GB 1996 - Private Papers Collection of the Honourable Artillery Company

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

GB 1996


Private Papers Collection of the Honourable Artillery Company


Nível de descrição

Dimensão e suporte

40+ linear metres

Zona do contexto

História do arquivo

GB 1996 Private Papers 1859-1994 Collection (fonds) 40+ linear metres, Honourable Artillery Company

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Collections of private papers have been acquired variously by donation and purchase. For details of acquisition, see unpublished Draft Summary Catalogue of Private Papers, 2003.

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Private papers of members of the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC), and as catalogued up to the year 2000 [more have become available since then], - comprising diaries, notebooks, letters, photographs, drawings, scrapbooks, trench maps, film, audio recordings and papers of members, including:

CSM Dudley William Abraham (1904-1975), 1923-1948; Capt. Francis Bryant Adams (died 1870) 1859-1870; Pte Herbert Jordan Adams (died 1912), 1859-1886; Lt Sylvester Ferdinand Alexander, 1917-1919; Lt-Col. Edward John Amoore (1877-1955), 1908-1916;

Bdr James Alexander Bailey (1888-1969); 1681-1889; Dvr Alex Baird, 1916-1919; Col. Leslie Arthur Barber (1905-1991), 1927-1938; Lt Francis Harold Barnes (1894-1990) and Hugh Michael Francis Barnes Yallowley (né Barnes) (born 1928), 1990-1997; Capt. Cecil John Barton (1891-1982), 1908-1918; Sgt Albert Bates (died 1972), 1916-1917; Lt-Col. Hadrian Bayley (1873-1931), 1900, 1915-1919; Capt. John Malcolm Beaven (1906-1987), 1927-1979; Gnr Charles Edward Henry Booth (died 1974), 1915-1919; Sgt Walter John Bradley (died 1975), 1915-1926; Lt Charles Cooper Brissenden (died 1964), 1915-1917;

Bdr Arthur Sydney Challis (died 1973), 1917-1919; Bdr Sidney Victor Clifford, 1917; Major Richard Charles Cole (1874-1965), 1938-1941; Capt. Charles Arthur Leonard Collins (1905-1988), 1956-1986; Gnr Frederick Ignatius Connolly (1895-1975) and Gnr Joseph Eugene Connolly, 1917-1919; Lt-Col. Percie Cyril Cooper (1874-1958), 1900-1945; Major John Viall Crisp (died 1996), 1942-1945; Major Roger Cyril Croxton (1906-1986), 1925-1983; Pte Louis Edward Cutbill (1879-1968), 1903-1904;

Sgt Wilfred Dixon, 1900-1911;

Brig. Newlyn Mason Elliot (1890-1969) 1917-1929; Col. William Evans (1849-1937) 1895-1907;

Capt. Alfred Harman Fleuret (1882-1950), 1915-1918; Major John Robert Freeman (born 1933), c.1956-1978;

Lt-Col Alan Young Garrett (1903-1969), 1928-1933; Col. Graeme Elder Gilchrist (born 1934), c.1964-1982;

Lt-Col Reginald Leonard Haine (1896-1982), c.1914-1918; Pte George Frederic [?] Harris, 1914-1915; Major Horatio Harris, (1879-1970), 1903; Sgt-Major Charles Hickman, 1876-1879; Pte Adrian Keith Graham Hill (1895-1977), 1916-1919; Lt John Henry Houghton (1890-1954), 1912-1919; CSM Maurice Hovenden, (c.1887-1950) 1914-1919; Flight Cadet Edward Hoyle, 1916-1919; Capt. Arthur Gordon Somerset Huddart (1886-1971), 1905-1927;

Brig. Frank Robertson Wordsworth Jameson (1893-1965) 1914-1918, 1990; Pte Bertrand Johnson, 1910-1921; Brig. Roy Frank Johnson (1887-1978), c.1956-1958; Lt Frederick William Justen (1861-1903), 1881-1894;

Capt. Albert Edward Keech (1882-1963), 1914-1944; Capt. Philip Paul Kelly (1906-1943), 1926-1933; Saddler-Sgt James Colyer Kendall (1872-1961), 1900-1951; 2nd Lt Edward Hertslet William Wingfield King (born 1878), 1900-1914;

Dvr Clement Lake (1888-1943) 1915; Pte John Christie Leslie (1907-1942), 1925-1926; Lt-Col. Malcolm Stuart Lewis (died 1971), 1914-1919; Dvr Thomas King Lougheed, 1915-1919;

Sgt Harold Goldsmith Mansfield (born 1879), 1915-1916; Major Alexander McKenzie (died 1893), and his sons- Francis Fuller McKenzie and Lt John Alexander McKenzie, 1866-1899; Major Gilbert McMicking (1862-1942), 1900-1902; Sgt Frederic Hugh Mather, 1914-1919, 1962; Major William Rex Middleton (1910-2000), 1993; Dvr Robert Norman Minton (1892-1964) 1906-1952; Lt Arthur Williams Mitchell (born 1850), 1888-1889; Lt Bernard Moeller (1872-1901) 1900-1902; Sgt Arthur James Mordin (1877-1928), 1902; Lt Roy Petherbridge Mugford (born 1885), 1903-1913; Capt. Gerald Frank Thompson Murnane (1874-1947), 1900-1921;

Col. Henry William O'Brien (1893-1979), 1917; Lt-Col. Terence O'Brien (1900-1948), 1922-1930; General Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor (1889-1981), 1917-1919; Capt. Alan Graham Orr (1907-1994), 1926-1994;

Capt. John Michael Page (born 1916), 1941-1945; Pte John Dainty Palmer, 1911-1964; Flight Lt Richard Harold Harman Pawsey (1916-2003), 1953-1955; Pte Reginald Charles Purkiss (died 1968), 1916-1918;

Major Norman Harold Radford (died 1968), 1922-1924; Lt-Col. Stanley Naysmith Rae (1913-1993), 1945; Capt. Edward John Reed (1913-2001), 1939-1945; Capt. Richard Mervyn Edmund Reeves, 1914-1915; Capt. John Douglas Reid (1891-1951), 1914-1935; Sgt Anthony Ifor Herbert Richards (1926-2003), 1948-1975; Lt Andrew John Riggs (1874-1958), 1900; Major Philip Edmund Riley (1899-1994), 1937-1938; Major Michael John William Russell (1907-1989), 1937-1938; Major Richard Dean Russell (1884-1984), 1905-1972;

Pte John Eric Saunders (born 1896), 1916-1918; Major John Alban Fane Sewell (born 1917), 1941-1945; Capt. William Sewell (born 1894), 1914-1918, 1964; Pte/Gnr Herbert Trevor Sherwood (1880-1952), 1899-1910; Lt-Col John Bamford Smith (1886-1987), c.1908-1986; Cpl Ferdinand Isidore Raphael Spielmann (born 1880), 1903; Sgt Laurence Spooner (born 1885), 1915-1918; Lt-Col. Edward Fraser Stanford (1885-1944), 1915-1919; Pte Leslie Stubbings, 1915-1919;

S B B Thresher, 1910-1912; Sgt Alan Clare Tucker, 1916-1918;

Major George Goold Walker (1882-1955), c.1922-1947; Gnr Stanley Ward (born 1897), 1916-1919; Dvr Charles Stanley Watts (born 1896), 1917-1993; Gnr Harold Arthur Wildsmith, c.1917-1918; Pte Percy Stone Willats (1889-1966), 1917-1919; Major Alexander Adam Wink (1875-1949), 1900; Capt. Francis Eric Wood (died 1975), 1914-1915; Pte Joseph Charles Wood (died 1923), 1903; Major Charles Woolmer-Williams (1851-1932), 1886; Major Douglas Brice Worley (1902-1992), 1920-1976; Major Geoffry Ernest Worssam (1902-1994), 1920-1929;

Gnr Frederick Dan Young (died 1985), 1915-1944.

Avaliação, seleção e eliminação



Sistema de arranjo

As listed above.

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

By appointment only. Contact the Archivist, Honourable Artillery Company, Armoury House, City Road, London EC1Y 2BQ. Administrative records less than 30 years old are not available.
Researchers are requested to consult microfilm copies where they exist, rather than original material.

Condiçoes de reprodução

Copies available subject to condition of material, and copyright restrictions.

Idioma do material

  • inglês

Sistema de escrita do material

  • latim

Notas ao idioma e script


Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descrição

Unpublished detailed location lists for Company Archives and Private Papers collections, 2003; Unpublished List of the Regimental Photograph Albums, compiled by Col H F A Jackson, [1976]; Detailed catalogues for private papers of Major Alexander McKenzie, Major Roger Cyril Croxton, and Captain John Malcolm Beaven, compiled by Clare Barrett, 2002.

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

Copies of the HAC Journal (1923 onwards) are held at the Guildhall Library, the British Library, the Imperial War Museum and the National Army Museum. Also available online up to the 500th issue via Findmypast (FMP) - see the HAC werbsite for more details and links to FMP:

Unidades de descrição relacionadas

See also an old main collection catalogue for the HAC Archives via the National Archives' Discovery catalogue - [Apologies, but has been deleted from this area of AIM25 somehow!].

Papers relating to the Regiment's military activities from 1889, especially original war diaires for WWI and WWII, can also be found at the National Archives, Kew.

Descrições relacionadas

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo da descrição

Identificador da descrição

Identificador da instituição

Honourable Artillery Company

Regras ou convenções utilizadas

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997.


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

Línguas e escritas

  • inglês



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