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Born, 1875; educated, Bristol Grammar School; medical education, University College Bristol, Bristol Royal Infirmary and King's College, London; graduated bachelor of medicine with honours in obstetrics, 1900; ship's surgeon; house surgeon, Leicester Royal Infirmary; Bachelor of Surgery, London, 1903; postgraduate attachment at the London Hospital; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1903; resident house surgeon, Jessop Hospital for Women (JHW), Sheffield, 1904, honorary medical staff, JHW, 1906; president of the North of England Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society, 1918-1920; senior surgeon, JHW, 1921-1935; part time Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Sheffield, 1921-1935; member of the departmental committee on maternal mortality and morbidity, 1928; president of the obstetrics and gynaecology section of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1937; retired early to rural Carmarthenshire and studied the history of obstetrics, he was also instrumental in restoring the library of William Smellie; died, 1965.
Publications: Historical Review of British Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1800-1950, with J M Munro Kerr and R W Johnstone (Livingstone, 1954)