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In 1891 the British Institute for Preventive Medicine (BIPM) was incorporated. In 1893 the BIPM amalgamated with the College of State Medicine. In 1898 Lord Lister became Chairman of the Governing Body of the BIPM. In 1899 the BIPM became the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine. In 1903 the Institute became the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine (LIPM). From 1904-1911 Lord Lister was President of LIPM. In 1905 LIPM became a school of the University of London. In 1912 Lord Lister died. In 1919 the National Collection of Type Cultures was established at LIPM. In 1944 the Medical Research Council Blood Research Unit was established at LIPM. In the 1970s the LIPM laboratories for conducting research, and producing vaccine and sera, were closed. In 1981 the LIPM became a grantmaking body. A Scientific Advisory Committee was set up to consider applications to provide support for research in biomedical sciences. In 1982 the Council disbanded and the Memorandum and Articles of Association were amended.