Library collections

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Library collections

        Gelijksoortige termen

        Library collections

        • UF Book collections
        • UF Collection de livres
        • UF Fonds de bibliothèque
        • UF Fonds de livres
        • UF Fonds documentaire
        • UF Colección de libros
        • UF Fondo de libros
        • UF Fondo documental

        Verwante termen

        7 Archivistische beschrijving results for Library collections

        GB 0101 ICS 68 · 1950

        Correspondence and papers on discussions between the Royal Empire Society and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London University on the proposed creation of a Commonwealth Library Centre, Jan-Sep 1950.

        Zonder titel
        GB 378 GSL/LIB · Reeks · [1829]-2007
        Part of Records of the Geological Society of London

        Records of the Library of the Geological Society, [1829]-2007, comprising:

        Library accession registers, 1836-2006 [incomplete]; Catalogues and indexes to the Library collections, [1829]-1967; Library recommendations book, 1922-1939; Library ephemera, including greetings cards, newsletters and guides, [1970s]-2007; Correspondence of the Librarian, 1917-2001. [note: all series incomplete].

        Zonder titel
        GB 0102 MS 380592 · 1982-1991

        Papers relating to the Advisory Committee on Oriental Materials (ACOOM), 1982-1991, comprising Committee minutes and papers, 1988-1991; Annual Meetings minutes, 1988-1991; correspondence, 1987-1990, including administrative matters; Chairman's working papers, 1988-1991, including administrative arrangements and policy; Officers' correspondence and papers, 1982-1989; miscellaneous papers, 1987-1989, including papers relating to rules concerning ACOOM administration, answers to a questionnaire relating to conservation facilities for Oriental materials, and papers relating to the Union Catalogue of Asian Publications. Subjects covered by the papers also include a project on romanization systems and the future of SCONUL.

        Zonder titel
        COL/LBD/GHL · Collectie · 1875 - 19--

        Records of the Guildhall Library, comprising office files on various subjects including staff instructions for air raids, evacuation of books, manuscripts and artworks and their storage during World War Two, damage sustained during World War Two and the subsequent reconstruction of the Library, list of artworks destroyed during World War Two, Public Libraries Acts 1892-1919, maintenance, notable collections, inventory and valuation of furniture and fittings, duties of the librarians, staff entertainments including annual staff dinners, relevant byelaws, insurance policies, donations, deposits and bequests, Art Gallery bequests and deposits and guidebooks and brochures.

        Also petition asking for longer evening opening hours, 1875; petition in favour of Sunday opening, 1879 and petition opposing Sunday opening, 1879.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0102 MS 226830 · 1912-1928

        Correspondence and papers, 1912-1928, on the School of Oriental Studies (later School of Oriental and African Studies) Library book exchange, relating to arrangements concerning the disposition of books on Oriental studies between the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, King's College London, University College London, the Institute of Historical Research, India Office, and London Institution, including some named collections or items, among them the collections of Robert Morrison and William Marsden.

        Zonder titel
        LMA/4229 · Collectie · 1885-1943

        Governor's Meeting minute books, 1885-1937; Education Committee minute books, 1896-1935; Finance Committee minute books, 1915-1936; Works Committee minute books, 1896-1930; minute book of the Association of Principals of London County Council Technical Institutes and Schools of Art, 1919-1926; correspondence, 1931-1932; financial records including ledgers, salary books, cash books and contributions books, 1894-1934; pupil reports and successes, 1897-1908; register for homework marks, 1936-1937; library book registers, 1927-1934; prospectuses, 1896-1940; student guide book, 1932-1933 and cuttings books, 1897-1943.

        Zonder titel
        Grierson, Sir George
        GB 0102 MS 380622 · 1920-1941

        Correspondence and papers, 1920-1931, largely typescript, concerning the possible acquisition of Sir George Grierson's library on Oriental languages and culture by the School of Oriental Studies and other matters relating to the School; letters concerning Sir George's death, 1941.

        Zonder titel