Slav cultures

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          4 Descrição arquivística resultados para Slav cultures

          Tappe Collection
          GB 0369 TAP · 1946-1979

          Correspondence and papers of Eric Ditmar Tappe, 1946-1979, comprising:
          Correspondence and papers of Maria Golescu, 1946-1979, including correspondence with Tappe and other correspondents, publications sent to Golescu by Stefan Nenitescu and notebook containing excerpts from her correspondence. The correspondence is mainly personal in nature but some references to Romanian people and politics particularly the fate of political prisoners
          Correspondence between Tappe and Professor Emil Turdeanu, Professor of Romanian Language and Literature at the Sorbonne, Paris, 1948-1972
          Correspondence with other Romanian academics and exiles and general correspondence (1948-c1985)
          Papers relating to the Romanian language, literature and history
          General background notes on Romania
          Papers relating to Tappe's publications and public lectures
          Papers relating to SSEES and the University of London and Tappe's visits to Romania and international conferences

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          Gardner Collection
          GB 0369 GAN · 1919-1933

          Picture postcards showing views of Poland or representations of Polish folk art, mostly commercially produced. The majority of the cards were sent to Monica Gardner from Poland and contain a message, other are blank, 1919-1933.

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          Kosina Collection
          GB 0369 KOS · 1948-1983

          Typescripts by Josef Kosina, entitled "Vzpominky z druhe Svetove Valky [Memoirs of the Second World War] and "Czechoslovakia: her rise and fall"; also index cards, notes and bibliography for the former typescript; anonymous letter addressed to Kosina, 1955; notes and newspapers.

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          GB 0102 MS 380612 · 1943-1945

          Typescript papers, 1943-1945, comprising Dr B Ifor Evans's copies of working papers of the Commission of Enquiry into the Facilities for Oriental, Slavonic, East European and African Studies, including minutes of meetings, correspondence and other administrative papers, questionnaires completed by institutions including universities and learned societies in the UK and overseas, evidence submitted by various individuals, and draft report of findings sent to Ernest Bevin (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs).

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