Molecular biology

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      Molecular biology

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        Molecular biology

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          3 Archivistische beschrijving results for Molecular biology

          Medical Research Club
          GB 0120 SA/MRC · 1891-1974

          Papers of the Medical Research Club, 1891-1974, comprising minute books, 1891-1974; proposal books, 1891-1924; attendance books, 1891-1984; and centenary history, 1992.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0116 William Lawrence Bragg Collection · 1888-1971

          Papers of Sir William Lawrence Bragg include: (Box1-Box5) speeches and lectures 1942-1971 (some undated), (Box6) civil service lectures 1964-1966 and (Box7-Box9) school lecture notes 1959-1970, relate to topics such as x-ray analysis, science and industry, science in education, the structure of minerals, atoms and molecules, electricity, light, the Royal Institution of Great Britain (RI) and various acceptance speeches for medals. (Box10) Honours and appointments 1936-1971, relate to correspondence and certificates for honours and positions received from various institutions such as the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge and the Royal Society; also includes letters of congratulations for the honours including that of being knighted in 1941. (Box11) Royal Institution relates to salaries, contracts and organisation. (Box12) James Watson's book 1966-1968, relates to correspondence between Watson and Lawrence, as well as other correspondents; reviews and amendments to the book by Watson called The Double Helix. (Box13) Nobel Prizes relates to papers and correspondence over speeches and nominations for the Nobel Prizes (Note these papers are closed until 2021). (Box14) Private correspondence, references, testimonials and Royal Society Fellowships 1954-1984, relate to various issues including writing references for people, personal life and proposals for Fellows of the Royal Society. (Box15) Retirement, appointments, RI internal affairs, Westgate covenant and salaries. (Box16-Box18) Articles 1955-1969, relate to various articles written by Lawrence for newspapers and journals such as the Times Educational Supplement, Acta Crystallographica and New Scientist. (Box19) Visits to the USA 1925-1935, include articles and correspondence relating to visits to institutions in America; writing articles and general RI administration. Several boxes contain various papers including: (Box20) correspondence with Joseph J. Thomson; a report on the (Michael) Faraday film by S R Eade of 1932; a diary of a visit to South Africa; correspondence 1965, relating to the 50th anniversary of winning the Nobel Prize in 1915; correspondence relating to R J Seeger's paper on Michael Faraday; papers relating to the Rutherford Memorial Lecture of 1958 and papers relating to the Bragg Lecture Fund for the RI; (Box 21) correspondence relating to tape recordings of Lawrence in interviews; articles for Nuclear Applications, Acta Crystallographica and others 1967-1968; articles and correspondence for Scientific American 1965-1971 relating to x-ray crystallography; correspondence regarding the writing of a new edition of The Atomic Structure of Minerals by Lawrence,1954-1967 relating to the crystal structures of minerals; (Box22) correspondence relating to Lawrence Bragg's 80th birthday celebrations, 1968-1971; correspondence relating to Isaac Newton and astrolabes; correspondence relating to Lawrence writing the book The Development of X-Ray Analysis; correspondence relating to Lawrence writing a book about physics called Ideas and Discoveries in Physics; (Box23) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) correspondence 1954-1960, relates to broadcasts made by Lawrence; correspondence relating to the television programme '50 Years a Winner' about the anniversary of winning the Nobel Prize in 1965; (Box24) letters of congratulation from Lawrence to other people 1954-1969; correspondence relating to the editorial board of the Contemporary Physics publication 1964-1969; (Box25) correspondence relating to 'cranks', people who were not genuine or asked for information unrelated to Lawrence's work; correspondence 1962-1971, relating to a new edition of The Crystalline State book by Lawrence; papers relating to a visit to Czechoslovakia 1968-1969; (Box26) papers relating to the disposal of scientific books and journals 1962-1971; papers relating to the distribution of reprints of articles 1967-1969; correspondence 1966-1971, relating to the RI 'Library of Science' series on science subjects reproducing other publications such as the Proceedings of the Royal Institution; (Box27) correspondence with the Field Survey Association 1948-1971, relating to Lawrence's work during the World Wars; Sound Ranging in the 1914-1918 War, refers to papers of 1966-1969 relating to the subject; correspondence on the bubble model film 1954-1971, relating to the silent film on the 'Bubble Model of a Metal' by Lawrence; (Box28) general correspondence 1966-1971, relating to making films of lectures and scientific topics such as x-ray crystallography and molecules and life, by various companies such as the BBC, Anvil Films Limited and the Educational Foundation for Visual Arts; film scripts and correspondence for 'The Nature of Things' series of six broadcasts from the RI by Lawrence for the BBC 1959-1968; (Box29) correspondence 1965-1968, relating to scientific lectures at the Imperial Defence College and Lawrence's involvement in giving them; correspondence 1956-1970, relating to the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society on issues such as naming a medal after Lawrence Bragg; (Box30) invitations to dinners and lectures at numerous institutions, 1966-1971; (Box31) correspondence 1955-1971, relating to functions, articles, books and work for the Lee-Hemming Fellowship Fund, the Lucretian Club, films of school lectures, the Medical Research Council and miscellaneous papers regarding publishers and societies; (Box32) papers and correspondence relating to the Honorary Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Gallery 1955-1970, publications for the New Knowledge journal 1965-1966, 'nice letters to keep' kept by Lawrence 1963-1971, the 50th anniversary of the Nobel Prize won in 1915, 1964-1966, the Nobel Prize winners Max Perutz, John Kendrew, Francis Crick, James Watson and Maurice Wilkins, the Nobel meeting at Lindau in 1971 and obituaries by and information from Lawrence1961-1971; (Box33) lists of publications 1913-1969; press correspondence and cuttings 1955-1968; requests for reprints 1958-1964; correspondence relating to research 1953-1971; (Box34) reviews of papers 1947-1970; correspondence relating to the RI 1966-1971; correspondence and papers relating to the Royal Society and Club 1957-1971; (Box35) correspondence relating to the Royal Society soirées 1965-1968; correspondence relating to the Schools Science and Technology Committee 1969; correspondence relating to Solvay Physics Conferences 1933, 1962-1970; correspondence relating to Trinity College Cambridge 1951-1971; correspondence relating to visitors from overseas 1954-1962; (Box36) a card index to old files of Lawrence's; (Box37) family correspondence 1888-1941; (Box38) correspondence relating to appointments 1954-1962; correspondence relating to giving lectures and writing papers 1939-1960; requests for articles 1959-1967; (Box39) correspondence relating to lectures demonstrations for the American Association of Physics Teachers 1962-1963; correspondence relating to an article in the Saturday Evening Post, the bomb detector and with A. J. Bradley 1938-1963; (Box40) correspondence and scripts for broadcasts 1938-1953; (Box41) correspondence relating to Lawrence as a Canadian liaison 1940-1946; (Box42) correspondence relating to publications and becoming Cavendish Professor of Physics 1938-1963; (Box43) correspondence relating to publications by Lawrence 1921-1937; (Box44) correspondence relating to the English Speaking Union of the Commonwealth, with P. P. Ewald, short films by Lawrence, funds for physicists and the Gemmological Association of Great Britain 1954-1968; (Box45) invitations to functions 1947-1953; (Box46) correspondence relating to the Higher Technical Education Committee, hospital expenses incurred by Lawrence, broadcasts and the Institute of Physics 1943-1965; (Box47) correspondence relating to the Gold medal of the Institution of Royal Engineers, international crystal structure tables and invitations to lecture 1932-1964; (Box48) invitations, correspondence relating to obituaries for R. W. James, papers for the Lawes Agricultural Trust Committee 1953-1968; (Box49/a) correspondence relating to lightning conductors 1959; (Box49/b-c, Box50-Box54/a) miscellaneous correspondence from various recipients on various aspects of Lawrence's work and life, 1942-1968; (Box54/b-c) correspondence relating to the Nuffield Science Project 1963-1965; correspondence with Ray Pepinsky on visits and x-ray analysis 1957-1958; (Box55) correspondence relating to the Pepinsky machine for x-ray analysis, publications and articles, the Physical Society, broadcasting and with Derek J. de Solla Price 1941-1969; (Box56-Box57) personal correspondence of Lawrence Bragg 1944-1966; (Box58-Box59/b) references and testimonials by Lawrence 1925-1958; (Box59/c) letter from J. A. Darbyshire 1932; (Box60) reviews of publications 1933-1946; (Box61) correspondence relating to the Royal Institution Appeal 1966-1968; (Box62/a-b) correspondence relating to RI lectures by Lawrence and others 1938-1952; (Box62/c-Box63/b) texts and notes of RI lectures and speeches 1952-1954; (Box63/c-d, Box64/a) correspondence relating to the Royal Photographic Society and the Royal Society Tercentenary, with press cuttings, 1955-1961; (Box64/b) correspondence relating to the Solvay conferences 1959-1961; (Box65) correspondence and papers relating to the Field Survey Association and the War Office, 1919-1940; (Box66) correspondence and reports relating to sound ranging for the war effort, 1940-1946; (Box67) correspondence relating to 'The Nature of Things' television series 1959-1965; correspondence relating to the Understanding Science magazine, the London International Youth Science Fortnight and London Science Club 1962-1968; (Box68-Box70) correspondence and papers relating to overseas visits to countries such as Portugal, South Africa, Canada, Berlin and India, 1941-1968; (Box71-Box79) research notes and correspondence on topics such as x-ray optics, silicates, alloys, order-disorder and heat curves, 1919-1953; (Box80) desk diaries 1966-1970; (Box81) pocket diaries 1951-1971; (Box82-Box86) correspondence and papers on the International Exhibition, Brussels 1958 including papers on exhibits from the UK to be transported to Brussels for example the 'atom exhibit', the 'crystal exhibit' and the 'living cell exhibit', 1956-1959, with letters to and from William Henry Bragg of 1913-1914; (Box87) material including photographs and ephemera collected by Lawrence for his autobiography; (Box88-Box91) RI administrative files including correspondence, applications for tickets, applications for grants for the Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory, Managers' minutes and papers, school science lectures and Christmas lectures, 1953-1965; (Box92) reprints of papers by Lawrence's students and colleagues 1919-1970; (Box93) correspondence relating to the Friday Evening Discourses at the RI 1954-1967.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0100 K/PP178 · 1854-2004

          Papers of Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins, 1854-2004, including: laboratory notebooks, graphs, data sets, notes, x-ray diffraction photographs and published articles relating to his scientific research, 1948-1976, chiefly his work on the structure of DNA, 1947-1966; correspondence, 1948-2004, with and about scientific colleagues, including Struther Arnott, Allen Blaurock, Francis Crick, Boris Ephrussi, Harriet Ephrussi-Taylor, Bruce Fraser, Meyer Friedman, Raymond Gosling, Leonard Hamilton, John Kendrew, Robert Langridge, Don Marvin, Linus Pauling, Max Perutz, John Randall, Alec Stokes, James Watson and Herbert Wilson. Correspondence, notes and articles, 1950-2003, relating to research on the history of the discovery of the structure of DNA, including: copies of Rosalind Franklin's laboratory notebooks and articles, 1951-1953, relating to her DNA research; correspondence, 1967-2003, with writers on DNA history, including Aaron Klug, Robert Olby, Meyer Friedman, Horace Judson and Watson Fuller; unpublished articles and talks on DNA history by Wilkins, 1975-1987. Drafts, notes, correspondence and collected background research relating to Wilkins' autobiography, The third man of the double helix (Oxford University Press, 2003). Papers relating to Wilkins' education and early career, 1928-1942, including: teenage essays and fiction on the role of science, 1928-1934; notes, articles and photographs, 1937-1938, relating to his student activities, including physics experiments, and photographs relating to his incendiary bomb testing for Cambridge Scientists Anti-War Group, 1938. Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports and notes, 1962-1982, relating to the administration of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Biophysics Unit, King's College London (from 1964, the Department of Biophysics), on topics including funding, staffing, equipment provision and teaching. Correspondence, course handouts, student essays (CLOSED) and background material, 1971-1996, relating to the undergraduate course, 'The social impact of the biosciences', created and run by Wilkins, 1972-1982. Correspondence, newsletters and conference papers relating to Wilkins' involvement in political pressure groups, 1968-2003, notably the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (of which Wilkins was founding President, 1969-1991), Food and Disarmament International (Wilkins' was founding President, 1984-2004), the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), and the Pugwash Conferences on World Affairs. Audio recordings, 1972-1996, including lectures by Wilkins on: social responsibility in science; his Eddington Memorial Lectures,Cambridge, 1977-1978, on the history and philosophy of science; nuclear disarmament, 1981; his retirement speech, 1982; the history of DNA.

          Zonder titel