Literature reviews

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    Literature reviews

    Literature reviews

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      Literature reviews

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      Literature reviews

      1 Archivistische beschrijving results for Literature reviews

      LIDDERDALE, Jane (1909-1996)
      GB 196 7JLI · Archief · 1962-1969

      The archive consists of material relating to a memoir of Harriet Shaw Weaver that Lidderdale was invited by the family to write in 1962. These two files contain Lidderdale's correspondence with the authors Margaret Storm Jameson and Dame Rebecca West, whom she approached while writing the book. Jameson recollected only an invitation in 1914 from Harriet Shaw Weaver to work for the magazine 'The Egoist' (which she could not accept) and brief contact with the author and publisher Dora Marsden. West was more closely involved with Dora, as she worked on the latter's journal 'The New Freewoman' and introduced to it various contributions of literary fame, including Ezra Pound and Richard Aldington. On receiving Miss Lidderdale's drafts of the relevant sections of her memoir, Dame Rebecca sent detailed comments and suggestions which provide interesting information on Dora Marsden and various contributors to 'The New Freewoman'. Included with her papers is a photograph of Dame Rebecca taken in about 1935 and presented to Miss Lidderdale in 1969.

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