Marylebone, Paddington and Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, 1846-1905, including marriage settlement of George Butler Clarke Mends of Dover, Kent and Georgina Nisbet of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire with related documents chiefly concerning mortgage of funds under the will of Josiah Nisbet. Also leases for property in Isleworth and Teddington, 30 Jun 1848 and 6 Nov 1895.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1737 · Colección · 1867-1910

    Papers, 1867-1910, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to 557 Lordship Lane, Dulwich, including leases, mortgages, assignments of lease, conveyances and covenant to produce deeds.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1761 · Colección · 1694-1787

    Two legal documents, comprising an agreement allowing Thomas Earl of Stamford, Sir Henry Hobart and Sir William Rawlinson access to the law books of the late Sir John Maynard, which were being held by Maynard Colchester of the Middle Temple, London, 1694; and a renewal of Commission in bankruptcy against Charles Pearce and James Pearce of Castle Street, Leicester Fields, Middlesex, tailors and co-partners, 1787.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1777 · Colección · 1896-1907

    Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising conveyance and plan for numbers 16 and 18 Brownlow Road, Willesden, 1896; mortgage for numbers 59 and 61 (formerly 16 and 18) Brownlow Road, Willesden, 1896; assignment for numbers 59 and 61 Brownlow Road, 1903 and assignment for numbers 59 and 61 Brownlow Road, 1907.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 ACC/1806 · Colección · 1719-1854

    Records of the Combes family relating to property, including Combs Eyot [Combes' Island], in the Thames at Shepperton; and land in Sunbury and Hatton.

    Sin título