Records relating to the office of Sheriff in the Corporation of London, including scruting [scrutinization] papers for elections of Sheriffs, Chamberlains, Ale Conners [inspectors] and Auditors, 1676-1730 (with gaps); Acts of Common Council regarding the nomination and election of Sheriffs, 1631-1834; accounts received under the Greenwax [a seal of green wax was fixed to documents delivered by the Exchequer to sheriffs] and paid into the Chamber of the Corporation of London, 1680-1748; accounts of fines imposed at various courts, 1681-1732; estreat rolls [copies of an original record of fines entered on the rolls of a court, to be levied by the bailiff or other officer] 1670-1858; bailiff's and sheriff's accounts (copies of the estreat rolls, with marginal notes as to the collection or non-collection of the fines), 1795-1839; appointments of Bailiffs of the Greenwax to make the City's claims in the Exchequer and to collect fines due to the City, 1646-1803; bailiff's and sheriff's accounts including expense claims, 1738-1807; 'account of monies paid, laid out and expanded for the use of His Majesty in the Shrievalty 1793-4 for which the sheriffs crave allowance' [Sheriff's expense accounts], 1793-1797; extracts from repertories and journals relating to the fines due to the Sheriffs and the City under various charters, 1449-1803, compiled by the City Solicitor in 1816, and other papers relating to the collection of fines and the rights of the City to those fines, 1685-1874; copy acquittances from the Pipe Roll, 1637-1832; copy petitions and lists of Sheriffs elected, 1627-1678; bonds, in a penalty of £1000, 'that the Sheriffs-Elect shall appear at Guildhall on the Vigil of St Michael to take upon themselves the office of Sheriffs of the City of London for the year ensuing', 1672-1762; 'A letter to the Livery of London relative to the view of the writer in executing the office of Sheriff' by Sir Richard Phillips, 1808; papers relating to the Sheriff's Yeomen, 1829-1859; notes regarding nominations for the office of Sheriff, including numbers of persons nominated each year, 1733-1999, list of Sheriffs from 1832, list of nominations by the Lord Mayor, 1889-1901 and notes on nominations by the Lord Mayor, 1971; precepts for the election of Sheriffs and other officers, 1832-1852; royal approvals of newly elected Sheriffs, 1861-1982; returning officer's files from the election of Sheriffs, which may include correspondence, election addresses, nomination forms signed by Liverymen, notes of poll results, 1933-1999; newspaper cuttings relating to the election of 1980 in which the first woman stood for election as sheriff, 1980; a brief history of the City of London Sheriffs' Society, 20th century; list of Sheriffs and Justiciars of London and Middlesex, 1100-54 and a list of Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, 1154-1216, compiled 1972; notes on the office of Sheriff, 1988; and various other administrative papers relating to the role of Sheriff.
Corporation of LondonElements area
Source note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Local finance
Equivalent terms
Local finance
- UF Metropolitan finance
- UF Finances des communes
- UF Finances des communes métropolitaines
- UF Impuesto local
- UF Tributo local