Identity area
Reference code
- 1940-1987 (Creation)
Extent and medium
3 boxes
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Born in Liverpool, 1906; educated at Taunton School, Somerset; studied at the University of Durham College of Medicine in Newcastle-upon-Tyne; qualified as a doctor, 1927; Resident Medical Officer at the Princess Mary Maternity Hospital and subsequently at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle; purchased a share of a partnership in Southend-on-Sea; appointed general practitioner anaesthetist at Southend Victoria Hospital, 1931; appointed general practitioner anaesthetist at Southend General Hospital, 1932; became a whole-time anaesthetist in the Emergency Medical Service during World War Two (1939-1945), serving for five years at Runwell Emergency Hospital, Essex; Consultant Anaesthetist at Southend General Hospital, 1947; began at Southend the first Anaesthetic Outpatient Department in any British hospital, 1948; organised the first postoperative observation ward (recovery ward) in any British general hospital, 1955; President of the Royal Society of Medicine Section of Anaesthetics, 1959; Joseph Clover Lecturer of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, 1960; Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, 1970; Assistant Editor of the journal Anaesthesia, and Chairman of its Editorial Board, 1970-1972; retired from his NHS post at Southend, 1971; continued to teach in Britain, Holland and Baghdad after his retirement; Clinical Tutor at Southend, 1972-1976; elected President of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 1972-1973; Honorary Member of the Association of Anaesthetists; received the Royal Society of Medicine Henry Hill Hickman Medal, 1976; Medallist of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, 1976; received the Carl Koller Gold Medal of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia, 1984; delivered the Gaston Labat Lecture, American Society of Regional Anaesthesia, 1985; delivered the Stanley Rowbotham Lecture, Royal Free Hospital, London, 1985; delivered the T H Seldon Lecture, International Anesthesia Research Society, 1986; died, 1989. J Alfred Lee edited A Synopsis of Anaesthesia, a reference work on the history and techniques of anaesthesia, anaesthetic drugs, and professional practice, from its first edition (published by John Wright & Sons, Bristol, 1947) through subsequent editions (2nd edition, 1950; 3rd edition, 1953; 4th edition, 1959), jointly edited with R S Atkinson (5th edition, 1964; 6th edition, 1968; 7th edition, 1973); as contributing editor, with Atkinson and G B Rusham (8th edition, 1977; 9th edition, 1982; 10th edition, 1987). Subsequent editions were published after his death as Lee's Synopsis of Anaesthesia (11th edition, 1993; 12th edition, 1999). Other publications: with Sir Robert Reynolds Macintosh, Lumbar puncture and spinal analgesia: intradural and extradural (3rd edition, 1973, and subsequent editions); with C L Hewer, Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Analgesia (8th edition, 1957); as editor, with Roger Bryce-Smith, Practical regional analgesia (1976); with Malcolm Jefferies, The hospitals of Southend (1986).
Archival history
GB 2127 LEE, J A 1940-1987 Collection (fonds) 3 boxes Lee , John Alfred , 1906-1989 , anaesthetist
Born in Liverpool, 1906; educated at Taunton School, Somerset; studied at the University of Durham College of Medicine in Newcastle-upon-Tyne; qualified as a doctor, 1927; Resident Medical Officer at the Princess Mary Maternity Hospital and subsequently at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle; purchased a share of a partnership in Southend-on-Sea; appointed general practitioner anaesthetist at Southend Victoria Hospital, 1931; appointed general practitioner anaesthetist at Southend General Hospital, 1932; became a whole-time anaesthetist in the Emergency Medical Service during World War Two (1939-1945), serving for five years at Runwell Emergency Hospital, Essex; Consultant Anaesthetist at Southend General Hospital, 1947; began at Southend the first Anaesthetic Outpatient Department in any British hospital, 1948; organised the first postoperative observation ward (recovery ward) in any British general hospital, 1955; President of the Royal Society of Medicine Section of Anaesthetics, 1959; Joseph Clover Lecturer of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, 1960; Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, 1970; Assistant Editor of the journal Anaesthesia, and Chairman of its Editorial Board, 1970-1972; retired from his NHS post at Southend, 1971; continued to teach in Britain, Holland and Baghdad after his retirement; Clinical Tutor at Southend, 1972-1976; elected President of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 1972-1973; Honorary Member of the Association of Anaesthetists; received the Royal Society of Medicine Henry Hill Hickman Medal, 1976; Medallist of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, 1976; received the Carl Koller Gold Medal of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia, 1984; delivered the Gaston Labat Lecture, American Society of Regional Anaesthesia, 1985; delivered the Stanley Rowbotham Lecture, Royal Free Hospital, London, 1985; delivered the T H Seldon Lecture, International Anesthesia Research Society, 1986; died, 1989. J Alfred Lee edited A Synopsis of Anaesthesia, a reference work on the history and techniques of anaesthesia, anaesthetic drugs, and professional practice, from its first edition (published by John Wright & Sons, Bristol, 1947) through subsequent editions (2nd edition, 1950; 3rd edition, 1953; 4th edition, 1959), jointly edited with R S Atkinson (5th edition, 1964; 6th edition, 1968; 7th edition, 1973); as contributing editor, with Atkinson and G B Rusham (8th edition, 1977; 9th edition, 1982; 10th edition, 1987). Subsequent editions were published after his death as Lee's Synopsis of Anaesthesia (11th edition, 1993; 12th edition, 1999). Other publications: with Sir Robert Reynolds Macintosh, Lumbar puncture and spinal analgesia: intradural and extradural (3rd edition, 1973, and subsequent editions); with C L Hewer, Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Analgesia (8th edition, 1957); as editor, with Roger Bryce-Smith, Practical regional analgesia (1976); with Malcolm Jefferies, The hospitals of Southend (1986).
Papers, 1940-1987 (some undated), of J Alfred Lee, largely relating to professional matters, comprising notebooks, files, slides and photographs, 1940-[1987], some of which are labelled and relate to Lee's publications, including various editions of A Synopsis of Anaesthesia, containing notes, bibliographical references, and inserts including press cuttings, from sources such as the British Medical Journal and The Lancet, including entries on regional analgesia, general anaesthesia, professional techniques, anaesthetic drugs, and the history of anaesthesia; notebook containing tabulated anaesthetic records, 1944; notebook containing meeting agendas and minutes, 1946-1949, of various bodies, including Southend Hospital; miscellaneous correspondence, 1957-1987, the correspondents including various other anaesthetists, on subjects including the history of anaesthesia, publications on anaesthesia including Lee's Synopsis, and also including some printed material on professional techniques.
As received.
Access is by appointment with the Archivist only, and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Records are generally open unless access would contravene the Act.
Photocopies of material can be supplied, subject to copyright restrictions and suitability of the item for photocopying.
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland holds its own records and also records deposited by various anaesthetists.
Compiled by Rachel Kemsley as part of the RSLP AIM25 project. Sources: Anaesthesia, vol xliv, no 8 (Aug 1989), p 631; British Library OPAC. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Jun 2002 Anaesthesia Anaesthesiology Analgesia Bibliographies Drugs England Essex Europe History History of medicine Lee , John Alfred , 1906-1989 , anaesthetist Medical personnel Medical profession Medical sciences Newspaper press Personnel Pharmacology Photographic slides Photographs Physicians Press Press cuttings Publishing Publishing industry Secondary documents Southend Hospital Southend-on-Sea Surgery UK Visual materials Western Europe People by occupation People London
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Papers, 1940-1987 (some undated), of J Alfred Lee, largely relating to professional matters, comprising notebooks, files, slides and photographs, 1940-[1987], some of which are labelled and relate to Lee's publications, including various editions of A Synopsis of Anaesthesia, containing notes, bibliographical references, and inserts including press cuttings, from sources such as the British Medical Journal and The Lancet, including entries on regional analgesia, general anaesthesia, professional techniques, anaesthetic drugs, and the history of anaesthesia; notebook containing tabulated anaesthetic records, 1944; notebook containing meeting agendas and minutes, 1946-1949, of various bodies, including Southend Hospital; miscellaneous correspondence, 1957-1987, the correspondents including various other anaesthetists, on subjects including the history of anaesthesia, publications on anaesthesia including Lee's Synopsis, and also including some printed material on professional techniques.
System of arrangement
As received.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Access is by appointment with the Archivist only, and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Records are generally open unless access would contravene the Act.
Conditions governing reproduction
Photocopies of material can be supplied, subject to copyright restrictions and suitability of the item for photocopying.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland holds its own records and also records deposited by various anaesthetists.
Access points
Subject access points
- Secondary documents » Bibliographies
- Pharmacology » Drugs
- History
- Medical profession » Medical personnel
- Medical profession
- Medical sciences
- Press » Newspaper press
- Personnel
- Pharmacology
- Visual materials » Photographs » Photographic slides
- Visual materials » Photographs
- Medical profession » Medical personnel » Physicians
- Press
- Press » Newspaper press » Press cuttings
- Publishing industry » Publishing
- Publishing industry
- Secondary documents
- Medical sciences » Surgery
- Visual materials
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English