Sciences sociales

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      Sciences sociales

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        Sciences sociales

        • Employé pour Social and human sciences
        • Employé pour Sciences sociales et humaines
        • Employé pour Ciencias sociales y humanas

        Termes associés

        Sciences sociales

        505 Description archivistique résultats pour Sciences sociales

        505 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        McMILLAN, Margaret (1860-1931)
        GB 2121 Margaret McMillan · [1860]-1977

        Records relating to the Nursery School, Camp School, and Rachel McMillan College, [1860]-1977, comprising copy photographs of Deptford Health Centre, School Clinic and patients, views of Albury Street and residents, scenes of Girls' and Boys' Camps, Rachel McMillan Nursery School, visits by Queen Mary to the School, [1910-1929]; legal and financial papers, including wills and deeds, bequests, shares and bonds, off site properties and accommodation; Camp School Committee and Nursery School Committee minutes, [1910s]; College log books, 1923-1929; Nursery School log books, 1923-1928, 1954-1963;

        student teaching practice and course notes, [1938];

        Nursery School and Camp School pupil events and activities; visitations and inspections; publications and prospectuses; press cuttings; recollections of former students;

        minutes of Rachel McMillan College Governors' meetings, 1930-1977; minutes of the Academic Council, 1957-1977; papers relating to the transfer of the College to the Inner London Education Authority, [1960s], and to Goldsmiths' College, [1970s] ;

        photographs of the nursery school, School Clinic, nurse at work in the School Clinic, exterior and interior views of Albury Street, Deptford, the first Deptford Health Centre/School Clinic, [1910-1911].

        Papers relating to Margaret McMillan and and the McMillan family, comprising copy correspondence, notes and articles, photographs, including of Rachel and Margaret McMillan and other family members, [1860-1917], press cuttings (originals at Lewisham); reminiscences of ex-students and friends about Margaret McMillan; books and pamplets by Margaret McMillan (most of this material is copied from originals held at Lewisham Local Studies Centre).

        Sans titre
        North-Western Fever Hospital
        GB 0074 H71/NWF · 1887-1972

        Records of the North-Western Fever Hospital (NWFH), (later the Lawn Road or North-Western Branch of the Royal Free Hospital), 1887-1972, comprising: Nursing Staff Registers, containing service records for nurses and ward orderlies, 1887-1951; Nurse training records, for probationer and student nurses trained at NWFH, 1937-1946; Domestic Staff Registers, containing service records for domestic staff, including housekeeping, laundry and catering staff, 1887-1923.
        Royal Free Hospital, Lawn Road (or North Western) Branch: In-patient Registers, 1965-1972; Patients Property Register, 1944-1962; Joint Consultative Staff Committee minutes, 1951-1954.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 ADM/E&M · Sous-fonds · 1702-1806
        Fait partie de Admiralty Collection

        In-letters and orders of the Sick and Hurt Board. They consist of eighty volumes of in-Letters from the Admiralty, 1702 to 1806. Fifty-two of these volumes relate to the care of sick and hurt seamen, 1702 to 1708, 1715 to 1750, 1750 to 1806 (class mark, ADM/E); seventeen to the care of prisoners of war, 1743 to 1750; a further two volumes to the care of American prisoners, 1777 to 1783; and nine more to the care of French, Spanish and Dutch prisoners, 1778 to 1783 (ADM/M).

        Sans titre
        Bethune, Henry (1858-1939)
        GB 0064 BET · Collection · [1871-1903]

        Papers of Capt Henry Bethune comprising a series of logs for the above ships and a notebook on navigation and steam.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 BRG · Collection · [1912-1920]

        Papers of Albert Francis Barclay Bridges, including a journal, 1912 to 1918; pocket diaries, 1918 to 1920, kept whilst in the Mediterranean and Black Sea; and a photograph and scrap album belonging to his brother, William M Bridges mainly relating to the surrender of the German fleet, 21 Nov 1918.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 BRI · Collection · 1874-1904

        Papers of Sir Cyprian Arthur George Bridge including a few watch bills and other papers relating to the AUDACIOUS, 1874 to 1877; out-letterbooks, 1881 to 1885 and 1898; private letters received, 1895 to 1898, 1901 to 1904, and admiral's journals, 1895 to 1898.

        Sans titre
        Brown, Sir Harold Arthur (1878-1968)
        GB 0064 BRN · Collection · 1894-1959

        Papers of Sir Harold Arthur Brown, comprising certificates, 1899 to 1929, appointments, 1894 to 1932, and letters, including those from the Foreign Office and British Embassy (Washington) in appreciation of his service, 1925, and those from Vice-Admiral Dalton (1904- ) about substituting 'Chief Naval Engineer Officer' as a title for the former 'Engineer-in-Chief of the Fleet', 1959.

        Sans titre
        Brown, Francis Clifton (1874-1963)
        GB 0064 BRO · Collection · 1890-1911

        Papers of Francis Clifton Brown comprising a continuous run of logs, 1890 to 1900, diaries, 1890 to 1902, notebooks and loose papers, including some relating to his period as naval attache in Greece. There are also some comprehensive photograph albums, 1890 to 1911. There are no papers for Brown's First World War service.

        Sans titre
        Osborn, Henry (1694-1771)
        GB 0064 CAL/1-7 · Sous-fonds · 1730-1757
        Fait partie de Caldwell family papers

        Papers of Henry Osborn comprising five logs, 1730 to 1742, and an order book, 1747 to 1757.

        Sans titre
        Clifford, Thomas (1630-1673)
        GB 0064 CLI · Collection · 1649-1673

        Papers of Thomas Clifford spanning the period May 1649 to June 1673, the papers include correspondence, commissions and official instructions, proposals for treaties with various European heads of state, reports and dispatches. All relate to the Dutch Wars of 1652-1654, 1665-1667 and 1672-1674.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 CNM · Collection · [1914-1963]

        Papers of Andrew Browne Cunningham relating mostly to the period after his retirement. There are seven copies of the Tenedos Times, 1914 to 1915, notes and drafts of speeches, and papers relating to the many honours bestowed on Cunningham and to his membership of various societies and institutions.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 COO/3 · Sous-fonds · [1774-1857]
        Fait partie de Owen Family

        Papers of William Fitzwilliam Owen. They include a narrative of Owen's naval service, an account of the proceedings in the Cornelia and papers relating to the Africa survey and his work at Fernando Po. There are also papers concerning the settlement founded by Commander Owen, Admiral Owen's father, in Nova Scotia.

        Sans titre
        Davison, Alexander (1750-1829)
        GB 0064 DAV · Collection · [1798-1814]

        Papers of Alexander Davison including a collection of forty-five letters concerning prize money, 1804-14, including those from Admirals Collingwood (q.v.), Robert Digby (1732-1815), Sir Thomas Graves (c 1747-1814), Thomas Hardy (1769-1839), Samuel, Viscount Hood (q.v.) and Sir James Saumarez (1757-1836). They deal largely with Davison's expectations of the fleet agency which were disappointed after Nelsons death.

        Letters from the Navy office to Davison, recommending agents he could work with, and discussing the issue of Head Money and the purchase of prizes after the Battle of the Nile. 12th October 1798 - 10th May 1799. Copy letters from Davison, including his application to be appointed sole agent for the Battle of the Nile prizes, letters to the Navy Board, and to Tucker, secretary to Lord St Vincent. 27th November 1798 - 11th June 1799.

        Letters from the Captain James Saumerez to Davison, regarding his escorting vessels back from the Nile, and passing on news of Lady Nelson. 28th November 1798 - 13th July 1799.

        Miscellaneous letters to Davison. Includes various applications for employment following his appointment as prize agent for the Battle of the Nile prizes, a letter from Captain Thomas Thompson regarding the issuing of prize money following the Nile, Louisa (wife of Sir Edward) Berry asking advice on how two Norfolk seamen should apply for their prize money, and a copy letter on behalf of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland offering money towards a commemorative obelisk to mark the victory. 5th October 1798 - 4th December 1799.

        Extracts from the log of HMS VANGUARD at the Battle of the Nile.

        Davison's appointment as prize agent for HMS ALEXANDER, signed by the crew, and his prize list for HMS ALEXANDER, detailing those eligible to receive prizes. 10th August 1798. Davison's list of officers of the fleet, who served under Rear Admiral Nelson's command at the Battle of the Nile. Detailed series of eight Navy Office bills, relating to ships captured at the Battle of the Nile. 15th March 1799 - 29th May 1799.Miscellaneous papers - includes a certificate appointing Mr Campbell of HMS CANOPUS to act on Davison's behalf, and various accounts regarding Head Money and the valuation and sale of captured French vessels following the Battle of the Nile.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 DRW · Collection · [1815-1835]

        Papers of Charles Ramsey Drinkwater Bethune comprising letters, written mainly by Bethune to his family, 1815 to 1835, and a number of watercolours.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 DTY · Collection · [1847-1887]

        Papers of Frederick Doughty, including logs, 1847 to 1854; journals, 1860 to 1864, 1878 to 1883; official letterbooks, 1866 to 1872, 1882 to 1887; a personal letterbook, 1867 to 1876; an order book, 1860 to 1864, and notes and drawings on torpedoes compiled in 1868. Although Doughty's career was comparatively uneventful, he was a man of wide interests and his journals are of more than official interest.

        Sans titre
        Elliot, Admiral John (1732-1808)
        GB 0064 ELL/400-499 · Sous-fonds · [1745-1793]
        Fait partie de Elliot Family

        Papers of Adm John Elliot, consisting only of one volume, containing a biographical note and seventy-two letters sent mostly by Elliot to his father or brother, 1745 to 1805. There are also letters received, including some from Lords Sandwich (q. v.) and Barham (q.v.). Also included is a description by Captain Erasmus Gower (q.v.) of Lord Macartney's Embassy to China in 1793 and another of the First of June, 1794.

        Sans titre
        Foley, Admiral Sir Thomas (1757-1833)
        GB 0064 FOL · Collection · 1797-1832

        Papers of Sir Thomas Foley, consisting of about 630 letters received by Foley between 1797 and 1832. Much of the correspondence concerns the promotion of young officers. There are approximately 140 correspondents; those with more than a few letters include Prince William Henry, Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton (1759-1832), Admiral Sir Richard Keats (q.v. ), Robert Saunders Dundas, Lord Melville (q.v.), Earl St Vincent (q.v.), Admiral Sir Robert Stopford (q.v.), Admiral Sir William Young (1751-1821) and Vice-Admiral Sir William Hope (1766-1831).

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 HOW · Collection · [1772-1799]

        Papers of Adml Richard Howe, including signal books, undated, a notebook on signals, letters from George III, 1785 to 1794, Admiral John Blankett (d 1801), 1786, and family letters of the 1790s. There is also an annotated copy of the Naval Instructions of 1772.

        Sans titre
        Hulbert, George Redmond, (1774-1825)
        GB 0064 HUL · Collection · [1793-1823]

        Papers of George Redmond Hulbert, comprising his correspondence, 1807 to 1823, with the Navy Pay Office, Navy Prize Office, Treasury, Greenwich Hospital, Doctors' Commons and naval officers. There are also accounts and lists of prizes, including some printed papers, 1793 to 1798. The collection provides detailed information on the procedure followed in the collection and distribution of prize money.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 HWK · Collection · 1743-1762

        Papers of Adml Edward Hawke. They contain a virtually unbroken series of letter and order books relating to Hawke's career afloat from June 1743 onwards. The only gap appears in the in-letters between November 1759 and April 1762; otherwise chronological omissions correspond with Hawke's periods ashore. There is nothing relating to his service as First Lord of the Admiralty.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 JOH · Collection · [1880-1898]

        Papers of Charles Johnstone, consisting of eighteen diaries, 1880 to 1897, 1890 and 1895 excepted, which describe all the major events of Johnstone's life in detail. His logs cover the years 1858 to 1864, 1866 to 1867 and 1871 to 1873. There are official letters among the loose papers as well as letterbooks, 1883, 1892 to 1894, 1896 to 1898, and many of these refer to Madagascar and to the Victoria and Camperdown collision; for the latter affair there is Johnstone's own vindication of his conduct. The printed papers, including news cuttings, refer to Borneo and Madagascar and to the education of naval officers.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 KEI · Collection · [1772-1815]

        Papers of Adml George Keith Elphinstone, consisting of 168 volumes and 350 boxes of loose papers all of which include letters, orders and memoranda received between 1772 and 1815. Keith's active career, before he commanded a station, is well covered by correspondence From 1796, however, the papers become very extensive. There is considerable material on the reduction of the Cape of Good Hope and on other matters during the Cape command (15 vols, 7 boxes). As Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, he received letters from Lords Nelson, Minto and Elgin (1766-1841), Sir Sidney Smith and a number of Turkish potentates (80 vols, 100 boxes). The papers covering his North Sea Command illustrate strategic and day-to-day problems and there are a large number of letters from Admiral Sir Bartholomew Rowley (d 1811) at the Nore, Admiral Holloway (d.1826) in the Downs, Commodore Edward Owen in Boulogne and others (55 vols, 185 boxes). No less comprehensive are the records for the final Channel command with correspondence from Sir Home Popham (1762-1820), the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) and some letters relating to Napoleon's surrender (25 vols, 50 boxes). Keith's private papers form only a very small part of the collection hut as a flag-officer he kept the most routine of letters: for each major command, particularly that of the Mediterranean, there are numerous accounts and returns which provide a detailed picture of victualling and the other general problems of an overseas fleet. There are also complete lists of ships' dispositions for all his major commands.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 KEP · Collection · [1748-1778]

        Papers of Augustus Keppel, consisting of two groups. The first, deposited on permanent loan in 1944, is a collection of letters, 1778, from the Admiralty and Keppel's replies. There are also court martial resolutions on Admiral Byng, 1757. The second, purchased in 1946, is a series of order books, 1748 to 1778, and two Quarter Deck order books, 1761 to 1762, 1778.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 KIN · Collection · [1783-1800]

        Papers of Sir Robert Brice Kingsmill. Apart from the log of the ELIZABETH, 1783 to 1786, the collection consists of ten letter and order books, 1793 to 1800.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 LAR · Collection · [1914-1928]

        Papers of Cpt Dennis Augustus Hugo Larking, consisting of private letters to Captain Larking from Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty (1871-1936) and Lady Beatty (d 1932). Lady Beatty's letters, 1914 to 1918, were mostly written from Aberdour House, Fife. The letters from Earl Beatty, 1914 to 1928, date mostly from the war, when the Admiral commanded the First Battle Cruiser Squadron, later the Battle Cruiser Force, and then the Grand Fleet.

        Sans titre
        Malcolm family papers
        GB 0064 MAL · Collection · 1804-1838

        Papers of Charles Malcolm, consisting of nine volumes of official letterbooks, 1801 to 1838, most of which relate to Malcolm's years in the Indian Navy.

        Papers of Sir Pulteney Malcolm, consisting of official letterbooks, 1804 to 1810 and 1812 to 1817; a log, 1810 to 1813, which contains entries for the DONEGAL, the ROYAL OAK and Malcolm's log as Captain of the Fleet; a book of memoranda relating to actions in America, 1806, 1814 to 1815; a 'journal of events', May 1814 to May 1815, and a signal book.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 MAL/101-106 · Sous-fonds · 1804-1815
        Fait partie de Malcolm family papers

        Papers of Sir Pulteney Malcolm, consisting of official letterbooks, 1804 to 1810 and 1812 to 1817; a log, 1810 to 1813, which contains entries for the DONEGAL, the ROYAL OAK and Malcolm's log as Captain of the Fleet; a book of memoranda relating to actions in America, 1806, 1814 to 1815; a 'journal of events', May 1814 to May 1815, and a signal book.

        Sans titre
        Madden, Commander Humphrey Page (b 1905)
        GB 0064 MDN · Collection · 1919-1941

        Papers of Humphrey Page Madden, consisting of official service documents; logs, 1923 to 1925, and photograph albums, 1919 to 1923, 1925 to 1927, 1929, 1930 to 1932 and 1934 to 1941.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 MEL/1-10 · Sous-fonds · [1760-1811]
        Fait partie de Melville family papers

        Papers of Henry Dundas, consisting of miscellaneous letters and documents relating to Dundas' official career as a naval administrator, 1760 to 1811. A further section was purchased from Madame Elisabeth La Serre in 1976. It consists of letters received between 1794 and 1806, from, among others, Admirals Cornwallis (q.v.), Duncan (q.v.), Orde (q.v.), Keith (q.v.), and Hallowell (q.v.), as well as a number of ship lists.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 MLN/101-199 · Sous-fonds · [1817-1882]
        Fait partie de Milne family

        Papers of Sir Alexander Milne, consisting of logs, 1817 to 1827 and 1837 to 1839, letterbooks, 1827 to 1839, and letters and papers, 1838 to 1847. There are also a number of ship's books relating to the SNAKE and the CROCODILE. For the North American command there are official out-letterbooks, letters received and memoranda to squadrons, 1860 to 1864, as well as private letters from the Duke of Somerset (1804-1885), First Lord of the Admiralty, and to and from Sir Frederick Grey (1805-1878), First Naval Lord, between 1861 and 1862. There are also notebooks and sailing orders for this period. For the Mediterranean Command there are letterbooks, general and squadron memoranda and sailing orders, 1869 to 1870. For his period at the Admiralty there are copies of private and semi-official letters, 1854 to 1855, 1869 and 1873 to 1876, and letters to his brother, David Milne Home, 1820 to 1847. There are a considerable number of official papers relating to the loss of the Megaera and the Captain and the first, second and third Reports of the Royal Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Defence of British Possessions and Commerce Abroad, 1882. Finally there are diaries for 1825, 1833 to 1835, 1837, 1840 to 1841, 1843 to 1845, 1849 and 1870.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 MRK · Collection · [1856-1894]

        Papers of Sir Albert Hastings Markham, including a log, 1856 to 1874; a diary, 1875 to 1876, and an admiral's journal, 1892 to 1894. For the TRIUMPH, 1879 to 1882, there is a night order book, a captain's information book, a remark book and a letterbook. There is a night order book for the HECLA, 1879 to 1885, a remark book for the ACTIVE, Training Squadron, 1888, a telegram book and reports for the Mediterranean, 1892 to 1894, and press cuttings and photograph albums. The papers include correspondence on the voyage of the ROSARIO; official correspondence, 1886 to 1889, 1892 to 1893; papers relating to the collisions in which Markham was involved; letters and papers on Antarctic exploration and on Markham's literary work. Finally, there is Markham's semi-official and private correspondence throughout his career. This includes letters from his cousin Sir Clements Markham (1830-1916).

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 MSN · Collection · [1791-1831]

        Papers of Henry Browne Mason, consisting of a typewritten transcript of Mason's autobiography from 1791 to 1831; four logs which he kept in the AMPHION between 1805 and 1808, a watch bill for the WARSPITE, undated; a signal book, undated, and copies of five letters written between 1805 and 1812 concerning Daniel Finch (1647-1730), second Earl of Nottingham and an ancestor of Mason's.

        Sans titre
        Pollard-Whitshed Collection
        GB 0064 PDW · Collection · 1784-1878

        Papers of Rear-Admiral Edwin John Pollard, including accounts, memoranda and sailing orders for 1858 to 1861, 1863 to 1865 and 1878; a notebook recording the ships in which Pollard served as a junior officer; a watch bill, 1860 to 1861; a book of technical details on the RUPERT and the DEFENCE and newspaper cuttings. 1858 to 1878.

        Papers of Sir James Hawkins Whitshed. They include a letterbook of the ROSE, 1784 to 1785; sailing directions and orders of battle, 1800 to 1801, and three letters concerning the possibility of mutiny in the Channel Fleet, 1800.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 PET · Collection · [1908-1945]

        Papers of Adml Sir Arthur Malcolm Peters. They span the wide range of Peters' naval career, from his time at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich in 1908, to his later appointment as Flag Officer Commanding West Africa (1943-1945). The papers include a large number of notebooks and lecture notes from various naval courses, journals, logbooks, material relating to cables, some correspondence, ephemera, printed books and a large amount of photographic material.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 PGE · Collection · 1778-1841

        Papers of Adml Benjamin William Page. They consist of Page's official and private correspondence 1778 to 1841, contained in three volumes and loose papers.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 PHI/101-140 · Sous-fonds · [1858-1894]
        Fait partie de Phipps-Hornby Collection

        Papers of Sir Geoffrey Thomas Phipps Hornby, [1858-1894]. Except for a few service papers and a letterbook, 1858 to 1870, the entire collection dates from 1865 onwards. The most important part of the collection is Hornby's official, semi-official and private correspondence, 1873 to 1894, in which many leading naval officers and other figures of the day are represented. There are also some letters written by Hornby and some correspondence of his wife and of his daughter, Mrs Egerton. Relating to Hornby's commands, there are official letterbooks for the years 1870 to 1874 and 1877 to 1880, memoranda and orders, 1865 to 1874 and 1877 to 1880, private letterbooks, 1865 to 1874, 1877 to 1878 and 1885 to 1891, and registers of telegrams received and despatched, 1877 to 1880. There are printed memoranda and papers relating to his time at the Admiralty, including the work of the Construction and Torpedo Committees.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 PLL · Collection · 1809-1863

        Papers of Sir Watkin Owen Pell, consisting of his diaries, 1824 to 1863, and his official, semi-official and private correspondence from 1809 onwards. This includes a number of letters from Admiral Sir George Cockburn, 1834 to 1851, and from the Spencer family, 1827 to 1856. There are extracts from logs, notes and drafts for a biography begun by his daughter, Mrs S M Maude, some account books and some items relating to Greenwich Hospital. There are also a few letters, diaries and account books of his wife, Lady Pell, and a few diaries and papers of Lieutenant Edwin Pell, 24th Regiment, dating mainly from 1809 to 1812 when he was serving in the Peninsular War.

        Sans titre
        Purvis, Admiral John Child (1746-1825)
        GB 0064 PRV · Collection · 1761-1817

        Papers of Adml John Child Purvis, 1761-1817, comprising logs and admiral's journals for the years 1761 to 1763, 1778 to 1783 and 1793 to 1810, letter and order books, 1781 to 1783 and 1793 to 1810, and correspondence and loose papers, including some letters with the Spanish authorities, mostly 1806 to 1810. There is also an autobiographical essay. There are also some papers relating to Purvis's son, Lieutenant Richard Fortescue Purvis, 1806 to 1817.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 RAI/401-407 · Sous-fonds · [1805-1809]
        Fait partie de Rainier Family papers

        Papers of Sir Thomas Harvey consisting of a journal, 1805 to 1807, loose papers containing letters and orders, 1807 to 1809, and a few miscellaneous memoranda.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 RCE · Collection · 1815-1850

        Papers of William Mcpherson Rice, comprising a 'Journal kept in passing through the different offices of HM Dockyard, Deptford, 1820', papers relating to the excavation of an ancient vessel found in the River Rother in Kent, in 1822; a log and a diary of Rice's voyage to South America and papers on the TERROR. There are also service papers, some correspondence, including several letters from Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin (1773-1854), and a sketchbook. Three older documents, presumably collected by Rice, also form part of the collection, as do the service papers of Charles Brown, Master, RN, 1815-1850.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 ROB · Collection · 1801-1815

        Papers of John Charles Gawen Roberts. They consist of logs, 1801 to 1804, 1812 to 1815; letter and order books and ship's general orders, 1812 to 1815.

        Sans titre
        Salmon, Admiral Sir Nowell (1857-1961)
        GB 0064 SAL · Collection · [1857-1961]

        Papers of Sir Nowell Salmon, comprising diaries from Nowell Salmon and his wife Emily Salmon, and three diaries from Sophie Saunders. The collection also includes letters belonging to various members of the family between 1857 and 1961.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 SIS · Collection · [1859-1883]

        Papers of James Joseph Lawson Sisson, consisting of a diary, 1859-1860, logs, 1865-1869 and 1872-1876, family letters received and Sisson's own letters to his father, 1860-1883. There is also some biographical material, a pocket book and sketch book.

        Sans titre
        GB 0064 SMT · Collection · [1790-1840]

        Papers of Sir William Sidney Smith, consisting of loose letters and notes written between 1790 and 1840 by many of the important naval figures of the day. There are notes on his experiences as a prisoner of the French, a number of letters relating to the Mediterranean, 1799 and some to his brother John Spencer Smith, who was Minister Plenipotentiary at Constantinople, 1798 to 1801. Finally there are many letters received by Smith during his retirement abroad.

        Sans titre