Zona de identificação
Tipo de entidade
Forma autorizada do nome
UBS Global Asset Management
Phillips and Drew , brokerage company
Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome
Formas normalizadas do nome de acordo com outras regras
Outra(s) forma(s) de nome
identificadores para entidades coletivas
Área de descrição
Datas de existência
UBS Global Asset Management is the business division of UBS, a global firm providing financial services to private clients, corporations and institutions. This collection comprises of publications produced by Phillips and Drew, a brokerage company established in 1895 which became a subsidiary of UBS in 1985.
Phillips and Drew were based in London, and although UBS are an international firm they retain offices in Lombard Street, London.
Source of information: www.ubs.com [accessed 6 Jun 2011].