GB 3032 ER 320 PAM - Nicaragua: Political Pamphlets

Identity area

Reference code

GB 3032 ER 320 PAM


Nicaragua: Political Pamphlets


  • 1976- (Creation)

Extent and medium

3 boxes

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Most of the materials held in this collection at present date from period surrounding the 1979 revolution, dealing with the decline and fall of the Somoza dynasty and the progress of the Sandinista government which replaced it. Thus there are reports from NGOs concerned with human rights abuses and economic and social conditions under the old regime alongside publications by and about opposition groups of both gradualist and revolutionary persuasions. Post-revolutionary materials detail the struggle against the US-backed Contra forces, the controversial elections of 1984 and the progress of the Central American Peace Plan. A large proportion of these are authored either by the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) themselves or by organisations expressing solidarity with them, including some Church groups despite the antipathy of the Catholic heirerchy to the revolution. It must be noted that the overwhelming majority of the items held here are can be judged to be sympathetic towards the Sandinistas, reflecting inevitably the priorities of those who collected and housed the material.

Archival history

The majority of the materials held in the political archives of the Library Institute of Latin American Studies originate from the Contemporary Archive on Latin America (CALA), a documentation and research centre on Latin America which donated its holdings upon its closure in 1981. This core collection has continued to be supplemented by further donations and by materials acquired through the visits of Institute staff and their contacts to the relevant countries.
GB 3032 ER 320 PAM 1976- Collection (Fonds) 3 boxes Institute for the Study of the Americas
Most of the materials held in this collection at present date from period surrounding the 1979 revolution, dealing with the decline and fall of the Somoza dynasty and the progress of the Sandinista government which replaced it. Thus there are reports from NGOs concerned with human rights abuses and economic and social conditions under the old regime alongside publications by and about opposition groups of both gradualist and revolutionary persuasions. Post-revolutionary materials detail the struggle against the US-backed Contra forces, the controversial elections of 1984 and the progress of the Central American Peace Plan. A large proportion of these are authored either by the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) themselves or by organisations expressing solidarity with them, including some Church groups despite the antipathy of the Catholic heirerchy to the revolution. It must be noted that the overwhelming majority of the items held here are can be judged to be sympathetic towards the Sandinistas, reflecting inevitably the priorities of those who collected and housed the material.

The majority of the materials held in the political archives of the Library Institute of Latin American Studies originate from the Contemporary Archive on Latin America (CALA), a documentation and research centre on Latin America which donated its holdings upon its closure in 1981. This core collection has continued to be supplemented by further donations and by materials acquired through the visits of Institute staff and their contacts to the relevant countries.

Institute for the Study of the Americas

Pamphlets, government documents, reports, programs, manifestos, newspaper cuttings, newsletters and conference proceedings issued by AMNLAE, Asociación de Mujeres ante la Problemática Nacional (AMPRONAC), Central de Trabajadores de Nicaragua (CTN), Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones, Centro Internacional de Información Latinoamericana, Centro Victor Sanabria, Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana (CELADEC), Comisión Nacional de Autonomia de la Costa Atlántica (Nicaragua), Comisión Nacional de Promoción y Protección de los Derechos Humanos (Nicaragua), Comisión para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Nicaragua, Comisión Permanente de Derechos Humanos de Nicaragua, Comité Costarricense de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Nicaragua, Comité Nicaragüense de Solidaridad con los Pueblos, Comité Pro Justicia y Paz de Guatemala, Comunidades Cristianas de Nicaragua, Comunidades Cristianas por la Paz, Conferencia Episcopal de Nicaragua (1977 : Managua), Conferencia Permanente de Partidos Políticos de América Latina, Coordinadora de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Nicaragua (Mexico), Equipo de Escuelas Radiofónicas de Nicaragua, Fondo Internacional para la Reconstrucción de Nicaragua, Frente Amplio Opositor, Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, Institute of Current World Affairs, Instituto de Promoción Humana, Instituto Histórico Centroamericano, International Commission of Jurists, International University Exchange Fund, Leicester City Council, Libertad, Movimiento Estudiantil Revolucionario de Secundaria, Movimiento Pueblo Unido, Narciso, National Conference in Solidarity with the people of Nicaragua (1st : 1980 : London), National Emergency Committee of Nicaragua, Nicaragua Embajada (Gran Bretaña), Nicaragua Gobierno de Reconstrucción Nacional, Nicaragua Solidaritätskomitee, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, Nicaraguan Student Association in the United States of America, Resistencia Nicaragüense, Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.

Further accruals are expected, some in electronic form.

Randomly within boxes (at present)

Open for reference purposes to all researchers and postgraduate students.

Copies can usually be obtained - apply to library staff.
Spanish and English

Records at item level on library catalogue (SASCAT)

See also Political Pamphlet material for the rest of Latin America, as well as related material in the library's main classified sequence, all held in the ILAS library.

Description compiled by Daniel Millum, Political Archives Project Officer at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and the Institute for the Study of the Americas. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Created 01/02/2005 AIM25 AMPRONAC , Asociación de Mujeres ante la Problemática Nacional x Asociación de Mujeres ante la Problemática Nacional Ancient religions CELADEC , Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana x Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana Central America Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones Centro Internacional de Información Latinoamericana Centro Victor Sanabria Christianity Civil and political rights Comisión Nacional de Autonomia de la Costa Atlántica (Nicaragua) Comisión Nacional de Promoción y Protección de los Derechos Humanos (Nicaragua) Comisión para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Nicaragua Comisión Permanente de Derechos Humanos de Nicaragua Comité Costarricense de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Nicaragua Comité Nicaragüense de Solidaridad con los Pueblos Comité Pro Justicia y Paz de Guatemala Comunidades Cristianas de Nicaragua Comunidades Cristianas por la Paz Conferencia Episcopal de Nicaragua (1977 : Managua) Conferencia Permanente de Partidos Políticos de América Latina Coordinadora de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Nicaragua (Mexico) Economic and social development Fondo Internacional para la Reconstrucción de Nicaragua Foreign relations FSLN , Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional x Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional Human rights Institute of Current World Affairs Instituto de Promoción Humana Instituto Histórico Centroamericano International Commission of Jurists International relations International University Exchange Fund Leicester City Council Libertad Movimiento Estudiantil Revolucionario de Secundaria Movimiento Pueblo Unido National Conference in Solidarity with the people of Nicaragua (1st : 1980 : London) National Emergency Committee of Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Embajada (Gran Bretana) Nicaragua Gobierno de Reconstrucción Nacional Nicaraguan Student Association in the United States of America Nicaragua Solidaritätskomitee Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Political movements Political science Politics Religions Resistencia Nicaragüense Revolutionary movements Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Institute for the Study of the Americas

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Pamphlets, government documents, reports, programs, manifestos, newspaper cuttings, newsletters and conference proceedings issued by AMNLAE, Asociación de Mujeres ante la Problemática Nacional (AMPRONAC), Central de Trabajadores de Nicaragua (CTN), Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones, Centro Internacional de Información Latinoamericana, Centro Victor Sanabria, Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana (CELADEC), Comisión Nacional de Autonomia de la Costa Atlántica (Nicaragua), Comisión Nacional de Promoción y Protección de los Derechos Humanos (Nicaragua), Comisión para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Nicaragua, Comisión Permanente de Derechos Humanos de Nicaragua, Comité Costarricense de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Nicaragua, Comité Nicaragüense de Solidaridad con los Pueblos, Comité Pro Justicia y Paz de Guatemala, Comunidades Cristianas de Nicaragua, Comunidades Cristianas por la Paz, Conferencia Episcopal de Nicaragua (1977 : Managua), Conferencia Permanente de Partidos Políticos de América Latina, Coordinadora de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Nicaragua (Mexico), Equipo de Escuelas Radiofónicas de Nicaragua, Fondo Internacional para la Reconstrucción de Nicaragua, Frente Amplio Opositor, Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, Institute of Current World Affairs, Instituto de Promoción Humana, Instituto Histórico Centroamericano, International Commission of Jurists, International University Exchange Fund, Leicester City Council, Libertad, Movimiento Estudiantil Revolucionario de Secundaria, Movimiento Pueblo Unido, Narciso, National Conference in Solidarity with the people of Nicaragua (1st : 1980 : London), National Emergency Committee of Nicaragua, Nicaragua Embajada (Gran Bretaña), Nicaragua Gobierno de Reconstrucción Nacional, Nicaragua Solidaritätskomitee, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, Nicaraguan Student Association in the United States of America, Resistencia Nicaragüense, Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua.


Further accruals are expected, some in electronic form.

System of arrangement

Randomly within boxes (at present)

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open for reference purposes to all researchers and postgraduate students.

Conditions governing reproduction

Copies can usually be obtained - apply to library staff.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes

Spanish and English

Physical characteristics and technical requirements

See also Political Pamphlet material for the rest of Latin America, as well as related material in the library's main classified sequence, all held in the ILAS library.

Finding aids

Records at item level on library catalogue (SASCAT)

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

Institute for the Study of the Americas

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English