Maritime transport

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Maritime transport

      Maritime transport

        Termos equivalentes

        Maritime transport

        • UP Sea transport
        • UP Shipping industry
        • UP Industrie du transport
        • UP Industrie du transport maritime
        • UP Transport par mer
        • UP Industria de transporte marítimo
        • UP Industria del transporte
        • UP Transporte en barco
        • UP Transporte naval
        • UP Transporte por mar

        Termos associados

        Maritime transport

        161 Descrição arquivística resultados para Maritime transport

        161 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
        GB 0064 RSS/MC · Subarquivo · 1850-1890

        Copies of the Certificates of Competency and Service, 1850 to 1890, as well as the application forms for examination submitted by the candidates. The copies of the certificates record the name, certificate number, year and place of birth of the candidate, rank examined for and the date and place of the certificate's issue. The application forms record the name, date and place of birth of the candidate, rank examined for, date and place of application and examination, together with a list of vessels with dates and the capacity in which the candidate served. When a candidate passed an examination for a certificate of higher rank than that which he already held, a new certificate number was not normally granted. The number of his existing certificate was retained and the new application form and copies of the new certificate were placed with those of the earlier date. Frequently, on the death of a master or mate, the number of his certificate was re-used and given to another candidate.

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        South Africa Conference (1892-1971)
        GB 0064 SAC · Coleção · 1892-1971

        Papers relating to the South Africa Conference (1892-1971). The collection consists of a series of volumes dating from 1892 to 1971. SAC/1-4 relate to the various trade routes between Europe and Southern Africa, and consist of minutes of the various meetings held. SAC/6-9 consists of the South Africa Conference major meetings, including meetings with D.O.A.L, between shipowners, committee and joint minutes. SAC/10 is a volume containing various agreements between the conference and the countries it traded with.

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        Van Ommeren (London) Limited
        GB 0064 VAO · Coleção · 1940-1969

        Papers of Van Ommeren (London) Limited, comprising Charter Party guard books, 1940 to 1944, 1949 to 1952, 1955 to 1965; a commission book, 1965 to 1969, and a brokerage book, 1968.

        Sem título
        GB 0064 WEL · Coleção · 1735-1859

        Papers collected by Henry Wellcome, comprising fifty volumes and loose papers. The largest group of items is of ships' logs. Those for the Navy include logs for the PRINCESS OF WALES, 1735 to 1737, and ROYAL GEORGE, 1744 to 1759; those for other merchant vessels include the log of the BENSON, on a voyage from Liverpool to Jamaica, 1782, and of the ESTHER, plying between Whitehaven, Hamburg and Virginia, 1794 to 1795. Of a less official nature is an account of the survival of three members of the crew of the EARL TEMPLE, East India Company ship, wrecked on the Cochin China coast, 1766; also the diary of Richard Joyce who served on board the gun brig RICHMOND, was captured, released and served as a midshipman with the East India Company, 1810 to 1816. Shore-based activities are represented by a 'common place book' kept by John Rolt, a chief clerk in the Navy Office, 1806 to 1809, and by the diaries kept by a member of the St Andrews Waterside Mission, Gravesend, working among the crews of merchant ships, 1887 to 1905. Related to education within the Navy are a handwritten copy of the rules and regulations to be observed by the students of the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, 1816; lecture notes on practical navigation, c 1855; and a notebook on gunnery as taught on the EXCELLENT, 1858 to 1859. The reports include the copy of one in Spanish on an expedition against England by Spain, ca.1588; a report on the slave trade, c 1730; and another on the settlements and slave trade on the Gold Coast, c 1824. There is also a copy of landing instructions for the troops in Egypt, 1801.

        Sem título
        McCormick, Robert (1800-1890)
        GB 0120 MSS.3356-3382 and 8682 · 1824-1860

        MSS.3356-3382 comprise journals and memorandum books documenting the various phases of McCormick's career, as follows: MS.3356, sketchbook relating to West Indies and South America voyages, 1824-1825; MS.3357, journal of voyage north of Spitsbergen in the Hecla, 1827; MS.3358, notes of lectures on natural philosophy by Robert Jameson (1774-1854) at Edinburgh University, 1830-1831; MS.3359, diary of voyages to West Indies and South America, 1830-1832; MS.3360, half-pay diaries (7 volumes), 1830-1838; MS.3361, diaries covering 1823-1830, fair copy; MS.3362, sketch book covering voyages in North Sea and West Indies, 1832-1833; MS.3363, diary covering blockade of Dutch coast and voyage to West Indies, 1832-1834; MS.3364, diary of a walking tour in Devon (apparently part of a longer journey of which the other journal volumes are not extant), 1834-1835; MS.3365, diary while fitting out the Antarctic expedition of the Erebus, 1839; MSS.3366-3368, diaries written during the Erebus Antarctic expedition (15 volumes), 1839-1843; MSS.3369-3370, meteorological and ornithological logs respectively of the Erebus Antarctic expedition, 1839-1843; MS.3371, half-pay diaries (4 volumes), 1843-1845; MS.3372, memorandum book on Arctic discovery, chiefly compiled during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1848-1852; MS.3373, diary while fitting out the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852; MSS.3374-3380, diaries written during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853; MSS.3381-3382, meteorological tables and sketches respectively, made during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853. MS.8682 comprises loose miscellaneous material, chiefly printed, relating to various phases of McCormick's career: evolving versions of his Narrative of a Boat-Expedition up the Wellington Channel in the Year 1852 (London: Eyre and Spotteswoode, 1854), plus testimonials, printed items by other authors including the Arctic traveller Dr. Richard King, publisher's advertisements and newspapers.

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        GB 0813 POST 4 Series · Série · 1773-1857

        This series comprises accounts of British packet services and overseas posts, including records of agents and postmasters, packet stations, and packet boats. The accounts cover income, expenditure, salaries, allowances and disbursements.

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        Gray, John Temperley (1835-1892)
        GB 0120 MSS.5874-5875 · 1859-1888

        Testimonials and notebook of John Temperley Gray, 1859-1888.

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        JOHNSTON, Thomas Crawford (1913-1965): correspondence
        GB 1446 MS 14 · Coleção · 1914-1921

        Bound correspondence of Thomas Crawford Johnston, 1914-1921, on the subject of his book Did the Phoenicians discover America? (published by James Nisbet & Company, Ltd., Berner Street, London, 1913), including correspondence with Prof. G C Chisholm, Prof. J S Nicholson, Thomas Athol Joyce, Prof. Grafton Elliot Smith, Prof. Herbert E Gregory and Prof. Louis R Sullivan.

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        Council of State papers relating to merchant shippping
        GB 0096 MS 198 · 1654

        Manuscript volume containing an Order in Council, 2 May 1654, signed by William Jessop, Clerk of the Council of State, concerning the discharge of some merchant ships from service with the Royal Navy, and ordering that the new coined money on the Tower of London, along with cash from the sale of prize goods, should be used by the Admiralty Commissioners to defray the charge of freight and wages of those ships. The Order was approved on 4 May 1654.

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        Bills of Lading, 1728-1788
        GB 0096 MS 464 · 1728-1788

        Nine printed bills of lading, completed in manuscript, for ships bound for Marseilles, including those for Le Décidé bound from Salonika, 1728; St Jean l'Évangéliste, from Istanbul, 1733; Le Benjamin, from Smyrna, 1763; Sainte Marie, from Port Maurice, 1765; La Fortune, from St Pierre, Martinique, 1765; La Napolitaine, from Naples, 1778; L'Aimable Marguerite, from Smyrna, 1779; S. Giovanni Battista, from Genoa, 1787 and 1788. Also includes a similar bill of lading for La Vièrge de Grace, bound from Marseilles to St Malo, 1729. Merchandise carried included raw cotton, yellow wax, fish, oil, vinegar, soap, coffee and silk.

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        Southampton shipping papers
        GB 0096 MS 713 · 1844-1847

        Papers relating to shipping at Southampton, 1844-1847, comprising:

        1. Printed form, completed in manuscript, headed 'The Grand Turk. Captain V. Wrightson from Southampton to Havre'. The form provides for entries of the number and names of hands (not entered), log of the voyage (Southampton and Portsmouth), nature and value of merchandise carried, and cabins occupied, 28-30 Sep 1844. It is endorsed '1 Havre Station. G.Turk. Sep 28 - Oct 1 [18]44. £85 12s.O. C.B. 56.'
        2. Valuations of the following vessels: Monarch, Atalanta, Ariadne, Camilla, and Sarah (coal hulk), all th £8,800; Calpe, Transit, South Western, Grand Turk, Lady de Saumarez, Robert Burns, City of Edinbro', and Queen Mab (coal hulk), all worth £14, 718; and also of 12 horse boxes on wheels (£84), and one office on wheels (£15) belonging to the South Western Steam Packet Company; and of mooring chains, anchors, etc., of the hulks Queen Mab and Sarah (£70). Each valuation is signed by Joseph White, ship builder, East Cowes, for Ritherdon & Carr, Oct 1844.
        3. Three bills of sale, completed in manuscript, for the Ariadne, Camilla and Monarch, all dated 8 Jun 1847, sold to George Henderson of Southampton, and Matthew Uzielli, merchant, of 62 King William Street, London, by the trustees of the South of England Steam Navigation Company. Each bill is endorsed 'Custom House Southampton' 21 June 1847, with signatures of customs officials. The bills include details of the construction (and subsequent alterations) of the ships, date of building, and date of registrations. On the dorse of each bill is a printed form, completed in manuscript, for the receipt of money.
          (a) Bill of sale for Ariadne of Southampton, master John Fuszard, sold for £3,000.
          (b) Bill of sale for the Camilla of Southampton, master John Priaulx, sold for £2,000.
          (c) Bill of sale for the Monarch of Southampton, master Richard White, sold for £10,000.
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        Lawson, Richard
        GB 0096 MS 821 · 1800

        Letter written by Richard Lawson, dated 21 May 1800 on the island of St Thomas, Virgin Islands, addressed to Messrs. Anderson [of London], concerning Lawson's schooner Nonesuch which 'arrived here about a couple of months ago...with a Cargo of Negroes which turned out extreemly well'; and business of Mr. Lalanda of St Thomas in the court of the Vice-Admiral relating to the capture of a vessel taken to Jamaica while on its way to St Domingo.

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        CARTER, John (1748-1817)
        GB 0100 KCLCA Leathes · 1700-1818

        The collection comprises manuscript notebooks on architecture and antiquarianism, correspondence and printed obituaries of Carter, 1700-1818, notably including a folder of loose manuscript notes relating to merchant ships on the Baltic route, papers on Latin verbs and translation, bill of expenses and proposals for improvements to the catalogue of the Harleian Collection, now housed in the British Library, 1700-1818; manuscript notes compiled during Carter's childhood on the importance of virtue, and commonplaces derived from the writings of King Charles I and King Charles II of England, among others, [1762]; folio day book by Carter describing chapel ornamentation, the role of the antiquarian and the architectural content of scenes from plays by William Shakespeare, including Richard III, 1771; autobiographical notebooks by Carter describing his architectural tours, with sketches and drawings, 1774-1778; sketch book with observations of landmarks such as Durham Cathedral, 1791-1803; correspondence with Leathes on Carter's health problems, his estate and collection of drawings and papers, [1799-1818]; printed obituaries and memorials of Carter published in Gentleman's magazine, 1817-1818; Sotheby's sale catalogue of the Carter collection, [1817-1818].

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        Swire, John (John Swire & Sons Ltd)
        GB 0102 JSS · Created 1869-1967

        Records, 1869-1967, of John Swire & Sons Ltd, comprising the bulk of known surviving material stored in the London Office, covering the development of the firm from about 1870 to 1947, and including series of correspondence coming in and out of the London Office; legal material including original deeds and leases; accounts; organisation papers; and photographs. The importance of the collection lies in the comprehensiveness of the nineteenth and twentieth century correspondence in illustrating the development of the firm and its subsidiaries from the London side where policies were decided, and from the Eastern side where they were implemented. It also gives a good picture of leading figures and firms involved in the Far Eastern trade at that time such as Jardine, Matheson & Company, the China Merchants Company and Holt's, and reveals aspects of Chinese trade and British business philosophy at the end of the Victorian era.

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        Turpie, Roger
        GB 0102 MS 380585 · [1893]-1894

        Letter, 1894, from Roger Turpie to the London Missionary Society concerning his expenses while in Britain, with printed Young People's Missionary Letter, 'Our New Steamer', by Capt Turpie and others [1893], on launching the John Williams (IV).

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        WILSON, John (1811-1879)
        GB 0402 JWI · Coleção · 1839-1843

        Log and private journal of John Wilson as ship's surgeon on the second voyage of the South Seas whaler GYPSY, 23 Oct 1839-19 Mar 1843 and portfolio of 23 watercolours, illustrating places named in the journal.

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        BELCHER, Adm Sir Edward (1799-1877)
        GB 0402 SEB · Coleção · 1837-1877

        Six personal letters of Belcher, 1864-1865 with some reference to Arctic matters. Record deposited at Arthur Strait in 1853 and recovered by Sverdrup expedition 1899-1902. Table of latitudes from west coast of America and Pacific determined on board HMS Sulfur, 1837-1842. Geographical subject headings: 1) ARCTIC 2) CANADA 3) UNITED STATES 4) PACIFIC OCEAN.

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        FRANKLIN, Sir John (1786-1847)
        GB 0402 SJF · 1801-1986

        Papers of Sir John Franklin, 1801-1847, chiefly relating to the ill-fated Franklin Expedition in search of the North-West Passage on HM Ships Erebus and Terror, 1845-1847, and the subsequent expeditions sent to search for survivors or relics of the expedition. Also, some earlier letters from Franklin mainly to relatives and letters from relatives to or about him. Some items relating to the bicentenary of Franklin's birth celebrated in 1986.

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        King Edward VII Nautical College
        GB 1432 KEVII · 1950-1969

        A selection of prospectuses from the 1960s (with a few, possibly earlier ones, undated) and student record cards* ca. 1950s and 1960s.

        *Note: Requests involving personal data will be handled in accordance with GDPR (Data Protection) and on a case-by-case basis.

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        COL/CC/PLH · Subarquivo · 1872-1957

        Records of the Port of London Health Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes, 1872-1957; committee papers, 1872-1956; report books, 1873-1946 and subject files, 1878-1957. Subjects include air pollution, smoke abatement, Basildon New Town (with plans), the disposal of condemned meat, the transfer of Denton Hospital to the National Health Service (NHS), bye-laws regarding houseboats, the inspection of ships and reports of the Medical Officer of Health.

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        Adam & Company Limited (uncatalogued)
        GB 0064 AAM · Coleção · 1825-1914

        Papers of Adam and Company Limited covering the period 1825 to 1914. They relate to the sugar trade and import merchanting, including in-letters, bills of lading, charter parties, invoices, account sales and disbursements accounts; to ships' agency work, in particular that of the Clan Line; to insurance matters, consisting of policies and claims; to marine casualties, notes of protest and particular and general average statements and survey reports. There is a great deal of detailed information about the employment of immigrants and the conditions relating to their welfare. There is also a census of slaves employed on the Pipon estates in 1826 ('Greffe de l'Enregistrement des Esclaves'). Note that this collection is uncatalogued and there is no detailed list available.

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        Asiatic Steam Navigation Company Limited
        GB 0064 ASI · Coleção · 1878-1968

        Papers of the Asiatic Steam Navigation Company Limited comprising a continuous series of minute books from 1878 to 1968 (ASI/1): a similar series of annual accounts to 1965 (ASI/2) and a historical file on the settlement of the freight war (ASI/3).

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        Edward Bates & Sons
        GB 0064 BAT · Coleção · 1862-1924

        Papers of Edward Bates and Sons. The major part consists of carbon copies of the daily letters written privately between 1878 and 1902 by Edward Percy Bates from Liverpool to his father Edward Bates in Hampshire and his brother Sydney in London. When he was away from Liverpool the letters were written by another brother (usually Gilbert Bates) and later by his son Edward Bertram Bates. The letters contain information on all the family's business interests, including ships' movements and cargoes, the sale of cargoes and the state of the various markets. As well as personal matters, the correspondence reflects the close-knit circle of shipowners in Liverpool during this period. Records of ships include: a disbursement book, 1902 to 1914; a movements book with details of cargo, 1908 to 1916; cargoes, 1870 to 1896; ships' expenses at different ports, 1869 to 1902. In addition there are copies of correspondence between Gilbert Bates and Edward Percy Bates while the latter was on a trip to India, 1887 to 1888; a small duplicate letterbook records the business and personal letters written by Gilbert Bates 1880 to 1881 (including a visit to India) and continued by Edward Percy Bates, 1883 to 1884, when most of the letters were written to Sydney while be was on a visit to India; copies of letters sent from Liverpool to Bombay, 1879 to 1881; a few loose letters addressed to Edward Bates during the period, 1852 to 1867; by the Bombay office, 1861 to 1865, and by masters of the ships, 1862 to 1877. There are the carbons of letters written by Colonel Denis H Bates (1886-1959), mainly to Sydney E Bates, Percy E Bates and Aubrey Brocklebank, 1919 to 1924. There is a carbon copy of a diary of a visit to India kept by H G Wilson, chief accountant of Brocklebank's, and sent to Colonel Bates; carbons of reports sent by Wilson from India to Brocklebank's, the Anchor Line and Ellerman's, 1920 to 1921; and a few papers of Sir Percy Elly Bates on shipping and transport, 1916 to 1919.

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        Barker, Robert Edward (c 1820-1910)
        GB 0064 BRK · Coleção · 1794-1826

        The collection includes Robert Hammond's record of service and his survey, when Master of the Society of Pilots of the Cinque Ports, of the southern North Sea in the cutter GEM, 1841. The volumes collected by Barker himself consist mainly of logs of naval ships. They include that of the ORION, in home waters, kept by an Edward Barker in 1794, containing an account of the Battle of First of June; the Clyde, 1796 to 1800, kept by Lieutenant John Smith (fl 1780-1805), in home waters; of the CHALLENGER, 1828 to 1831, East Indies Station, kept by Commander John M R Ince (fl 1808-1850); the CALEDONIA, 1835 to 1836, Mediterranean station; the FLY, 1842 to 1846, surveying Australian waters, and the PILOT, 1850, East Indies station. There is also a journal of a voyage in the merchant ship VESTAL from North America to the West Indies, 1759 to 1760, by the author William Falconer (1744-1824); some of Falconer 's unpublished poems appear at the end of this journal.

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        Royal Navy: Central Administration
        GB 0064 CAD · Coleção · 1558-1850

        The fifty-nine volumes in this class are mainly official and relate to the central administration of the Navy, 1558 to 1850. They consist principally of instructions, accounts, reports, legal opinions and treatises. There are nine volumes of instructions, 1660 to 1718. Two volumes describe the duties of the Lord High Admiral, 1673; eight contain copies of the instructions to the Navy Board, 1662; six, those to the Victualling Board, 1701 and 1715 to 1718; and two, those to the Sick and Hurt Board, 1684 to 1699 and 1703. A manuscript index of official Admiralty papers compiled ca.1694 contains references to instructions and to other Admiralty correspondence. Among the financial accounts are an early Treasury account book, 1572 to 1573; a report on naval estimates, 1654; and estimate of the charge of the Navy, 1684; and estimates of the naval debt, 1712 to 1720, which details the Treasurers who held money and the amounts invested in South Sea stock. A volume of notes on the office of Treasurer of the Navy, 1650 to 1698, includes an account of permitted perquisites. Accounts relating to the Ordnance Board consist of a 'computation of the ordinary annual charge within the office of his Majesty's Ordnance', 1679; six volumes giving stores issued, received and surveyed, 1576, 1595, 1599, 1635 to 1637, 1644 to 1649 and 1650 to 1651. In addition there is a volume of papers relating to fortifications in the Thames area, 1667 to 1703; and the minutes of the Ordnance Board, 1679 to 1680. Other accounts, dealing with stores, are contained in 'The Boke of Victuellinge', 1558, which details victualling stores issued to ships at sea and in harbour, listed under their ports in a chronological order. There is a contract for victualling the navy 1677 to 1678, and statistics relating to victualling, c 1684. The reports, or volumes related to reports, have a parliamentary origin. They include one of the papers referred to in the investigation into merchant shipping losses by the Lord High Admiral to the House of Lords in 1707; the proceedings of the committee of the House of Commons, 1744, which examined naval officers on the 'miscarriage' of the Mediterranean fleet at Toulon; ten volumes contain the reports produced between 1785 and 1788 by the Commissioners 'appointed to inquire into Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites and Emoluments which are, or have been lately, received in the several public offices'. In addition, there is the appendix to the fifteenth report of the Commissioners for Revising and Digesting the Civil Affairs of the Navy on the proposal for a new eastern dockyard, 1807, which was never printed. The legal opinions consist of judges' 'arguments', 1637 to 1639, relating to the 'ship money' case. Also of a legal nature is an account of the charges against Edward Cecil, Lord Wimbledon (1572-1638), on the Cadiz expedition, 1625. The treatises include a copy, c 1630, of Captain Sir Henry Mainwaring's (1587-1653) 'Discourse' on his piratical activities and a copy, c 1615, of Soveraignty of the Seas of England' by Sir John Borough, Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London (d 1643)

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        Goodsall, Walter (1848-[1900])
        GB 0064 GDL · Coleção · [1870-1884]

        Papers of Walter Goodsall, consisting of a biographical note of his early life and diary extracts until 1876. There is a full account for 1881. There are also logs, 1870, 1872, 1883 to 1884, and a technical pamphlet.

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        Hamilton, Commander John (1763-1837)
        GB 0064 HMN/1-24 · Subarquivo · 19th century
        Parte de Hamilton family papers (East India)

        Papers of John, Commander Hamilton, consisting of very full records for all of the BOMBAY CASTLE's voyages, including expenses, signal books, lists of passengers, and accounts of the French prize. There is also an extract from the Castle Huntly's log, 1819.

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        Kellock, C.W., & Co
        GB 0064 KCK · Coleção · [1850-1949]

        Records of C.W. Kellock and Co. The greater portion of the records forms an almost complete collection of copies of sale contracts for the Liverpool office, 1850 to 1949, and five volumes of copies of sale contracts for the London office, 1867 to 1883. These sale agreements give the name of the vessel, its tonnage, name of purchaser and seller, selling price and conditions of sale. Many of these are indexed in the early years and a copy of the British shipping register is often included. In many cases, copies of correspondence, special agreements and Charter Parties are also included. For example, the papers of the sale of the GREAT BRITAIN in London in 1885 for £26,000 include a complete inventory of the vessel. In addition there are three volumes of conditions of sale, 1890 to 1931; ten volumes of valuations (sail and steam), 1895 to 1913, 1922 to 1924; four volumes of records of sales, 1895 to 1945, of vessels built up to 1905 (sail and steam); nine volumes of ledgers 1851 to 1895; six volumes of journals 1880 to 1882, 1916 to 1919; three volumes of Charter Parties, one each for Stoddard Bros, 1866 to 1869, Taylor Cameron and Co, 1889 to 1891 and C.W. Kellock and Co, 1897 to 1907. These papers give a detailed picture of the value of British shipping for both sail and steam from the middle of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century.

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        Merchant Shipping: Logs
        GB 0064 LOG/C · Subarquivo · 1605-1856
        Parte de Logs

        Ships' logs from Merchant Shipping. There are some examples of logs kept by commanders, but the majority for which the keeper can be established are by other officers or by midshipmen; there are also five kept by pursers and two by passengers. The format of the logs varies but many from the late-eighteenth century are written on a standard printed form incorporating the arms of the Company. A few are illustrated, notably that of the DUTTON, 1791, kept by Captain James Hamilton, which has daily coloured sketches of the ship showing the set of the sails. Many include lists of the ship's company, passengers and troops. The earliest volume contains copies of logs of several ships between 1659 and 1687 and bears the inscription 'John Ouldham His Book 1697/8'. Another early example is the log of the UPTON GALLEY, 1701 to 1703, to Bengal and back, kept by her commander, John Camell. In some cases a series of logs covers the career of an officer from midshipman to chief officer or commander such as that kept by Henry Wise (fl 1819-1833) in seven volumes on the CASTLE HUNTLEY, from 1819 to 1829, and in the ASTELL, 1830 to 1831, and EDINBURGH, 1832 to 1833, during which time he rose from midshipman to chief officer; and six volumes kept by Searles Wood (fl 1783-1808) between 1783 and 1785 and 1791 and 1802 on various ships, rising from fourth mate to commander.

        The latest log is that of the EARL BALCARRES, 1835 to 1837, by the purser, Richard Binks, which includes copies of estimates for rigging, sails, painting and plumbing and stores, together with dimensions and deck plans. In this section there are also five volumes relating to the Bombay Marine and Indian Navy including the log of the SCORPION, a Bombay Marine snow, 1793 to 1794, kept by Captain William Selby which includes a letter and a memorial relating to the capture of the SCORPION by the French in 1794; and two volumes kept by William H Carpendale, midshipman, on various ships of the Indian Navy between 1846 and 1851.

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        Orient Steam Navigation Co Ltd
        GB 0064 OSN · Coleção · [1911-1970]

        Papers of Orient Steam Navigation Co Ltd .Most of them are post-Second World War; the majority of the earlier records were destroyed when the company's city offices were bombed in the early part of the war. For Anderson, Green and Company Limited, surviving material includes the minutes of the Directors' meetings, 1941 to 1969; the Reports of the Directors to the Annual General Meetings of the Shareholders, 1941 to 1969; the Register of Directors and Secretaries, 1919 to 1969; files containing items for Secretary's Agenda, 1960, and miscellaneous correspondence, 1960 to 1965. Among the Orient Steam Navigation Company papers are minutes of a committee of the Directors, 1946 to 1948; minutes of the Directors' meetings, 1948 to 1964; Annual Reports from the Directors to the Shareholders, 1945 to 1960, together with balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and newspaper cuttings. The company Seal Register, 1959 to 1965, is also present and there are copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company, with amendments, 1900 to 1965. The shareholders' records include lists of dividends paid to shareholders, 1954 to 1964. There is also a file containing some correspondence and other documents on the offer made by the P&O Company to Orient Line ordinary shareholders, 1960, together with acceptance forms for the sale of shares, and similar for preference shareholders, 1965. Few book-keeping records have survived, but there are some working papers on cash accumulations and analysis of receipts and payments, 1937 to 1940 and 1949 to 1953; private ledgers, 1933 to 1948, 1955 to 1959; journal, 1953 to 1966; analysis of passenger embarkations and passage earnings, 1959; and steamers' ledgers, 1947, and 1958 to 1959, together with a cash book analysis ledger, 1960; investment ledgers, 1924 to 1959. There are several files containing display advertising samples, 1931 to 1940, 1949 to 1953, and a number of copies of the Orient Line Guide, which went through several editions, 1888 to 1901 Records of ships include a selection of ship files, 1936 to 1954, including voyage reports, ship sinkings in the Second World War, newspaper cuttings, etc; some material on schedules, 1956 to 1958; passenger earnings, 1956; and a box of papers on migration, 1947 to 1956. Books of Instructions, to commanders on the carrying of mails, 1911; pursers, 1931; surgeons, 1947; and officers, 1960, have also been retained, together with a copy of Uniform Regulations, 1958. Staff records include a volume containing Reports on Character, Stewards' Department, ca.1913 to ca.1925. Finally, there are several copies of the Articles of Association of P&O/ Orient Lines Passenger Services Limited. (Section 3: OSN/: 45ft: 1,372cm) Ships' Plans: these were deposited on loan in 1963, 1969 and 1970. This collection comprises prints and linen tracings of six typical Orient liners, 1917 to 1937. Lines, general arrangements and hydrostatics are included as are 'as fitted' drawings and specifications.

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        Rope Family, Shipowners
        GB 0064 ROP · Coleção · [19th century]

        Papers of the Rope family of Blaxhall, Orford and Leiston, relating mainly to the activities of Mingay and Rope in the mid nineteenth century, although there are earlier papers for a Thomas Rope, and later ones when George Rope was trading on his own. They include bills of sale for vessels owned by the firm, receipts and bills incurred during trading, as well as letters from Rope to Mingay, reporting on vessel's movements. There are also letters from vessel's masters reporting on their progress.

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        Signals: Theory
        GB 0064 SGN/D · Subarquivo · 1804-1818

        Signals: Theory. Included in this small group of documents are a description of Colonel Pasley's telegraph of 1804 and 'Observations on Signal Shapes as applied to the character of Signals Flags', 1818, by Captain Thomas Shortland (1771-1827).

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        Signals Collection
        GB 0064 SIG · Coleção · [1673]-1885

        Signals Collection comprising two East India Company signal books. The first is a printed signal book of 1783 entitle 'A Collection of Signals for the use of the ships in the Service of the United East India Company'; a sheet of coloured flags has been loosely inserted, but the book was not issued. There is also a manuscript volume of signals issued by Captain Alexander Montgomerie to the fleet under his command, St Helena to England, 1794.

        153 volumes of sailing and fighting instructions include the majority of those listed in Sir Julian Corbett, Signals and instructions (Navy Records Society, 1908). In addition, there are many examples of those issued to smaller squadrons rather than fleets. The earliest is a printed copy of 1673 issued to James Duke of York (1633-1701). There is a copy of 1691 by Admiral Russel (1653-1727), issued in 1702. Subsequent sets show the development which took place up to the Seven Years War. From 1756 onwards additional and supplementary instructions became more numerous. The collection also contains several versions of instructions for ships in convoy, 1708 to 1815. In addition to these single items, there are sets in the personal collections. The most extensive, of thirty-four volumes, is that of Admiral Duncan (q.v.), 1760 to 1799, including signals and instructions issued during the American War, convoy instructions for 1782 and a number of sets from the 1790s. Other sets of significance include those of Vice-Admiral Duff, 1748 to 1762, including convoy instructions, 1756 and 1758, and printed instructions for disembarking and re-embarking troops, which were issued by Admiral Rodney (1719-1792) for the landings at marinique, 1762; of Rear-Admiral Clements, 1758 to 1770; and of Captain Lord Longford, 1779 to 1780.

        120 printed and manuscript signal books and signal logs. 1711 to 1816. The earliest signal book is a manuscript volume compiled between 1710 and 1711. This contains additional signals made by Sir John Norris (c 1670-1749) in the RANELAGH. The format of this volume is very similar to the printed signal book of 1714 by Jonathan Greenwood. There are some manuscript examples produced privately by individual officers usually with a thumb index for quick reference, dating from the mid-eighteenth century. There are also printed signal books for 1790, 1793, 1795, 1798 and The General Signal Book of 1799, 1808 and 1816. During the 1790s the printing of signal books became general practice. There are various examples (which include day and fog signals), night signals, instructions and additional instructions, which were usually issued in sets. For example, the collection has a set issued in 1793 by Admiral Lord Hood to the Mediterranean fleet. There is a similar set issued by Sir John Jervis in 1794 while in the West Indies. Most of the printed books which were issued have additional signals inserted in manuscript. The manuscript signal books are copies kept by officers who were not issued with a printed signal book, and preferred their own copy for easy reference; they are therefore usually pocket size. This practice was forbidden because of the danger of the code falling into enemy hands. However, there are a number of these in the collection and they often contain additional information, such as orders of battle and sailing, keys to both the British and French systems of coastal signals, pendant lists, etc. Many are finely executed and some are illustrated. There is a manuscript signal book used at the battle of the Nile, based on the 1795 edition entitled 'Day and Night Signal Book, Horarry, Fog etc.' by Midshipman (later Commander) Charles Claridge (fl 1798-1823) in the DEFENCE. This has a short diary at the back of the volume describing the battle and an order of battle and an order of battle and sailing. A manuscript copy of Lord Howe's (q.v.) code of 1793 is also included; this contains a list of signals for identifying coasts and headlands, caricatures, a sea song and drawings of naval vessels. The collection contains a group of signal books issued for use in a particular area; they include volumes for Barbados, 1820, Plymouth, 1797 and St Helena, 1817. There are also three signal logs, one of which was kept in the VICTORY, 1804.

        Over half the signal books in this category are French; the other nations represented are Spain, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Sweden and Turkey. There are eighteen volumes, 1754 to 1885, the majority of which are printed with manuscript annotations. Of the French volumes, the earliest is a signal book kept in 1754 by the pilot of LA ROSE, in the squadron of Le Comte de Gallissoniere (1693-1756). The volume has a thumb index of coloured flags and is illustrated with watercolours of fleet manoeuvres. There is also an English translation of the signal book issued by the Comte D'Ache (1700-1775) to his fleet while in the East Indies in the ZODIAQUE, 1757 to 1759; a signal book issued by the Comte D'Orvilliers (1708-1792) in 1779; and a printed signal book of 1787 issued by the Marquis de Nieul, in which the names of the vessels in the squadron have been scratched out, but the twenty flags and ten pendants have been coloured. The Revolutionary War period is represented by three signal books issued for the navy of the Republic in 1799 and 1801. Only one has actually been issued and gives a key to the flags. In addition, there is a handbook for a coastal semaphore between Bayonne and Flushing; published in 1807, the system was invented by an artillery officer named Depillon and built ca.1803. The category also includes two signal books for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies; one was issued in c 1784 by John (later Sir John) Acton (1736-1811), the other in 1816; a Spanish book of signals and instructions printed in Cadiz in 1765 and issued by the Marques de la Victoria; another Spanish volume for 1781 for the fleet of Don Luis de Cordova; and two Swedish volumes, 1795 and 1796. The Turkish signal book is naval, 1885, and the format is similar to a French or an English volume. There is also a Dutch volume of flags rather than signals which was compiled c 1687; it is described on the title page as 'The Flagbook of Captain Paulus van der Dussen' (1658-1707).

        Seven volumes concerned with naval signalling, telegraphic and merchant shipping codes, 1787 to 1822. The earliest volume is by Captain (later Admiral) Phillip Patton (1739-1815); in 1787 he published 'A system of signals combining the method commonly used in theBritish Navy...with a numerary method'. As far as is known this was never used, since preference was given to the code invented by Lord Howe. Patton employed two methods: one was the old idea of the meaning of the flag being governed by the position of the hoist and the other gave each flag a fixed numerical value. A new arrangement of Howe's day and night signals and instructions was made in 1792 by John McArthur (1755-1840), while secretary to Lord Hood, and printed in 1793. McArthur also published a comprehensive plan in c 1804, entitled 'Thoughts on several plans combining a system of Universal Signals by day and night', of which there is also a copy. There is a lithographed copy, made in 1822, of 'Practical Rules for making Telegraphic Signals with a description of the two-armed telegraph invented in 1804' by Lieutenant-Colonel Pasley (1780-1861); he put forward a system of sending messages by land using a pole with two moveable arms. A similar manuscript of ca.1820 is by Lieutenant (later Commander) Poynter Crane (1782-1879).

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        Strick, Frank C., Co Ltd
        GB 0064 SRI · Coleção · [1898-1974]

        Papers of Frank Clarke Strick comprising minutes of the Board of Directors' and General Meetings, profit and loss accounts and annual returns of the numerous companies which made up the Strick group, 1896 to 1974. These include Frank C. Strick and Company Limited, 1903 to 1965; Anglo-Algerian Steamship Company (1896) Limited, 1896 to 1922; London, Paris and Marseilles Steamship Company Limited (later London and Paris Steamship Company Limited -- later London and Paris Steamship and Investment Company Limited), 1920 to 1965; Strick Line Limited, 1915 to 1970; Strick Line (1923) Limited, 1924 to 1958; the Shahristan Steamship Company Limited, 1923 to 1971; the Dwina Limited, 1908 to 1965; Strick, Gorchs and Company Limited, 192] to 1965: the North Devon Steamship Company Limited (later Frank Strick and Company (South Wales) Limited), 1923 to 1965; United Ship Supplies Limited, 1930 to 1965; Strick, Scott and Company Limited, 1921; Frank Strick and Company (Glasgow) Limited, 1920 to 1971, (Newcastle) 1931 to 1976 and (Liverpool) 1954 to 1974. There are ships' voyage accounts and cargo documents for a number of ships from 1969 to 1971; six freight contracts of 1914 and the 1922 management agreement between Strick's and Gray Dawes; and two letterbooks with out-letters to Government Ministries and Departments, 1909 to 1918. Finally, there are some technical records and publicity and personal material relating to Strick; included here is a memorandum on 'Ormuz' Red Oxide ore which gives details of rates and shipments, 1906 to 1942.

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        Trinder Anderson & Co. Ltd.
        GB 0064 TAN · Coleção · [1900-1970]

        Papers of the Trinder Anderson and Co Ltd., comprising general ledgers, ledgers, voyage ledgers, charter books, letterbooks, cash books and miscellaneous accounts c 1900-1970. Includes company records Trinder Anderson and Co Ltd. were managing. These companies are Avenue Shipping, New Zealand Shipping and Co Ltd and Australind Steam Shipping Co Ltd. Also included are the business records for the Australind Steam Shipping Co. Ltd seperately presented in 1981 by Mr D Eunson. Includes journals, cash books and ledgers c 1900-1970.

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        WONG, Hoi Wah
        GB 0074 LMA/4498 · Coleção · [1940-1949]

        Photograph of Chinese seamen, their captain and other staff on an ocean liner, 1940s.

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        CHEUNG, Jo Yiu (fl 1938-2008)
        GB 0074 LMA/4503 · Coleção · 1957-2002

        Personal papers of Jo Yiu Cheung, seaman, comprising photograph on board an ocean liner, and portrait in front of a Buddha statue.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/021-3 · Coleção · 1757-1833

        Records of the Jerusalem Coffee House, later the Jerusalem Shipping Exchange, including registers and lists of sailings and shippings, including some East India Company shipping; log of the voyage of the ship 'Walmer Castle' from London to Penang, Malaysia; agreements; and financial accounts.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/051 · Coleção · 1702-1984

        Records of the Coal Factors' Society, beginning in 1761 and consisting of minutes, attendance books, letter books, rules and regulations, an account of market dues at the Coal Exchange, financial records including ledgers and cash books, factors' day and entry books, factors' and meters' postage books, an alphabetical list of ships giving gross and net tonnage, lists of named ships with total monthly cost to each factor, comparative lists of the highest prices of best house coals taken for each, contracts made with various persons for the supply of barges, beams, weights, a Tilbury signal code book, and newspaper cuttings. There are no records for the period 1790-1831.

        The collection also includes a register of names, destinations and owners of ships, and weight of coal shipped from Newcastle, 1702-4, Ms 30689, which had been found amongst the archives of the Coal Factors' Society and Coal Meters' Committee. It predates both bodies and appears to have been collected as a curio.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/055 · Coleção · 1701-1962

        Records of the Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited, including minutes, ledgers, journals, letters, and insurance registers. Also records of subsidiary and predecessor companies, including:

        Accident Insurance Company;
        British and European Insurance Company;
        British General Insurance Company;
        Edinburgh Assurance Company;
        Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation;
        Fine Art and General Insurance Company;
        General Accident and Guarantee Company;
        Guardian Plate Glass Insurance Company;
        Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance Company;
        Imperial Live Stock and General Insurance Company;
        Indemnity Marine Insurance Company;
        Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation;
        London Amicable Assurance Society;
        London and Scottish Assurance Corporation;
        Mercantile Fire Insurance Company;
        New India Assurance Company;
        North British and Mercantile Insurance Company;
        Northern Assurance Company;
        Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation;
        Ocean and General Guarantee Company;
        Ocean Marine Insurance Company;
        Palatine Insurance Company;
        Planet Assurance Corporation;
        Provident Clerks and General Guarantee and Accident Company;
        Railway Passengers Assurance Company;
        Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company;
        Union Assurance Society;
        United Kingdom Life Assurance Company;
        Westminster and Kensington Freeholds Limited;
        World Auxiliary Insurance Corporation;
        World Marine and General Insurance Company.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/055-05 · Coleção · 1925-1961

        Records from the Marine Department of the Edinburgh Assurance Company Limited, comprising registers of vessels, casualty books, loss report books, and salvage books.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/112-063 · Coleção · 1938

        Articles of associaton of Hadden & Company Limited, shipping agency.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-14 · Coleção · 1885-1904

        Records of British India Associated Steamers Limited, including board minutes; annual reports; and financial accounts.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-20 · Coleção · 1919-1964

        Records of Delmege, Allen and Company Limited, shipping agents, comprising memorandum and articles of association, and balance sheets.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-33 · Coleção · 1899-1968

        Records of the India General Navigation and Railway Company Limited, including articles of association; papers relating to annual general meetings; notices to shareholders; financial accounts; fleet lists; papers regarding ship repairs; and photograph of steamer 'Nagpore'.

        CLC/B/123/MS38763 (staff list) is subject to a 70 year closure period.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-41 · Coleção · 1854-1955

        Records of MacKinnon, MacKenzie and Company, general merchants and agents of Calcutta, India; comprising: partnership deeds and other records concerning the establishment and regulation of the company, 1854-1955 (Ms 27793-6, 27838-41); private journals, 1929-51 (Ms 27797); correspondence, 1852-1955 (Ms 27798-814) operational records, 1847-1940 (Ms 27815-27); photographs, ca. 1905-31 (Ms 27828-8A); historical notes, c 1860-1955 (Ms 27829-34, 27847); and accounts, 1927-51 (Ms 27835-7, Ms 27842-6, 27848).

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-47 · Coleção · 1873-1979

        Records of Rivers Steam Navigation Company Limited, including:

        1) Corporate records, Mss 27910-20;
        2) Internal accounting and financial records, Mss 27921-39;
        3) General correspondence, Mss 27940-5;
        4) Papers concerning the operation of transport services and the development of transport generally, and the transport of particular commodities:
        i) general-river, rail and road, Mss 27946-53;
        ii) river transport, Mss 27954-66;
        iii) rail transport, Mss 27967-72;
        iv) road transport, Mss 27973-8;
        v) passenger services, Mss 27979-82;
        vi) tea, Mss 27983-90;
        vii) coal, Mss 27991-5;
        viii) jute, Mss 27996-9;
        ix) miscellaneous (oil, sugar, mail), Mss. 28000-2;
        5) Papers concerning post war operations and the reconstruction of the company, Mss 28003-13;
        6) Fleet records, i.e. fleet lists, and records of shipbuilding, repair, losses and casualties. (NB see records of subsidiaries for Garden Reach Workshops, R.S.N.'s shipbuilding subsidiary), Mss 28014-37;
        7) Records concerning co-operation and competition with Assam Railway and Trading Co, Mss 28038-43;
        8) Competition with other companies, Mss 28044-54;
        9) Records of terms and conditions of work, pension funds and trade unions, Mss 28055-67;
        10) Investment in other companies, Mss 28068-72;
        11) Maps, photographs, historical notes, Mss 28073-8;
        12) Subsidiary companies:
        i) Pakistan River Steamers Ltd, Mss 28079-91;
        ii) Rivers Steam Navigation Co (Holdings) Ltd, Mss 28092-5;
        iii) Garden Reach Workshops Ltd, Mss 28096-9;
        iv) India Rivers Steam Navigation Co Ltd, Ms 28100;
        v) Pakistan Rivers Steam Navigation Co Ltd, Ms 28101.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-51 · Coleção · 1870-1965

        Records of Smith, MacKenzie and Company Limited, general merchants and agents in East Africa, including: memorandum and articles of association, 1936-50 (Ms 28118); agreements, 1891-1945 (Ms 28119, Ms 36444-6); directors' meetings minutes and related papers, 1934-50 (Ms 28120-5); accounts, 1936-64 (Ms 28126-33); operational records, 1886-1950 (Ms 28134-7, Ms 36447-55); list of records, 1870-1945 (Ms 28138); property records, 1890-ca. 1950 (Ms 28139-42, Ms 36458-62); papers relating to staff, 1892-1937 (Ms 36456-7); photographs, c 1871-99 and c 1920 (Ms 28143, Ms 36463); records relating to subsidiaries, 1917-57 (Ms 28144-53, Ms 36464); and miscellaneous items, 1893-1965 (Ms 36465-71).

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        Hogg, Quintin: letter (1876)
        GB 0096 AL349 · Arquivo · 1876

        Letter from Quintin Hogg of 5 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, London [replacing 23 Rood Lane, London which has been struck through] to Mr Parker, 26 Feb 1876. Detailing the final stages of the transfer of an estate called 'Industry' by Parker to Hogg; mentioning the shipping of sugar and rum.

        Autograph, with signature.

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        Smith, Richard: letter (1794)
        GB 0096 AL387 · Arquivo · 1794

        Letter from Richard Smith of 'Bordeaux River', [France] to Seth Barton, merchant, Baltimore, [USA], 1794. Giving the terms of a charter party between James Swan and Co and Thomas Harris, on the London Packet (c 260 tons), which was to take on a cargo of wines and brandy at Bordeaux, to carry to Baltimore; discussing expenses and asks Barton to take out £400 insurance for him.

        Autograph, with signature.

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