Identity area
Reference code
- 1964-1967 (Creation)
Extent and medium
1 box
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
British settlement in the area began in the 1830s, and Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company assumed control in the 1890s. Britain took over administration from the Company in 1923 and granted self-government to white colonists. Southern Rhodesia federated in 1953 with Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland with a view to achieving independence as a unified country. The Federation dissolved in 1963, and the three constituent countries pursued separate paths to independence. Britain rejected independence for the white Southern Rhodesia regime in 1964, and the government unilaterally declared independence (UDI) in 1965 as Rhodesia. British colonial rule was briefly reimposed in 1979 in order to achieve a settlement, and independence was granted in 1980 under black majority rule as Zimbabwe.
Archival history
GB 0101 ICS 83 1964-1967 Collection (fonds) 1 box Government of Rhodesia
British settlement in the area began in the 1830s, and Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company assumed control in the 1890s. Britain took over administration from the Company in 1923 and granted self-government to white colonists. Southern Rhodesia federated in 1953 with Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland with a view to achieving independence as a unified country. The Federation dissolved in 1963, and the three constituent countries pursued separate paths to independence. Britain rejected independence for the white Southern Rhodesia regime in 1964, and the government unilaterally declared independence (UDI) in 1965 as Rhodesia. British colonial rule was briefly reimposed in 1979 in order to achieve a settlement, and independence was granted in 1980 under black majority rule as Zimbabwe.
The source of acquisition by ICS is not known.
Papers concerning Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), 1964-1967; comprising copy of the Proclamation of Independence, Nov 1965; letters regarding sanctions, and democracy in Rhodesia; message from the Prime Minister of Rhodesia (Ian Smith) to the African people of Rhodesia regarding independence; press cuttings, mainly from the Rhodesia Herald, Nationalist, The Observer (London) and the Sunday Times (London).
1 box
Open although advance notice should be given. Access to individual items may be restricted under the Data Protection Act or the Freedom of Information Act.
A photocopying service is available, at the discretion of the Library staff. Copies are supplied solely for research or private study. Requests to publish, or to quote from, original material should be submitted to the Information Resources Manager.
Catalogued to item level (see link to repository catalogue).
ICS holds a number of collections containing material on Rhodesian politics including African National Congress (ICS 1), Ignatius Chigwendere (ICS 12), Canon Leslie Gready (ICS 25), Joe Kennedy (ICS 42), Tim Matthews (ICS 54), Anthony McAdam (ICS 50), Southern Rhodesia Legal Aid and Welfare Fund (ICS 107), Kenneth Manyonda (ICS 108), D D E Mutasa (ICS 91), Miles Pedder (ICS 58), Rhodesia Constitutional Conference, 1979 (ICS 64), Rhodesia: Pearce Commission, 1972 (ICS 60), Southern Rhodesia: Ministry of Justice (ICS 53) and Southern Rhodesia: Ministry of Native Affair (ICS 78).
Compiled by Alan Kucia as part of the RSLP AIM25 Project. General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), 2nd edition, 2001. National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Oct 2001 Nationalism Nationalist , Rhodesian newspaper Newly independent states Political doctrines Political systems Rhodesia Rhodesia, Africa , Government Rhodesia Herald Self government Smith , Ian , b 1919 , Prime Minister of Rhodesia Southern Africa State Sunday Times The Observer , newspaper x Observer
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
The source of acquisition by ICS is not known.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Papers concerning Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), 1964-1967; comprising copy of the Proclamation of Independence, Nov 1965; letters regarding sanctions, and democracy in Rhodesia; message from the Prime Minister of Rhodesia (Ian Smith) to the African people of Rhodesia regarding independence; press cuttings, mainly from the Rhodesia Herald, Nationalist, The Observer (London) and the Sunday Times (London).
System of arrangement
1 box
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Open although advance notice should be given. Access to individual items may be restricted under the Data Protection Act or the Freedom of Information Act.
Conditions governing reproduction
A photocopying service is available, at the discretion of the Library staff. Copies are supplied solely for research or private study. Requests to publish, or to quote from, original material should be submitted to the Information Resources Manager.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
ICS holds a number of collections containing material on Rhodesian politics including African National Congress (ICS 1), Ignatius Chigwendere (ICS 12), Canon Leslie Gready (ICS 25), Joe Kennedy (ICS 42), Tim Matthews (ICS 54), Anthony McAdam (ICS 50), Southern Rhodesia Legal Aid and Welfare Fund (ICS 107), Kenneth Manyonda (ICS 108), D D E Mutasa (ICS 91), Miles Pedder (ICS 58), Rhodesia Constitutional Conference, 1979 (ICS 64), Rhodesia: Pearce Commission, 1972 (ICS 60), Southern Rhodesia: Ministry of Justice (ICS 53) and Southern Rhodesia: Ministry of Native Affair (ICS 78).
Finding aids
Catalogued to item level (see link to repository catalogue).
Access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), 2nd edition, 2001. National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English