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Dates d’existence
William Walker: born in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 1824; adventurer and revolutionary leader; migrated to California, 1850; sailed from San Francisco with a small force, 1853; after landing at La Paz, proclaimed Lower California and Sonora an independent republic; forced back to the USA by lack of supplies and Mexican resistance, 1854; sailed to Nicaragua at the invitation of a revolutionary faction, 1855; by the end of the year his military successes made him virtual master of Nicaragua, then a key transport link between Atlantic and Pacific ocean shipping; President of Nicaragua, 1856-1857; maintained himself against a coalition of Central American states until 1 May 1857; in order to avoid capture, surrendered to the US Navy and returned to the USA; led another foray but was arrested and returned to the USA as a prisoner on parole; went to Central America for a third time, 1860; landed in Honduras and was taken prisoner by the British Navy; turned over to the Honduran authorities and executed at Trujillo, Honduras, 1860.