Religious institutions

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Religious institutions

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Religious institutions

513 Archival description results for Religious institutions

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GB 0074 CLC/201 · Collection · 1538

Lease by the abbot of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Graces beside the Tower of London of a tenement with a yard in Fenchurch Street.

Abbey of St Mary Graces , London
GB 0074 CLC/323 · Collection · 1937-1972

Registers of services at the Adelboden Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Adelboden Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
GB 0074 P69/ALH7 · Collection · 1574-1954

Records of the parish of All Hallows the Great, Upper Thames Street, City of London, including vestry minutes from 1574 and rate assessments from 1586. Other records include registers of baptisms, burials, banns and marriages; Churchwarden's papers; papers relating to charities; and Overseers' receipts and payments relating to the poor rate.

Parish of All Hallows the Great, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH4 · Collection · 1549-1949

Records of the parish of All Hallows, Lombard Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; preachers' books; registers of church services; Vestry minute books; papers of the Churchwardens; accounts, correspondence and papers relating to sequestrations; papers relating to poor relief; church rate assessments; poor rate assessments; tithe rate assessments; Vestry clerk's annual parish accounts; and other papers relating to parochial charities.

Parish of All Hallows, Lombard Street, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P69/ALH6 · Collection · 1491-1968

Records of the parish of All Hallows Staining, Mark Lane, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; Vestry minute books; Churchwarden's financial accounts; poor rate assessment books; tithe rate assessment books; and papers relating to parish poor relief.

The collection includes records of the Society for the Commemoration of the accession of Queen Elizabeth I comprising: minutes, 1683-1787; copy of annual address and rules, 1787; registers of subscribers to the annual dinners, 1766-8; and notes extracted from the minutes, 20th century.

Parish of All Hallows Staining, Mark Lane, City of London , Church of England
GB 0074 P95/ALL2 · Collection · 1858-1970

Records of the parish of All Saints, Lyham Road, Clapham Park, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; church services registers; Parochial Church Council and Vestry minutes; papers of parish societies and clubs; and parish magazines.

Parish of All Saints, Clapham Park , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/039 · Collection · 1887-1978

Records of the parish of All Saints, East Finchley, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and church services; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to endowments; records of the Churchwardens relating to finances, the maintenance of the church fabric and the church site; Vestry minutes; records of the Parochial Church Council relating to the parish hall; and papers of church societies.

Parish of All Saints, East Finchley , Church of England
GB 0074 P77/ALL · Collection · 1674-2003

Records of the parish of All Saints, Fulham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; orders of service; papers of parish organisations including clubs, societies, charities and schools; papers relating to parish boundaries and the benefice; faculties and other papers relating to the construction of the church and the maintenance of the fixtures and fittings; Churchwardens' financial accounts; general financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; Committee minutes; correspondence and publicity material such as appeals leaflets.

C 1675-1997 M 1674-1994 B 1675-1863

Parish of All Saints, Fulham , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/108 · Collection · 1711-1992

Records of the parish of All Saints, Harrow, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage and confirmations; registers of church services; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minute books; financial accounts; papers of Robinson's Charity; papers of Harrow Weald Old Schools; and parish magazines.

Parish of All Saints, Harrow , Church of England
GB 0074 P75/ALL · Collection · 1868-1952

Records of the parish of All Saints, Hatcham Park, including registers of baptisms and marriages; financial records; registers of church services; Parochial Church Council minutes; administrative files; Churchwardens' reports and accounts; papers of church societies including the Sunday School; papers relating to the maintenance of the church and vicarage including plans and elevations; papers relating to parish boundaries; printed charity appeals; and parish magazines.

Parish of All Saints, Hatcham Park , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/021 · Collection · 1538-1982

Records of the Parish of All Saints, Laleham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage and church services; papers relating to glebe lands, benefices and tithes; Churchwarden's accounts; faculties and other papers relating to the maintenance of the church building, fittings and churchyard; Vestry minute books; Parochial Church Council cash books; papers relating to parish charities; papers relating to Laleham School; financial accounts of the Overseers of the Poor; enclosure awards and maps; and some correspondence.

Parish of All Saints, Laleham , Church of England
GB 0074 P88/ALL1 · Collection · 1711-1992

Records of the parish of All Saints, East India Dock Road, Poplar, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; registers of church services; correspondence of the Churchwardens; financial records; Vestry meeting minutes; papers relating to parish charities; and parish magazines.

Also papers relating to civil functions of the parish, comprising bills of the Overseers of the Poor and a report book for the Poplar and Blackwall workhouse.

Parish of All Saints, Poplar , Church of England
GB 0074 P85/ALL3 · Collection · 1892-1980

Records of the parish of All Saints, West Dulwich, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; notices and orders of service; papers and maps relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to church income including the benefice, sequestration, and the Clergy Maintenance Fund; records of Dulwich College Chapel of Ease; financial records; papers relating to the church building and vicarage, including faculties, plans and correspondence; Churchwardens' records; and papers of parish charities.

Parish of All Saints, West Dulwich , Church of England
GB 0074 P89/ALS · Collection · 1812-1990

Records of the parish of All Souls, Langham Place, including registers of baptisms and marriages; preachers' books; financial accounts; plans, sketches and designs relating to changes to the church building; annual reports; parish magazines; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; orders of service; booklets; photographs; papers relating to the organ including music; papers relating to church social activities; and historical notes.

Parish of All Souls, Langham Place , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/169 · Collection · 1867-2000

Records of the parish of All Souls, St Margaret's-on-Thames, Twickenham. This collection includes parish registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations (1898-1986); registers of services and orders of service (1896-1995); duplicate returns of parish statistics (1907-1931); correspondence relating to staff (1959-1994) and parish boundaries (1967-1981); documents, drawings and photographs relating to the church building and its contents (1867-1994); documents and plans relating to church halls (1930-1993); bishop's visitation papers (1966-1969), Parochial Church Council and Vestry minute books and correspondence (1888-2000); financial statements, account books and ledgers (1886-1999); records relating to Wooldridge Legacy Trust (1957-1984) and Sick and Poor Fund (1911-1927) and parish magazines (1898-1971).

Parish of All Souls, St Margaret's-on-Thames, Twickenham , Church of England
N/M/015-1 · Collection · 1836-1897

Minutes of the Trustees, 1862-1897 and minutes of the Sunday School Committee and Teachers, 1836-1856.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 CLC/321 · Collection · 1920-1981

Records of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Finland, comprising:
minutes, 1922-67 (Ms 20884);
papers of the chairman and/or secretary, 1941-70 (Ms 20885);
financial records, 1949-67 (Ms 20886-7);
annual reports, 1923-52 (Ms 20888);
newsletters and other circulars, 1952-80 (Ms 20889);
registers of services, 1920-73 (Ms 20890);
roll of membership, [1900?]-1956 (Ms 20891);
registers of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials and cremations, 1920-61 (Ms 20892-2A);
papers relating to marriages, 1965-72 (Ms 20892B);
architect's drawings of proposed new church, 1928 (Ms 20893); and
correspondence and related papers, 1937-81 (Ms 20894-900).

Finland Anglican Chaplaincy
LMA/4009/AR · Subfonds · 1865-1932

Records of the Archway Road Methodist Church, including register of baptisms, 1865-1897; Leaders' Meeting minute books; financial accounts; Trustees' Meeting minute books; Trustees' correspondence and notes; papers of the Missionary Society and papers of the Sunday School.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
Aylward, Gladys
GB 0102 MS 291571 · Created 1936-1970s

Papers, 1936-1970s, of Gladys Aylward, comprising correspondence (1936-1939) with the Whiskin family during her time in China, press cuttings (1936-1970s), publications, notices, Chinese texts for children, calendars, photographs and miscellaneous items including Chinese accessories.

Aylward , Gladys , 1902-1970 , missionary
Bach, Thomas and Lucy
GB 0102 CWM/LMS India Personal Box 5 · 1894-1900

Papers, 1894-1900, of Thomas and Lucy Bach, comprising correspondence, 1894-1898, largely between Thomas and Lucy Bach and their families, including comments on Lucy's health, life in India, and missionary work; photographs, 1895-[1899], of people and scenes in India, including religious and educational subjects; printed papers, 1898-1900, relating to London Missionary Society (LMS) missionary work and the Bachs' life in India; St John's Gospel written on palm leaves in various languages and another palm leaf book, both undated.

Bach , Thomas William , b 1868 , missionary Bach , S H , fl 1894-1900 , née Mudie Smith , known as Lucy
Baldwin, Arthur
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 12-13 (Box 608) · 1889-1902

Papers, 1889-1902, of Arthur Baldwin, comprising diaries, 1889-1899, describing his journeys, work and life in Africa, including domestic activities and agricultural concerns; letters from Baldwin to his mother, 1889-1902, recounting his activities; letters from F Coillard to Baldwin, 1893-1895, concerning missionary work and concerns; undated manuscript notes on Coillard; undated map marked 'Proposal for a new mission Moomba'; letter to Mr Baldwin from F Pickering, 1897; letter to Mrs Baldwin from Mrs C Thackeray in New Zealand [1908]; nine photographs of southern Africa, mostly undated landscapes but including one of mission staff, 1899, among them some indigenous workers.

Baldwin , Arthur , 1864-1937 , missionary
GB 0101 PG.BG · 1956-1992

Letters, press cuttings, manifestos, constitutions, resolutions and pamphlets issued by the Bangladesh Scheduled Castes' Federation and the Commission for Justice and Peace, reflecting the interests of Bangladesh political pressure groups.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Banks Photograph Collection
GB 0102 MS 380389 · Created c1897-1949

Papers, c1897-1949, of Alexander Banks, comprising photographs taken chiefly by Alexander Banks showing groups of missionaries, including the Banks, Hicks and Hodge families, Indian Christians, including the Das family, Hindus and Muslims, local festivals, buildings and views. Also included are copies of circular letters (1900-1902) and letters (1903-1906) from Alexander Banks; his diary (1899-1900); a record of orphanage children in India (1906) including photographs; and publications of the Regions Beyond Missionary Union.

Banks , Alexander L , fl 1897-1949 , missionary
GB 0103 MS LAT 24 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century, containing Bartholomew of Pisa's 'De Conformitate Vitae Sancti Francisci Ad Vitam Domini Jesu Christi' (On the conformity of the life of Saint Francis to the life of our Lord Jesus Christ) and lists of privileges etc granted to the Friars Minor (Franciscans), extracted from papal registers by Marcus Trevisanus, minister of the Roman province. The list is dated 1418 in the rubric on folio 313v.

Beckingsale, Laura Elsie
GB 0102 MS 354917 · Created 1911-1912

Letters, 1911-1912, from Laura Beckingsale, written in diary form to colleagues in London describing her experiences during the Chinese Revolution of 1911-1912, in Wuchang and Hankow, where she worked for the London Missionary Society.

Beckingsale , Laura Elsie , 1886-1983 , missionary and teacher
GB 0074 LMA/4280 · Collection · 1954-2002

Records of the Belmont Synagogue, covering the whole range of activities undertaken by the Synagogue. In particular, the administration is well represented with minutes, agendas and correspondence from all the main committees; the Council of Management, Membership, Building Fund, Ladies Guild, Parents Association, Education and Social Activity Group.

Information on the religious life can be gleaned from files on Rabbi selection, Bat Chayil Ceremony, Yom Naroim and the Sefer Torah as well as from the substantial photographic collection which also presents a good picture of the social side of the community.

PLEASE NOTE that written permission from the depositors is required to access this collection.

Belmont Synagogue
Bentham (Jeremy) Papers
GB 0103 BENTHAM · 1750-1885

Papers of Jeremy Bentham, 1750-1885, consist of drafts and notes for published and unpublished works, and cover many subjects including: Bentham's codification proposal, a plan to replace existing law with a codified system, an idea which manifested itself in Constitutional Code (London, 1830), a blueprint for representative democracy and an entirely open and fully accountable government, 1815-1832; penal code, which involved penal law giving effect to the rights and duties of civil law, [1773]-1831; punishment, to certain actions which, on account of their tendency to diminish the greatest happiness, would be classified as offences, [1773-1826]; Bentham's Panopticon, a way of maintaining and employing convicts in a new invented building, 1785-1813; Chrestomathia, the secondary school designed by Bentham, 1815-1826; evidence in law, [1780]-1823; religion, and the Church, 1800-1830; logic, ethics, deontology (the science of morality), morals, utilitarianism and the greatest happiness principle, 1794-1834; political economy, [1790]-1819; Supply without burthen or Escheat vice taxation, a proposal for saving taxes, 1793-1795; legislation, including law amendment and law reform, [1770-1843]; procedure, and procedure codes, [1780]-1830; law and issues in other countries, including Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium and Tripoli, 1810-1830; A Comment on the Commentaries, being a criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, also Bentham's and Blackstone's views on civil code, [1774]-1830; sexual nonconformity, [1774]-1816; Scotch reform, 1804-1809; Court of Lords delegates, 1807-1821; parliamentary papers, and parliamentary reform, [1790]-1831; poor law, and poor plan, 1796-[1845]; correspondence, 1761-1866, including a corrected draft letter to James Madison, President of the United States of America, in which Bentham made an offer to draw up a complete code of laws for the USA, 1811.

Bentham , Jeremy , 1748-1832 , philosopher
GB 0074 CLC/115 · Collection · 1901-1990

Records of the Billingsgate Christian Mission comprising annual reports and accounts with other financial records, 1901-90, photographs of the mission and dispensary ca. 1953 and an account of the work of the mission and dispensary ca. 1933.

Please note that these records are subject to a 50-year closure period. For further information please ask a member of staff.

Billingsgate Christian Mission x Billingsgate Christian Mission and Dispensary
N/C/70 · Collection · 1858-1954

Records of Blackheath Congregational Church including deeds, 1858-1872; certificate authorizing solemnization of marriages at the church, 1855; Church meeting minute books, 1853-1969; register of baptisms, 1949-1969; Deacons' meeting minute books, 1869-1970; Sunday School teachers' meeting minute books, 1907-1935; correspondence and papers concerning pastors, 1874-1896; Church membership roll, 1967; account book, 1872-1887 and material relating to church property, 1886-1954.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
GB 0074 CLC/330 · Collection · 1887-1925

Service registers from the Bologna Anglican Chaplaincy, Italy.

Bologna Anglican Chaplaincy , Italy
Boyd, Jean
GB 0102 PP MS 36 · (1789-1934) c1900-1992

Papers, c1900-1992, collected by Jean Boyd, relating to northern Nigeria from the late 18th century to the 1990s.

Papers on Nana Asma'u include copies of her manuscript poems (1820-1865) and later papers relating to her work, including translations, 1976-1984. Papers on works by Shehu dan Fodio include copies of his poems on male-female relationships (1789 and undated) and later papers relating to his work, 1975-1981. Papers on works by Asma'u's female relatives and descendants include copies of poems and writings by various authors (c1860-1934 and undated) and later papers relating to the subject, c1950-1990. Other material comprises field notes on the remnants of Asma'u's disciples, the Yan Taru, 1973-1990; papers on the milieu in which Asma'u lived in Gobir, c1900-1984, including Gobir chiefs; papers, including press cuttings, on the situation of women in northern Nigeria in the 1980s, the subjects including Muslims, prostitution, women's organizations, medical matters, and women's education.

Papers, 1903-1992, including articles, reports and press cuttings, on Sokoto relate to geological history, prehistory, palaeontology, archaeology, pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial history, the subjects including the social and economic history of the city of Sokoto, colonial administration, British fears over Mahdism, and local government and economic issues in Sokoto state in modern Nigeria.

Three volumes contain over 500 postcards, many in colour, relating to Nigeria, including images of people, cultural events, various places, and other aspects of Nigerian life [late 20th century].

Boyd , Jean , fl 1978-2000 , author
Brett family
GB 0096 MS 599 · 1743-1880

Bound volume containing laid down and loose letters, papers and memoranda of the Brett family of Spring Grove, Wye, Ashford, Kent, mostly relating to work on historical, liturgical and biblical subjects in France and England, mainly from a non-jurist viewpoint, [1743-1776], including the following items: a note signed by Nicholas Brett, 13 Jan 1759; a letter written from Spring Grove on 25 Jul 1743, but not in the previous hand, addressed to 'Thomas Williamson, chez...George Waters, l'aisnè, Rue de Savoye, a Paris'; extracts of two letters in another hand to Bishop Robert Gordon, Nov 1757 and Aug 1758; fragment of a letter dated 16 Mar 1758 concerning 'the learned dissertation in your last concerning the antiquity of written liturgies'; autographed letter of 26 May 1773 from William Jones of Nayland [Suffolk] to Nicholas Brett; a list of printed books, on paper watermarked 1800, endorsed 'Books at Crewe not put up, and a list of those sent down'.

Brett , family , non-jurors
GB 0096 MS 815 · 14th century

Premonstratensian Breviary from the abbey of Parc, diocese of Liège (now in the diocese of Malines, Belgium), with a calendar of folios 3-8v.

Breviary and Missal
GB 0103 MS LAT 6 · 13th century

Thirteenth-century manuscript volume. The back bears the inscription: Fragment of 13th century lectionary. The volume comprises fragments of two different manuscripts: Breviarium (breviary, ff 1-18), written for Franciscan use and including hagiographical texts; Missale (missal, ff 19-27v). Very fine miniature depicting the Crucifixion on folio 19r, missing the left hand figure.

GB 0103 MS LAT 20 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century: Breviarum Ad Usum Fratrum Minorum (Breviary for the use of Friars Minor).

Broadbent, Samuel
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Africa/FBN 10 ( Box 604) · 1815-1894

Papers, 1815-1894, of and relating to Samuel Broadbent, comprising his ordination certificate, 1815; notes for a sermon preached in Greetland before leaving for Ceylon, 1815; family letters, 1818-1872; printed Encyclopaedia of Knowledge [before 1826] belonging to Broadbent, vestige of his possessions destroyed at Maquassie in 1826, with a manuscript note by him [after 1826] concerning its history; volume containing manuscript English-Bechuana vocabulary and Lord's Prayer, undated, and other loose Bechuana texts; South African scalping knife; account [after 1832] of the life of Louisa Frances Broadbent; notes of Broadbent's journey to southern Ireland on missionary deputation with the Rev W Toase, 1833; printed article by Broadbent on agriculture in South Africa, 'Incidental results of Christian Missions', 1850; printed map of south-eastern Africa, 1857; various manuscript reminiscences by Broadbent, undated; photograph of Samuel Broadbent, unframed, and another, framed (with copy negative), both undated; manuscript copies [19th century] from letters of Miss Broadbent concerning the last hours of Samuel Broadbent, 1867; the Rev T A Chalker's 'The Story of an African Mission', from the Methodist Record (1894), mentioning Broadbent; undated photograph of the gravestone of Samuel and Sarah Broadbent; manuscript transcript [19th century] of the epitaph on the gravestone of Louisa Frances Broadbent.

Broadbent , Samuel , 1794-1867 , missionary
Broomhall, Anthony James
GB 0102 CIM/PP 158-479 · 1776-1991

Papers, 1776-1991 (including some copies), some undated, collected by Anthony James Broomhall for his work on the China Inland Mission, Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century, comprising manuscript, typescript and printed notes and sources, largely undated, on Chinese and missionary history, on James Hudson Taylor, including his letters and personal papers, the chronology of his life, and his forebears, and on Frederick Howard Taylor; photocopies of drawings and photographs, including James Hudson Taylor and also Chinese buildings, cities, boats and rivers, and other scenes, copies of documents associated with Taylor, including his Bible and marriage certificate, and a photograph of his grave; maps of China and other parts of Asia, some including China Inland Mission stations; Broomhall's correspondence relating to his research, 1939-1991.

Broomhall , Anthony James , 1911-1994 , physician, missionary and historian
Brown, William Thomas
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Europe/FBN 1 ( Box 587) · 1861-1890s

Papers, 1861-1890s, of William Thomas Brown, including observations on Spain and religious matters, and comprising a journal, presumed to be Brown's, 1861-1863; journal with copies of letters sent and received, 1869-1870; manuscripts on 'Contributions towards a History of Methodist Schools in Spain', 1869-1873, and 'Glimpses of a Mission in Spain', including copies of letters, 1880s-1890s.

Brown , William Thomas , 1821-1899 , missionary
N/M/042-1 · Collection · 1819-1965

Register of baptisms of Brunswick Chapel, Limehouse, 1909- 1954; baptism certificate stubs, 1947-1963; register of names in Brunswick Chapel burial ground and vaults, 1831-1853; minute book of trustees' meetings, 1847-1965; minute book of meetings of the trustees of Mitre Schools, 1878-1933; booklet of the Limehouse Wesleyan Sunday School of the Seamen's Mission at Brunswick Chapel, 1913; minute book of meetings of the Wesley Guild Executive, 1922-1940; Collection book of the Wesleyan Foreign Missionary Society, Limehouse based at Brunswick Chapel, 1891-1913; schedule of deeds and documents relating to Limehouse Chapel, 1723-1899, compiled 1899; general correspondence, 1901-1902 and 1940; agreement regarding the improvement and alteration of the Mitre Schools, 1819; Memorandum of Choice and Appointment of new Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School and Trust Property at Mitre Buildings, Limehouse, 1899 and 1911; Fire Insurance Policy of the Wesleyan Methodist Trust Assurance Company Limited, 1884; Conveyance in Trust for vacant ground lying on south side of and near to the Works of the Blackwall Railway Company in street leading from Church Lane to Three Colt Street called Mitre Buildings, Limehouse, 1842; schedule of deeds and other documents relating to Brunswick Chapel and the Mitre Schools, Limehouse, 1934.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 CLC/337 · Collection · 1891-1911

Registers of services for Burgenstock Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Burgenstock Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
Calendar (Latin)
GB 0103 MS LAT 10 · Early 15th century

Fifteenth-century manuscript volume containing a calendar for the year 1424 (wanting January) and instructions for using the tables.

Calvert, James
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 33-36 (Boxes 645-648) · 1837-1910s

Papers, 1837-1910s, of James Calvert and his wife Mary, including James Calvert's journals, 1838-1886 (some gaps), including his experiences in Fiji and South Africa; Mary Calvert's journal, 1863-1866; certificates, 1838, including those for ordination and marriage; personal and family papers, 1839-1887, including baptismal certificates, 1839-1846, photographs of children, and poems; correspondence of James and Mary Calvert, 1837-1892, the correspondents including John Hunt and other ministers, and members of the Calvert and Fowler families; memoranda books on missionary conferences in Adelaide, 1866, Grahamstown, 1873, 1880, and Bloemfontein, 1874; printed proceedings of conferences at Pietermaritzburg, 1877, and Natal, 1878; manuscript notes and addresses, 1830s-1890s, including autobiographical notes, sermons, and anecdotes of mission life; c30 bills, 1870-1890; press cuttings and articles by or about Calvert, 1840s-1910s.

Calvert , James , 1813-1892 , missionary Calvert , Mary , 1814-1882 , née Fowler , wife of the missionary James Calvert
Campbell, John
GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 3, 5 · 1772-1840

Papers, 1772-1840, of and relating to John Campbell, concerning his family, life and work and comprising miscellaneous papers, including certificates and handbills, 1772-1829; miscellaneous correspondence, 1784-1818; correspondence on Campbell's death, 1840; notes for sermons, 1826 and undated; notes on Campbell from the Dictionary of National Biography and genealogy, undated; original sketches from his South African travels, 1813 and undated, and illustrations from his published accounts of his travels, 1815, 1822; proof copy of An Account of the London Missionary Society, c1823; a tract, A Brief Comparison ... of Popery and Protestantism [author unknown; after 1791], with a notebook cover containing odd notes, undated; notebook containing diary entries on an London Missionary Society (LMS) deputation to Norfolk, 1806; New Testament (Edinburgh, 1802) inscribed by John Campbell, 1803, and with a note by him, dated 1839, describing how he preached from it extensively, from Orkney to Cornwall and at the Cape of Good Hope; a tract for children, Cuff, the Negro Boy [by John Campbell, undated].

Campbell , John , 1766-1840 , Independent minister, philanthropist and traveller
GB 2254 HCV · sub-fonds · 1832-c1966

The collection comprises material and memorabilia of Cardinal Herbert Vaughan, including:
Papers from 1832 to 1903, including pastoral letters and correspondence relating to his acquisition of The Tablet and his notebooks and sermon notes.
Material relating to Vaughan and his family including books by, relating to and about Vaughan, books by and about the Vaughan family, biographical material, books of cuttings from local and national newspapers, collected by Vaughan's Mill Hill neighbour Caroline Hanmer and relating to Vaughan and his work, and other newspaper cuttings.
Artefacts and personal effects such as Vaughan's bishop's hat.
Other material such as material relating to the 1966 centenary of the founding of St Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart for Foreign Missions, and miscellaneous material such as publications on Westminster Cathedral, and information on 18th and 19th century English Catholics.

Publications include bound volumes of mission magazines left by Vaughan, such as: Annals of the Propagation of the Faith (1838-1902) and Illustrated Catholic Missions (a monthly publication that Vaughan helped to found in 1885; incomplete).

Vaughan, Herbert Alfred (1832-1903) Hanmer, Caroline (1868-1903) Vaughan family
Carpenter, John Baker
GB 0102 MS 380334 · Created c1899-1926

Letters, papers and photographs, c1899-1926, of John Baker Carpenter, relating to his service in China. They include letters written to Carpenter from Chinese students (c1899-1921).

Carpenter , John Baker , b 1874 , missionary
GB 0074 CLC/338 · Collection · 1910-1963

Records of Cartagena Anglican Chaplaincy, Spain comprising: minute books, 1910-27, 1933-6 (Ms 23635); miscellaneous chaplaincy corresponcence, accounts and other papers, 1911-40 (Ms 23636); cash book of the Seamen's Institute, 1913-40 (Ms 23637); and registers of services, baptisms, marriages and burials, 1910-63 (Ms 30863). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff in 1988 and 1997.

Cartagena Anglican Chaplaincy , Spain
Catholic Missionary Society
GB 0122 CMS · 1910-2001

Papers of the Catholic Missionary Society (CMS), 1910-2001, including the journal of the CMS, Catholic Gazette, 1910-2001; financial accounts, 1995-1999; photographs; a history of the CMS; correspondence regarding the CMS to act as relaters for Christian Unity Dialogue; Catholic Enquiry Centre legacies, 1987-1995; Catholic Enquiry Centre correspondence; papers relating to Missionary Priests; minutes of the CMS, 1979-2001; papers relating to CMS Missions.

Catholic Missionary Society
GB 1556 WL MF 55 · 1903-1938

Papers of the Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, 1903-1938, relate to the central organisation including the constitution and notably comprise management and committee minutes, reports and plans regarding the organisation's aims and objectives and finance records; files on the activities of the state and regional level sub-groups; files concerning women's organisations, youth organisations, members and officers, publication and propaganda, activities of other Jewish organisations, Zionism, emigration to Palestine, training for Jewish youth, Anti-Semitism, political, economic and legal situation for Jews in Germany, CV's relationship to religion and religious organisations, and the attitudes of writers and politicians to Jews.

Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens x Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith
GB 0074 CLC/339 · Collection · 1901-1967

Registers of services at the Champery Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Champery Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
GB 0074 ACC/2805/03 · Collection · 1868-1921

Correspondence of Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler, 1868-1921, relating to diverse subjects including education, legal cases, Jews College, shechita, charity and relief funds, Russo-Jewish Committee, the United Synagogue, administration, provincial congregations and marriages; and relating to foreign places including Australia, China, Japan, Palestine, Jerusalem, Ireland, Romania, South Africa, Russia and New York.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

Adler , Hermann , 1839-1911 , chief rabbi