
Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • Use for works concerning the science of law. For individual laws, use "legislation", "environmental legislation", etc.
  • S'emploie pour des ouvrages se rapportant à la science du droit. Pour ce qui concerne des lois spécifiques, utiliser "législation", "législation de l'environnement", etc.
  • Se emplea para las obras que se refieren a la ciencia del derecho. Para las leyes específicas utilizar "legislación", "legislación medioambiental", etc.

Note(s) sur la source

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept546

Note(s) d'affichage

    Termes hiérarchiques


    Termes équivalents


    • Employé pour Legal sciences
    • Employé pour Science juridique
    • Employé pour Ciencia jurídica

    Termes associés


    1218 Description archivistique résultats pour Droit

    1218 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
    GB 0114 MS0127 · 1826

    Papers relating to the San Carlos Royal College of Surgery in Madrid, 1826, comprising a manuscript translation into English of Real Cedula de S.M y Senores del Consejo, en que se aprueben, y mandan observar las ordenanzas formadas para el gobierno economica y escolastico del colegio de cirugia est ablecido en Madrid con el titulo de San Carlos. Ano 1787. En Madrid. En la Imprenta de Don Pedro Marin.The title translates as The Royal Letters Patent of H.M. and the members of the Council, in which the laws formed by the Economic and Scholastic Government of the College of Surgery, established in Madrid by the title of San Carlos, are approved of, and ordered to be observed. Ano 1787. In Madrid. Printed by Don Pedro Marin.

    Sans titre
    GB 0102 PP MS 74 · 1902-1977

    Records, 1902-1977 and undated, of and accumulated by the Restatement of African Law Project (RALP), School of Oriental and African Studies, comprising papers of RALP relating to administration, including minutes; and research material, such as notes, publications, theses, and other collected papers, on tribes and places including Basutoland (Lesotho), Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia and Zambia, Sierra Leone, the Sudan, Tanganyika, Zanzibar and Tanzania, and Uganda, relating to customs, aspects of law including succession, slavery, marriage and divorce, land tenure, legal systems, including customary law, legislation, courts, and particular legal cases.

    Sans titre
    GB 0505 BC · 1849-1992

    Collection of papers relating to Bedford College, University of London, 1849-1992, namely charters, deeds and statutes of Bedford College, 1849-1985, including foundation documents; records of the Council, 1849-1985, including minute books, register books, outwards letter books and correspondence, and legal documents mainly relating to property held by the College; papers of the Ladies Committee, 1849-1893, including minutes and documents relating to the Lady Visitors; papers of the Governors, 1849-1985, including minutes of the AGMs and Special General meetings, and of the Fellows sub-Committee; papers of the Reid Trustees, 1860-1992, mainly comprising legal, administrative and financial papers relating to the Trust, and including material relating to the Reid Scholarships, 1871-1992; papers of the Managers of the Residence, 1860-1928, including minutes, financial material, legal documents, correspondence, and building plans, notably material relating to the move of Bedford College to Baker Street and later Regent's Park; papers of the Committees of the Council, 1868-1985, mainly comprising minutes, correspondence and papers; papers of the Academic Board, 1909-1965, mainly comprising minutes, committee papers and standing orders; papers of the Academic Committees, 1928-1985; papers of the Faculties, 1907-1985, comprising minutes and committee papers; papers of the Academic Departments, 1849-1985, including departmental files, reports, registers, financial material, building plans and material relating to staff publications; papers relating to Bedford College Library, 1886-1974, including committee minutes, Library working files, correspondence, lists and registers, and building plans; papers of the Principal's Office, 1843-1985, including correspondence with academic departments, material concerning policy and merger issues; Bedford College personnel material, 1900-1985, including staff files, 1900-1985, papers relating to staff appointments and conditions, minutes and papers of the Department Staffing Committees; papers of the Registry, 1849-1985, mainly comprising student records such as register books, course lists, scholarship details, examination records, college publications including prospectus leaflets, timetables and College Calendars, and Registrar's papers relating to financial and academic management of the College; papers of the Secretary's Office, 1849-1985, including material concerning ceremonial occasions, public lectures, gifts and bequests to the College, memorial funds and trusts administered by the College, the administration and award of prizes and scholarships, correspondence with academic departments, London colleges and national bodies, papers relating to financial and funding bodies, and correspondence with academic and residence staff; financial documents of Bedford College, 1849-1983, including the main financial registers, 1849-1965, early accounts, 1856-1866, annual accounts, 1894-1977, material relating to students' accounts and scholarships, 1861-[1965], material relating to staff salaries and revisions, 1894-1976, household accounts, 1910-1969, and account books for special funds, 1894-1968; papers relating to the buildings and residences of Bedford College, 1873-1985, notably material relating to fundraising for building schemes, plans and correspondence concerning building and development at the Regent's Park site, 1910-1980, Bursar's papers, 1924-1985, relating to the maintenance of College buildings, correspondence and papers relating to the purchase, lease and maintenance of College Halls of Residence; papers relating to student associations, 1894-1984, including the Bedford College Union Society, the Bedford College Student's Association, the Bedford College Old Student's Association, and the Bedford College Association; Bedford College magazines, 1886-1985; papers of the clubs and societies of the College, 1894-1974, mainly comprising correspondence, accounts, minutes and printed material; records of the staff associations of Bedford College, 1917-[1989], such as minutes, accounts and reports of the Association of University Teachers (AUT), the Bedford College Assistant Staff Association, the Bedford College Staff Association, and the Staff Athletics Club; various unofficial records relating to the College, [1780]-1987, namely reminiscences, press cuttings, drawings and sketches; photographs, [1849-1985], of Bedford College, its staff and students.

    Sans titre
    Printed and published papers
    GB 1697 A.IALS 13 · 1989-2000

    Printed and published papers produced by or concerning the IALS, 1989-1999, consisting of the IALS Annual Report, 1994-1999; IALS Bulletin, 1994-1997; Friends of the Institute Directory, 1990-1995; University of London Intercollegiate Postgraduate Law Society Directory, 1989-1995; IALS and School of Advanced Study information pamphlets, [1991]; W G Hart Legal Workshop papers, 1995-1999; legal skills working papers, 1992-1994; research working papers, 1993-1997; Terence Daintith 'Legal research and legal values' Modern Law Review (May 1989); C Cowling Guide to the Records of Legal Education Archives at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS, 1998); draft and published paper of W A Steiner's The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies of the University of London 1947-1976 (IALS, 2000), 1999-2000; Barry Rider Law at the Centre: the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at Fifty (Kluwer Law International, 1999); Richard Moorhead, Professor Avrom Sherr and Sarah Rogers Compensation for inadequate Professional Services (IALS, 2000); University of London IALS: School of Advanced Study: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: Report of the Review Committee to the Chairman of the Board (1999).

    Sans titre
    University of Westminster
    GB 1753 UOW · Fonds · 1992-2007

    Records, 1992-2007, of the University of Westminster, comprising Court of Governors minutes, 1992-2001; Finance and General Property Committee minutes, 1992-2001; Audit Committee minutes, 1992-2001; Ethics Committee minutes, 1993-2005; Research Committee papers, 1992-2004; Resource Consultative Committee papers, 1993-1996; Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1994; Financial Statements, 2001-2006; Estate Strategy, 1992-2006; QAA Audit Reports, 1994, 2000, 2005 and 2006; Development Reviews, 1993-1998;

    Various Short Course Unit leaflets and brochures for courses and conferences, 1992-1997; Prospectuses, 1992-2007; Presentation Ceremony Programmes, 1992-2007; Handbook of Academic Regulations, 2002, 2005 and 2006; Education Initiative Centre publications, 1995-2005;

    Promotional and marketing publications, 1992-1998; staff newsletter Clarion, 1992-2008; typescript Institute of the Polytechnic Sports and Social Clubs newsletter, 1992-2003; The Smoke, magazine/newsletter of the University of Westminster Students' Union, 1993/4-2007/8; Student Yearbooks, 2006-2007;

    Memorabilia of special events, including Inauguration, 1992; the opening of Harrow Campus by HM The Queen, 1995; and the Lumière Festival to celebrate 100 years of cinema, 1996.

    Photographs of University buildings, including Cavendish campus, Harrow campus, Marylebone campus, Regent campus and the sports ground at Chiswick.

    Sans titre
    GB 0403 RSA · 1634-2002 (printed material from 1634, archival material from 1754)

    Archive, 1754 to date, of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA; formerly the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or Society of Arts), created by the Society in the course of its activities, and comprising records of its administration (Ref: AD), and records of its activities and events (Ref: PR), also including some printed material dating back to 1634.

    Administrative records of the Society include:

    Records of Miscellaneous Committees to discuss the programme and administration of the Society, including the Committee of Correspondence and Papers and the Committee of Miscellaneous Matters, 1754-1848 (Ref: AD.MA/104).
    Records of the Society from 1754, later the Council (established 1845) (Ref: AD.MA/100).

    Records concerning Chairmen of Council (from 1846) and Council membership (Ref: AD.MA/102).

    Records of Secretaries (administrative head of the Society), after 1994 known as the Director (Ref: AD.MA/101).

    Records of Presidents (Ref: AD.MA/103).

    Records of Membership/Fellowship, relating to subscribers to the Society, originally termed 'members', referred to as 'Fellows' from 1908 (Ref: AD.MA/900). (The archive does not include extensive biographical information on RSA Fellows, although dates of membership of Fellows are usually recorded.)
    Records concerning the Society's House in John Adam Street from its design and construction by the Adam Brothers, including correspondence, papers, notes, leases and other legal documents, relating to administration, management, alteration and repair of the building (Ref: AD.MA/300).

    Records of various House Committees set up at different times to look at the building, its use, function, administration and management (Ref: AD.MA/305).

    Accounting and financial records produced by various committees including the Accounts Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee (Ref: AD.MA/400).

    Annual Reports recording the Society's activities over the year, initially within the Journal (from 1852), but later as a separate publication (Ref: AD.MA/701).

    Records relating to general lectures (developed from the 1850s when the Society ceased the award of premiums for inventions), with correspondence mainly concerning administrative arrangements for speakers and publication of their texts (in the RSA Journal) and suggestions for topics for discussion (Ref: AD.MA/800).

    Records relating to the RSA Silver Medal awarded annually for the most interesting lecture over the preceding year (Ref: AD.MA/803).

    Records relating to production of the Journal and other publicity, promotion and communication (Ref: AD.MA/203).

    Donations and collections, comprising objects and artefacts donated to or bought by the Society (Ref: AD.MA/204).

    Records of the Society's activities (such as award schemes, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and lectures), including joint initiatives with a range of other organisations, include:

    Guard Books (30 volumes), 1754-1770, containing correspondence and papers about all Society activities and committees, on a range of subjects (Ref: PR.GE/110).

    Manuscript versions of the Society's Transactions, comprising draft versions of the printed Transactions, including drawings, plans and diagrams in support of claims for premiums and awards. Also general correspondence to the Society on various 19th century campaigns, conferences and committees, covering subjects including lectures (arrangements for dates, speakers, chairmen, participants; suggestions for subjects, submission of lecture texts, corrections to texts, requests for tickets/programmes, acceptances, apologies for non-attendance etc), examinations (requests for syllabus, copies of certificates, programmes, rules; complaints, arrangements, agreements with colleges, details of examiners etc), membership (requests for information, applications, replies to circulars, notes accompanying subscriptions, resignations, complaints), Council/committee chairmen (intention to attend meetings, acceptances, general arrangements for meetings, requests for information, dates, times etc), Journal (receipt/non-receipt of copies, reciprocal arrangements with other libraries, requests for extra copies, corrections to proofs, advertising, arrangements for making blocks, photogravures etc), House (letters from freeholders, solicitors, contractors; booking of rooms), staff (applications for employment, testimonials, sick notes etc - a very small number of items), general (invitations, letters from bankers, auditors, business circulars, requests for funding, suggestions for campaigns, policies, events etc), and including artistic copyright, uniform musical pitch, domestic economy, art workmanship, musical training, food committees, patent law reform, prevention of fires in theatres and education exhibitions (Ref: PR.GE/118-19, 121).

    Records relating to Premium and Programme committees (Ref: PR.GE/112); Albert Medal (founded 1863) (Ref: PR.GE/101); Memorial Tablet (blue plaque) scheme (founded 1866) (PR.GE/122); War Memorials Advisory Council (established 1944, disbanded 1948), concerning memorials of the Second World War (Ref: PR.GE/117); Exhibition of Exhibitions (1951), concurrent with the Festival of Britain, to commemorate earlier ground-breaking Society exhibitions on contemporary art (1760), industrial design (1847-1850), photography (1852), industry (1761), and the first international exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.GE/102); R B Bennett Commonwealth Prize (endowed 1944) for outstanding contribution to the promotion of the arts, agriculture, industries and commerce of the Overseas Empire (Ref: PR.GE/116); Commonwealth Committee (Ref: PR.GE/113); proposals and planning for the Festival of Britain (1951) (Ref: PR.GE/103); events for the RSA Bicentenary (1954) (Ref: PR.GE/107); Benjamin Franklin Medal (instituted 1956) (Ref: PR.GE/100); Trusts, bequests, fundraising and development (Ref: PR.GE/111).

    Records relating to manufacture and commerce, including the Paris Exhibitions (1844-1900) (Ref: PR.MC/109); Great Exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.MC/107); International Exhibition (1862) (Ref: PR.MC/108); Chicago Exhibition (World's Columbian Exposition, 1893), British Section (Ref: PR.MC/112); Industry Year/Industry Matters (1986) (Ref: PR.MC/100); Tomorrow's Company (begun 1994), concerning the role of business in a changing world (Ref: PR.MC/115); Redefining Work (launched 1995) (Ref: PR.MC/116); Forum for Ethics in the Workplace (1997) (Ref: PR.MC/117); Manufacturing, Wealth Creation and the Economy (1998) (Ref: PR.MC/118).

    Records of subject-based standing committees set up by the Society from 1754 to judge awards and premiums in particular areas, including minutes and correspondence about awards and attendance at and structure of committees: Agriculture (Ref: PR.MC/103), Chemistry (Ref: PR.MC/105), Colonies and Trade (Ref: PR.MC/104), Manufactures (Ref: PR.MC/102), Mechanics (Ref: PR.MC/101), and Polite Arts - including prints, drawings and other artwork submitted for award (Ref: PR.AR/103).

    Records relating to fine and applied arts, including exhibition of works of Ancient and Medieval Art (1847-1850) (Ref: PR.AR/105); exhibition of the works of William Etty and William Mulready (1848-1849), including general correspondence, printed matter, catalogues, press cuttings, tickets and notices about mounting of exhibitions, and attendance (Ref: PR.AR/112); British Art in Industry Exhibition (1935) to publicise good design in articles of everyday use (Ref: PR.AR/101); Humorous Art Exhibition (1949-1950) (Ref: PR.AR/100); Art for Architecture scheme (from 1990), aiming to enhance the urban environment by encouraging cross disciplinary approaches to building and landscape projects, and associated with the Jerwood Art for Architecture Award (introduced 1994) (Ref: PR.AR/110); Shakespeare in Schools (begun 1992), a pilot project to introduce Shakespeare to children (Ref: PR.AR/108).

    Records relating to promotion of design, including the Design Bursaries Board, Design Committee, the Design Board, Design Advisory Group and Design Section (Ref: PR.DE/106-7); Industrial Art Bursaries Competition (started 1924), succeeded by the Design Bursaries Competition, Competition of Industrial Designs and Student Design Awards (Ref: PR.DE/100); Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) scheme (created 1936) to encourage a high standard of industrial design (Ref: PR.DE/101); Bicentenary Medal (instituted 1954) for exceptional influence in promoting art and design in British industry (Ref: PR.DE/102); Presidential Awards for Design Management (instituted 1964) to recognise outstanding design policy (Ref: PR.DE/105).
    Records relating to education, including the RSA Examinations Board (PR.ED/100); the Education for Capability programme (initiated 1979) to counteract academic bias in British education and promote practical, organising and co-operative skills (Ref: PR.ED/107); the future of Technological Higher Education in Britain (1982), a study group to consider the problems facing Britain in the development of technological higher education (Ref: PR.ED/118); Home-School links (from 1988) (Ref: PR.ED/108); Parents in a Learning Society, a development project to involve parents in education and assess home-school work (Ref: PR.ED/104); the National Advisory Council for Careers and Educational Guidance (established 1994), to promote and advise on provision of guidance for learning and work (Ref: PR.ED/103); Education Futures (2000) (Ref: PR.ED/116).

    Records relating to the environment, including the Campaign for the Preservation of Ancient Cottages (begun 1926) to protect cottage architecture, establishing a fund which purchased or restored cottages near Worthing, at Bibury, Gloucestershire, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Chiddingstone, Kent, and elsewhere (Ref: PR.EN/100); three 'Countryside in 1970' Conferences (1963-1970) (Ref: PR.EN/104); Environment Committee (formed 1971) to identify and anticipate major environmental problems and provide a forum for discussion (Ref: PR.EN/107), which began the Pollution Abatement Technology Award Scheme (PATAS) (1983-1986) (Ref: PR.EN/103), succeeded by the Better Environment for Industry/European Better Environment Awards for Industry (BEAFI/EBEAFI) (1987-1991) (Ref: PR.EN/101); the Environment Committee's sub-committee the RSA-Cubitt Trust Panel (to 1991), devoted to the built environment and working with the Cubitt Trust to convene conferences, seminars and an annual Cubitt Lecture (Ref: PR.EN/106); After the Earth Summit - What Next? (1992) (Ref: PR.EN/128); RSA Environmental Management Awards (begun 1993) (Ref: PR.EN/102).

    The Early Library (Ref: SC/EL/1-5), comprising c500 printed works collected by the Society before 1830, including journals and periodicals, and c300 pamphlets and tracts covering broad-ranging topics relating to premiums and awards of the various sectional committees (Agriculture, Polite Arts, Chemistry, Manufactures, Mechanics, and Colonies and Trade), and including extracts from proceedings of other societies and learned institutions.

    Sans titre
    ACC/0987 · Collection · 1802-1955

    Records of the Staines Congregational Church, Thames Street, 1802-1955, including release in fee for parcel of land at Staines with newly built meeting house of the protestant dissenters known as Independents, 1802, with further endorsements relating to the appointment of new trustees, 1803-1867; mortgage for the Independent Chapel and yard, 1838; further mortgages and conveyances for the Independent Chapel, 1845-1879; appointment of new trustees, 1902 and 1923 and certificate issued to the Congregational (Independent) Church, Thames Street, Staines certifying it as a place of meeting for religious worship, 1925.

    Sans titre
    ACC/1374 · Collection · 1898

    Printed bye-laws with respect to new streets and buildings in the Urban District of Southgate, 1898.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4011 · Collection · 1655-1773

    Records of the Commissioners of the Victualling of the Navy comprising deeds relating to property in Aldgate and East Smithfield.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4038 · Collection · 1597

    Deed transferring "The Redd Lyon" [The Red Lion] public house and land in Gray's Inn Lane from Edward Blount to Thomas Smythe, 22 July 1597.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4067 · Collection · 1629-1840

    Records relating to the Wild family, including mid 18th century presentments at the Manorial Court, assessments for land tax and house tax and deeds and indentures for the manors of Harmondsworth, Harlington, Hamworth, Cranford and Colham dating from 1550 to 1840.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4069 · Collection · 1844-1987

    Records of the District Surveyors Association, consisting of committee minutes dating from 1845, correspondence and subject files dating from 1907. There are also series of membership records, finance material, a large series of Parliamentary Acts and Bills and a series of court cases.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4238 · Collection · 1970-1994

    Records of the Rabbinical Commission for the Licensing of Shochetim, including Commission minutes; general correspondence and correspondence with Shechita Boards.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4241 · Collection · 1734-1945

    Records of the Southampton Estate, including correspondence, registers, rental accounts, maps and plans; legal papers, particularly relating to the case Lord Southampton vs the Duke of Grafton; correspondence of the trustees of Lord Southampton; and title deeds and other papers relating to properties in Camden, Kentish Town, St Pancras and Kent.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4245 · Collection · 1638-1866

    Records of the Beauclerk family relating to property in Hanworth, Feltham, Hounslow, Hampton, Isleworth, Heston, Westminster, Chelsea, Brompton, and Buckinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Cheshire. The records include rentals and tenancy accounts; title deeds; property transactions; extracts from court rolls; bonds; legal opinions and leases.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4259 · Collection · 1840-1961

    Records of the Byng family relating to their estates, including Wrotham Park and surrounding lands, Barnet; and properties in South Mimms; Potters Bar; Westminster; Berkshire and Hertfordshire. The collection includes some family papers including marriage settlements and wills.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4277 · Collection · 1652-1890

    A collection of deeds, wills and other documents including a declaration of trust, leases, a licence and a banquet invitation.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4397 · Collection · 197-

    Posters relating to the 'Free George Davis' campaign and campaigns by Islington Tenants against estate agents Prebble and Company.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4524 · Collection · 1888-2000

    Records of the Mary Ward Centre, formerly known as the Mary Ward Settlement and the Passmore Edwards Settlement. Also some records of predecessor institutions University Hall Settlement and Marchmont Hall; and associated organisations such as the Holborn Community Centre and the Association of Principals of Literary Institutes and Colleges.

    The records include papers relating to the foundation of the Settlement, particularly correspondence of Mary Ward with supporters and benefactors; minutes of the Council, the Finance and General Purposes Committee and other Committees; administrative and financial files relating to the daily running of the Settlement and the maintenance of Settlement property; papers of the Chairman and Wardens which relate to the management of the Settlement and reflect the interests of individual wardens, particularly relating to adult education provision in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s; papers relating to various appeals to raise funds to prevent the closure of the Settlement; and papers relating to grant applications.

    Also papers relating to the activities of the Settlement including prospectuses and syllabi outlining adult education courses; papers of youth clubs, vacation schools, evening play centres, clubs for the elderly and clubs for women; papers relating to the School for Invalid Children; papers relating to the provision of financial and legal advice; papers regarding the introduction of computing services in the early 1990s; press cuttings and photographs. The collection also includes some personal papers of Mary Ward and her daughter Dorothy Ward.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 LMA/4675 · Collection · 1816-1983

    Records of the Customs Annuity and Benevolent Fund Incorporated including minutes of Court with expenditure accounts; 'T,MandS' Committee minutes; balance sheets and Board of Trade Returns; Benevolent grants; Rules and rates, and Register of assurances and profit (with separate index volumes).

    The records document benevolent payments to individuals and their families. The main series which can be used are the Court minutes (1816-1983) (LMA/4575/01/01) and the indexes to insurance holders (1891-198-) (LMA/4675/02/03).

    The Court minutes contain letters to Committee and presentations to the Board giving proposals for insurance received from individuals; life losses; surrenders; mortgages and reversions; cash statements and expenditure and details of benevolent loans including amounts advanced, paid and outstanding.

    The records provide an insight into the types of proposals for support received and whether these met with success. In minutes of 5 Sep 1889 a Benevolent Grant is ordered to be paid to the widow of John Fox of Liverpool, being the amount of Poundage contributed (£5.8.10). In minutes of 10 Apr 1890 an application is shown to have been received from Henry Casserley for a loan of £20 in consideration of his being insured No.1318 (for repayment by instalments). Decision recorded that there is no power to make such a loan but that he may commute under Rule 6. An Index of insurance holders [LMA/4675/02/03/001] confirms just the one insurance number 1318 for Henry Casserley.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 M/93 · Collection · 1584-1935

    Records of the Manor of Stepney, also known as the Manor of Stebunheath, including court baron books; abstracts of court baron rolls; homage books; enfranchisement books; quit rent books; surveys of manorial lands; maps and plans; records relating to property including leases, assignments, conveyances, abstracts of title, wills, marriage settlements and agreements; and correspondence.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 MJP · Collection · 1648-1974

    Records of the Justices of the Peace for Middlesex, 1648-1974. MJP/C contains the original Commissions of the Peace and of Oyer and Terminer issued to the Justices of the Peace; MJP/L are lists of the justices in those commissions; MJP/D contains names of justices who had paid subscriptions for dinners held at the Sessions House; MJP/EC concerns the election of a Chairman of the sessions in 1872-1873; MJP/O contains a record of oaths taken by justices upon their appointment to the commission. The series in MJP/Q, MJP/QC and MJP/R are concerned with the qualifications needed by justices in order to be eligible for appointment.

    Sans titre
    WARWICK, Stephen (d 1869)
    GB 0074 O/009 · Collection · 1717-1870

    Papers relating the the estate of Stephen Warwick, including deeds for property in Bow, Poplar and Stepney; wiils; correspondence; bills; and judicial records for Chancery case Thomas and Sarah Eames v. Louisa Warwick.

    Sans titre
    O/071 · Collection · 1878

    School Board for London: Clifton Road School; card for punctual and regular attendance awarded to S. T. Beets, 1878.

    Sans titre
    GB 0099 KCLMA Anderson V · 1929-1946

    Papers of Lt Col Victor Dennistoun Winstanley Anderson, 1929-1946, relating to service with the Indian Army, comprising group photograph including Anderson and published material including History of the 1st Battalion 14th Punjab Regiment, Sherdil Li Paltan. [by Lt Col G H Thompson], 1946; Passing it on: short talks on tribal fighting on the North West Frontier of India by Gen Sir Andrew Skeen (Gale & Polden, 1932) and the Manual of Military Law, 1929.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 P90/CTC2 · Collection · 1837-1966

    Records of the parish of Christ Church, Albany Street, Regent's Park, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; church services registers; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice, endowments and sequestrations; Churchwardens' financial accounts; legal documents relating to properties; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of the church including plans, drawings and photographs; financial records; papers of the Parochial Church Council; and papers relating to the Christ Church National School.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 P97/FRA · Collection · 1953-1979

    Records of the parish of Saint Francis, Eltham, including registers of baptisms (1967 - 1979), marriages (1955 - 1971) and confirmations (1953 - 1968); service registers (1945 - 1972), plan of proposed church, minutes of annual general meetings and church committee meetings, correspondence papers of the Secretary, accounts, balance sheets, papers of the Treasurer.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 PS/B · Collection · 1840-1988

    Records of Brentford Magistrates Court, 1840-1976 and Ealing Magistrates Court, 1919-1988.

    Records of Brentford Magistrates Court comprise:

    • PS/B/B/01/001-246: Court Registers, 1880-1958, 1965-1976;
    • PS/B/B/02/001: Court Minute Books, 1840-1841;
    • PS/B/B/04/001-012: Juvenile Court Registers, 1933-1959;
    • PS/B/B/08/001-018: Court Administration, 1902-1976.

      Records of Ealing Magistrates Court comprise:

    • PS/B/E/01/001-576: Court Registers, 1919-1988;
    • PS/B/E/02/001-004: Justices' Attendance Books, 1919-1961;
    • PS/B/E/03/001-017: Juvenile Court Registers, 1933-1966.

      Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 PS/H · Collection · 1876-1964

    Records of Highgate Petty Sessional Division, 1876-1964, including court registers; court minute books; licensing registers; domestic proceedings and juvenile court registers.

    Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

    Domestic proceedings: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 PS/MAR · Collection · 1905-1994

    Records of Marylebone Magistrates Court, 1905-1994, including court registers; means registers; legal aid registers and licensing registers. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 PS/NEW · Collection · 1775-1966

    Records of the Newington Petty Sessional Division, 1775-1966, including court minute books; licensing calendars and registers; registers of rates recovery, registers of weights and measures offences and registers of Fire Brigade Act offences.

    Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 PS/OLD · Collection · 1905-1980

    Records of Old Street Magistrates Court, 1905-1980, including court registers; Married Women Act orders; Guardianship of Infants Act orders; bastardy complaints and bastardy arrears complaints.

    Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate.

    A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 PS/STO · Collection · 1890-1956

    Records of Stoke Newington Magistrates Court, 1890-1956, including court minutes; court registers; licensing registers and Justices' attendance books. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 PS/U · Collection · 1855-1986

    Records of Uxbridge Petty Sessional Division, 1855-1986, including court registers; court minutes; juvenile court registers; minutes of Probation and After-Care Committee and of Justices' Meetings and committals registers. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 Q/CMW · Collection · 1181-1901

    Collection of papers relating to land tenures, including leases, feoffments, quitclaims, grants and bonds; for premises in London, Middlesex, Oxfordshire, Shropshire, Essex and Devon.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 Q/DEW · Collection · 1721-1877

    Collection of legal documents, wills, bonds, business arrangements, and title deeds for premises in Spitalfields, Limehouse, Holborn, Westminster, Hackney, Stepney, Lincoln's Inn, Bermondsey and Saint Marylebone.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 Q/HAL · Collection · 1586-1848

    This collection, originally belonging to Bernard Halliday, Leicester, consists mainly of property records relating to the City of London; Chelsea; Finsbury; Fulham; Hackney; Hammersmith; Hampstead; Holborn; Islington; Kensington; Paddington; Poplar; Saint Marylebone; Saint Pancras; Shoreditch; Stepney and Westminster.

    Sans titre
    GB 0074 Q/PSN · Collection · 1706-1878

    Records of Phillips Son and Neal, solicitors, 1706-1878, including surveys of estates in Wandsworth and Battersea; correspondence with clients; legal documents relating to properties including leases; and subpoenas to appear in the Court of Probate.

    Sans titre
    LMA/4545 · Collection · 1941-2006

    Records of Associated British Foods Pension Scheme's trustees, which include:

    • the Trustees of Allied Bakeries Limited Pension Scheme,

    • the Trustees of George Weston Holdings Limited Pension Scheme,

    • the Trustees of Associated British Foods Pension Scheme, and

    • Associated British Foods Pension Trustees Limited.

    These include the corporate records of the trustees, records of the scheme's administration, finance and property management, and publicity material.

    Records for ABF's other pension schemes, namely the senior management pensions schemes of ABF and Allied Bakeries, the Weston Life Assurance scheme and the Allied Bakeries Limited 'Q' Pension Scheme.

    Records of G.W.H. Properties Limited, who managed the property of ABF Pension Scheme's trustees.

    Records of the Weston Provident Fund.

    Records relating to the administration of pension schemes of ABF's subsidiary companies, including the British Sugar pension schemes, the Crazy Prices Pension and Life Assurance Scheme, the D.E. Longe and Company Limited Pension Fund, and the 'Small Pension Funds', which includes the pension schemes of Thomas Burton Limited, Coxes Lock Milling Company Limited, S. Edwards and Sons Bishops Storford Limited, Gilliatt and Sons Limited, S. Healing and Sons Limited, Hipwell and Sons Limited, Andrew G Kidd Limited, J G and B Thompson Limited, William King Limited, Witherington and Over Brothers Limited and Yorkshire's Ideal Flour Mill Limited.

    Records of Associated British Foods Trustee Company of Ireland Limited, which acted as trustees for ABF's pension schemes for their staff in Ireland.

    Sans titre
    LWRA · Collection · 1986-1996

    Records of the London Waste Regulatory Authority, 1986-1996, including the minutes and presented papers of the Executive Committee 1986-1996, Site Licensing Committee/Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee 1987-1996, Urgency Committee 1986-1996, and Senior Officers' Appointments Sub-Committee 1986-1996, as well as minutes and presented papers of the working parties and Forums created by the LWRA, including Members Working Group on Major Issues, Enforcement and Fly-Tipping Working Party, East and South East London Fly-Tipping Liaison Group, Waste Recycling in London Members Liaison Group and London Forum on Recycling (LWRA/A and LWRA/C).

    There are a large and complete series of the WRA reports (LWRA/B) produced by the LWRA which are supported by a detailed index. The index is arranged both chronologically and as an alphabetical sequence, giving the report (WRA) number and the committee that considered the report, along with the date the committee sat, so they can be used in conjunction with the committee minutes for the relevant meeting.

    It should be noted that the committee reports have been divided into two sequences. At some point the reports presented to the Executive Committee were extracted into a separate series. Both series run in chronological order and are numbered. The detailed index provides and entry into the reports. However it is worth checking both series for a particular report.

    The Clerks Department files (LWRA/D) were a separate filing system maintained by the London Fire and Civil Defence Authority on behalf of the LWRA. The original filing system has been retained although many of these files contained copies of the reports found in LWRA/B/02, so duplicate copies have not been retained. A small sample of files has been retained as examples.

    The Information Centre's records (LWRA/E) includes material that had been stored at Kingsmeadow House in Reading, now the South East Regional Offices of the Environmental Agency. This includes publications about waste including 'Today's Waste, Tomorrow's Resources': The Waste Management Plan for Greater London 1995 - 2015, a series of transcripts of the annual conference held by LWRA as well as staff handbooks and Health and Safety guidelines.

    Sans titre
    MBW · Collection · 1739-1912

    MBW/1901-1908: Thames Floods (estimate of works required to repair damage caused by floods and estimates of works for defence against future flooding)

    MBW/1909-1910: Redistribution Of Vestrymen (cuttings from minutes)

    MBW/1911-1913: Water Supply (reports on the metropolis water supply)

    MBW/1914-1916: Letters (in-letters, petitions, applications and out-letters)

    MBW/1917-1919: Advertisements

    MBW/1920-1924: Newspaper Cuttings

    MBW/1925-1928: Staff Lists (including duties of officers)

    MBW/1929-2309: Finance (including registers of contracts and agreements, salary books and rate books)

    MBW/2310-2420: Printed Reports (including annual reports of the Board and Committees, architect's, engineer's and fire brigade reports, papers circulated to Board members, Bills and Acts of Parliament)

    MBW/2421-2445: Contracts And Specifications for work on sewers, drains and embankments.

    MBW/2446-2653: Plans (plans submitted to Parliament, plans of local improvements arranged by parish, plans of artisan's dwellings, plans of the metropolis water supply, plans of Thames floods, plans of parks and open spaces, plans presented to the Board and to various Committees to accompany reports, memorials and proposals for improvements, creation of parks, drainage, bridges, roads and tunnels, plans of railways)

    MBW/2654-2656: District Surveyor (monthly returns and drainage applications)

    MBW/2657-2663: Bridges (Accountant's Department papers concerning claims of the bridge companies whose bridges were acquired under the Metropolitan Toll Bridges Act 1877 and the Metropolitan Bridges Act 1883)

    MBW/2664-2682: Thames Floods (volumes of duplicate copies of notices served on riparian [situated on the banks of a river] owners under the Metropolis Management (Thames River Prevention of Floods) Amendment Act 1879 and Metropolitan Board of Works (Various Powers) Act, 1882, with associated plans and riverfront elevations)

    MBW/2683-2685: Financial Records (Accountant's Department papers)

    MBW/2686-2807: Thames Floods (plans and estimates for flood prevention works and plans of river frontage with elevations of riparian [situated on the banks of a river] properties)

    MBW/2808-2812: Thames Soundings

    MBW/2813-2830: Specifications (volumes of specifications for housing, fire stations, bridges, drainage, parks, embankments and sewers)

    MBW/2831-2837: Contract Books and Registers

    MBW/2838-2840: Rate Books

    MBW/P: Plans

    MBW/OW: Office of Works (papers relating to the Chelsea Bridge and Embankment, Westminster Bridge, Battersea Park, Kennington Park and Victoria Park)

    MBW/BC: Bridge Company (papers relating to Vauxhall Bridge)

    Sans titre
    GB 0099 KCLMA Thomson · Created 1944, 1946

    Text of his lecture on the development of the Royal Indian Navy during the period 1918-1944, written in 1944. 'The findings of the Board of Enquiry convened by the Flag Officer, Bombay, to enquire into the mutiny at the Castle Barracks on 18th February 1946', dated Mar 1946.

    Sans titre
    LCC/AR/BA · Collection · 1856-1967
    Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

    Records of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to the control of buildings and streets under the London Buildings Act 1894 and subsequent Acts. Records include subject and policy files (including procedures, precedents, diagrams, plans, petitions, legislation, sub-committee papers, statistics, bye-laws, reviews, standards and fire reports), 1856-1965; subject and policy files for the District Surveyors, 1856-1936; subject and policy files for new building materials, 1891-1941; returns and abstracts of the District Surveyors, 1889-1954; registers of alterations to names of streets and numbering of houses, 1856-1935; reports, 1889-1965, on matters concerning building regulation, on matters affecting the District Surveyors and on the naming and numbering of streets; Ordnance Survey maps of London amended to show street name changes, proposed new roads, building numbering, borough boundaries and future road positions, 1883-1967.

    Sans titre
    LCC/PC/ENT · Collection · 1889-1960
    Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

    Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to the licensing of places of public entertainment, including registers of applications for music, dancing, theatre and other licences, 1898-1900; registers of inspections of theatres and music halls, 1904-1909; printed papers regarding licensing sessions, 1889-1960; printed papers regarding cinema licensing, 1909-1952; printed papers regarding Sunday entertainments, 1903-1935 and Seating plans of London and Suburban Theatres, published by Keith Prowse Ltd., 1921.

    Sans titre
    LCC/PC/MASS · Collection · 1915-1965
    Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

    Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to massage establishments, 1915-1965, including registers of infringements by massage establishments; registers of licences granted to massage establishments; register of hairdressers registered for massage; register of "special cases"; register of licences refused or revoked; sample of case papers; printed reports relating to massage establishments.

    Sans titre
    LCC/PC/SHO · Collection · 1886-1965
    Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

    Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to Shops and Markets, 1886-1965, including papers on the catering trade; sale of fireworks; mock auctions; analysis of statistics of shops and stalls in the county of London; effect of the First and Second World Wars on shops; Consumer Rationing Order, 1941; sale of contraceptives from automatic machines; the Shops Act, 1912 and 1913; Shops (Early Closing) Acts, 1920 and 1921; Shops (Hours of Closing) Act, 1928; Shops Act, 1950; Government Investigation into hours and conditions of Employment in shops and Select Committee on Shop Assistants; Shops (Sunday Trading Restriction) Act, 1936; Fabrics (Misdescription) Act, 1913; Departmental Committee on Hours of Employment of Young Persons in unregulated occupations; Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1938; Covent Garden Market; Billingsgate Fish Market; Deptford Cattle Market; Whitechapel Hay Market; street trading; register of shops for Sunday Trading and examples of posters for public display giving notice of orders, regulations, and so on.

    Reports, including Select Committee on Shop Hours Regulation Bill Report, 1886; Select Committee on Shop Hours Bill Report and Special Report, 1892; Departmental Committee on the Shops (Early Closing) Acts 1920 and 1921 Report and Evidence, 1927; Departmental Committee on the Wholesale Food Markets of London Reports, 1920-1921.

    Sans titre
    LMA/4012 · Collection · 1861-1912

    Clerk's Report Book, 1882-1886; notices to provide cisterns to boilers, urinals and water closets, by regulation of the Board under the 1871 Metropolis Water Act, 1873-1873.

    Also Tottenham Urban District Council attendance book, 1907-1912 and Tottenham Parish Rifle Grounds (33rd Middlesex Rifle Volunteers): minutes of Lammas Meetings and Marsh Road Committee, 1861-1867.

    Sans titre
    GB 0099 KCLMA Paton Walsh · 1885-1947

    Papers comprising printed or typescript reports and supporting publications, on the 1 Army, North Africa, Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), and on the administration of civilians in occupied territory including the Control Commission Germany (CCG), 1885-1947; notably comprising printed and typescript instructions, orders and reports issued by the Provost Marshal's Office, 1 Army, North Africa, including on traffic control, stores, planning, lessons learnt from the operations, intelligence summaries, 1 Army newsletters, 'Crusade', with an air raid precautions poster from Algeria, 1939-1943; reports and typescript summaries relating to the Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), on 'captivity neurosis', the economics and finance of wartime Europe, fire and civil defence, road transport, military writing, the welfare of occupied populations, Nazi doctrines, files of information on national temperaments and characteristics of various occupied countries including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy, 1943-1944; appointments diary compiled by Paton Walsh (1945), memoranda, correspondence and papers on aspects of the German penal system under the Nazis and Allied occupation, notably the police, procedures, juvenile courts, penal statistics from Nazi Germany, 1929-1947, including copies of British Zone Review, Nov 1945-Dec 1946; papers on the Control Commission Germany including confidential reports on police trainees, lectures given by Paton Walsh, the purging of Nazis from office, training and planning for post-Nazi administration, training and organisation of the penal system in Allied occupied Germany with observations on the regulation of the system under the Weimar Republic and the National Socialists, precautions against sabotage directed against occupying forces, 1943-1946; witnesses' depositions in the Nuremberg trials, account of Brendonk Concentration Camp, defence positions of the Gestapo, Sturm Abteilung (SA), 1945-1946; papers on Cologne Prison, including an autobiographical account and journal of Rudolf Kirsch, prisoner, and correspondence, 1939-1944, papers on executions at Cologne Prison with copies of the last letters of the condemned, 1941-1944; publications in English on military law, police and transport, mainly manuals, regulations and information notes on Imperial policing, traffic patrols, military law, inspection and care of vehicles, 1917-1945; publications on the Allied occupation of Germany, consisting of notes on the military government of occupied territory, internment camps, contact lists for civil administrators, Who's who in occupied Europe, chart of the Nazi administrative structure, re-education programmes, maps and gazetteers of Germany, Austria and Denmark, 1943-1945; American publications, namely civil affairs information guides, fileld manual of military government, an entertainment guide for American soldiers entitled, 'What's Cooking in Berlin', copies of The Stars and Stripes and the New York Herald Tribune, 1940-1946; general military handbooks including guidance for officers on allowances, the training of Army tradesmen, training manuals on air support of infantry and the use of parachute troops, catering, defence of aerodromes against attack, the disposition of unit records, signals, mine clearance, anti-malarial precautions, 1939-1943; Army Education booklets in a series entitled 'The British Way and Purpose', 1942-1943; German language publications on law, crime and prisons especially regulations, criminal biology, youth crime, 1885-1942; German National Socialist publications on topics ranging from flying schools, the SA in Berlin to the beginnings of radio broadcasting,1926-1946; maps, mainly Ordnance Survey and Stanfords, of United Kingdom cities and counties, including Wolverhampton, Winchester, Dover, East Sussex and Suffolk, 1913-1940; maps of Germany, central and eastern Europe, 1936-[1945]; maps of Algeria, French North Africa, Tunisia, 1942; propaganda cartoon and other posters published by the Evening Standard, Stationery Office and Army Bureau of Current Affairs, 1944; 1 file of telegrams, commission of 1918 and details of the various promotions of Paton Walsh, 1916-1947.

    Sans titre
    CLA/007 · Collection · 1199-1988

    Bridge House Estates papers including bridgemasters' accounts rolls, 1381-1398; bridgemaster's annual accounts and rentals, 1404-1850; weekly payments, 1404-1445 and 1505-1849; bill books, 1745-1789 and 1815-1889; receipt books, 1598-1851; cash books, 1602-1784; fair cash books, 1713-1851; rough cash books, 1713-1810, miscellaneous ledgers and cash books, 1787-1819; materials sold, 1614-1682; corn and granary books, 1568-1714; rent and arrears books, 1707-1941; papers relating to individual properties owned by the Trust, particularly leases and grants, and administrative papers.

    Sans titre
    CLA/023 · Collection · 1100-1990

    Records of the Court of Husting, 1100-1990, including deeds and wills; Husting books containing records of proceedings; material relating to Pleas of Land including court rolls and writs of right patent and proceedings; material relating to Common Pleas including court rolls, writs and proceedings; charters relating to the Court and offprints of articles about the Court of Husting.

    Sans titre