Fonds GB 0096 MS1190 - Second World War Pacifist Publications

Identity area

Reference code

GB 0096 MS1190


Second World War Pacifist Publications


  • c1937-c1940 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

2 boxes

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

The Peace Pledge Union was founded in 1934, initially as a male-only organisation. Women joined from 1936. Members pledged to renounce war. The Peace Pledge Union has also provided for the victims of war such as Basque child refugees from the Spanish Civil War.

Archival history

GB 0096 MS1190 c1937-c1940 Fonds 2 boxes

Peace Pledge Union

The Peace Pledge Union was founded in 1934, initially as a male-only organisation. Women joined from 1936. Members pledged to renounce war. The Peace Pledge Union has also provided for the victims of war such as Basque child refugees from the Spanish Civil War.

Includes Peace News, 1940; Action, 1939; Peace Pledge Union pamphlets and leaflets including Peace Service Handbook, Can We Make Peace with the Dictators, A Call to Women to Resist War by Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, Conscripting Christianity, God or the Nation by John Middleton Murry, The Meaning of Rearmament by Max Plowman, The Human Person and Society by Eric Gill; War Resisters' International, British Union, Friends' Home Service Committee, National Peace Council, Independent Labour Party Women's Peace Campaign leaflets. Typescript of questions asked at Tribunal. Defence that is no defence by C. Joad, The Crime of conscription by E. I. Watkin, Common Sense Christianity and War by Gerald Vann; The Church and War by Evelyn Underhill, Law in War-Time by D. N. Pritt, Bombs Babies and Beatitudes by Donald Attwater, A review of the proceedings of the Appellate Tribunal (December 1939); The Phantom Broadcast by James Avery Joyce. Christian pamphlets include A Christian Substitute for Armaments by Leyton Richards. Also includes The London Tribunal Questions the C.O., War and the Colonies: a policy for socialists and pacifists (Pacifist Research Bureau), This Way Lies Peace! by George Hartley and Joseph Rowntree (Northern Friends Peace Board), Blessed are the Peacemakers (Council of Christian Pacifist Groups). To Conscientious Objectors placed on the military service register, leaflet by Central Board for Conscientious Objectors; other leaflets include Vera Brittain's Letter to Peace Lovers.

Open for research although 24 hours notice should be given before a research visit


Box listed to file level

Senate House Library also holds a collection of pacifist leaflets from the First World War (MS1152).


2012-12-14 Pacifism World War Two (1939-1945) Religion Peace movements Protest movements World wars (events) Political doctrines Political movements Wars (events)

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Includes Peace News, 1940; Action, 1939; Peace Pledge Union pamphlets and leaflets including Peace Service Handbook, Can We Make Peace with the Dictators, A Call to Women to Resist War by Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, Conscripting Christianity, God or the Nation by John Middleton Murry, The Meaning of Rearmament by Max Plowman, The Human Person and Society by Eric Gill; War Resisters' International, British Union, Friends' Home Service Committee, National Peace Council, Independent Labour Party Women's Peace Campaign leaflets. Typescript of questions asked at Tribunal. Defence that is no defence by C. Joad, The Crime of conscription by E. I. Watkin, Common Sense Christianity and War by Gerald Vann; The Church and War by Evelyn Underhill, Law in War-Time by D. N. Pritt, Bombs Babies and Beatitudes by Donald Attwater, A review of the proceedings of the Appellate Tribunal (December 1939); The Phantom Broadcast by James Avery Joyce. Christian pamphlets include A Christian Substitute for Armaments by Leyton Richards. Also includes The London Tribunal Questions the C.O., War and the Colonies: a policy for socialists and pacifists (Pacifist Research Bureau), This Way Lies Peace! by George Hartley and Joseph Rowntree (Northern Friends Peace Board), Blessed are the Peacemakers (Council of Christian Pacifist Groups). To Conscientious Objectors placed on the military service register, leaflet by Central Board for Conscientious Objectors; other leaflets include Vera Brittain's Letter to Peace Lovers.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open for research although 24 hours notice should be given before a research visit

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Physical characteristics and technical requirements

Senate House Library also holds a collection of pacifist leaflets from the First World War (MS1152).

Finding aids

Box listed to file level

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

Senate House Library, University of London

Rules and/or conventions used



  • English