Collection GB 0366 ME - MEDD, David Leslie (1917 - 2009) and MEDD, Mary (1907 - 2005)

Identity area

Murojaat kodi

GB 0366 ME


MEDD, David Leslie (1917 - 2009) and MEDD, Mary (1907 - 2005)


  • c1940s-1990s (Yaratish)

Tavsif darajasi


Hajm va tashuvchi

96 boxes; 3 reels of film; 2 packets; 1 suitcase

Kontekst soha

Yaratuvchi nomi

Biografik tarixi

David Medd OBE (b 1917) studied with the Architectural Association and qualified as an architect in 1941. He worked for Hertfordshire County Council Architect's Department from 1946 to 1949 and then went to work for the newly formed Architects and Building Branch of the Ministry of Education. In 1949 he married the architect Mary Crowley, with whom he worked in both Hertfordshire and at the Ministry. They were responsible for designing some notable educational buildings and for furniture and equipment design, and were influential in shaping the philosophy of the Architects and Building Branch at the Ministry. Both held strong views on child-centred learning. David Medd lectured and wrote numerous articles on architecture and educational buildings. He also travelled widely, undertaking consultancy work abroad and reporting on school buildings in many different countries.

Arxiv muassasasi

Arxiv tarixi

The bulk of this collection was given to the National Primary Education Archive at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincoln by David Medd over a period of years (NPEA Accession Nos.92/9; 92/10; 93/2; 93/6; 93/7; 93/14; 94/1; 94/3; 94/5; 94/6; 94/7; 94/8; 94/9; 94/10; 94/11; 94/12; 94/13; 94/14; 94/18; 94/20; 95/5; 95/6; 95/8; 95/10; 95/11; 95/12; 96/1; 96/2; 96/3; 96/5; 96/8; 96/11; 96/12; 96/13; 96/16; 96/17; 96/18; 96/19; 96/20; 97/5; 97/8; 97/9; 97/10; 98/1; 98/2).
GB 0366 ME c1940s-1990s collection 96 boxes; 3 reels of film; 2 packets; 1 suitcase Medd , David Leslie , 1917 - 2009 , architect
Medd , Mary , 1907 - 2005 , architect
David Medd OBE (b 1917) studied with the Architectural Association and qualified as an architect in 1941. He worked for Hertfordshire County Council Architect's Department from 1946 to 1949 and then went to work for the newly formed Architects and Building Branch of the Ministry of Education. In 1949 he married the architect Mary Crowley, with whom he worked in both Hertfordshire and at the Ministry. They were responsible for designing some notable educational buildings and for furniture and equipment design, and were influential in shaping the philosophy of the Architects and Building Branch at the Ministry. Both held strong views on child-centred learning. David Medd lectured and wrote numerous articles on architecture and educational buildings. He also travelled widely, undertaking consultancy work abroad and reporting on school buildings in many different countries.

The bulk of this collection was given to the National Primary Education Archive at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincoln by David Medd over a period of years (NPEA Accession Nos.92/9; 92/10; 93/2; 93/6; 93/7; 93/14; 94/1; 94/3; 94/5; 94/6; 94/7; 94/8; 94/9; 94/10; 94/11; 94/12; 94/13; 94/14; 94/18; 94/20; 95/5; 95/6; 95/8; 95/10; 95/11; 95/12; 96/1; 96/2; 96/3; 96/5; 96/8; 96/11; 96/12; 96/13; 96/16; 96/17; 96/18; 96/19; 96/20; 97/5; 97/8; 97/9; 97/10; 98/1; 98/2).

The bulk of these papers were transferred from the National Primary Education Archive at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincoln in June 1998. Further deposits were received directly from David Medd in 2000 and 2001.

Papers of David Medd relating to educational architecture and interior design including project files; architectural plans and drawings; published and unpublished papers; models of classroom furniture; photographs and slides; reports, pamphlets and publications; press cuttings; and lecture notes.

Open. Apply to Archivist.

A reader wishing to publish any quotation of information, including pictorial, derived from any archive material must apply in writing for prior permission from the Librarian or other appropriate person(s) as indicated by the Archivist. A limited number of photocopies may be supplied at the discretion of the Archivist.

On-line catalogue

See also the papers of Bruce Martin (DC/MA) and the Photographic Archive of the Architects and Building Branch, Ministry of Education (DC/ABB).

  Created 06/14/1999, modified  12/7/2000 Building design Construction engineering Decorative arts Department of Education and Science , Architects and Building Branch Educational buildings England Europe Furniture Hertfordshire Hertfordshire County Council , County Architect's Department Interior architecture Medd , David Leslie , b 1917 , architect Medd , Mary , b 1907 , née Crowley , architect x Crowley , Mary Ministry of Education , Architects and Building Branch UK Western Europe London

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

The bulk of these papers were transferred from the National Primary Education Archive at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincoln in June 1998. Further deposits were received directly from David Medd in 2000 and 2001.

Content and structure area

Qamrov va mazmun

Papers of David Medd relating to educational architecture and interior design including project files; architectural plans and drawings; published and unpublished papers; models of classroom furniture; photographs and slides; reports, pamphlets and publications; press cuttings; and lecture notes.

Baholash, o`chirish va rejalashtirish

Kelib tushgan hujjatlar

Kelishuv tizimi

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open. Apply to Archivist.

Conditions governing reproduction

A reader wishing to publish any quotation of information, including pictorial, derived from any archive material must apply in writing for prior permission from the Librarian or other appropriate person(s) as indicated by the Archivist. A limited number of photocopies may be supplied at the discretion of the Archivist.

Language of material

  • English

Hujjat grafikasi

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Fizik xususiyatlar va texnik talablar.

See also the papers of Bruce Martin (DC/MA) and the Photographic Archive of the Architects and Building Branch, Ministry of Education (DC/ABB).

Finding aids

On-line catalogue

Aloqador materiallar sohasi

Existence and location of originals

Existence and location of copies

Aloqador tavsif birliklari

Aloqador tavsiflari

Nashr izohi

Izohlar sohasi


Alternativ identifikator(lar)

Foydalanish nuqtalari




Description control area

Description identifier

Institution identifier

Institute of Education

Qo`llanilgan qoidalar va/yoki kelishuvlar


Level of detail

Dates of creation revision deletion


  • English

Alifbo (belgilar)


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