Rights of the disabled

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  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept7730

Hierarchical terms

Rights of the disabled

Associated terms

Rights of the disabled

1 Archival description results for Rights of the disabled

1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 LMA/4532 · Collection · 1899-2007

Records of the Mary Ward House Trust and the National Institute for Social Work relating to the historical background, maintenance and restoration of Mary Ward House, 1899-2007.

Records of the Mary Ward House Trust relate to the administration and finances of the Trust, 1996-2007. Papers include correspondence with solicitors, the Charity Commission, English Heritage and Camden Council; memorandum and articles of association; Trustees meeting minutes, agendas and papers; annual reports and accounts; financial records; publications, brochures and newsletters produced by the Trust, and publications and research materials relating to Mary Ward and Mary Ward House collected by the Trust, dating between 1899 and 2002.

Records of the National Institute of Social Work relating to their routine maintenance of the Mary Ward House from their tenancy in the 1960s onwards; including deeds and leases, correspondence, minutes, reports, structural surveys and valuations.

Papers relating to the Mary Ward House Project, including applications to and correspondence with the Heritage Lottery Fund; papers relating to the International Architectural Competition; condition surveys; conservation plans; survey and proposal drawings and plans; fundraising papers; and photographs of the House.

Mary Ward House Trust National Institute for Social Work x National Institute for Social Work Training