referentie code
- Created 1940-[1955] (Vervaardig)
Omvang en medium
0.5 box or 0.005 cubic metres
Naam van de archiefvormer
Born in [1896]; served with 15 London Regt (Civil Service Rifles) in World War One; joined Colonial Police Sevice in Malaya; transferred to Road Transport Department, Malayan Civil Service, [1935]; Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Malaya, 1942; escaped to Java after fall of Malaya, but captured and imprisoned by the Japanese; held in Mitsushima camp, a sub-camp of Zentsuzi POW camp, near Tokyo, 1942-1945; liberated in Sep 1945 and returned to UK; returned to work in Malayan Civil Service, [1947]; retired 1949; died in 1968.
Geschiedenis van het archief
GB 0099 KCLMA Morriss Created 1940-[1955] Collection (fonds) 0.5 box or 0.005 cubic metres
Born in [1896]; served with 15 London Regt (Civil Service Rifles) in World War One; joined Colonial Police Sevice in Malaya; transferred to Road Transport Department, Malayan Civil Service, [1935]; Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Malaya, 1942; escaped to Java after fall of Malaya, but captured and imprisoned by the Japanese; held in Mitsushima camp, a sub-camp of Zentsuzi POW camp, near Tokyo, 1942-1945; liberated in Sep 1945 and returned to UK; returned to work in Malayan Civil Service, [1947]; retired 1949; died in 1968.
Placed in the Centre by the family in 1989 and 1994.
Papers relating to his civil and military career, 1940-1949, dated 1940-[1955], notably including typescript text concerning his service with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Malaya, 1942, dated [1945-1955]; photographs of Morriss and other POWs, Java and Japan, [1942-1943]; notes relating to his life as a POW, [1942-1945]; newsletters of the Java Fellowship, an organisation for families of RAF personnel missing in Java, 1943-1946; issues of Far East, the official journal of the Far East Section of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation Prisoners of War Department, 1944-1945; 'Publicity in connection with escaped, liberated or repatriated Prisoners of War', restricted circulation circular from General HQ, US Army Forces, Pacific, 1945; 'Homeward bound', pamphlet giving information about the 5th Replacement Depot, a processing camp for liberated POWs near Manila, Philippine Islands, [1945].
Arranged in the following sections: Malayan Civil Service; Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve and POW camp; liberation and return to UK; post-war papers and ephemera; second accession.
Open, subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, attention of the Director of Archive Services.
Summary guide of the collection on-line at catalogue for the first accession available in hard copy in the Centre's reading room. The second accession has not yet been listed.
Mar 1997 Communications media Armed forces China Colonial administration Colonial countries Colonialism Dutch East Indies East Asia Imperialism Indonesia International conflicts International organizations International politics International relations Japan Java Malaysia Manila Military organizations Organizations Periodicals Philippines Photographs Political doctrines Political systems Publications RAF Volunteer Reserve Red Cross South East Asia State security Visual materials War War prisoners War victims World wars (events) World War Two (1939-1945) Wars (events) Information sciences
Directe bron van verwerving of overbrenging
Placed in the Centre by the family in 1989 and 1994.
Inhoud en structuur
Bereik en inhoud
Papers relating to his civil and military career, 1940-1949, dated 1940-[1955], notably including typescript text concerning his service with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Malaya, 1942, dated [1945-1955]; photographs of Morriss and other POWs, Java and Japan, [1942-1943]; notes relating to his life as a POW, [1942-1945]; newsletters of the Java Fellowship, an organisation for families of RAF personnel missing in Java, 1943-1946; issues of Far East, the official journal of the Far East Section of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation Prisoners of War Department, 1944-1945; 'Publicity in connection with escaped, liberated or repatriated Prisoners of War', restricted circulation circular from General HQ, US Army Forces, Pacific, 1945; 'Homeward bound', pamphlet giving information about the 5th Replacement Depot, a processing camp for liberated POWs near Manila, Philippine Islands, [1945].
Waardering, vernietiging en slectie
Arranged in the following sections: Malayan Civil Service; Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve and POW camp; liberation and return to UK; post-war papers and ephemera; second accession.
Voorwaarden voor toegang en gebruik
Voorwaarden voor raadpleging
Open, subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.
Voorwaarden voor reproductie
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, attention of the Director of Archive Services.
Taal van het materiaal
- Engels
Schrift van het materiaal
- Latijn
Taal en schrift aantekeningen
Fysieke eigenschappen en technische eisen
Summary guide of the collection on-line at catalogue for the first accession available in hard copy in the Centre's reading room. The second accession has not yet been listed.
Verwante materialen
Bestaan en verblifplaats van originelen
Bestaan en verblijfplaats van kopieën
Related units of description
Notitie Publicaties
Alternative identifier(s)
Onderwerp trefwoord
- State security » Armed forces
- Political systems » Colonial countries
- Political doctrines » Imperialism » Colonialism
- Political doctrines » Imperialism
- International conflicts
- International politics » International organizations
- International politics
- International relations
- Organizations
- Periodicals
- Visual materials » Photographs
- Political doctrines
- Political systems
- State security
- Visual materials
- International conflicts » War
- International conflicts » War victims » War prisoners
- International conflicts » War victims
- Information sciences
Geografische trefwoorden
Naam ontsluitingsterm
Genre access points
Identificatie van de beschrijving
Identificatiecode van de instelling
Toegepaste regels en/of conventies
Niveau van detaillering
Verwijdering van datering archiefvorming
Taal (talen)
- Engels