Identity area
Reference code
- 1847-1945 (Creation)
Extent and medium
5 boxes
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Born, 1861; educated: Edinburgh University; worked on the Challenger reports; lecturer in geography; Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 1891-1950; Librarian of the RGS, 1892-1900; Director of the British Rainfall Organisation, 1900-1919; assisted in the organisation of the National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904; RGS Victoria Medal, 1915; Member of the Council of the RGS, 1927-1937; Vice-President of the RGS, 1927-1932; founder member of the Geographical Association and President, 1930-1933; died, 1950.
Publications: Realm of Nature (1891)
The record of the Royal Geographical Society, 1830-1930, (1930)
Archival history
GB 0402 HRM 1847-1945 Collection level 5 boxes Mill , Hugh Robert , 1861-1950 , geographer and meteorologist
Born, 1861; educated: Edinburgh University; worked on the Challenger reports; lecturer in geography; Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 1891-1950; Librarian of the RGS, 1892-1900; Director of the British Rainfall Organisation, 1900-1919; assisted in the organisation of the National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904; RGS Victoria Medal, 1915; Member of the Council of the RGS, 1927-1937; Vice-President of the RGS, 1927-1932; founder member of the Geographical Association and President, 1930-1933; died, 1950.
Publications: Realm of Nature (1891)
The record of the Royal Geographical Society, 1830-1930, (1930)
Received in several accessions: the letters were donated by L J Jay who received them from Laura Mill, in 1976, 1977 and 1985. 'Daily doings' was given to the RGS by Dr Charles Renton, 1986.
Papers of Hugh Robert Mill including manuscript and printed papers relating to Antarctic whaling expeditions; collection of approximately 200 letters to Mill from officers of the Royal Geographical Society chiefly concerning the affairs of the RGS, 1847-1944; collection of approximately 800 letters to Mill from geographers, travellers cartographers and others, 1833-1944; 'Daily Doings', two volumes, 1861-1919 and 1920-1945, which briefly record the events of each day, contain lists of Mill's published works and the appointments he held, and are indexed by personal and place names.
Accessed via the Foyle Reading Room. Free of charge for Fellows, Members and those with valid academic identification. All other users pay a charge and must bring identification in order to register on arrival.
Photocopying at the discretion of the Archivist, and subject to completion of 'application for copies' form. No reproduction or publication without the permission of the RGS-IBG Archivist.
Detailed catalogue available in the Foyle reading room.
Prepared by an Archives volunteer using existing finding aids. Revised by Sarah Drewery.
Sources: The Geographical Journal, Vol. 115, No. 4/6 (Apr. - Jun., 1950), pp. 266-267.
ISAD(G) ed. 2, name authority NRA.
24 May 2001; Oct 2008. Geographical exploration Scientific personnel Scientists Geographers Fisheries Whaling Information/library personnel Information scientists Cartographers Geography Diaries Primary documents Documents Information sources Learned societies Associations Organizations Mill , Hugh Robert , 1861-1950 , geographer and meteorologist Royal Geographical Society Antarctic regions Climatic zones Polar regions Personnel People by occupation People
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Received in several accessions: the letters were donated by L J Jay who received them from Laura Mill, in 1976, 1977 and 1985. 'Daily doings' was given to the RGS by Dr Charles Renton, 1986.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Papers of Hugh Robert Mill including manuscript and printed papers relating to Antarctic whaling expeditions; collection of approximately 200 letters to Mill from officers of the Royal Geographical Society chiefly concerning the affairs of the RGS, 1847-1944; collection of approximately 800 letters to Mill from geographers, travellers cartographers and others, 1833-1944; 'Daily Doings', two volumes, 1861-1919 and 1920-1945, which briefly record the events of each day, contain lists of Mill's published works and the appointments he held, and are indexed by personal and place names.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Accessed via the Foyle Reading Room. Free of charge for Fellows, Members and those with valid academic identification. All other users pay a charge and must bring identification in order to register on arrival.
Conditions governing reproduction
Photocopying at the discretion of the Archivist, and subject to completion of 'application for copies' form. No reproduction or publication without the permission of the RGS-IBG Archivist.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Finding aids
Detailed catalogue available in the Foyle reading room.
Access points
Subject access points
- Geography » Geographical exploration
- Scientific personnel
- Scientific personnel » Scientists
- Scientific personnel » Scientists » Geographers
- Fisheries
- Information/library personnel
- Information/library personnel » Information scientists
- Geography
- Documents » Primary documents
- Documents
- Information sources
- Organizations » Associations » Learned societies
- Organizations » Associations
- Organizations
- Personnel
Genre access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
ISAD(G) ed. 2, name authority NRA.
- English