Social interaction

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      Social interaction

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        12 Archivistische beschrijving results for Social interaction

        GB 0074 LMA/4678 · Collectie · 1971- 2008

        Records of Gerald Kremenstein, including committee and related records of the Harrow and Brent Lesbian and Gay Group collected by Gerald Kay as Committee member, and event material, the earliest items from 1971. These include flyers, tickets, badges and membership cards for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) London-based clubs, events and groups which Gerald Kay attended. Highlights include papers relating to the Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group (JGLG) and St Katharine's Group, and a visit to United States of America.

        These records were catalogued under supervision of Richard Wiltshire, Senior Archivist by Zaida Tavares, volunteer as part of the Speakout London - Diversity City project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and based at London Metropolitan Archives.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2108 KUAS100 · 1942- c.1993

        Letters sent from Iris Murdoch to her friend and fellow philosopher Philippa Foot from 1942 to the 1990s. Iris Murdoch and Philippa Foot met at the University of Oxford and went on to share a flat together in London from 1943 to 1945. There followed a period of some estrangement as Philippa Foot married historian Michael (MRD) Foot, following his previous relationship with and subsequent rejection by Iris Murdoch. Their friendship was rekindled in 1959 following Philippa Foot’s divorce, and they remained friends and corresponded regularly while the latter was based in the USA. In the letters their friendship is discussed, as well as their work in philosophy and literature, and events taking place in the wider world at large.

        Zonder titel
        Coleherne Patrons Committee
        Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

        Papers regarding Coleherne Patrons Committee, 1978-1983, including constitution, minutes, records of meetings with the Coleherne Road Area Residents Association, and financial records.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 LMA/4539 · Collectie · 1971-1989

        Records of the Southwark and Lambeth Group of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality. The records reflect a number of issues being dealt with by gay rights campaigners in the '70s including the trial of Gay News for blasphemy, the fight against fascism, and an involvement in women's and lesbian rights. Local matters touched on in the papers include the branch's deliberation over joining the Southwark Campaign against Rascism and Fascism, and application for recognition by the national council.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2108 KUAS78 · 1945-c.1990

        Letters from Iris Murdoch to Hal Lidderdale dating from 1945 to 1990s. Lidderdale was a friend of Murdoch's from Oxford where they were students together, and they remained in touch until Lidderdale's death. Topics covered in the letters include Murdoch's work following the Second World War with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), meeting with Jean Paul Sartre, her brief engagement to David Hicks, and her later work and travels.

        Zonder titel
        Wakefield, Gilbert: letter
        GB 0096 AL118 · Archief · 1799

        Letter from Gilbert Wakefield of Dorchester Gaol to George Dyer of Clifford's Inn, Fleet Street, 2 Jul 1799. Thanking him for his 'fraternal solicitude'.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2893 · Collectie · 1887-2007

        Records of the Federation of Synagogues, 1887 - 1988. The records include a comprehensive set of minutes of the Federation; a less comprehensive but nonetheless interesting collection of minute books from the individual congregations; and minutes of other institutions connected with the Federation. There are also financial accounts, reports, property files (including synagogue plans), notice books and correspondence files which give a fuller picture of life of the Federation; and records of the East London Mikvah Committee; Federation Burial Society and London Talmud Torah Council.

        Zonder titel
        GB 106 PC/07 · [1970-2009]

        The Women's Library continues to document the development of feminism in the UK, and examples of '3rd wave' activity can be found within our Zine Collection. The Zine Collection began with a donation of 50 zines by Ladyfest London in 2002. This Collection comprises self-published magazines reflecting contemporary feminism and the attitudes and concerns of young women in the UK today. It currently includes over 150 indexed zines on topics ranging from music, feminism, art, fashion, food, politics, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, popular culture, travelling, relationships, parenting and much more. The Women's Library aims to collect and preserve women's zines from the 1970s to the present day.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0120 WA/HSW · 1800-1985

        Papers of Henry Solomon Wellcome, 1800-1985, comprising articles, publications, financial records, legal records, administrative documents, property details, probate records, marriage and divorce records, diaries, microfiche of letter books, details of events, subscription lists, field and geological reports, press cuttings, photographs, ephemera, objects, and family papers dating back to 1800.

        Zonder titel
        TATCHELL, Peter (b 1952)
        GB 0074 LMA/4466 · Collectie · 1971-2004

        The papers of Peter Tatchell includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, posters, leaflets and publications on the following topics: Aids/HIV research, vivisection and animal rights, homophobic violence and policing, the age of consent, media portrayal of homosexuality, negative comments on sexuality by 'personalities', homophobic lyrics and the music industry, international politics, green socialism, Labour and politics, Members of Parliament and 'outing', the Bermondsey By-election, the Greater London Assembly, Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders' stances on homosexuality, the law and sexuality, the prosecution of homosexual acts, and the employment of homosexuals in the armed forces.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 LMA/4666 · Collectie · 1970s

        Records of Westways Greetings including sale catalogues and unused greeting cards published by Lip Productions Limited, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America and imported by Westways Greetings for sale in the United Kingdom. The cards depict gay and Christmas themes mainly marketed to the gay and lesbian community. Some of the cards depict Black people / people of African descent and other ethnic origin.

        No administrative records of the firm are known to survive.

        This collection was catalogued by Ros Hamner, volunteer, as part of Speakout London project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, supervised by Sally Bevan and Richard Wiltshire, Senior Archivists.

        Zonder titel