Fonds GB 0096 MS308 - Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney.

Zone d'identification


GB 0096 MS308


Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney.


  • 1607-1640 (Création/Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

281 folios, 15 blank.

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur

Notice biographique


Histoire archivistique

GB 0096 MS308 1607-1640 Fonds 281 folios, 15 blank. Unknown




Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney, 1607-1640, containing the following: ff 1-29. A Declaration how Kinges of England have from tyme to tyme supported and repared their estates. Collected out of the records remaining in the Tower of London by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett 9[superscript zero] Jacobi Regis [March 1611-March 1612] ff 30-52. Consideracions uppon his Majesties estate, by Roberte late Earle of Salisburye [1610], with the Proposicions made by his Majestie To the Lordes of his Councell, And the Councells humble Annswere and Advise Thereunto. ff 55-72. The Coppye of a Letter written to the Lower House of Parliamente Touchinge dyvers Inconveniencyes and grievaunces of State, etc. ff 73-76. A letter of Oliver St. Johns touching and against the Benevolence demaunded [by James I in 1615] after dissolving of Parliament. ff 77-87. Sir John Eliott his speech in the Commons house of Parliament Jaun [i.e. June] 3, 1628. ff 88-93. To the Kings most Excellent Majestie The Humble peticion of Sir John Eliott Knight, Prisoner in the Gatehouse London 1627. ff 95-180. Divers speeches in Parliament Anno 1640. ff 183-202. A Speeche Delivered by Sir Frauncis Bacon in the Lower House of Parliamente, Quinto Jacobi [March 1607-1608]. The speech was in fact delivered on Feb. 17, 1607] Concerninge the Article of generall Naturalizacion of the Scottishe Nation. ff 204-206. Sir Frauncis Seymors Speeche [in the House of Commons, November 1640]. ff 208-214. Sir Beniamin Rudiardes speech in the house of Commons the 21 January 1640. [And another in April 1640]. ff 216-227. The Polliticke Survey of A Kingdome. ff 230-243. The Coppye of a Letter written by Sir Phillipp Sidnye to Queene Elizabeth Touchinge hir Marryage with Mounsieur [i.e. Francois de France, duc d'Anjou]. ff 245-249. A submissive and Petitionary Letter subscribed To the Right honourable the Lordes of the Parliament in the upper house of Parlieament Assembled, and Intituled The humble submission and suplication of the Lord Chancellor of England. [Bacon's general admission of the charges made against him, and resignation from the Chancellor-ship. 22 April, 1621]. ff 251-254. The State of a Secretaryes Place and the Perill, wrytten by the Right honnorable Roberte late Earle of Salisburye. ff 254b-256. A Relation of the manner of the Proceedinge, with Sir Thomas Mouson, uppon the Pleadinge of his Pardon, in the Courte of the Kinges Bench, the xii[superscript zero] of Februarii 1616. ff 260-271. An Unhappie viewe of the whole behaviour of my Lord Duke of Buckingham att the French Island [Ile de Re, off La Rochelle. The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comnader in that untoward service. ff 273-281. A Relation of The Proceedings against Ambassadors whoe have miscaried themselvs and exceeded their Commission ... written by Sir Robert Cotton 27 April 1624 by expresse Comaund from the Duke of Buckingham.

Arranged as above in Scope and Content.

Access to this collection is unrestricted for the purposes of private study and personal research within the supervised environment and restrictions of the Library's Palaeography Room. Access to archive collections may be restricted under the Freedom of Information Act. Please contact the University Archivist for details.

Copies may be made, subject to the condition of the original, which must be assessed by a conservator. Copying must be undertaken by the Palaeography Room staff, who will need a minimum of 24 hours to process requests.


Collection level description

Entry compiled by J Caudwell.

ISAD(G) 2nd edition, and NCA rules for the construction of personal, place and corporate names (1997).

2002-08-29 Bacon , Francis , 1561-1626 , viscount St Alban , lawyer, statesman and philosopher Cotton , Sir , Robert Bruce , 1571-1631 , Knight , antiquary Eliot , Sir , John , 1592-1632 , Knight , politician English history European history Internal politics National history Parliament Rudyerd , Sir , Benjamin , 1572-1658 , Knight , politician Sidney , Sir , Phillip , 1554-1586 , Knight , statesman, soldier and poet Villiers , George , 1592-1628 , 1st Duke of Buckingham x Buckingham , 1st Duke of

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert


Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney, 1607-1640, containing the following: ff 1-29. A Declaration how Kinges of England have from tyme to tyme supported and repared their estates. Collected out of the records remaining in the Tower of London by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett 9[superscript zero] Jacobi Regis [March 1611-March 1612] ff 30-52. Consideracions uppon his Majesties estate, by Roberte late Earle of Salisburye [1610], with the Proposicions made by his Majestie To the Lordes of his Councell, And the Councells humble Annswere and Advise Thereunto. ff 55-72. The Coppye of a Letter written to the Lower House of Parliamente Touchinge dyvers Inconveniencyes and grievaunces of State, etc. ff 73-76. A letter of Oliver St. Johns touching and against the Benevolence demaunded [by James I in 1615] after dissolving of Parliament. ff 77-87. Sir John Eliott his speech in the Commons house of Parliament Jaun [i.e. June] 3, 1628. ff 88-93. To the Kings most Excellent Majestie The Humble peticion of Sir John Eliott Knight, Prisoner in the Gatehouse London 1627. ff 95-180. Divers speeches in Parliament Anno 1640. ff 183-202. A Speeche Delivered by Sir Frauncis Bacon in the Lower House of Parliamente, Quinto Jacobi [March 1607-1608]. The speech was in fact delivered on Feb. 17, 1607] Concerninge the Article of generall Naturalizacion of the Scottishe Nation. ff 204-206. Sir Frauncis Seymors Speeche [in the House of Commons, November 1640]. ff 208-214. Sir Beniamin Rudiardes speech in the house of Commons the 21 January 1640. [And another in April 1640]. ff 216-227. The Polliticke Survey of A Kingdome. ff 230-243. The Coppye of a Letter written by Sir Phillipp Sidnye to Queene Elizabeth Touchinge hir Marryage with Mounsieur [i.e. Francois de France, duc d'Anjou]. ff 245-249. A submissive and Petitionary Letter subscribed To the Right honourable the Lordes of the Parliament in the upper house of Parlieament Assembled, and Intituled The humble submission and suplication of the Lord Chancellor of England. [Bacon's general admission of the charges made against him, and resignation from the Chancellor-ship. 22 April, 1621]. ff 251-254. The State of a Secretaryes Place and the Perill, wrytten by the Right honnorable Roberte late Earle of Salisburye. ff 254b-256. A Relation of the manner of the Proceedinge, with Sir Thomas Mouson, uppon the Pleadinge of his Pardon, in the Courte of the Kinges Bench, the xii[superscript zero] of Februarii 1616. ff 260-271. An Unhappie viewe of the whole behaviour of my Lord Duke of Buckingham att the French Island [Ile de Re, off La Rochelle. The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comnader in that untoward service. ff 273-281. A Relation of The Proceedings against Ambassadors whoe have miscaried themselvs and exceeded their Commission ... written by Sir Robert Cotton 27 April 1624 by expresse Comaund from the Duke of Buckingham.

Évaluation, élimination et calendrier de conservation


Mode de classement

Arranged as above in Scope and Content.

Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Conditions d'accès

Access to this collection is unrestricted for the purposes of private study and personal research within the supervised environment and restrictions of the Library's Palaeography Room. Access to archive collections may be restricted under the Freedom of Information Act. Please contact the University Archivist for details.

Conditions de reproduction

Copies may be made, subject to the condition of the original, which must be assessed by a conservator. Copying must be undertaken by the Palaeography Room staff, who will need a minimum of 24 hours to process requests.

Langue des documents

  • anglais

Écriture des documents

  • latin

Notes de langue et graphie


Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

Instruments de recherche

Collection level description

Zone des sources complémentaires

Existence et lieu de conservation des originaux

Existence et lieu de conservation des copies

Unités de description associées

Descriptions associées

Zone des notes

Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)


Mots-clés - Lieux

Mots-clés - Noms

Mots-clés - Genre

Zone du contrôle de la description

Identifiant de la description

Identifiant du service d'archives

Senate House Library, University of London

Règles et/ou conventions utilisées

ISAD(G) 2nd edition, and NCA rules for the construction of personal, place and corporate names (1997).


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision, de suppression


  • anglais



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