
Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Systematic educative process by which one learns new skills.
  • Processus éducatif systématique par lequel on développe de nouvelles compétences.
  • Proceso educativo sistemático por el que uno desarrolla nuevas capacidades.

Source note(s)


Display note(s)

    Equivalent terms


    • UF Capacitación

    Associated terms


    57 Archival description results for Training

    57 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
    GB 2753 Central School of Art and Design · [1896]-1987

    Records of the Central School of Art and Design, [1896]-1987, comprising minutes of the Advisory Council, 1915-1952; minutes and agendas of the Board of Studies, 1919-1937, 1962-1963; minutes of staff meetings, 1930-1932; annual reports of the Principal and Advisory Committee, 1911-1926; report by the Principal on the aims and organisation of the school, 1913; reports of the Advisory Council, 1926-1933; Advisory Council attendance book, 1915-1951; report of inspection of the Central School, 1920; Board of Education inspection reports of the Central School, 1920-1921; papers concerning aims and organisation of the school, including reports and correspondence, 1913-1956; papers concerning school inspections, including reports, 1929-1953; papers and correspondence relating to diplomas and fellowships, 1921-1953; papers concerning industrial art bursaries, 1947-1955; papers and correspondence relating to the Governing Body, including appointment of governors, 1955-1961;

    correspondence concerning the book William Richard Lethaby, 1857-1931 by A R N Roberts (published 1957), [1956]; notes concerning a television programme on the School, 1954; notes on W R Lethaby, with some correspondence of Lethaby, [1909-1930]; visitors book, 1914-1984; timetables, 1973-1977;

    photographs of Southampton Row building, [1908]-1970s; photographs of bomb damage to the school, [1942]; photographs of students, [1920s-1990s]; photograph album of students' work, [1950s]; photographs of Khartoum Technical College Department of Fine Arts depicting student life and work, 1963; photographs of life models, [1930s]; floor plans of the Central School building, [1950s];

    copies of prospectuses, 1896-1987; prospectuses for departments, 1970s; exhibition catalogues for Central School Book Production and lithography, 1912-1913; degree show catalogues, 1950s-1990s; invitation and publicity concerning students' exhibition of work, 1952;

    Students Union members' signature book, 1930-1932; rough lists of members of the Students' Society, 1959-1964; Central School of Arts and Crafts student magazines, 1919, 1920, 1923 (hand drawn and written); Book Production Class magazine (journals for the boys of the Day Technical School of Book Production and Silversmithing), 1912-1913; Printing Class Boys Magazine, 1916, 1926; student newspapers, 1970-1980; student handbook, 1974;

    sketch books of R B Neal, of interiors of Hatfield House, sketches and photographs of furniture and notes and sketches on historical furniture styles, [1912-1914]; student essays on interior design and etching, 1954; printed examples of typographical work at a summer school for teachers, 1933;

    articles and press cuttings relating to the history of Central School, including magazines and articles on the work of students, 1950s-1990s; press cuttings concerning the opening of the Jeanetta Cochrane theatre, [1962]; articles, obituaries, press cuttings, biographical information and papers relating to W R Lethaby, including his house designs, 1932-1980s; articles, press cuttings, exhibition catalogues, relating to Central School artists and designers, photographs and private view cards, compiled from the 1980s; press cuttings, publicity material concerning Central School exhibitions and fashion shows, 1987-1997;

    printed London County Council Education Department records, including reports on technical education, 1912, training and employment in the printing trades, 1914, trade and technical education in France and Germany, 1914; handbook on education visits, 1910; annual report of the Council on higher education, 1911; reports on teachers' conferences, 1909-1914; reports on the Education Act, 1918; Staff Gazette, 1900-1903; Technical Education Board minutes, 1908.

    Central School of Arts and Crafts Central School of Art and Design
    Camberwell College of Arts
    GB 0000 Camberwell College of Arts Archive · 1898-2002 (ongoing)

    Records of Camberwell College of Arts, comprising minutes of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1898-1938; reports of the Joint Advisory Printing Advisory Committee minutes, 1965-1973; minutes of meetings of the Governors, 1980-1981;Sub-Committee, 1917-1949; attendance books, 1898-1951; agenda books, 1906, 1913-1915;

    correspondence from London County Council Higher Education Sub-Committee concerning their decision on reports of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1921-1924;

    Secretary's account book, 1899-1901; accounts, including for the Sketch Club, 'Cambians' student association, students' union, exhibitions and examination expenses, 1930-1945; register of staff, [1898-1939]; papers relating to teaching staff, 1914-1962, including correspondence concerning appointments, memorandums; register of students, 1898-1900;

    minutes of meeting concerning the extension of the school, 1901, estimates for building alterations, 1903; address on the opening of the school extension, 1904; programme and press cuttings for opening of the new building, 1913; papers relating to the sculpture building extension, 1950-1954, including building plan, 1950; notes and minutes of site meeting, 1950; builders' estimates, 1951; programme for the opening of the new School for Sculpture, correspondence concerning the ceremony, text of speech and list of guests, 1953; press cuttings, 1953;

    papers relating to a school war memorial, 1919-1923; correspondence relating to gifts to the school, 1935-1954, including portraits, furniture, books and journals, equipment; plans, notes and invitations relating to exhibitions of students work at the South London Art Gallery, 1913-1914, 1928-1932;

    papers relating to Diploma of Art and Design at Camberwell, [1960]-1963; copy instrument of government of the London Institute, [1985]; correspondence and papers concerning proposed changes to Higher Education, 1977, including statement from Camberwell opposed to the changes;

    prospectuses, 1898-2002; exhibition catalogues and degree show catalogues, 1989-2002;

    press cuttings relating to the school, 1924-1937; students' exhibitions and work of students and staff, 1960-1967; private view cards of staff and students, [1980s-2002]; photographs, 1970s, of students and staff working at Camberwell;

    copies of 1st and 2nd editions of the Cambian, 1928, 1930, printed by the School Press containing examples of student work;

    ephemera relating to Camberwell School, art and the Camberwell area, 1950s-2002, including press cuttings and programmes for events; typed notes on the history of the School, 1990s.

    copies of the London Technical Education Gazette, 1900-1903; London County Council Technical Education Board minutes, 1904; London County Council circulars, 1931-1932.

    Camberwell College of Arts Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts
    GB 0074 LMA/4578 · Collection · 1958-2009

    The focus of much of this collection is the academic work published by the British Music Therapy Society, chiefly the scholarly work delivered at Society conferences and published in the Society newsletter, later journal. This work mainly consists of research into possible uses of music in various therapeutic contexts with a variety of different potential patients. Research is mainly of a practical or observational nature, usually consisting of case studies of individuals or groups, though there is some research into the philosophical under-pinnings of music therapy. One of the main committees of the organisation was the Management Board of the Society Journal (LMA/4578/01/02), which deals with the content and editorial direction of the journal.

    Other records deal with the administration and decision making of the Society in the form of minutes of the executive committee, which ran the Society, and the minutes of other committees that were formed as required. One of these committees, the Fund Raising Sub-committee, later the Juliette Alvin Music Therapy Fund Sub- committee (LMA/4578/01/03/002), established the Juliette Alvin Trust to provide support for trainee music therapists.

    The Administrative Officer files deal with much of the day to day running of the Society, including correspondence records and files that deal with its charitable status.

    The collection also includes records of the internal and external communication of the Society (including newsletters for members, and information booklets and press articles to boost their profile).

    Society for Music Therapy and Remedial Music x British Society for Music Therapy
    BOWEN, Ivor (1902-1984)
    GB 0099 KCLMA Bowen · 1926-1973

    Papers of Ivor Bowen, 1926-1973, relating to his career in aeronautics, comprising manuscript volume entitled 'Bomb and Bombsight figures'; photographs, some captioned, relating to a long haul flight to Singapore, 1946, including exterior and interior details of plane and an aerial view of Singapore; Air Ministry Laboratory report, 'Bomb ballistics experiments, Orfordness, 1926', written by L C Bygrave and Ivor Bowen, including aerial photographs, photographs of recording equipment, bomb at moment of release, cine film stills of explosion, detailed technical drawings of recording equipment and periscopic bomb sight, and graphs of time lags, trail angles and fall times of bombs; publications relating to aeronautics including Air Ministry manuals, chiefly on air navigation, 1926-1941; typescript draft handbook, 'Aircraft compass installations', by C S Hudson, for publication by HMSO, [1949]; patents issued to General Precision Laboratory, USA, 1956-1959; lecture text, 'The development of visual landing for flight simulators' by G M Hellings, Chief Scientist, General Precision Systems Ltd, Oct 1961; technical product descriptions including for Miniature Inertial Navigation System (MINS), produced by Kearfott Division, USA and Kearfott C702519001 floated rate-integrating gyro, Aug 1962; performance data for floated rate-integrating gyro King II, produced by Kearfott Division, USA, Dec 1962; offprint articles on aeronautics, 1962; memoranda and minutes of meetings of the Air League, 1963-1973; 'Unservile State Papers, no 15: A Defence for Britain' by Anthony Paice, Liberal Publication Dept, [1966]; letter from I J Bettison, General Equipments Ltd, Adelaide, Australia, 3 Jun 1963, on selling flight simulation training systems; and 'extracts from the technical supplement to the annual report of the Aeronautical Research Council', 1 Apr 1965.

    Bowen , Ivor , 1902-1984 , aeronautical engineer
    GB 2110 BCE · 1892-2003

    Records of Battersea College of Education, comprising:

    BCE/1, Governance: includes Governing Body and Academic Board minutes, and records regarding visitations by the University of London Institute of Education, 1953-1976;

    BCE/2, Staff Records: includes Staff Registers, c1900-1991;

    BCE/3, Publications: includes prospectuses, College Magazines, history publications and Battersea Polytechnic reports, 1892-2003;

    BCE/4, Photographs: includes group photographs of college students and photographs of lessons, students, staff and exhibitions, 1953-1970;

    BCE/5, Plans: comprises a plan of the college n.d;

    BCE/6, History and Special Events: includes records regarding official openings, special events and the College's history, 1950s-1970s;

    BCE/7, Records on the Merger with South Bank Polytechnic: includes Joint Working Party records and reports, 1973-1976;

    BCE/8, Student activities: includes student records and enrolment cards, c.1900-1977;

    BCE/9, External publications: comprises external publications regarding the College or domestic economy education in general, 1899-1994.

    Battersea Training College of Domestic Economy Battersea College of Domestic Science Battersea Training College for Primary Teachers Battersea College of Education
    GB 2159 Barrett Street · [1904]-1966

    Records of Barrett Street Technical College, formerly Barrett Street Trade School, [1904]-1966, comprising minutes of the Consultative Committees for Hairdressing, Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring, 1915-1950; minutes of the School Consultative Committees on Technical Education for Distributors, 1931-1939; student fees registers, giving names of students, addresses and dates of entry and leaving, 1915-1953, covering the Junior and Senior Technical Schools students; staff register, 1904-1921, giving name, details of previous appointments and starting and leaving dates; prospectuses, [1915-1963];

    scrapbooks of press cuttings concerning Barrett Street Technical College, 1915-1966;

    note books of a student, Dorothy C M Ludicke, on massage, health and beauty, treatments, [1948].

    Barrett Street Technical College Barrett Street Trade School