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      Hiërarchische termen


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        • UF Advocates
        • UF Judges
        • UF Homme de loi
        • UF Juge
        • UF Juriste
        • UF Hombre de leyes
        • UF Juez
        • UF Magistrado

        Verwante termen

        13 Archivistische beschrijving results for Lawyers

        GB 0074 CLC/B/120 · Collectie · 1661-[1750]

        Records of the Holford family, lawyers. Although the records relate to litigation in Chancery, they concern both the Holfords' professional activities as practising lawyers, and their private litigation as substantial landowners in Gloucestershire and Somerset and in connection with large sums of money which they placed out at interest.

        The collection includes records relating to Sir Richard Holford's manor of Southover and Nyland near Wells in Somerset, 1667-1717 (Ms 15588). The division between these two professional and private fields of activity is indistinct, particularly in view of the known speculative practices of masters in Chancery with the funds of the suitors of the court.

        Furthermore, a number of the papers of Sir Thomas Estcourt (fl 1660-80) appear to have become incorporated into the archive, probably having been transferred to Sir Richard Holford on Estcourt's retirement or death.

        Zonder titel
        GB 106 7HLN · Archief · 1905-1995

        The archive consists of:

        • papers relating to Helena Normanton's career and legal work

        • papers relating to matrimonial law reform

        • publications and articles by Helena Normanton

        • correspondence with editors of publications

        • papers relating to Helena Normanton's other interests in history and to other organisations that she was involved with eg Union of Women Voters

        • photographs

        • press cuttings (eg Helena Normanton's career, articles and reviews, matrimonial law reform)

        • Barristers robe, barristers bands, badges

        There are no personal papers.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1697 A.READ · 1972-1975

        Papers of Professor James S Read, 1972-1975, consist of agenda, minutes, papers, reports and related correspondence of the Advisory Committee on Legal Education.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/0421 · Collectie · 1695

        Records of the Wood family, comprising 1695 marriage settlement between Edward Wood (son of Thomas and Dorothy) and Elizabeth Bridger of Guildford, mentioning land in Harmondsworth, Stanwell, Littleton, and Yorkshire. Also probate relating to money left by Thomas Wood of Littleton, 1856.

        Zonder titel
        GB 106 7ELB · Archief · 1910-1977

        The archive consists of diaries, photographs of work with Scottish Women's Hospitals, Bowerman's passport with portrait photograph, and personal correspondence (1909-1948), mainly with her mother during (1910-1911) and during her time with the Scottish Women's Hospitals unit in Romania and Russia (1916-1917) during the First World War.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1556 WL 1051 · Collectie · c 1934

        Papers concerning the situation of non-Aryan lawyers in Germany, c 1934, comprises a report describing their situation, which helps explain the background to the level of discrimination against them.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1697 A.MARSH · 1968-1995

        The papers of Dr Stan B Marsh, law teacher, consist of Ormrod Committee agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1971; Advisory Committee on Legal Education, agenda, minutes and papers, 1980-1988; manuscript material, 1985; pamphlets and offprints relating to legal education, 1975-1995.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1697 A.TWIN · 1961-2006

        Records relating to Prof Twining's work for specific professional bodies and to research projects, predominantly focussed on the areas of the history of legal education and the teaching of legal education.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/0283 · Collectie · 1666

        Legal papers from the office of Sir George Stephen, barrister and solicitor, 1807-1841, including writs issued to Sheriffs of London to take up various persons to answer charges in the Court of King's Bench and Court of Exchequer, 1807, 1822, 1826, 1827, 1832 and 1838; memorial of assignment of lease of land in Saint George Hanover Square, 1815; petition for commission in bankruptcy, by Robert Lang of Wilson Street, Finsbury, merchant, against William Abbott, merchant, dealer and chapman, partner with Richard Arthur Maitland of Madras, East Indies, in firm of Abbott and Maitland, 1820; subpoenas for various persons to appear at Gaol Delivery Sessions for City of London to testify against William White and others for felony, 1821; subpoena for George Holt to appear at Middlesex Sessions of the Peace to testify touching bill of indictment against Thomas Odderley Phipps for libel, 1821; correspondence, 1834-1835, and form of proposal for sale of reversionary interest in personal property of Henry Laing of Camberwell, 1841.

        Zonder titel
        ARNOLD, Roxane
        GB 106 7RAR · Archief · c 1993

        The archive consists of papers relating to Roxane Arnold's work as Treasurer of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section). The archive contains the following:

        • Subscription form for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

        • Flyer for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

        • List of participants at an International Federation of Women Lawyers conference held in Paris, 7-11 Sep 1989

        • Balance sheets for years ending 1968, 1990, 1991 and 1992

        • 2 letters in Italian

        • Two photographs of the Married Women's Association Tea Party, House of Lords, 23 Jun 1988.

        Zonder titel
        Tourneur Law Reports
        GB 0103 MS ADD 205 · Created c1631

        Manuscript law reports in various hands. Inscription on folio 1 reads 'Liber Timothei Tourneur de Grayes Inne Lectoris ibidem in quadragesima Anno Domini 1631 et Anno 7 Regis Caroli'.

        Zonder titel
        COL/CC/SCC · Deelarchief · 1856-1870

        Records of the Special (City of London Court) Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes and rough minutes, 1869-1870; committee papers, 1856-1870, particularly relating to Court fees, the Admiralty jurisdiction and the duties of judges; and outstanding references and proceedings, 1867-1869.

        Zonder titel
        GB 106 10/07 · Archief · 1914-1920

        Two scrapbooks of presscuttings and printed ephemera documenting Miss Nettlefold's legal career and the campaigns relating to women's entry into the legal profession. It also includes legal documents relating to Bebb v. The Law Society, a ms paper [by Miss Nettlefold] entitled, 'Women and the Legal Profession'; and a ts paper entitled, 'History of the efforts to open the legal profession to women in England and Scotland', Mar 1920. Also included are articles on women lawyers in Britain and abroad and cuttings relating to the barrister Helena Normanton.

        Zonder titel