Social studies

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Adaptations of knowledge from the social sciences for teaching purposes at the primary and secondary levels of education.
  • Adaptation de la connaissance issue des sciences sociales à des fins d'enseignement aux niveaux primaire et secondaire.
  • Adaptación del conocimiento de las ciencias sociales a los objetivos de la enseñanza en los niveles primario y secundario de la educación.

Source note(s)


Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Social studies

    Equivalent terms

    Social studies

      Associated terms

      Social studies

        5 Archival description results for Social studies

        Stopes (Charlotte) Papers
        GB 0103 MS ADD 157 · Created 1888-1926

        The collection mainly relates to Stopes' work on Shakespeare, though there is a little general correspondence, and some notes on women's suffrage and other women's questions.

        Stopes , Charlotte Carmichael , 1841-1929 , writer on sixteenth-century literature
        GB 0098 KIS · Created 1965-1981 (ongoing)

        Records of the Social and Economic Studies Department of Imperial College, previously the Industrial Sociology Unit, 1965-1981, notably the papers of Professor Joan Woodward, relating to departmental organisation, lecture and course notes, [1959-1971]; course brochures and outlines, 1966-1978, press cuttings 1971-1978; Rectors' correspondence, 1968-1981, concerning the Joan Woodward Memorial lecture, 1971-1978; papers of the Committee on Sociological Studies, 1965-1970.

        University of London , Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
        RENDEL, Margherita (b 1928)
        GB 0366 RL · Collection · 1965-1988

        Papers of Margherita Rendal relating to two research projects, namely:'Graduate Administration in Local Education Authorities', 1965-1968, including material relating to project administration; correspondence and memoranda; interim and final reports; sample questionnaires; information about the survey program used to analyse the data; coding lists; sample punch cards. Also included is a file of correspondence and papers relating to The Committee on the Management and Staffing of Local Government (the Mallaby Committee), 1965. 'Survey for UNESCO of Courses and Research in Political Science, Law and Related Disciplines Concerned with the Role and Status of Women', 1979-1982, mainly comprising a series of individual folders for over seventy different countries or regions containing published and unpublished material relating to women's studies and the women's movement in each area; correspondence with local contacts in educational institutions and women's organisations; some answers to a questionnaire; and research summaries. Also included are some general publications and memoranda relating to UNESCO; card indexes of local contacts; and drafts of the final report. Also included are a small number of papers relating to the Institute of Education Department of Educational Administration in the 1970s, especially relating to a course run jointly with the London Business School on 'Management in the Education Service'; and circular letters of the Education in Human Rights Network, 1988. There is also a file relating to the Confederation for the Advancement of State Education, 1960s and a small amount of material concerning a study of educational administration in Derbyshire, 1967.

        Rendel , Margherita , b 1928 , educationist
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0435 · Collection · 1870-1947

        Collection of pamphlets, leaflets, periodicals and ephemera on birth control.

        David Collis, fl 1947
        GB 0505 BC AL200-900 · 1849-1985

        Material relating to Academic Departments of Bedford College, including papers of the German Department, 1973-1983; recollections of the Dutch Studies Department by Professor Theodore Weevers, 1985; Departmental files of the History Department, 1958-1985; papers of Professor C H Lawrence, History Department, 1970-1985; Departmental files of the Sociology Department, 1930-1984; papers relating to Nursing Studies Courses, 1896-1985, including the Public Hygiene Course; papers relating to the Bedford College Art School, 1900-1913; papers relating to the Training Department, 1902-1922, including reports, registers, correspondence relating to scholarships and Council grants, accounts and Board of Education papers; papers of the Mathematics Department, 1978-1982; papers of the Biochemistry Department, 1964-1978; papers of the Botany Department, 1908-1985, including material relating to the E N Thomas affair, 1908-1916, and papers collected by Dr Linna Bentley, 1918-1984; building plans for the Zoology Department, 1970. Papers relating to Staff Publications, 1926-[1969], including Minutes and papers of the Research and Publications Fund Committee.

        Bedford College , Academic Departments