GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Box 16 - Lockhart, William (papers)

Identity area

Reference code

GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Box 16


Lockhart, William (papers)


  • 1839-1863 (Creation)

Extent and medium

3 volumes, 1 folder

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Born in Liverpool, England, 1811; trained at the Meath Hospital, Dublin, and Guy's Hospital, London; member of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1834; appointed London Missionary Society (LMS) medical missionary to Canton and, as such, was the first British medical missionary; sailed to Batavia (Jakarta) and proceeded to Canton, 1838; travelled to Macau, where he opened a hospital, but government hostility compelled him to leave, 1839; returned to Macau, 1840; in accordance with an arrangement between the American and London missionaries, left Macau for Tinghae, where he started work, 1840; returned to Macau and married Catherine Parkes (d 1918), 1841; went via Hong Kong to Chusan (Chou-san, Zhoushan), 1842; proceeded to Shanghai and opened the first Shanghai hospital, 1843; elected Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1857; travelled to England, 1857-1858; left England for China, intending to open the first missionary hospital at Peking (Beijing), 1861; visited Hankow and Japan and returned to England, 1864; director of the LMS; retired from LMS foreign service, 1867; elected Chairman of the LMS Board of Directors, 1869-1870; President of the newly-formed Medical Missionary Association, London, 1878; presented his books on China to the LMS, 1892; advocated a strict separation between the roles of preacher and physician; died at Blackheath, 1896. Publications: The Medical Missionary in China (1861); translations from Chinese medical works; contributions to the Royal Asiatic Society Record.

Archival history

The papers were deposited with the London Missionary Society and form part of the special series of personal papers of individual LMS missionaries and officers.
GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Box 16 1839-1863 Collection (fonds) 3 volumes, 1 folder Lockhart , William , 1811-1896 , physician and medical missionary
Born in Liverpool, England, 1811; trained at the Meath Hospital, Dublin, and Guy's Hospital, London; member of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1834; appointed London Missionary Society (LMS) medical missionary to Canton and, as such, was the first British medical missionary; sailed to Batavia (Jakarta) and proceeded to Canton, 1838; travelled to Macau, where he opened a hospital, but government hostility compelled him to leave, 1839; returned to Macau, 1840; in accordance with an arrangement between the American and London missionaries, left Macau for Tinghae, where he started work, 1840; returned to Macau and married Catherine Parkes (d 1918), 1841; went via Hong Kong to Chusan (Chou-san, Zhoushan), 1842; proceeded to Shanghai and opened the first Shanghai hospital, 1843; elected Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1857; travelled to England, 1857-1858; left England for China, intending to open the first missionary hospital at Peking (Beijing), 1861; visited Hankow and Japan and returned to England, 1864; director of the LMS; retired from LMS foreign service, 1867; elected Chairman of the LMS Board of Directors, 1869-1870; President of the newly-formed Medical Missionary Association, London, 1878; presented his books on China to the LMS, 1892; advocated a strict separation between the roles of preacher and physician; died at Blackheath, 1896. Publications: The Medical Missionary in China (1861); translations from Chinese medical works; contributions to the Royal Asiatic Society Record.

The papers were deposited with the London Missionary Society and form part of the special series of personal papers of individual LMS missionaries and officers.

Deposited on permanent loan with the records of the London Missionary Society by the Congregational Council for World Mission (later Council for World Mission) in 1973.

Papers, 1839-1863, of William Lockhart, comprising two volumes containing his personal expenses accounts, 1839-1857; notebook, c1845, largely containing Chinese texts, also including notes in English on subjects including Chinese measurements, trades, guilds, religion, and other customs; Chinese passport, 1863.


No publication without written permission. Apply to archivist in the first instance.
English and Chinese

Unpublished handlist.

Published on microfiche by IDC Publishers.

The School of Oriental and African Studies holds records of the London Missionary Society (Ref: CWM/LMS), including letters from individual missionaries, among them Lockhart (Ref: CWM/LMS North China Incoming Correspondence, CWM/LMS Central China Incoming Correspondence, CWM/LMS South China Incoming Correspondence); his candidate's papers (Ref: CWM/LMS Candidates' Papers Box 10 No 20); portraits of him and his wife, including photographs and an engraving (Ref: CWM/LMS General Portraits Box 3); photographs, 1861-1867, of Korea and China, acquired by Lockhart (Ref: CWM/LMS China Photographs Box 13 File 79). SOAS also holds transcripts of correspondence of Lockhart and his family and a typescript biography of Lockhart (Ref: MS 380645).

Compiled by Rachel Kemsley as part of the RSLP AIM25 project. Sources: Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, ed Gerald H Anderson (1998); LMS Register of Missionaries, ed James Sibree. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Mar 2002 Accounting Ancient religions Asian cultures Associations China Christianity Christians Cultural heritage Customs and traditions East Asia Finance Financial administration Guilds Lockhart , William , 1811-1896 , physician and medical missionary Measurement Medical missionaries Medical missionary work Medical personnel Medical profession Medical sciences Metrology Missionaries Missionary Society x LMS , London Missionary Society x London Missionary Society Missionary work National cultures Occupations Organizations Personnel Physicians Protestantism Protestant nonconformists Protestant nonconformity Protestants Religions Religious activities Religious groups Religious institutions Religious movements Scientific methods Surgery Travel Travel abroad People by occupation People

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Deposited on permanent loan with the records of the London Missionary Society by the Congregational Council for World Mission (later Council for World Mission) in 1973.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Papers, 1839-1863, of William Lockhart, comprising two volumes containing his personal expenses accounts, 1839-1857; notebook, c1845, largely containing Chinese texts, also including notes in English on subjects including Chinese measurements, trades, guilds, religion, and other customs; Chinese passport, 1863.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access


Conditions governing reproduction

No publication without written permission. Apply to archivist in the first instance.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes

English and Chinese

Physical characteristics and technical requirements

The School of Oriental and African Studies holds records of the London Missionary Society (Ref: CWM/LMS), including letters from individual missionaries, among them Lockhart (Ref: CWM/LMS North China Incoming Correspondence, CWM/LMS Central China Incoming Correspondence, CWM/LMS South China Incoming Correspondence); his candidate's papers (Ref: CWM/LMS Candidates' Papers Box 10 No 20); portraits of him and his wife, including photographs and an engraving (Ref: CWM/LMS General Portraits Box 3); photographs, 1861-1867, of Korea and China, acquired by Lockhart (Ref: CWM/LMS China Photographs Box 13 File 79). SOAS also holds transcripts of correspondence of Lockhart and his family and a typescript biography of Lockhart (Ref: MS 380645).

Finding aids

Unpublished handlist.

Allied materials area

Existence and location of copies

Published on microfiche by IDC Publishers.

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

School of Oriental and African Studies

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English