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      GB 0102 PP MS 66 · Created c1906-1948

      Papers of Lt-Col David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer, c1906-1948, comprising linguistic papers relating to his work on Burushaski, Khowar, Shina, Bakhtiari, Kermani Persian, and Gabri; photographs and 22 reels of cinefilm of a field trip to the Hunza Valley (north west Pakistan), 1934-1935; other photographs and glass plate negatives, including Persia, among them images of people, buildings and places; Hunza rock and seed samples.

      Sin título
      ACC/2180 · Colección · [1930]-1983

      Papers of Doctor Norah Schuster, [1930]-1983, comprising copies of her published articles on the Royal Chest Hospital, its founder Doctor Isaac Buxton and the Western General Dispensary at Saint Marylebone; drafts and notes for her publications, including notes for an unpublished history of the Royal Chest Hospital; research papers relating to Doctor Isaac Buxton, and illustrations for the life of Doctor Isaac Buxton and the history of the Western General Dispensary.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/1236 · Colección · 1850-1899

      Notebook containing extracts from various City of London records.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/039 · Colección · 1949-1953

      Records of the Antiquarian section of the British Horological Institute, including minutes and papers.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/235 · Colección · 1856

      Transcripts of an extract from "St Paul's Liber" (folios 51-54), a survey of property in London belonging to St Paul's Cathedral, 1130.

      Sin título
      BRIDGER, Charles (fl 1867)
      GB 0074 CLC/237 · Colección · [1840-1880]

      Extracts from the wills of stationers of London, 1550-1664; and lists of apprentices bound to members of the Stationers' Company, 1555-1640.

      Sin título
      BUCKLEY, Francis (fl 1912-1941)
      GB 0074 CLC/239 · Colección · 1930-1938

      These papers of Francis and George Bent Buckley comprise antiquarian notes compiled by them from 1930 to 1938, chiefly relating to watches and 17th and 18th century London watchmakers.

      The records comprise: list of lost watches of London watchmakers, c 1930 (Ms 02921); list of references to 18th-century newspaper advertisements relating to watchmakers, clockmakers and allied trades, c 1934 (Ms 03338); list of British clockmakers working outside London, 1937 (Ms 03355); and alphabetical list of glass sellers, china-men and "potters", 1938 (Ms 03384).

      Sin título
      COPELAND, Alfred James (fl 1870)
      GB 0074 CLC/243 · Colección · [1850-1899]

      Extracts from the vestry books of St Bride Fleet Street, 1653-1662, compiled late 19th century.

      Sin título
      HARRISON, Robert Haydon (fl 1950)
      GB 0074 CLC/252 · Colección · 1950-1980

      Card index relating to the dispersal of fixtures and fittings from City of London churches. Compiled from c 1950 by Robert Haydon Harrison, with additional notes to c 1980 by Nicholas Redman.

      Sin título
      JEWERS, Arthur John (d 1921)
      GB 0074 CLC/256 · Colección · 1910-1924

      The monumental inscriptions and armorial bearings in the churches within the City of London, a five volume work by Arthur Jewers, compiled for the Library Committee of the City of London, 1910-1919. Includes transcripts of monumental and other inscriptions in the churches, with drawings (many coloured) of armorial bearings, and extracts from wills and other genealogical notes about the persons and families commemorated. Also correspondence with the Library Committee relating to the preparation of the work, 1910-1919, and Library Committee report, 1924.

      Sin título
      SMITH, William (1550-1618)
      GB 0074 CLC/262 · Colección · 1575-1633

      Treatise on the government and constitution of the City of London, entitled A breffe discription of the royall citie of London, capitall citie of this realme of Englande by William Smythe [Smith], citizen and haberdasher of London, 1575; and The XII Worshipfull Companies, or Misteries of London. With the armes of all them that have bin Lord Maiors of the same, for the space of almost 300 yeares; of every Company particularly. Also most part of the Sheriffs and Aldermen by William Smith, (two versions, 1605 and 1609).

      Sin título
      WILKINSON, Robert (fl 1800-1835)
      GB 0074 CLC/264 · Colección · 1800-1835

      Papers relating to the history of the church and parish of Saint Peter upon Cornhill, including transcripts of documents, research notes and collectanea.

      Sin título
      BRADFORD, J G (fl 1930-1933)
      GB 0074 CLC/428 · Colección · [1900-1933]

      Research notes by J G Bradford, including index to pedigrees and arms contained in the heralds' visitations in the British Museum; genealogical notes relating to members of the peerage; genealogical notes on the mayors of London; and collection of county heraldic visitations.

      Sin título
      HART, William (fl 1880)
      GB 0074 CLC/459 · Colección · 188-?

      These records comprise compilations of London signs, 1649-1767, of advertisements by goldsmiths, 1666-1731, and list of city stage-coach and carrier services, 1749.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/463 · Colección · 1940-1968

      Records of Marjorie Blanche Honeybourne, including papers of Eliza Jeffries Davis, correspondence with Professor V H Galbraith regarding Eliza Jeffries Davis, and correspondence relating to the production of a London volume in the Historical Atlas of Town Plans series.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/3562 · Colección · 1820-1862

      Circular relating to the election of a new President of the Royal Society, 1820; letters and notices of the Society of Antiquaries, 1837-1862.

      Sin título
      PFUELL, Ivor (d 2001)
      GB 0074 LMA/4426 · Colección · [1970-1989]

      This collection comprises slides used by Ivor Pfuell in his lectures on the history and development of London. The slides were collected during the 1970s and 1980s, although they depict London locations and landmarks through the ages.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4532 · Colección · 1899-2007

      Records of the Mary Ward House Trust and the National Institute for Social Work relating to the historical background, maintenance and restoration of Mary Ward House, 1899-2007.

      Records of the Mary Ward House Trust relate to the administration and finances of the Trust, 1996-2007. Papers include correspondence with solicitors, the Charity Commission, English Heritage and Camden Council; memorandum and articles of association; Trustees meeting minutes, agendas and papers; annual reports and accounts; financial records; publications, brochures and newsletters produced by the Trust, and publications and research materials relating to Mary Ward and Mary Ward House collected by the Trust, dating between 1899 and 2002.

      Records of the National Institute of Social Work relating to their routine maintenance of the Mary Ward House from their tenancy in the 1960s onwards; including deeds and leases, correspondence, minutes, reports, structural surveys and valuations.

      Papers relating to the Mary Ward House Project, including applications to and correspondence with the Heritage Lottery Fund; papers relating to the International Architectural Competition; condition surveys; conservation plans; survey and proposal drawings and plans; fundraising papers; and photographs of the House.

      Sin título
      Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph (1791-1865)
      GB 0120 MSS.3666, 3860-3867, 5371-5372, 5979-5981 and 7406, MSL.MS.129 · 1807-1864

      The collection covers both Pettigrew's medical and antiquarian activities, which are intermingled in the material's arrangement. The medical items include correspondence with many medical figures, medical jurisprudence (an Anniversary Oration delivered to the Medical Society of London), corpulence, hydrophobia, medical observations by army officers in India, and an autobiographical memoir of the philanthropist and prison-reformer James Neild (1744-1814), transcribed by Pettigrew and incorporated into his life of John Coakley Lettsom M.D. The antiquarian items include material on Kett's Rebellion, Hindu deities, the library of the Duke of Sussex and correspondence with the Italian antiquary Giovanni Spano (1803-1878) and Gaetano Cara, as part of Pettigrew's role as Vice-President of the British Archaeological Society. Types of material held include notebooks, loose papers, correspondence and diplomas.

      Sin título
      GB 1968 · Colección · 1851-

      The Architectural Association Archives comprise of the administrative and educational records of the Architectural Association Inc. (1847-), encompassing material related to the AA's governance, legal and financial operations, property holdings and educational activities. To date, less than one quarter of all the AA's archival records have been formally catalogued, with the focus of phase one of the cataloguing having been upon basic administrative records, including Council and committee minute books and agendas, constitutional records, Registers of Directors, property leases and vital company documents. Phase two of the cataloguing process is ongoing and is focused upon the educational records of the AA school, its staff and its students.

      Sin título
      GB 2108 KUAS10 · Colección · 1952

      Papers of Iris Murdoch, 1952, comprise a typescript paper 'Nostalgia for the Particular', read by Murdoch to the Aristotelian Society on 9 June 1952. The typewritten paper includes hand written corrections made by Murdoch and discusses the 'mental event', 'the concept of the mind' and other philosophical ideas. The paper was later collated in the volume of Murdoch's essays on philosophical subjects, Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Literature and Philosophy.

      Sin título
      Paul, Denis: The Denis Paul Archive
      GB 2108 KUAS58 · 1941-2006

      Correspondence and documents created by Denis Paul. Denis Paul was an author and philosopher with a strong interest in Wittgenstein. He corresponded with many individuals regarding this interest, notably with author Iris Murdoch amongst others. The collection contains many letters written to Denis Paul by Murdoch, Isiah Berlin and others, and some documents written by Denis Paul in the course of his life time- this includes drafts of books and screenplays on which he worked.

      Sin título
      GB 2108 KUAS70 · 1946-1975

      Letters sent from Iris Murdoch to French author and poet Raymond Queneau, dating from 1946 to 1975. Iris met Queneau while doing war work with the UNRRA, and enjoyed a regular correspondence with him. She claimed that she owed much of her writing to her friendship with Queneau, and dedicated her first novel 'Under the Net' to him. The letters cover a number of topics including the early days of Murdoch's writing and philosophical views, her work with the UNRRA, and early relationships.

      With some articles collected by Queneau on the work of Iris Murdoch

      Sin título
      GB 0120 PP/CJS · 1878-1964

      The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence: the Singers were clearly vigorous letter writers and both Charles and Dorothea had an enormous number of family, friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately many of their letters were hand written and very few carbon copies survive. Very occasionally an attempt at methodical selection and arrangement is evident: on the whole correspondence had been kept in alphabetical order, and this has been retained in the arrangement of the collection. Dorothea and Charles' correspondence was fairly mixed (reflecting their working life together) with the exception of two distinct groups: correspondence about Dorothea's research on alchemical manuscripts, and later correspondence about her hearing aids.

      The main part of the collection centres on the correspondence; this has been grouped together in a self-evident sequence: writings and biographical personal papers follow. Certain of Dorothea's papers remained clearly distinct and these have been kept together. Section E contains a variety of material relating to Jewish refugees, which had been placed on one side by Dorothea after the war for permanent preservation. It has not been listed in detail but sorted into three broad categories. The last section, comprising additional correspondence of the Singers with Sir Zachary Cope, Sir Arthur Salusbury MacNalty and Dr F N L Poynter, is not strictly part of the collection, but these groups of correspondence were given to the Institute to be placed alongside the Singer papers.

      Sin título
      Jungian Umbrella Group
      GB 0120 SA/JUG · 1996-2001

      Papers of the Jungian Umbrella Group including editorial correspondence relating to the Umbrella Group Newsletter; copies of Newsletters 1-10 (no. 4 is missing, and there is editorial correspondence for a no. 11, not received); and a file on the proposals for a C. G. Jung Centre in London.

      Sin título
      Beesly Papers
      GB 0103 BEESLY · 1852-1915

      The collection contains correspondence; lecture notes on history; newspaper cuttings; papers of other members of the family, including an undated letter of Danton which belonged to A H Beesly; printed reports; pamphlets containing articles by or about Beesly; other pamphlets and reviews; other printed works; and an autographed photograph of Karl Marx. The correspondence is rather slight and only isolated letters from individual correspondents are preserved. There are sets of Beesly's own letters to Henry Crompton and to Frederic Harrison which were probably returned to the family after his death. There are also a few letters to Beesly's brother A H Beesly and to Alfred Beesly, E S Beesly's son.

      Sin título
      Evans (Arthur) Collection
      GB 0369 EVA · 1838-1936

      Papers of Sir Arthur John Evans, relating to his journalistic and political activities in the Balkans, comprising:
      Articles, lectures, memoranda, notebooks, notes, sketches and correspondence re the Balkans, including Bosnia, Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia, particularly the Adriatic question and possibilities for a South Slav state, 1875-1932; Evans' photographs of Balkan people and places, c 1884, 1932; press cuttings on the Balkans, 1877-1935, including volumes of articles by Evans as Balkans correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, based in Ragusa [now Dubrovnik], 1877-1888, press cuttings on Serbia, Montenegro and the creation of a united South Slav state, 1915-1919 and cuttings re relations between Italy and the new Yugoslav state mainly from the Italian press, 1918-1919; volume of cuttings by or about Evans on archaeology, 1880-1889; pamphlets, press bulletins and off prints mainly on the South Slavs, 1904-1922

      Sin título
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP68 · 1854-1884

      Papers of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb, 1854-1884, on Greek subjects, mainly notebooks, comprising notes on classical Greek history, 1854, from Jebb's schooldays at St Columba's, chiefly from lectures of the Reverend W Tuckwell of New College, Oxford, whose principal authority was George Grote, the historian of Greece; notes and essays on Greek history, 1869, 1871; draft history of Bulgaria, 1877; diary of a tour of Greece, 1878; draft of a paper on the remains at Hissarlik read to the Hellenic Society, 1882; letter book of 'Modern Greek Correspondence', 1879-1884, containing original letters sent to Jebb, drafts of his replies, and other material including notes on the language and comments on the teaching of archaeology, relating to the foundation of a School at Athens.

      Sin título
      Winstedt, Sir Richard
      GB 0102 MS 312646 · 1925-[1960s]

      Papers, 1925-[1960s], of Sir Richard Winstedt relating to his publications, comprising annotated proofs of Malay dictionary, 1960; manuscripts of Malay Dictionary, undated; copy of his An English-Malay Dictionary (1952), with extensive manuscript annotations and alterations [after 1952]; manuscripts and typescripts for his memoirs Start from Alif: Count from One (published in 1969), largely relating to his time in south-east Asia [1960s]; manuscript on philosophy, undated; letter on Malay law to [S G?] Vesey-Fitzgerald, 1945; letter on a Malay manuscript from P Voorholne[?] of the Bibliotheek der Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden, 1951; part of a letter on Raffles College and educational needs in Malaya from an unknown correspondent, 1965; miscellaneous offprints by Winstedt on Malay literature, law, customs and culture, 1925, 1929, 1945, and undated.

      Sin título
      Legge Family Papers
      GB 0102 MS 380476 · Created 1859-1897

      Papers, 1859-1897, of James and Hannah Legge, consisting primarily of letters written by James and Hannah Legge to their family, written between October 1859 and June 1897. These include those written by Hannah Legge from Hong Kong, 1859-1865, and those written by James Legge to his step-daughter Marian, 1866-1897 (lacking 1881-1889). Hannah Legge's letters give a vivid description of life in Hong Kong. She describes the Taiping Rebels, attitudes towards missionaries, and political and social events, in addition to giving graphic accounts of her trips to Chinese towns and provinces. His letters describe his life during his final residence in Hong Kong and upon his return to England as a University Professor. Also included in the collection are photocopied book extracts detailing missionary work in China and a pamphlet about Wang T'Ao, a scholar who helped Dr Legge in the translation of Chinese literature.

      Sin título
      Hall, Daniel George Edward
      GB 0102 PP MS 18 · Created 1889-1979

      Correspondence and research papers, 1889-1979, of Daniel George Edward Hall. Correspondence includes that between Hall and his publishers; friends and colleagues in Burma and Britain (1926-1970); the School of Oriental and African Studies and University of London (1934-1968); the British Broadcasting Corporation, including notes for broadcasts on the subject of Burma (1960-1961); and Professor Gordon Luce (1924-1978). Hall's research work includes material relating to Major Henry Burney, for his work Henry Burney: A Political Biography (1974), and material relating to Burma's relations with Britain. Also included are a number of photographs.

      Sin título
      Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von
      GB 0102 PP MS 19 · c1917-1990

      Papers, c1917-1990, of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf relating to his work on tribes and anthropology in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Tibet and the Philippines.

      Papers relating to anthropological fieldwork, 1936-1989, comprise diaries, 1936-1985, some by Betty Fürer-Haimendorf, including detailed accounts of fieldwork; field-notes, 1936-1989; research proposals and reports relating to fieldwork, c1953-1985; fieldwork questionnaires, 1949-1957, on marriage, economic status and kinship; house-lists and genealogies, undated; diagrams and charts on distribution of tribes, families, households, and herds, undated; maps, undated; official correspondence and permits to travel, c1974-1988; miscellaneous papers, c1960-1981, including some relating to travel arrangements.

      Papers relating to tribal welfare and development, Andhra Pradesh, c1918-1985, comprise tour notes, c1918, 1945-1946; correspondence between Fürer-Haimendorf and the Revenue Department of the Nizam's Government, 1939-1949; reports on Hyderabad Tribal Affairs, c1935-1949; Gondi reading charts for adults produced as part of an education scheme, 1943-1948; correspondence with tribesmen concerning the alienation of tribal land, 1976-1978; notes on the position of Indian tribal populations, c1960-1985; press cuttings on tribal affairs in India, c1977-1984; Government reports and publications, c1949-1979; miscellaneous papers on tribal welfare, undated.

      Working papers for teaching and research, c1949-1979, comprise conference and symposia papers, 1960-1978; lectures and seminar papers, c1949-1977; working papers (subject files) on miscellaneous research topics, c1960-1979 but largely undated; working papers created by René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz on Tibetan dance, religion and ritual, and on medicine and medicinal plants, undated.

      Publications and accompanying material, c1917-1990, comprise published texts and articles, 1932-1990; rough drafts and working copies (books) [1939]-[1990]; rough drafts and working copies (articles), largely undated; publications containing photographs by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1937-1960; illustrations used in texts by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; reviews of Fürer-Haimendorf's publications, 1943-1982; reviews by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1958-1983; extracts and notes from anthropological works by other authors, undated; bibliographies compiled by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; a large collection of published and unpublished works by other authors, c1917-1989, largely on social and cultural anthropology, and particularly on India, Nepal and Tibet.

      Miscellaneous papers, c1935-1989, include further correspondence with colleagues, other scholars, students, publishers, academic institutions and other organisations.

      Sin título
      Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton
      GB 0102 PP MS 20 · Created 1898-1977

      Working papers of John Willoughby Tarleton Allen, 1898-1978 and undated, the bulk dating from 1957-1978, including correspondence, 1963-1977; papers on Swahili culture, poetry and customs, 1903-1978 and undated; papers relating to the Danish Volunteer Training Society, including language instruction, 1969-1973, and Britain Tanzania Society, 1974-1977; published articles by Allen and others, 1898, 1970 and undated; undated photocopies of various Arabic manuscripts; tape recordings of literary performances; microfilms of Swahili material.

      Sin título
      Whiteley, Wilfred Howell
      GB 0102 PP MS 42 · Created 1935-1972

      Papers, 1935-1972, of Wilfred Howell Whiteley, comprising his personal correspondence (1956-1972); language material on over 30 Bantu languages collected by Whiteley during his lifetime; and socio-linguistic material. Also included is a major section on Swahili (including papers on the socio-political issues raised over the adoption of Swahili as a national language).

      Sin título
      COL/SJ · Subfondo · 1216-1997

      Papers relating to railways, 1839-1983, including reports, evidence and petitions relating to the construction of new lines and stations; papers relating to fires, 1522-1974, including papers on the provision of fire fighting equipment, the introduction of fire insurance policies and the establishment of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade; papers relating to the Great Fire of London, 1667-1966, including acts, orders and financial accounts relating to the rebuilding of the City of London including receipts from Christopher Wren, papers relating to the investigation into the cause of the Fire, financial accounts of funds to relieve those affected, descriptions and accounts of the Fire; papers relating to Royal and Municipal Commissions, 1816-1969; papers relating to war 1692-1995, including papers relating to the Corporation's activities during World War One; air raid precautions and casualties, Roll of Honour of Civilian War Dead in the City of London and papers relating to the bombing of Guildhall, World War Two and City of London salute to the task force, Falklands Campaign, 1982.

      Papers relating to transport, 1663-1985, including hackney coaches and hackney carriages, carts and carmen, stage coaches, river traffic, tramways, omnibuses and buses, subways, Heathrow and Fairlop Airports, the London Underground and the Channel Tunnel terminal in London; papers relating to shipping, 1610-1989; papers relating to trades and crafts, 1510-1991, including bills, wages, regulations, acts and petitions regarding bricklayers, carpenters, carters, founders, glaziers, masons, painters, paviors, plasterers, plumbers, smiths, wireworkers, button makers, butchers, chimney sweeps, hairdressers, ironmongers, spoon makers, paper makers, tanners, tailors, rakers, midwives, engravers, clock makers and printers; papers relating to the Honourable Artillery Company, 1503-1967.

      Papers relating to the history of London, 1565-1994, including "An exposicion of the Kinges prerogative collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitz-Herbert and other olde writers of the lawes of England" by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, 1565, "Londinopolis: An Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, The Imperial Chamber, and chief Emporium of Great Britain: Whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster, with the Courts of Justice, Antiquities, and new Buildings thereunto belonging" by James Havel, 1657, and various other antiquarian and modern books, articles and pamphlets on the history of London; papers relating to health and medicine, 1657-1994, including bills of mortality, papers relating to the outbreak of plague in London, 1665-1666, letters, reports and conference papers relating to the control of cholera; papers regarding provisions, 1607-1990, including warrant authorising the Mayor to receive venison out of the Royal Parks, 1607 and papers of committees investigating the high price of provisions, 1767-1822; papers relating to the government of the City of London and Greater London, 1849-1993; papers relating to the provision and price of gas, 1828-1918; papers relating to the supply of water to the City, 1538-1992; papers relating to the placing, erection and upkeep of statues and monuments in London, 1680-1995; papers relating to weights and measures, 1678-1997, including records of action taken against those using false weights and measures and registers of weighed goods; papers relating to seals and medals, 1285-1995, including examples of medieval seals and register of documents sealed; papers relating to insignia and plate, 1650-1993, including information on the Collar of SS, Diamond Badge or Jewel, Mace, Crystal Mace, Swords, City Purse, Mayoralty Seal, Robes and Sceptre and inventories of City plate; papers relating to the population of the City of London, 1719-1982, including "A compu tation of the increase of London and parts adjacent; with some causes thereof, and remarks thereon", 1719, population returns, 1821-1897 and population studies and articles; papers regarding tolls, 1605-1833, including Acts, bonds, exemptions and leases; papers relating to the postal service, 1741-1938, including examples of early stamps and papers relating to the Penny Post; papers relating to the carrying out of writs, 1460-1965, including writs of habeas corpus, certiorari, subpoenas and jury summons; papers relating to the textile trade, 1674-1995, including orders, rates, inventories, petitions relating to the production of textiles including cloth, lace and wool, bonds of searches and sealers of tanned leather, 1699-1804, and articles on the history of textiles.

      Papers relating to probate, 1693-1786, including estate inventories, letters of administration and notes on legal customs; papers relating to the regulation of fireworks and bonfires within the City, 1673-1857; papers relating to archaeological investigations in the City of London, 1972-1989; extracts relating to archery in Finsbury Fields, 1521; reports and articles relating to the armorial bearings of the City, 1216-1973; bullion certificates, 1696-1819; licences issued for the right to use calcium carbide, 1897-1919; papers relating to convex lights, 1692-1694; papers relating to conveyancing, 1770-1948 and various other papers relating to aspects of the administration of the City of London including common soil, conservation, criminal prosecutions, city customs and liberties, the Customs House, erection of hoardings, gifts and presentations, regulation of gunpowder, income tax, the London Building Acts, licensing, lotteries, regulation and licensing of petroleum, precedent books, precepts issued by the Mayor or Common Council, bills for printing and stationery, the Olympic Games, pageantry, proclamations, brewers and public houses, the Shops Act, smoke abatement and clean air, street cleaning, theatres, the unemployed, Viewer's reports, wharves, woods and forests, newspapers and cuttings, fishing, the Festival of the City of London, coffee houses, coinage, the Bank of England and other financial institutions.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/LSC · Colección · 1889-1964

      Records of the Committee for the Survey of the Old Memorials of Greater London, also known as the London Survey Committee. The collection comprises minutes, accounts, correspondence, diaries, notebooks, and photographs.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0410 · Colección · 1486-1949

      Collection of research into the local history of Friern Barnet and environs, carried out by C.O. Banks. The papers include copies of court rolls, research notes, lectures, statistics, extracts from parish records, copies and extracts of wills, legal proceedings, notes on important buildings and people, newspaper cuttings, licences, geneaological notes, sales particulars, estate agents plans, reports, photographs, articles, books and pamphlets on the local history, and maps of Friern Barnet and surrounding areas.

      Sin título
      Morrison and Hobson Families
      GB 0120 MSS.5827-5852 & 7127 · 1807-1963

      Morrison and Hobson family papers, 1807-1963. The papers are the product of a period of considerable spiritual, cultural and political change in China. They are a significant source for study of the development of Protestant missions in China (in particular the role of the medical mission and the introduction of Western medicine), and also provide evidence of the involvement of the missionaries with issues of British trade and diplomacy.

      MSS. 5827-5852: correspondence and papers, especially of the Revd Robert Morrison (1782-1834), missionary in China, 1807-1834; John Robert Morrison (1814-1843), Chinese interpreter, Colonial Secretary of the Hong Kong government; and Dr Benjamin Hobson (1816-1873), medical missionary in China, 1839-1859. The majority comprise personal and domestic correspondence of the Morrison and Hobson families and their friends, with less emphasis on official papers, although the collection includes letters on the Peacock expedition to Siam and Cochin China led by Edmund Roberts (1784-1836), United States merchant and diplomat, 1832 (MS.5830), and letters to Benjamin Hobson from leading missionaries. 1843-1862 (MS.5839). Insight into missionary work in China can be gained in particular from the letters of the Revd. Robert Morrison. MS. 7127: 'Domestic Memoir of Mrs Morrison', by the Revd. Robert Morrison, addressed to his children Mary Rebecca and John Robert Morrison (1814-1843), 5-7 January 1824. Mary Morrison, Robert's first wife, died of cholera at Macao on 10 June 1821. This memoir was compiled by Robert Morrison during the voyage home from China aboard H.E.I.C.S. Waterloo.

      Sin título
      Simpson, Norman Douglas (1890-1974)
      GB 0068 SIM · 1910-1974

      Papers of Norman Douglas Simpson, 1910-1974, comprising correspondence and papers regarding various topics including botany and plants, the Index ‘A Bibliographical Index of the British Flora’, expeditions and field trips, Simpson’s library and his dealings with publishers, book sellers, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The British Museum (Natural History), societies such as the Botanical Society of the British Isles (B.S.B.I.). There are also invoices and orders for the Bibliographical Index, eleven notebooks which mostly relate to his time at Kew working on identifying specimens from the North-Western Mongolia and Chinese Dzungaria expedition, Astragalus and his time in Egypt and Sudan 1912-1929 and seven boxes of index cards which relate to his plant collecting trips abroad. There are also plant lists, book lists, drawings and some maps. These papers document many of N D Simpson’s activities throughout his life.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 MSS.5036-5088 · 1865-1922

      Papers cover Witkowski's writings on medical history (and other areas of history) rather than his medical activities. MSS.5036-5038 comprise press cuttings, publishers' notices, reviews, etc., relating to Witkowski's writings, plus original poems, some photographs, and some letters to him about his work; they span the bulk of his career (1865-1920). MSS.5039-5085 consist of material related closely to various published works on medical history and art history by Witkowski: typescript and holograph drafts, annotated published material, etc. Within this block of material, MSS.5057-5062 consist of a detailed critique of Folie de l'Empereur by Augustin Cabanès (1862-1928), consisting of heavily annotated copies of the published work. Also worth noting are MSS.5063-5064, copies of Witkowski's Comment j'ai appris l'Histoire Sainte, a Rabelaisian and satirical anti-clerical history. Finally, MSS.5086-5088, written under the pseudonym "Docteur Clam", comprise travel writings, recording travels in Italy, Turkey, Romania and Hungary, in 1901 (MS.5086); Egypt, in 1901-1902 (MS.5087); and Italy, in 1905 (MS.5088).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4230 · Colección · 1935-1983

      Records of the Standing Conference for Local History, later known as the British Association for Local History. The records comprise: minutes and related papers 1949-1982; Regional Meetings correspondence and related material 1968-1973; subject files covering a large number of topics 1949-1981; general correspondence and papers 1938 - 1981; correspondence and papers regarding publications by the Standing Conference/National Council for Social Service 1951-1982; copies of publications 1950-1983; and The Local History Recording Scheme files which originated from an early NCSS scheme and cover certain counties 1935-1979.

      Also minutes 1982-1996, correspondence 1979-1994, administrative files and papers 1981-1997, and editorial files relating to the publication The Local Historian 1970-1990.

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      TYRELL, Edward (fl 1832-1863)
      GB 0074 CLC/511 · Colección · 1735-[1872]

      Manuscripts relating to the City of London, mainly comprising extracts and transcripts from medieval records, including patent and close rolls, chronicles, subsidies, and so on. For an inventory of the manuscripts see CLC/511/MS01721.

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      DE CASTRO, John Paul (fl 1926-1940)
      GB 0074 CLC/245 · Colección · 1930

      A Dictionary of the Principal London Taverns since the Restoration, manuscript by John Paul de Castro, containing the names, sites and some of the recorded activities of taverns, chocolate houses and coffee houses; with some maps and prints.

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      FITCH, Marc (1908-1994)
      GB 0074 CLC/247 · Colección · 1970-2003

      Notes on the placenames of medieval London, by Marc Fitch, arranged from Fitch's drafts by Dr Jessica Freeman. Readers should be aware, however, that these notes, although written with a view to eventual publication, were preliminary. Specialist advisors invited to comment at the time of compilation expressed reservations about the range and depth of documentary coverage.

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      WULCKO, Laurance Marriott (1901-1977)
      GB 0074 CLC/269 · Colección · 19--

      Notes relating to London coffee houses, including a bundle of correspondence between Wulcko and B Lillywhite, author of London Coffee Houses. Also drafts of various unpublished articles relating to the topography of Threadneedle Street, Sweetings Rents and Sweetings Alley and an article on the site and early history of the Stock Exchange of 1773.

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      JEFFERY, Paul (1927-1998)
      GB 0074 CLC/468 · Colección · [1980]-1996

      Research papers of Paul Jeffery, architectural historian. The churches researched are Wren churches of the City of London and Westminster. The research consists of notes from churchwardens accounts and vestry minutes and various other printed sources. The papers include correspondence, photographs, pamphlets and press cuttings.

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      OAKLEY, Kenneth Page (1911-1981)
      GB 378 LDGSL 1101 · Serie · [1972]

      Typescript draft, with corrections, of paper 'The Piltdown Problem Reconsidered' by Dr Kenneth Page Oakley, [1972]. Paper describes the circumstances of the original Piltdown discovery by Charles Dawson and recounts Oakley's involvement in proving that the affair was a fraud.

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      Wood Diaries
      GB 1500 Wood · 1742-1751

      Diaries and sketch books of Robert Wood, James Dawkins, John Bouverie and Giovanni Battista Borra of a tour of the Levant, 1750-1751, comprising:
      Transcript (8 volumes) of the diaries of the archaeologist, James Dawkins, 5 May 1750-8 June 1751, describing the tour from Naples, Italy to Porto Leone, via Smyrna [Izmir], Sardis, Thyatira [Akhisar], Pergamum [Bergama], Sinus Eleaticus, Constantinople [Istanbul], Boursa, Cyzicus [Belkis], Troy, Tenedos, Phocaea [Foça], Teos [Sigacik], Ephesus, Magnesia ad Meander, Laodicea, Hierapolis [Pamukkale], Antioch, Mytilene [Mitilíni], Lesbos, Scio [Chíos, Nísos], Neomene, Samos, Mylassa, Halicarnassus [Bodrum], Cos [Kos], Cnidus Nova, Rhodes [Ródhos], Alexandria [Al-Iskandariyah], Cairo, The Pyramids, Acre [Akko], Mount Carmel [Har Hakarmel], Nazareth, Capernaum [Kefar Nahum], Tiberias [Teverya], Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Rama, Sidon [Sayda], Beirut, Damascus, Baalbek [Balabakk], Tripoli, Delos [Dhílos], Athens, Marathon, Thermopylae, Chalcis [Khalkís], Thebes, Delphi [Dhelfoi] and Megara.
      Diary (1 volume) of John Bouverie, 25 May-8 June 1750, 25 July-3 Aug 1750, and 7 Sep 1750, covering the tour from Smyrna to Meander, as described above.
      Papers of Robert Wood, comprising diaries (3 volumes), 25 May-19 Aug, 22 Sep - 8 Oct 1750, 16 May-1 June 1751; pocket books (2 volumes), containing copies of inscriptions made during the tour, including Athens, Baalbek, Palmyra, and other sites in Turkey, Greece and Egypt; extracts (made by Wood's daughter) from his tour manuscripts, including some that are not in the collection; manuscript A universal history by Wood, almost certainly pre-dating the tour; notebook, containing extracts from Wood's journals from his 1742-1743 visit to the Levant, itineraries from his 1745 visit to Italy, preparatory plans for the 1750-1751 tour and notes on Homer; notebook conntaining copy of an extended letter from Wood to James Dawkins, [c1755], Remarks on Homer's plan of Troy, in effect an early draft of his Essay on the Original Genius of Homer [see printed books below].
      Sketch books of Giovanni Battista Borra, containing ink and pencil sketches made on the tour, mainly of architectural details, but also including landscapes, of Naples and Mount Vesuvius, Palmyra and Damascus.
      Printed books: Robert Wood: An Essay on the Original Genius and Writings of Homer, London, H Hughs for T Payne and P Emsley, 1775, including engravings after Borra of ruins near Troy, and a map of Troas; The ruins of Palmyra and Baalbek, London, W Pickering, 1827 and Les ruines de Palmyre, autrement dite Tedmor au desert, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1819; Homer: Operum omnium quae exstant. Tomus prior sive Ilias Grece et Latine.Juxta editionem emendatissimam et accuratissimam Samuelis Clarke Amsterdam, J Wetstenium, 1743 [Wood's interleaved copy, containing notes and transcripts of inscriptions]; l'Abbe Barthelemy Reflexions sur l'alphabet et sur la langue dont on se servot autrefois a Palmyre, Paris, 1754; Giacomo Barozzi [Il Vignola] Regola delli cinque ordini d'architecttura, Rome, [1620].

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      Gray, John: letter (1797)
      GB 0096 AL369 · Fondo · 1797

      Letter from John Gray of the Lottery Office to the Rt Hon William Pitt [the younger], 1 Jun 1797. Covering letter enclosing a copy of Gray's The essential principles of the wealth of nations (1797), '... in which I flatter myself I have refuted the very misleading and widely pernicious doctrines supported by Dr. Adam Smith ...'.

      Autograph, with signature.

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