GB 0101 ICS 77 - SOUTHALL, Richard (fl 1975-1983)

Identity area

Reference code

GB 0101 ICS 77


SOUTHALL, Richard (fl 1975-1983)


  • 1984 (Creation)

Extent and medium

0.5 box

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Roger Southall received a PhD from Birmingham University in 1975. Since then he has worked on East Africa and South Africa, publishing in 1983 South Africa's Transkei: the political economy of an independent Bantustan.

Archival history

GB 0101 ICS 77 1984 Collection (fonds) 0.5 box Southall , Richard , fl 1975-1983 , author

Roger Southall received a PhD from Birmingham University in 1975. Since then he has worked on East Africa and South Africa, publishing in 1983 South Africa's Transkei: the political economy of an independent Bantustan.

The source of acquisition by ICS is not known

Transcripts of interviews by Roger Southall with South African trade union and political leaders, 1984, comprising: T Adler, National Automobile and Allied Workers Union; Neville Alexander, National Forum Committee; Saleem Badat, Grassroots; Jane Barrett, Transport and General Workers Union; Graeme Bloch, United Democratic Front; Andrew Boraine, United Democratic Front; Phiroshaw Camay, Council of Unions of South Africa; Moss Chikwane, United Democratic Front; Sathasican Cooper; Charles Daris, US Consulate, Johannesburg; Des T East, Motor Industry Combined Workers Union; Alec Irwin, Federation of South African Trade Unions; Brian Fredericks, National Automobile and Allied Workers Union;Dirk Hartford; Paddy Kearnly; M P Lekota, United Democratic Front; Lybon Mabasa, Azania Peoples Organisation; M Maluk, National Union of Mineworkers; Jeff McCarthy, Geography Department, Durban University; Ismael Mohammed; Curnick Ndlovu, United Democratic Front; Jemma Payne, National Union of Textile Workers; Ebrahim "Cassim" Saloojee, United Democratic Front; L Tsholi, United Democratic Front; Theo Van Der Bergh, Personnel Manager, Toyota; A J Van Der Watt, South African Boilermakers' Iron and Steel Workers, Shipbuilders and Welders Society; Zac Yaccoob, Natal Indian Congress.

One file

Open although advance notice should be given. Access to individual items may be restricted under the Data Protection Act or the Freedom of Information Act.

A photocopying service is available, at the discretion of the Library staff. Copies are supplied solely for research or private study. Requests to publish, or to quote from original material should be submitted to the Information Resources Manager.

Catalogued to item level (see link to repository catalogue).

The ICS holds a large number of collections relating to South African taade unions and politics, including African National Congress (ICS 1), Mary Benson (ICS 6), Ruth First (ICS 117), Marion Friedmann (ICS 20), Ruth Hayman (ICS 30) Baruch Hirson (ICS 32), Mandela Trials papers (ICS 52), Josie Palmer (ICS 57), Edward Roux (ICS 67), South African Institute of Race Relations (ICS 95), University of Cape Town (ICS 81-82), University of Transkei (ICS 19).

Compiled by Alan Kucia as part of the RSLP AIM25 Project. General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), 2nd edition, 2000. National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Oct 2001 Apartheid Azania Peoples Organisation Conditions of employment Council of Unions of South Africa Employment Federation of South African Trade Unions Grassroots, South Africa Labour disputes Labour relations Motor Industry Combined Workers Union, South Africa Natal Indian Congress National Automobile and Allied Workers Union, South Africa National Forum Committee, South Africa National Union of Mineworkers, South Africa National Union of Textile Workers, South Africa Personnel management Racial discrimination Racial prejudice Racial segregation South Africa South African Boilermakers' Iron and Steel Workers, Shipbuilders and Welders Society Southall , Richard , fl 1975-1983 , author Southern Africa Trade unions Transport and General Workers Union, South Africa United Democratic Front, South Africa Working conditions Organization and administration Health services administration Public administration Government

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

The source of acquisition by ICS is not known

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Transcripts of interviews by Roger Southall with South African trade union and political leaders, 1984, comprising: T Adler, National Automobile and Allied Workers Union; Neville Alexander, National Forum Committee; Saleem Badat, Grassroots; Jane Barrett, Transport and General Workers Union; Graeme Bloch, United Democratic Front; Andrew Boraine, United Democratic Front; Phiroshaw Camay, Council of Unions of South Africa; Moss Chikwane, United Democratic Front; Sathasican Cooper; Charles Daris, US Consulate, Johannesburg; Des T East, Motor Industry Combined Workers Union; Alec Irwin, Federation of South African Trade Unions; Brian Fredericks, National Automobile and Allied Workers Union;Dirk Hartford; Paddy Kearnly; M P Lekota, United Democratic Front; Lybon Mabasa, Azania Peoples Organisation; M Maluk, National Union of Mineworkers; Jeff McCarthy, Geography Department, Durban University; Ismael Mohammed; Curnick Ndlovu, United Democratic Front; Jemma Payne, National Union of Textile Workers; Ebrahim "Cassim" Saloojee, United Democratic Front; L Tsholi, United Democratic Front; Theo Van Der Bergh, Personnel Manager, Toyota; A J Van Der Watt, South African Boilermakers' Iron and Steel Workers, Shipbuilders and Welders Society; Zac Yaccoob, Natal Indian Congress.

System of arrangement

One file

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open although advance notice should be given. Access to individual items may be restricted under the Data Protection Act or the Freedom of Information Act.

Conditions governing reproduction

A photocopying service is available, at the discretion of the Library staff. Copies are supplied solely for research or private study. Requests to publish, or to quote from original material should be submitted to the Information Resources Manager.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Physical characteristics and technical requirements

The ICS holds a large number of collections relating to South African taade unions and politics, including African National Congress (ICS 1), Mary Benson (ICS 6), Ruth First (ICS 117), Marion Friedmann (ICS 20), Ruth Hayman (ICS 30) Baruch Hirson (ICS 32), Mandela Trials papers (ICS 52), Josie Palmer (ICS 57), Edward Roux (ICS 67), South African Institute of Race Relations (ICS 95), University of Cape Town (ICS 81-82), University of Transkei (ICS 19).

Finding aids

Catalogued to item level (see link to repository catalogue).

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

Institute of Commonwealth Studies

Rules and/or conventions used

General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), 2nd edition, 2000. National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English