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          37 Descrição arquivística resultados para Pharmacists

          Taylor, Peter
          GB 0120 MSS.4760-4761 · 1914-1937

          Book of prescriptions by various hands. The date 1914 is found on p. 10, and 1937 on p. 59. Prices are added to some of the entries. Produced in London.

          Sem título
          Eastern Dispensary
          RLHED · Arquivo · 1808-1952

          Administrative records.

          Sem título
          Imperial Pharmacy, South Croydon
          GB 0120 GC/101 · Coleção · 1907-1943

          Financial ledgers, cash books, 1907-1943.

          Sem título
          Lewis And Burrows Drug Stores Ltd
          GB 0120 GC/134 · Coleção · 1895-1953

          Minutes and financial records of Lewis and Burrows Ltd, including share registers, 1895-1953.

          Sem título
          Fulham Road Pharmacy, Chelsea
          GB 0120 GC/189 · 1887-1989

          Records of Fulham Road Pharmacy, Chelsea, including prescription books, 1887-1989, controlled drugs and poisons books, 1939-1978 and loose prescriptions 1953-1980.

          Sem título
          GB 0074 CLC/B/190 · Coleção · 1862-1946

          Records of Robert Howden Limited, pharmacist, comprising prescription books and a ledger.

          Sem título
          GB 0074 ACC/2674 · Coleção · 1912-1974

          Records of the Insurance Committee for the County of London, 1912-1948, and the Inner London Executive Council, 1948-1974. The records consist of bound, printed minutes which include agenda, reports and appendices for both the Insurance Committee for the County of London, the Inner London Executive council and its constituent committees and joint committees. Most of the series of minutes are complete.

          Sem título
          Gelder, William (fl 1832-1837)
          GB 0120 MSS.5871-5872 · 1832-1837

          Papers of William Gelder including letters from Gelder to his parents in Wakefield, while a dispensing and visiting assistant to [R Lucie] Reed, surgeon, at Whitechapel Road, London, Mar-Nov 1832, and while in Edinburgh in the employ of Mr Cope, a wholesale, retail and manufacturing chemist and druggist, Mar-Aug 1834. Notebook begun by Gelder in Edinburgh in 1834, and continued on a tour through Lancashire, the Isle of Man, Ireland and Wales in 1835, and in trade in Yorkshire, 1836-1837. Containing verses, commonplaces, orders for medicines and other goods, and miscellaneous notes. Signature inside front cover, 'William Gelder, Apothecaries' Hall, Edinbro, 1834.' On the rear end-papers is a coloured engraving of Apothecaries Hall.

          Sem título
          Brocklehurst, James (fl 1835-1845)
          GB 0120 MSS.5946-5948 · 1835-1873

          Prescription and invoice books of James Brocklehurst, chemist, 1835-1873.

          Sem título
          Society of Apothecaries
          GB 0120 MSS.8022-8024 · 1629-1675

          Minute books of the Society of Apothecaries, 1629-1675.

          Sem título
          Croadsell, H C
          GB 0120 GC/75 · 1923-1951

          Croadsell collection comprising pharmacy prescription books and ledgers, 1923-1951.

          Sem título
          Bartlett and Goodall
          GB 0120 MSS.1080-1084 · 1937-1961

          Five Prescription books, 7 Apr 1937-18 Apr 1961, written by various dispensing chemists of 37 Crawford St., Bryanston Square, London, W.1. Prices are entered for most of the prescriptions. Produced in London.

          Sem título
          Batt Family, Surgeon Apothecaries
          GB 0120 MSS.5201-5202 · 1744-1799

          Ledgers recording accounts for medical treatment and drugs dispensed, 1744-1799. Patients included, as well as private individuals, the Oxfordshire and Herefordshire militias, the poor of various parishes, and the local bridewell. On the front covers are annotations by Dr B E A Batt and his father Dr C D Batt, including the names of Edward Batt (1741-1797), surgeon and apothecary, and Augustine William Batt (1774-1847), MRCS Eng. Both practised in Witney.

          Sem título
          Carr Family
          GB 0120 MSS.5203-5207 · 1739-1861

          Notebooks kept by three generations of the Carr family, William Carr (b 1715), of Settle, Yorks.; William Carr (1745-1821), apothecary to the Leeds Infirmary, 1774-1781, surgeon apothecary at Elland, Yorks., 1784, and later at Gomersal; and William Carr (1785-1861), general practitioner, of Gomersal.

          Sem título
          Charing Cross Hospital
          GB 0098 Charing Cross Hospital · Created 1821-1976

          Records of Charing Cross Hospital, 1818-1976, comprising Dr Golding's minute book, 1818-1821; minutes of the Hospital Management Committee, 1821-1976 (formerly the Committee of Management and Board of Governors); Weekly Board Minutes, 1836-1911; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1865-1919, 1932-1971; Medical Committee, 1863-1968; Medical Advisory Committee, 1966-1976; Group Medical Committee, 1958-1966; Executive Committee, 1967-1974; House Committee, 1948-1972; General Purposes and Finance Committee, 1913-1917, 1948-1967; Establishment Committee, 1948-1953, 1964-1965; Medical and Dental Staffing Committee, 1948-1949; Special Appeal Committees, 1896-1911, 1926-1928; Survey Sub-Committee, 1949; Building Committee, 1828-1833, 1885-1905; Convalescent Home Committee, 1890-1915; Subcommittees' minutes, 1884-1914; Ladies Guild, 1904-1933; Planning committee of new medical school, 1959-1963; Pathological Services Committee, 1963-1966; annual reports, 1868-1974; Chairman's Reports, 1931-1937;
          charters, rules and bylaws, 1883-[1957], notably Charters of Incorporation, 1883, 1887, 1948, bylaws, 1947, standing orders [1950-1957];
          audited accounts, 1953-1964;
          administrative records, notably hospital visitors' book, 1870-1917; list of pharmacists, 1868-1878; plans of the hospital; insurance and legal papers; plans and charts; photographs; hospital diet, 1828; legacy book, 1835-1894; souvenir programmes, [1899-1901];
          operating theatre lists, 1892-1900; case books of John Howship, [1817-1831]; prescription book of the hospital dispensary, 1930s.

          Sem título
          GB 0074 ACC/1875 · Coleção · 1853-1883

          Records of the Heelis family, including certificates of attendance of Edward Heelis at medical lectures at Apothecaries Hall, 1853-55; apprenticeship indenture of William Heelis, 1859; and testimonials of Robert Heelis, 1881-83.

          Sem título
          London chemist: prescription-books
          GB 0120 MSS.3975-3993 · Coleção · 1845-1888

          Collection of prescription-books of an unidentified London [Islington?] Chemist. From an entry inside the fly-leaf of Vol. 10, it appears that these prescription-books were commenced in 1835. The name of the firm responsible for this collection has not been ascertained, and has not been found in any of the volumes, but from the names of physicians appended to many of the prescriptions it seems to have been in Islington or in that part of London, for a large proportion of these are associated with the Islington Dispensary. Among these are many entries for Henry Bateman, FRCS [1806-1880] who was surgeon and later consulting surgeon to that institution. [Cf. Obituary notice in the Lancet 1880, ii, p. 874.] Pasted inside the upper cover of Vol. 18 [1861-1863] is a cut-out signature of Florence Nightingale [1820-1910]. Pasted inside the upper and lower covers of Vol. 27 [1884-1888], are two printed advertisements of J. Ramel, Crosby Hall Chamber, 24 Bishopsgate St., who describes himself as a 'Sanitary India-Rubber and Chirurgical Instruments Manufacturer and Importer'. One of the lists includes contraceptives. They are here entered as 'F.L.s', priced at from 6/6 per gross: there are also 'Marguerites'-for use by women-at 2/- each. Produced in London.

          Sem título
          Schneller, Joseph von (1811-1885)
          GB 0120 MSS.4423-4463 · 1837-1885

          Holograph manuscripts of publications by Joseph von Schneller, notes, and some material by other persons collected by von Schneller, 1837-1885.

          Sem título
          Armitage Dispensing Chemist
          GB 0120 GC/100 · Coleção · 1899-1943

          Armitage Dispensing Chemist prescription registers 1899-1943, a total of 30 items, 1-27: registers, 1899-1940; 28-30: Records of Prescriptions Dispensed for Particular Doctors, 1919-1925, 1928-1943.

          Sem título
          Stearns, William (fl 1781-1829)
          GB 0120 MSS.5855-5859 · 1781-1875

          Correspondence and financial papers of William Stearns (described variously as 'Dr Stearns', 'apothecary', and 'druggist'), and of Major Joseph Sprague and Seth Low (described as 'Dr Low', and 'druggist'), with whom Stearns appears to have been in partnership.

          Sem título
          Fennings Pharmaceuticals
          GB 0120 SA/FEN · 1830s-1990s

          Records of Fennings Pharmaceuticals, 1830s-1990s, comprising corporate records, 1906-1957; accounts and other financial records, 1900-1993; marketing and public relations records, 1845-1988; legal records, 1866-1970; personnel records, 1910-1980; recipes, mid 19th century; personalia, mid 19th century-late 20th century; records of premises, mid-late 20th century; records on production, manufacture and licensing of medicines, 1951-1994.

          Sem título
          WESTERN DISPENSARY, Westminster, London
          GB 0113 MS-WESTD · 1833-1952

          The records of the Western Dispensary comprise chiefly minute books, annual reports and patient registers.

          Sem título
          Daniel, George
          GB 0096 MS 972 · c1797-1900

          Personal papers, correspondence, news-cuttings and pamphlets concerned mainly with various literary societies. This collection also comprises correspondence of the Daniel family, including that of George Daniel's son, Jesse Cato Daniel (1825-1876), Jesse's wife Elizabeth (1825-1900), and his grandson, George B. Daniel (1863-1897) who emigrated to Argentina. The Daniel papers include a letter from the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge to "my very dear Cottie" in 1797.

          Sem título
          NUSSEY, John (1794-1862): clothing
          GB 1538 S49 · mid 19th century

          A pair of trousers and a waistcoat belonging to John Nussey, physician, mid 19th century.

          Sem título
          GB 0074 HA/NT · Coleção · 1944-1995

          Records of the North Thames Regional Health Authority and predecessors, 1944-1995. This collection includes minutes, agendas and papers of the Health Authority/Health Board and various committees including the Nurse Training Committee; Hospital Management Committee; University Liaison Committee; Dental Committee; Nursing and Midwifery Committee; Optical Committee; Manpower Committee; Appointments Advisory Committee; District Pharmaceutical Managers; Senior Registrar's Joint Advisory Committee; Chief Nursing Officers Group.

          Also press cuttings, regional circulars, financial accounts; photographs and reports.

          Sem título
          GB 0074 HA/SE · Coleção · 1947-1995

          Records of the South East Thames Regional Health Authority, 1947-1995. This collection includes minutes, agendas and papers of the meetings of various Committees, including the Regional Health Authority, the Regional Health Authority Chairman, the Regional Hospital Board Finance Committee; Area Nurse Training Committee; Regional Team of Officers; Clinical Consultative Committee; Nursing Sub-Committee; Regional Medical Advisory Committee; Treasurer's Group; Cancer Committee; Corporate Advisory Team; Regional Management Team; Regional and Chief Nursing Officers; Legal Action Working Party; Regional Planning Group; Regional Programming Group; Capital Investment Group; Building Committee; Capital Executive Group; and Sub-Committees for various specialities including cardiology, dermatology, general practice, dental surgery, radiology, ophthalmology and so on.

          Also annual statistical returns; financial accounts; maps and plans; papers of the Kent County Council Public Assistance Department; papers relating to buildings and maintenance; papers of study groups; papers relating to public health and other administrative papers.

          Sem título
          Harrods Pharmacy Department Prescription Registers
          GB 0120 GC/214 · 1935-1977

          Harrods Pharmacy Department registers of prescriptions dispensed daily, Jul 1935-Jan 1977. There are gaps in the sequence between July 1936 and September 1938 and between December 1943 and April 1946, where the relevant registers were found to be missing on transfer to the Wellcome Archive.

          Sem título
          Bolton, J H Percival
          GB 0120 GC/254 · 1917

          Invoices received by J H Percival Bolton, pharmacist, Jun-Dec 1917, from suppliers and wholesalers and related documents.

          Sem título
          Pre-NHS Prescriptions: various
          GB 0120 GC/61 · Coleção · 1918-1946

          Prescriptions dispensed to various individuals by chemists in Central London, Harrow, Nottingham and Taunton, covering 1918-1946.

          Sem título
          Tyler Dispensing Chemist
          GB 0120 GC/102 · Coleção · 1945-1957

          Drug registers, 1945-1955, and cash books, 1951-1957.

          Sem título