Lesson plans

Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • A teacher's outline of what he hopes to accomplish with the students during a particular lesson. It may list aims, main teaching points, media and resources, teaching and evaluation methods, etc.
  • Résumé de la matière qu'un enseignant souhaite couvrir avec ses étudiants au cours d'une leçon définie. Il peut s'agir d'une liste d'objectifs à atteindre, des principaux sujets à enseigner, des médias et ressources à utiliser, des méthodes d'enseignement et d'évaluation, etc.
  • Resumen de la materia que un profesor desea cubrir en una clase determinada. Puede ser la lista de objetivos a lograr, los temas principales, los medios y recursos a emplear, los métodos de enseñanza y de evaluación, etc.

Source note(s)

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept5413

Hierarchical terms

Lesson plans

Equivalent terms

Lesson plans

  • UF Lesson notes
  • UF Notes de cours
  • UF Plan de cours
  • UF Plan de la sesión
  • UF Programa de la sesión

Associated terms

4 Archival description results for Lesson plans

ACC/1776 · Collection · 1915-1916

Exercise book belonging to S.F.D. Lawrence, containing notes of lessons on home nursing given by Dr Mildred Burgess, 1915-1916. Enclosed are loose lesson notes; London County Council first aid examination paper and 2 observation charts on a measles case.

Lawrence , S F D , fl 1915-1916 , nursing student
GB 2108 KUAS45 · 1960s-1980s

Assorted documents relating to the Department of Architecture at Kingston College of Art/ Kingston Polytechnic collected by Dennis Berry, who was head of the department from 1966-1987. Includes meeting minutes, staff lists, prospectuses, academic plans, course accreditation submissions, town study reports and programmes from degree ceremonies.

Berry , Dennis , d.2005 , architect and scholar Kingston School of Art Kingston College of Art Kingston Polytechnic Kingston University
GB 0074 F/KTO · Collection · 1881-1885

Records of Maud Kitto, school teacher, mainly lesson notebooks and testimonials.

Kitto , Maud , fl 1881-1887 , schoolteacher
ACC/1409 · Collection · [1912]-1952

London County Council register of tramway track lengths, recording description and lengths of route, street length, track length and remarks, such as "conversion to trolleybus", "abandoned" and so on, [1912-1952], with enclosures: photocopy of map of tramways in the London County Council area, revised to 1931; and diagrams of track lengths in Leyton and Hammersmith.

LCC , London County Council x London County Council