Political philosophy

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    • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept10361

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Political philosophy

      Political philosophy

        Termos equivalentes

        Political philosophy

        • UP Political ethics
        • UP Éthique politique
        • UP Ética política

        Termos associados

        Political philosophy

        6 Descrição arquivística resultados para Political philosophy

        Ethical Movement Collection
        GB 1924 WEA Ethical Movement · 1915-1920

        Material relating to the Ethical Movement and the Workers' Education Association (WEA), 1915-1920, comprising presscuttings, notices, reports of meetings, correspondence and pamphlets.

        Sem título
        WINCH, Professor Peter Guy (1926-1997)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP171 · 1936-1996

        Papers of Prof Peter Guy Winch, 1936-1996, including professional correspondence; teaching notes; lecture notes and handouts; draft and proofs of articles by Winch; proof copy of The Idea of Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy, 2nd edition; papers relating to the University of Swansea including minutes of departmental meetings, 1984; papers relating to Winch's time at King's College London including papers relating to publication of Winch's Ethics and Action, 1971-1972 and Winch's inaugural lecture for the Chair of Philosophy, 1968; papers, lecture notes, correspondence, handouts and student work relating to teaching at University of Illinois, 1990-1996 and research notes on topics including social science, ethics, Ludwig Wittgenstein, logic, Baruch Spinoza, epistemology and political philosophy.

        Sem título
        Wilkes, John (1725-1797)
        ACC/0967 · Coleção · 1769

        Address by John Wilkes to voters in Middlesex where he was standing for Parliamentary election, delievered from the Kings Bench Prison where he was imprisoned for seditious libel, 1769.

        Sem título
        Korobko Collection
        GB 0369 KOR · 1995

        Essay by Dmitrii Pavlovich Karobko entitled "Philosophical economic manuscripts 1966-1994", [1995]

        Sem título
        POPPER, Sir Karl Raimund, 1902-1994, Knight, philosopher
        GB 0097 POPPER · Coleção · 1896-1987

        Microfilms of the Popper papers held at Stanford University, California, including Popper's speeches and writings, correspondence, course material, subject files, biographical files, index cards with the addresses of acquaintances, and selected writings by others.

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