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Fechas de existencia
The Society of Finsbury Archers were founded in 1652 by members of the Honorable Artillery Company who were all keen archers and wanted to revive this declining skill. Finsbury Fields, north of Moorgate, had long been used for archery practice thanks to its famous 'Marks', targets (as many as 194) set up throughout the fields for archers to shoot at. As well as practising in the Fields, the Society of Finsbury Archers also held 3 tournaments every year, known as the Easter Targets, Whitsun Targets and Yarly or Elevenscore Targets. The Society was dissolved in 1737 due to the decline of the practice of archery and the loss of the Fields, which were increasingly built up, and the Marks lost.
Source of information: http://www.bowyers.com/longbow/williamWood.html (accessed July 2010).