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          Partido político

          128 Descripción archivística resultados para Partido político

          128 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
          Uganda: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.UG · 1960-

          Ugandan political parties material, from 1960 onwards, including statements, speeches, letters, conference reports, addresses, press releases, pamphlets, constitutions and other miscellaneous election materials issued by the Democratic Party (Uganda), the Democratic Party Youth Wing, Kabaka Yekka, the Progressive Party (Uganda), the Uganda National Congress, the Uganda National Liberation Front (Anti-Dictatorship), the Uganda National Party, the Uganda National Union, the Uganda People's Congress, and the Uganda Reconstruction Committee.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.XJ · 1975-1976

          Manifestos and pamphlets issued by the St. Helena Labour Party in seeking election to the Island's council, 1975-1976.

          Sin título
          Zimbabwe: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.ZW · 1928-

          Zimbabwe: Political Parties Material, 1928 onwards, including manifestos, addresses, speeches, letters, conference reports, constitutions, pamphlets, leaflets, posters, newsletters, journals, press cuttings, histories, membership cards and miscellaneous electoral and promotional materials issued by the African National Council, the African National Council (Sithole), the African Progressive Party, the Centre Party (Southern Rhodesia), the Dominion Party (Rhodesia), the Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe, the Independent Zimbabwe Group, the National Democratic Party of Southern Rhodesia, the National Front of Zimbabwe, the National Unifying Force (Southern Rhodesia), the Patriotic Front (Zimbabwe), the Rhodesian Action Party, the Rhodesia Labour Party, the Rhodesia Party, the Rhodesia Settlement Forum, the Rhodesian Front, the Southern Rhodesia Labour Party, the Southern Rhodesian African National Congress, the United African National Council, the United Conservative Party, the United National Federal Party, the Zimbabwe African National Union, ZANU-PF, the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union, the Zimbabwe Democratic Party, the Zimbabwe National Party, the Zimbabwe National People's Union, the Zimbabwe People's Army, the Zimbabwe Reformed African National Congress and the Zimbabwe United People's Organization. Any material produced by a political party originating from the geographical area that later became Zimbabwe has been placed in this collection, including parties from Southern Rhodesia prior to and during Federation and from 'Rhodesia' during UDI. Federal parties can be found under Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Political Parties (PP.RH)

          Sin título
          General Election 2001
          GB 0097 GENERAL ELECTION 2001 · Colección · 2001

          Papers of General Election 2001, contain election addresses and ephemera collected during the 2001 General election campaign and County Council elections.

          Sin título
          General Election 2005 Ephemera
          GB 0097 GENERAL ELECTION 2005 · Colección · 2005

          General Election 2005 ephemera collection, 2005, comprises campaign literature and publicity material produced by candidates in the 2005 General Election.

          Sin título
          Kindred of the Kibbo Kift
          GB 0097 KK · Colección · 1919-1993

          Papers of the Kibbo Kift Kindred, the Green Shirt Movement for Social Credit, and the Social Credit Party, 1919-[1989], notably administrative material, 1928-1932, including the Kinlaw with suggested improvements, reports and minutes of the Kin Council, constitutional papers, and mandates and charters of individual members and clans; material concerning rituals, vestments and totems, 1923-1930, including correspondence and designs; material concerning teaching undertaken by the Kindred, 1924-[1932]; administrative material of the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party, 1932-1951, comprising annual reports, minutes and papers of the National Assembly, the Consultative Council and the Executive Council, and membership records; correspondence of the General Secretary and other officials, 1929-1952; correspondence and files on particular subjects, 1932-1951, including Social Credit, the Public Order Act, and SCP candidates in the general elections of 1935 and 1950; publications and propaganda for all three organisations, 1921-1950, also including drafts of articles, song sheets and poems, play scripts, and newspaper cuttings; correspondence with, and material on, other social credit organisations, 1933-1949; papers of individual members, 1921-1951; photographs of Kibbo Kift activities, [1921-1931], including photographs taken by Angus Rowland McBean; photographs relating to the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party, [1933-1950]; sound recordings, [1979], including interviews with John and Diana Hargrave relating to the Kibbo Kift; printed materials and periodicals, 1919-1965; photocopies of books by John Hargrave, 1924-1964; material deposited by the Kibbo Kift Foundation concerning its inception, history and continuing activities, 1976-[1989], such as photographs of Kibbo Kift activities taken by Angus Rowland McBean.
          Also two additional accessions deposited in 2002:
          M3153: Additional correspondence and papers relating to the Kibbo Kift, the Social Credit movement and John Hargrave. Also papers relating to the foundation of the Kibbo Kift Foundation, 1921-1993.
          M3135: The Log of the Vagari Lodge of the Kibbo Kift and related papers, 1930-1982.

          Sin título
          GB 0102 MS 380513 · 1954-1971

          Photocopies and typed copies of papers, 1954-1971, collected by Roger Southall whilst a student (1970-1971) at Makerere Institute of Social Research (Kampala, Uganda), including notes, minutes, and press extracts, and concerning parties and politics in Uganda, particularly the Bunyoro district, the subjects including elections, General Idi Amin Dada, and military government.

          Sin título
          GB 0097 ADAMS V · Colección · 1895-1951

          The majority of this collection consists of correspondence between Vyvyan Adams other politicians, his constituents and letters regarding his candidacy. The collection is divided into eight sections: Section 1: Correspondence, 1924-1951; Section 2: Miscellaneous papers, 1895-1941; Section 3: Articles and transcripts, 1912-1944; Section 4: Speeches, 1933-1939; Section 5: Pamphlets and printed materials, 1914-1953; Section 6: Capital punishment, 1929-1949; Section 7: Press cuttings, 1933-1950; Section 8: Coronation souvenirs, 1937. The political correspondence and the ordered files correspondence reflects his opposition to appeasment policies and the general themes of the time. Articles and transcripts relate to political figures of the time and the publication of Right Honourable Gentlemen. Speeches cover miscellaneous topics. Pamphlets and printed material cover international issues. The capital punishment file contains miscellaneous material relating to capital punishment. Press cuttings relate to political affairs. Coronation souvenirs contain miscellaneous items relating to the 1936 coronation of Edward VIII.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/1158 · Colección · 1906-1968

          Records of the Wood Green and Lower Tottenham Conservative Association, including minutes of the Southgate Conservative and Unionist Association; Executive Committee and Entertainments Committee minutes of the Palmers Green Unionist Association; financial accounts for the Wood Green Constitutional Association; Executive and General Purposes Committee minutes for the Women's Constitutional Association Wood Green Branch; and minutes, correspondence and papers relating to ward organisation for the Wood Green and Tottenham Conservative Association.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/1267 · Colección · 1923-1971

          Records of the Southall Labour Party, comprising minutes, financial accounts and membership records for the Uxbridge Divisional Labour Party, the Southall and Norwood Trades Council and Labour Party, and the Southall Divisional/Constituency Labour Party.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 CLC/088 · Colección · 1894-1963

          London Municipal Society records comprising annual general meetings minutes, 1894-1962 (Ms 19526); council meetings minutes, 1894-1950 (Ms 19527); and executive committee meetings minutes, 1894-1963 (Ms 19528).

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/1338 · Colección · 1915-1954

          Records of the South Ealing Conservative Association, comprising minute books; minutes and reports of the Young Britons club; and minutes of the Junior branch (later the Young Conservatives).

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/1632 · Colección · 1890-1900

          Records of the London County Council (LCC) Progressive Society, comprising minutes of the Society, including agendas and lists of candidates.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/1972 · Colección · 1930-1976

          Records of the Ealing Labour Party, comprising minutes of the General Committee; Trades Council; Dormers Wells Ward; Ealing Council Labour Group and the Greenford Labour Party branch.

          Sin título
          LABOUR PARTY
          GB 0074 ACC/2784 · Colección · 1904-1970

          Papers of the Enfield East Constituency Labour Party relating to elections and policy. Also nominations books for the Stratford Cooperative and Industrial Society and the Yiewsley and West Drayton District Cooperative Society.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 LMA/4445 · Colección · 1964-1988

          The records of the London Liberal Party are of interest to anyone wishing to study local and/or national politics with reference to London. The working mechanisms of the LLP and achievements of its staff can be assessed, whilst the varying fortunes of the Local Associations and Liberal Party as a whole can be observed. Much of the material gives a fascinating insight into a range of London-wide and national issues, both familiar and contemporary. The records can also provide a useful commentary on the activities of the Greater London Council, Inner London Education Authority and others.

          Sin título
          Venezuela: Political Pamphlets
          GB 3032 V 320 PAM · 1967-

          Pamphlets, histories, speeches, programs, obituaries, reports and conference reports, 1967 onwards, issued by Amnesty International, Bandera Roja, Comite Homenaje a Americo Silva, Confederación General de Trabajadores de Venezuela, COPEI, Curso-Seminario Latinamericano de Cooperativismo-Sindicalismo, Equipo de Formación, Frente de Liberación Nacional (FLN), Información y Publicaciones (Venezuela), Instituto de Asuntos Internacionales, Juventad del Movimiento al Socialismo, Juventud Venezolana, Ministro de Energía y Minas (Venezuela), Movimiento Obrero de Base (Venezuela), Partido Comunista de Venezuela, Seminario Internacional sobre la Historia del Movimiento Obrero Latinoamericano.

          Sin título
          Putney Labour Party
          GB 0347 D119 · Colección · 1924-1983

          The collection contains minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Management Committee from 1924 to 1983 although with substantial gaps. There are also minutes of meetings of the East Putney branch and the Thamesfield Ward branch of Putney Labour Party. There are also several Annual Reports as well as correspondence relating to elections, membership and general party business. Also includes newspaper cuttings, posters, pamphlets and other publications.

          Sin título
          GB 0347 D158 · Colección · c.19th century - 2005

          Includes administrative files of Battersea Labour Party and local wards, and of Wandsworth Labour Group; governor's papers relating to Alderbrook Primary School, Balham, Chestnut Grove School, formerly Hydeburn School, Balham, and Hearnville Primary School, Balham; and collected press cuttings and other printed material relating to Wandsworth Council, local political affairs, education and schools, and local history.

          Sin título
          Howell Ephemera Collection
          GB 0372 HOWELL EPHEMERA · Fondo · 1835-1945

          Howell ephemera collection, 1835-1945, containing handbills, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, texts of addresses, annual reports, printed letters, certificates, membership cards, leaflets and other ephemera collected by George Howell for his own research and to document the late Victorian period covering various topics and organisations, including: advertising; America; Associations (including the Decimal Association, Working Men's Club and Institute Union, National Sunday League and the Sunday Society); banks, insurance, housing (including Post Office Savings Banks, Housing Associations, Dwelling Committee, insurance companies, building societies and pensions); bills, acts (including temperance and licensing bills, the Mutiny Act, employer's liability, the Compensation for Injuries Bill, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, the Contagious Diseases Act, the Arbitration Act, 1872, and the Master and Servants Act, 1867); church, religion (including trade unions and the church, and St Mary, Newington); Chartism; community welfare (including children's welfare); education (including the National Industrial Education League, the London School Board Policy Defence Committee and the National Association for the Promotion of Technical Education); demonstrations (including the Great Reform Demonstration, 1884); elections; financial reform (including the Bimetallic League and bimetallism); international affairs (including the International Arbitration and Peace Society, the Eastern Question Association and the National Conference on the Eastern Question); the International Working Men's Association; Ireland; land, property (including the Land Tenure Reform Association); parliamentary reform (including the National Reform Association, the National Reform Union, the National Reform League, the National Democratic League, the Representative Reform Association, the Labour Representation Committee and the Labour Representation League); newspapers, journals; miscellaneous subjects (including the Channel Tunnel and railways); poems, songs; political parties (including Libreral clubs and associations); trade unions (including tailors, miners, agricultural labourers, book binders and vellum binders); trade councils; women (including women's suffrage, the Married Women's Property Act, marriage with a deceased wife's sister, the Marriage Law Amendment Bill and the Marriage Law Defence Union) (1835-1945).

          Sin título
          Angola: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.AO · 1960-

          Manifestos, speeches, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and communiques issued by the Angolan Revolutionary government in exile (GRAE), the Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola, the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola and the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola.

          Sin título
          Ghana: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.GH · 1950-

          Manifestos, speeches, posters, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Action Congress Party (Ghana), the Convention People's Party (Ghana), the Ghana Congress Party, the National Alliance of Liberals (Ghana), the National Conciliation Party (Ghana), the National Liberation Movement (Ghana), the New Patriotic Party (Ghana), the Northern People's Party (Ghana), the People's Democratic Party of Ghana, the People's National Party (Ghana), the People's Vanguard (Ghana), the Popular Front Party (Ghana), the Progress Party (Ghana), the Third Force Party (Ghana), the United Gold Coast Convention, the United National Convention (Ghana), the United Party (Ghana) and the United Revolutionary Front (Ghana).

          Sin título
          Gibraltar: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.GI · 1972-

          Constitutions, manifestos, pamphlets, sample voting papers, newspapers, articles and miscellaneous election materials from 1972 onwards issued by the Democratic Party of British Gibraltar, the Gibraltar Labour Party and Association for the Advancement of Civil Rights, the Integration with Britain Party and the Party for the Autonomy of Gibraltar.

          Sin título
          Jamaica: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.JM · 1938-

          Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and miscellaneous election material, 1938 onwards, issued by the Jamaica Labour Party, the People's National Party (Jamaica), the People's Political Party (Jamaica), the Revolutionary Marxist League of Jamaica, the Socialist Party of Jamaica, the Women's Freedom Movement (Jamaica), the Workers' Liberation League (Jamaica), the Workers Party of Jamaica, and Young Jamaica.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.MW · 1961-

          Constitutions, addresses, manifestos, conference reports, newsletters, letters and miscellaneous election materials from 1961 onwards, issued by the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD), the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), the National Council for Labour (Malawi) and the Panafrican Democratic Party of Malawi. The majority of the materials held here originate from the MCP and comprise constitutions, party resolutions and speeches outlining and defending Banda's policies of encouraging foreign investment, engagement with the apartheid regime in South Africa and limiting internal dissent. Materials from one of the new parties that emerged during the 1990s, the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD), are also held in this collection.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.MY · 1958-

          Constitutions, manifestos, conference reports, histories, speeches, pamphlets, posters, letters and leaflets, from 1958 onwards, issued by the Alliance Party (Malaysia), the Barisan Nasional (Organization), the Democratic Action Party, the Malayan Chinese Association, the Malayan Communist Party, the Malayan Employers' Consultative Association, the Malayan People's Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee, the Malaysian Chinese Association, the Malaysian Trades Union Congress, the Parti Islam Semalaysia, the Parti Progresif Penduduk Malaysia, the Pemuda Sosialis Malaya, the Socialist Party (Malaysia), and the United Malays National Organisation. The materials originate from parties both inside and outside the Alliance/Barisan Nasional, and deal with the achievements of the governing parties and their failings and the failings of the democratic system from the perspective of opposition groups. There are also a small number of trades union and pressure group materials, the latter exclusively concerned with opposition to the war in Vietnam.

          Sin título
          New Zealand: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.NZ · 1925-

          Constitutions, conference reports, pamphlets, leaflets, posters, speeches, letters, newsletters, journals and miscellaneous election materials from 1925, issued at national, local and youth level by the Alliance (New Zealand), the Citizens' Association (Wellington), the Communist Party of Aotearoa, the Communist Party of New Zealand, the Communist Party of New Zealand (Marxist-Leninist), the Communist Party of New Zealand Wellington District Committee, the Imperial British Conservative Party, the New Zealand Labour Party, the New Zealand Labour Party Youth Advisory Council, the National Front (New Zealand), the National Gay Rights Coalition of New Zealand, the Nationalist Workers' Party (New Zealand), the New Labour Party (New Zealand), the New Zealand Christian Democratic Union Party, the New Zealand National Party, the New Zealand Party, the New Zealand Social Credit Political League (Inc.), the New Zealand Socialist Unity Party, the New Zealand Spartacist League, the New Zealand Values Party, the Social Credit Party (New Zealand), the Socialist Action League (New Zealand), A Women's Liberation Group, the Workers' Communist League of New Zealand, and the Young Socialists (N.Z.).

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.PP · 1961-

          Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, constitutions, posters and miscellaneous election materials from 1961 onwards issued by the All Peoples Party of Papua and New Guinea, the Papua New Guinea United Party (Pangu), the People's Progress Party (Papua New Guinea), the United Party (Papua New Guinea), the United Progress Party (Papua New Guinea), the Voters Manifesto Committee (Papua New Guinea) and the Voters Rights Action Group (Papua New Guinea). The majority of the materials held here date either from the early 1960s or from the first election in 1977, although there are also items produced by later pressure groups complaining about the lack of control of voters over the formation of governments given the country's weak party system and the predilection of members to change parties following elections. The independence struggles of Bougainville Island in the 1970s and 1990s are also mentioned.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.RH · 1957-1962

          Platforms, statements, letters, newsletters, constitutions, speeches, addresses and broadcasts, 1957-1962 issued by the Central Africa Party, the Constitution Party (Rhodesia and Nyasaland) and the United Federal Party. Only material produced by a federal party during the existence of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland has been included in this collection.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.SI · 1961-

          Singapore political material, from 1961 onwards, including posters, pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, speeches, commemorative programmes, letters, reports, conference reports, manifestos, constitutions and aother miscellaneous election materials issued by the Barisan Sosialis, independent candidates, the National Solidarity Party (Singapore), the People's Action Party (Singapore), the People's Association Youth Movement (Singapore), the Singapore Chinese Party, the Singapore Malay National Organisation, the United Front (Singapore), the United National Front (Singapore) and the Workers' Party (Singapore).

          Sin título
          Swaziland: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.SQ · 1961-1973

          Constitutions, manifestos, reports, pamphlets, leaflets and membership cards, 1961-1973, issued by the Democratic Party of Swaziland, the Imbokodvo National Movement, the Ngwane National Liberatory Congress and the Swaziland Progressive Party. The materials here deal with the constitutional processes leading to independence as well as the brief period of electoral politics before the constitution was abolished in 1973.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.TZ · 1956-

          Letters, calendars, pamphlets, constitutions, manifestos, programmes, addresses, conference reports, directories and interviews from 1956 onwards issued by Chama cha Mapinduzi, the Movement for Free Popular and Democratic Tanzania, the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) and the Tangayika Federation of Labour. All the political parties materials currently held here originate from TANU or Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), reflecting their political dominance, and cover such issues as the Arusha declaration of 1967 (which laid out Nyerere's vision for Tanzania's development - an African mixture of socialism and village communal life), agricultural policy and foreign affairs (Nyerere was a committed Pan-Africanist who provided support for exiled groups such as the ANC, PAC and FRELIMO). In addition there is pressure group material protesting against the imposition of a one-party state and calling for free elections.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.VB · 1967-

          Material relating to the politics of the British Virgin Islands including platforms, posters, election leaflets, constitutions and manifestos issued by the People's Party (British Virgin Islands), the Third Electoral District Committee (British Virgin Islands), the United Party (British Virgin Islands), the Virgin Islands Party and various independent candidates.

          Sin título
          GB 0101 PP.ZA · 1951-

          Zambia: Political Parties, Trades Unions and Pressure Groups Material, from 1951 onwards, including manifestos, pamphlets, leaflets, constitutions, summaries, registration forms, conference reports, addresses, memoranda, policy papers, resolutions and other miscellaneous election materials issued by the African National Congress (Zambia), the Christian Council of Zambia, the Committee on Northern Rhodesia, the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, the National Women's Lobby Group, the Northern Rhodesia Liberal Party, the United National Independence Party and the United Progressive Party (Zambia).

          Sin título
          Zanzibar: Political Parties Material
          GB 0101 PP.ZN · 1957-1974

          Histories, decrees, pamphlets, conference reports, constitutions and speeches issued by the Afro-Shirazi Party, the Zanzibar Liberation Front, the Zanzibar Nationalist Party and the Zanzibar Organisation, 1957-1974.

          Sin título
          GB 0117 Blackett papers · 1911-1975

          The papers are extensive, relating to almost every aspect of Blackett's career in science and public life. There is biographical and personal material including large numbers of letters of congratulation received on the occasion of the various scientific and public awards and honours with which Blackett's achievements were recognised. There are records of his work on particle disintegration, cosmic rays, astrophysics and magnetism in the form of laboratory notebooks, working papers, correspondence, lectures, publications and broadcasts. There is documentation of his activities on various defence projects and as a member of government committees before, during and after the Second World War. Blackett's political interests are represented by material relating to the Association of Scientific Workers, Labour Party discussion groups on science and technology policy and the Ministry of Technology instituted after the Party's 1964 electoral victory. There are records of a wide range of science-related interests such as the history of science and technology, science, education and government, and nuclear weapons and disarmament, and of his overseas activities including material relating specifically to India and that concerned with matters more generally affecting developing countries.

          A few lacunae in the surviving material have been identified. There are no documents relative to Blackett's service with the National Research and Development Corporation or the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and, of his correspondence during the Second World War, only that for 1942 survives.

          Sin título
          Putney Liberal Association
          GB 0347 D81 · Colección · 1952-1985

          The collection consists of news cuttings relating to the activities of the Putney Liberal Association, from local newspapers as well as national (The Guardian, Daily Telegraph) and Liberal News. The cuttings include coverage of the British response to South African politics and Apartheid and the career of Peter Hain, (Vice-Chair of Putney Young Liberals 1968-1971 and National Chair of the Young Liberals 1971-1973).

          Sin título
          GB 0097 HCA/Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality · 1977-1993
          Parte de HALL-CARPENTER Archives

          Papers of the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality (CGHE) and its successor, TORCHE (Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality), 1977-1993, notably a draft constitution and a copy of the constitution adopted on 28 Mar 1981; leaflets, 1977-1992; gay Social Democrat material, [1981]; minutes of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting, 1980-1991; newsletters, 1977-1992, including Blue Triangle and Open Mind; correspondence with Conservative local authority councillors, 1983-1987; material collated by Dr David Starkey whilst Chairman of TORCHE, 1987-1993, including minutes, papers concerning the CGHE, publications and correspondence.

          Sin título
          Liberal Party
          GB 0097 LIBERAL PARTY · 1901-1998

          Records of the Liberal Party, 1901-1988, notably minutes and working papers of the National Executive Committee, 1954-1987; papers of the Liberal Party Organisation, 1940-1988, including minutes, 1958-1979, bulletins, 1940-1943, correspondence, 1938-1987, working and administrative papers; papers of the Party Council, 1970-1987, including working papers, correspondence and publications; minutes, working papers and correspondence of the Standing Committee, later the Policy Committee, 1960-1987; material created by Central Committees, 1936-1987, including the Organising Committee, 1961-1965, the Constitutional Review Committee, 1936-1987, the Publicity Sub-Committee, 1980-1983, the Officer's Committee, 1975-1977, the Corporate Appeals Committee, 1977-1979, the Candidates Committee, 1973-1987, the Membership Committee, 1983-1987, and the Campaigns and Elections Committee, 1965-1987; Annual Reports and Accounts, 1934-1987; financial material, 1963-1987, including minutes and correspondence of the Finance and Administration Board, and papers relating to fundraising; papers relating to Liberal Assemblies, 1912-1987, notably agendas, organisational papers, resolutions, press releases and correspondence; material concerning General Elections (fought by the Liberal Party and the Alliance), 1945-1987, including leaflets and publicity, manifestos, press cuttings, lists of candidates, results and statistics, broadcast transcripts and electoral addresses; material concerning by-elections, 1957-1986, comprising press cuttings, leaflets, and speeches; papers relating to the Liberal Party and Europe, 1976-1987, notably copies of European International, minutes and papers of the Liberal European Action Group, material concerning the European Liberals and Democrats, and papers relating to European elections; transcripts of party political broadcasts from various British political parties, 1981-1988; press cuttings and releases of the party, 1924-1936 and 1960-1987, also relating to Jeremy Thorpe, David Steel and the Liberal/SDP Alliance; material relating to publications, 1901-1993, including Liberator, Liberal News and Hedben Royd Publications; various handbooks for Liberal candidates, speakers and election agents, 1929-1974; Liberal Party policy summaries, 1918-1985, on subjects including agriculture, animal welfare, civil liberties, crime, defence, education, electoral reform, employment, energy, Europe, finance, foreign affairs, health, housing, industry, the Labour Party, media, Northern Ireland, race relations, regional policy, trade, transport, and the welfare state; papers relating to the regional organisation of the Liberal Party, 1963-1987, including party regional reports, publicity, correspondence, constituency surveys, administrative records, manifestos, and area agents' reports and correspondence; papers of Liberal organisations, 1951-1987, notably the Alliance Action Group for Electoral Reform, the Association of Liberal Councillors, the Labour Unit, Liberal International, the Liberal Parliamentary Association, the National League of Young Liberals, the National Liberal Club, the Scottish Liberal Party, the Ulster Liberal Party, and the Women's Liberal Foundation; material relating to the Lib-Lab Pact, 1977-1978, including press releases and correspondence; papers concerning the Social Democratic Party (SDP), 1985-1987, comprising correspondence, publications, press releases and cuttings; material concerning the Liberal/SDP Alliance, 1969-1989, notably papers of the Joint Campaign Group, the Alliance Campaign Group and the Joint Priorities Group, papers relating to finance, funding, selection of candidates, and seat negotiations, as well as publications, press releases, campaign working papers and administrative material; videocassettes, [1970]-1987, mainly of party political broadcasts, Liberal Assemblies and media coverage of elections.

          Sin título
          Liberal Party, 1989-
          GB 0097 LIBERAL PARTY 1989 · Colección · 1988-2006

          Papers of the Liberal Party from their re-launch in 1989 onwards, mainly NEC minutes, press releases, leaflets and other publications, policy documents, assembly papers, regional reports, reports for the National Union of Liberal Clubs, election ephemera and copies of Liberal News.

          Sin título
          Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho
          GB 0102 MS 375495 · Created 1902-1933

          Papers, 1902-1933, of and concerning Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje, including biographical material, notes, correspondence and photographs.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 A/HHL · Colección · 1932-1974

          Records of the Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party, also known as the Hornchurch Divisional Labour Party. The collection includes Executive Committee minutes; General Management Committee minutes; North West Ward Hornchurch Labour Party Women's Section Committee minutes; financial accounts; newsletters; election addresses; annual reports and press cuttings.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 A/HVH · Colección · 1957-1984

          Records of the Havering-Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party, including minutes of the General Management, Executive and Committees; annual reports and statements of account.

          Records of the Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party comprising ward and branch minutes.

          Records of the Havering Council Labour (Administration) Group comprising minute book.

          Sin título
          GB 0347 D122 · Colección · 1981-1988

          Papers relating to the Wandsworth Area Social Democratic Party (SDP). Includes material on their alliance and subsequent merger with the Liberals, election information, correspondence, newsletters and other publications.

          Sin título
          GB 0099 KCLMA MF 441-451 · 1950-1957

          A themed microfilm collection containing copies of messages, telegrams, and reports sent from US Department of State personnel to the United States Executive Branch relating to civil, military, and political events in Korea, 1950-1957.

          Sin título
          BOOTH, Hartley (b 1946)
          GB 0074 LMA/4021 · Colección · 1988-1997

          Personal papers of Hartley Booth, MP. The majority of the archive is concerned with Hartley Booth's parliamentary career. LMA/4021/01 relates to Booth's parliamentary responsibilities, in particular European affairs. In addition there are files containing correspondence and background material which relate to Private Members' Bills promoted by Booth. LMA/4021/01 also contains subject files on national issues that emanated from constituents' cases.

          LMA/4021/02 contains constituents' correspondence and case files as well as subject files relating to local issues. LMA/4021/03 contains Conservative Party material and subject files which relate to the period when Booth was a prospective parliamentary candidate. These files relate to both local and national issues.

          As the collection consists of parliamentary and constituency material, there is a closure period of 30 years. There is no closure period on the published material in LMA/4021/04.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/2527 · Colección · 1930-1980

          Records of the Central Women's Section of the Ilford South Labour Party, comprising minutes and a register of members.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/3561 · Colección · 1919

          Record of the Municipal Reform Party, comprising campaign speech given to the electors of Norwood Division, Lambeth.

          Sin título