Trading with the Enemy Joint Insurance Committee

Zone d'identification

Type d'entité

Forme autorisée du nom

Trading with the Enemy Joint Insurance Committee

forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

    Forme(s) du nom normalisée(s) selon d'autres conventions

      Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

        Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités

        Zone de description

        Dates d’existence


        The Trading with the Enemy Joint Committee was set up as a result of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1939. Its object was to advise Government through the Trading with the Enemy Branch (administered jointly by the Treasury and Board of Trade) about the application of the Act as far as the insurance business was concerned. In particular, it made recommendations in relation to the issue of licences, balancing what would be conferring a benefit on the enemy against what would inflict damage on British insurance. The committee was representative of the fire, accident and marine insurance business and included members of insurance companies representing the Fire Offices' Committee, Fire Offices' Committee (Foreign), Consequential Loss Committee, Accident Offices Association, Accident Offices Association (Overseas), non-tariff companies, Institute of London Underwriters and Lloyd's of London.


        Statut légal

        Fonctions et activités

        Textes de référence

        Organisation interne/Généalogie

        Contexte général

        Zone des relations

        Zone des points d'accès

        Mots-clés - Sujets

        Mots-clés - Lieux


        Zone du contrôle

        Identifiant de notice d'autorité

        Identifiant du service d'archives

        Règles et/ou conventions utilisées


        Niveau de détail

        Dates de production, de révision et de suppression




            Notes de maintenance