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      Hiërarchische termen



        Gelijksoortige termen


        • UF Electron microscopes
        • UF Microscopy
        • UF Microscope électronique
        • UF Microscopie
        • UF Microscopio electrónico

        Verwante termen

        11 Archivistische beschrijving results for Microscopes

        GB 0074 CLC/L/SH · Collectie · 1629-1997

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, including registers of freedom admissions 1699-1873; apprentice bindings 1694-1860; charters; ordinances; grant of arms; Court minute books; financial accounts and rent ledger.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0120 MSS.6137-6146 · 1714-1774

        Correspondence of James Jurin, including correspondence as Secretary of the Royal Society (1721-27) including with Mordecai Cary (d. 1751); John Huxham (1692-1768); Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723); John Woodward (1665-1725) and William Nicholson (1655?-1727).

        Zonder titel
        GB 0120 AMS/MF/3 · 19th century - 20th century

        Microfilm of the letters and papers by or relating to Thomas Hodgkin MD (1798-1865) and his extended family, including his brother John Hodgkin junior (1800-1875) and the latter's father-in-law Luke Howard (1772-1864).

        Zonder titel
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP84 · 1929-1993

        The papers of William Price, chiefly relating to spectroscopic analysis and photoionisation, comprise correspondence, lecture and teaching notes, notes compiled while reviewing scientific articles, original research notes, papers concerning Price's employment as an examiner, obituaries and reprints of journal articles, 1929-1993. These notably include correspondence with colleagues describing projects and experiments and sharing observations and data, 1942-1990; lecture notes and teaching papers compiled by Price on the theory of spectroscopy, theoretical and applied optics, especially microscopy, basic molecular chemistry, electron configurations and bond and dissociation energies of molecules, 1948-1978; notes compiled by Price for the peer review of articles and on Price's own published articles, including on the spectra of halogens, the structure of polyatomic molecules, on water and hydrides, the calculation of ionisation potentials, benzenes and hydrocarbons, the structure of the DNA molecule and natural fibres such as keratin, 1929-1977; original research notes on spectroscopic analysis, especially ultraviolet spectra of rare gases, ethylene, sulphur dioxide and other compounds, 1933-1986; papers relating to Price's work as an examiner including draft and complete examination question papers and correspondence, 1952-1978; papers concerning the membership by Price of various learned societies and attendance at scientific conferences and symposia, 1940-1992; obituaries and newspaper cuttings on Price and other distinguished scientists, 1976-1993; typescript copies and reprints of scientific journals containing articles by Price and others, on topics including spectroscopy, photoionization, ionisation potentials and electron configuration and bond and dissociation energies, 1945-1990.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0120 MSS.6178-6181 · 1836-1869

        Personal account books and ledger of Joseph Jackson Lister, 1836-1869, including a record of expenses of J J Lister on behalf of his son Joseph Lister, afterwards 1st Baron Lister.

        Zonder titel
        Lee, Henry (1826-1888)
        GB 0120 MSS.5376-5401 · 1866-1887

        Letters received by Henry Lee, naturalist, 1866-1887.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0120 MSS.6915-6927 · 18th century - 19th century

        Manuscripts from the collection of the British Medical Association, formerly held in the BMA Library, Tavistock Square, London. The manuscripts were numbered and catalogued at the BMA, with two exceptions among these papers - however the numbering of surviving documents is not consecutive, so that the original collection must have contained at least 26 catalogued items and an unknown number of unrecorded acquisitions. Former BMA MSS.1-6 (transferred at the same time as the manuscripts described here) are now GC/140; one fugitive BMA manuscript was purchased separately and is now MS. 6881. The location of the remainder is not known. The contents mainly comprise transcripts of medical lectures and case notes.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0098 KZ · Created 1908-1979 (ongoing)

        Records of the Department of Zoology of Imperial College, [1851]-1979, including a departmental history from 1851-1939; Department of Entomology 1927-1965; papers relating to courses, including student register of attendance at lectures, 1909-1912; lectures on invertebrata, 1950-1959; staff papers including pratical work, examination papers, 1931-1971; examination results, 1950-1959; practical instruction sheets; correspondence of staff, including Professor Adam Sedgwick, 1909-1911; Professor MacBride, 1911-1934; Professor Lefroy, 1912-1925; Professor T R E Southwood, 1967-1978; Professor James Watson Munro, 1929-1954, including Congress of Entomology at Berlin, 1938, personal papers; applications for the Chair, 1908; papers relating to the Huxley Library and Museum, 1963-1965; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1979, including relating to Ford Foundation grant, Electron microscope, Chair of Zoology; correspondence concerning the fumigation of carnation cuttings, 1953-1962; Department of Zoology field work, 1938 (KZ);
        pamphlets relating to Entomology, including courses and training, [1917-1974]; Dr T A M Nash's notebooks on a course, 1923-1926; notes on lectures by Professor James Watson Munro concerning the anatomy and physiology of insects, 1933; departmental history, 1995 (KZE).

        Zonder titel
        GB 0120 MSS.6160-6161 · 1872

        'On croup', an essay on croup and diphtheria by Edwards Crisp, for which he was awarded the Fothergillian medal by the Medical Society of London in 1872.

        Zonder titel
        Hodgkin family
        GB 0120 PP/HO · 1737-1980

        The collection comprises correspondence, diaries, notes and drafts from the personal papers of members of the Hodgkin and Howard families. The bulk of the material dates from the nineteenth century.

        The single largest accumulation of material relates to Thomas Hodgkin MD (1798-1866), the pathologist and philanthropist: almost half of the collection. Around the papers of this one individual, however, are numerous smaller tranches of material generated by related persons, resulting in the dividing of the archive into numerous sections dealing with other individuals or groups of people. A brief outline of the history of the family will help to explain the structure of the collection, and to set out the links between the Hodgkins and the various other Quaker families that occur in it.

        The Hodgkin family were for many generations resident in Warwickshire; since the middle of the seventeenth century they had been Quakers. A handful of documents from the early eighteenth century represent this phase (section A), leading down the generations as far as John Hodgkin of Shipston (1741-1815), the grandfather of the pathologist. The first individual concerning whom there is substantial documentation is John Hodgkin of Pentonville (1766-1845), the father of the pathologist and thus referred to in the catalogue as John Hodgkin senior, who left Warwickshire for London and set up as a tutor (section B). He married Elizabeth Rickman (1768-1833), and some papers of this Sussex Quaker family are also in the collection as section C; they include material on her sister Lucy Rickman (1772-1804) who married the architect Thomas Rickman (1776-1841) and her apothecary-preacher uncle Joseph Rickman (1745-1810). Her sister Mary (1770-1851) married John Godlee (1762-1841) and had several children who occur as correspondents in this collection.

        John Hodgkin senior and Elizabeth Rickman Hodgkin had four sons, of whom the first two (John and Rickman) died in infancy; the third and fourth survived. The elder of these, Thomas Hodgkin MD (1798-1866) or "Uncle Doctor" as he was known to succeeding generations, has already been mentioned. His papers, covering the wide range of his medical, general scientific and philanthropic activities, are held as section D of the archive.

        Thomas Hodgkin MD married relatively late and left no children: it is from his younger brother, John Hodgkin junior (1800-1875), that the contemporary Hodgkin family descends. The latter practised law into his early forties but then, like his brother, devoted himself to philanthropic activity. His papers constitute section E of the collection. He married three times and left children by each marriage. His first wife, Elizabeth Howard Hodgkin (1803-1836), died in childbirth in 1835, her fifth child surviving only a few days. Her four other children all lived to marry and have descendants of their own. John Eliot Hodgkin (1829-1912) became an engineer and a collector of books and manuscripts; a small collection of his papers constitutes section F. Thomas Hodgkin junior (1831-1913) founded a bank (later merged with Lloyds) and had a parallel career as a historian; it was he who cared for the family archive now listed here. Documentation relating to him constitutes section G. Mariabella Hodgkin (1833-1930) married the lawyer, Edward Fry (her children included Roger Fry the art critic) and Elizabeth Hodgkin (1834-1918) married the architect Alfred Waterhouse. John Hodgkin junior's second marriage, to Ann Backhouse (1815-1845), joined the Hodgkins with a prominent Quaker family in the North-East (the Backhouses of Darlington were bankers and were based in Darlington), but the marriage lasted only a few years before her death of Bright's disease. The one child of this marriage, Jonathan Backhouse Hodgkin (1843-1926), appears in this collection chiefly as a small boy; later, he was to marry into the Pease family, a North-Eastern Quaker family of industrialists and bankers several of which occur in the archive as correspondents. Likewise, the six children of John Hodgkin's third marriage, to the Irish Quaker Elizabeth Haughton Hodgkin (1818-1904), are on the whole thinly represented here. What papers there are in this collection relating to children other than Hodgkin's two elder sons are all grouped together as section H.

        Two more sections complete the Hodgkin material: I brings together miscellaneous pre-twentieth-century material that was found amongst the Hodgkin papers but not attributable to any specific individual, whilst J deals with twentieth-century members of the family, chiefly descendants of Thomas Hodgkin junior since it was his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who administered the collection until its presentation to the Wellcome Library.

        John Hodgkin junior's first marriage, to Elizabeth Howard, linked the Hodgkins to another important Quaker family. Elizabeth was the daughter of the meteorologist and chemist Luke Howard (1772-1864), best known for his system of describing clouds which, with a few modifications, is that which is used today, and Mariabella Eliot (1769-1852), whose forename and surname recur in the Hodgkin and Howard families. The bulk of the Howard family papers are deposited elsewhere, but the family is well represented in this collection: there are papers relating to Luke Howard (section K) and to his daughters Elizabeth (section L) and Rachel (1804-1837) (section M).

        Elizabeth Howard's brother Robert (1801-1871) married Rachel Lloyd (1803-1892), member of a Birmingham Quaker banking family, who was known in the family as Rachel Robert Howard to avoid confusion. Rachel "Robert" Howard was to play a notable role in the upbringing of the children of John Hodgkin junior's first marriage after the death of their mother. Her sister, Sarah Lloyd (1804-1890), married Alfred Fox (1794-1874) of Falmouth - a link to yet another significant Quaker family. Their daughter Lucy Anna Fox (1841-1934) was to marry Thomas Hodgkin junior. Correspondence of the sisters Rachel and Sarah Lloyd, and other family members, constitutes section N.

        Finally, a few papers relating to the later history of the Howard family are held as section O.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0100 KCLCA Wheatstone · 1757-1992

        Experimental notes, working papers, correspondence and lecture summaries compiled by Charles Wheatstone, 1836-1875, and photographs collected by him in that period. Notably including papers relating to the development and testing of the telegraph, [1836-1960]; descriptions of experiments and test results concerning the measurement of electromotive forces and electrical potential, [1840-1875]; experimental observations on the nature of magnetism, electricity and thermodynamics, including electromagnet design, batteries and dynamos, [1834-1855]; working papers relating to optics including experiments into refraction, colouration of compounds and polarisation, [1850-1875]; drafts of lectures on sound and musical instruments prepared by Wheatstone, [1832-1837]; material relating to the management of the Wheatstone collection of scientific instruments and library, 1890-1992; biographical material relating to the life of Wheatstone, the invention of the telegraph and Wheatstone's musical instrument manufacturing business, with unrelated newspapers, 1757-1975; stereoscopic photographs and glass negatives taken by Roger Fenton, Samuel Buckle, Jules Duboscq and others, featuring landscapes, still lifes, panoramic scenes of cities including Paris and Moscow and the interior and exterior of the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, Sydenham, 1851, and especially the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1855, [1850-1901]; artefacts on loan from Department of Physics, King's College London, including telegraph apparatus, a nail fiddle and other prototype musical instruments, [1834-1875]; exhibition of scientific and musical instruments, [1834-1875].

        Zonder titel