Identity area
Reference code
- 1958 (covers 1901-1958) (Creation)
Extent and medium
1 file
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Philip Qipu Vundla was born in Healdtown, Cape Province, South Africa in 1901. His father was one of the first registered African voters in Cape Province. After leaving school he worked as a domestic servant in East London for a short time, before he was recruited to work as a clerk in the gold mines in Johannesburg. He left the mines after giving evidence to a Commission of Inquiry into native mine wages and working conditions, and became a full time organiser of the African Mineworkers Union. After a strike in 1946 the South African Government passed a law prohibiting Africans from holding gatherings on mine ground, Vundla joined the Defiance Campaign, and the African National Congress. In 1948 he was Chairman of the Anti-Tram Fare Increase Committee, and organised a major boycott of tram system. He was later a member of the National Executive and Chairmman of the Western Region of the ANC, 1952-1955. He left active politics in 1953 and became a journalist. He died in 1969.
Archival history
GB 0101 ICS 105 1958 (covers 1901-1958) Collection (Fonds) 1 file Vundla , Philip Qipu , 1901-1969 , journalist, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa
Philip Qipu Vundla was born in Healdtown, Cape Province, South Africa in 1901. His father was one of the first registered African voters in Cape Province. After leaving school he worked as a domestic servant in East London for a short time, before he was recruited to work as a clerk in the gold mines in Johannesburg. He left the mines after giving evidence to a Commission of Inquiry into native mine wages and working conditions, and became a full time organiser of the African Mineworkers Union. After a strike in 1946 the South African Government passed a law prohibiting Africans from holding gatherings on mine ground, Vundla joined the Defiance Campaign, and the African National Congress. In 1948 he was Chairman of the Anti-Tram Fare Increase Committee, and organised a major boycott of tram system. He was later a member of the National Executive and Chairmman of the Western Region of the ANC, 1952-1955. He left active politics in 1953 and became a journalist. He died in 1969.
The source of acquisition by ICS is not known.
Memoir dictated by Philip Qipu Vundla, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa, 1958: covering his childhood and family background and details on South African politics, trade unions and moral rearmament, 1901-1958; including account of strike by African mineworkers in 1946, the tram boycott in the native townships of Johannesburg, in 1948, a demonstration by African teachers for higher wages and better working conditions, the School Boycott and protests against the Bantu Education Act, 1953-1955, and the bus boycott by Africans in Johannesburg in 1957.
Single item
Open although advance notice should be given. Access to individual items may be restricted under the Data Protection Act or the Freedom of Information Act.
A photocopying service is available, at the discretion of the Library staff. Copies are supplied solely for research or private study. Requests to publish, or to quote from original material should be submitted to the Information Resources Manager.
The ICS holds a large number of collections relating to South African politics, including African National Congress (ICS 1), Mary Benson (ICS 6), Ruth First (ICS 117), Marion Friedmann (ICS 20), Ruth Hayman (ICS 30), Baruch Hirson (ICS 32), Mandela Trials papers (ICS 52), Josie Palmer (ICS 57), Edward Roux (ICS 67), South African Institute of Race Relations (ICS 95), and University of Transkei (ICS 19).
Compiled by Alan Kucia as part of the RSLP AIM25 Project. General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), 2nd edition 2000. National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Oct 2001. ANC , African National Congress x African National Congress x South African Native National Congress Apartheid Blacks Civil and political rights Ethnic groups Human rights Interethnic relations Johannesburg Labour disputes Labour relations Racial discrimination Racial prejudice Racial segregation South Africa Southern Africa Strikes Vuldla , Philip Qipu , 1901-1969 , journalist, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
The source of acquisition by ICS is not known.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Memoir dictated by Philip Qipu Vundla, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa, 1958: covering his childhood and family background and details on South African politics, trade unions and moral rearmament, 1901-1958; including account of strike by African mineworkers in 1946, the tram boycott in the native townships of Johannesburg, in 1948, a demonstration by African teachers for higher wages and better working conditions, the School Boycott and protests against the Bantu Education Act, 1953-1955, and the bus boycott by Africans in Johannesburg in 1957.
System of arrangement
Single item
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Open although advance notice should be given. Access to individual items may be restricted under the Data Protection Act or the Freedom of Information Act.
Conditions governing reproduction
A photocopying service is available, at the discretion of the Library staff. Copies are supplied solely for research or private study. Requests to publish, or to quote from original material should be submitted to the Information Resources Manager.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
The ICS holds a large number of collections relating to South African politics, including African National Congress (ICS 1), Mary Benson (ICS 6), Ruth First (ICS 117), Marion Friedmann (ICS 20), Ruth Hayman (ICS 30), Baruch Hirson (ICS 32), Mandela Trials papers (ICS 52), Josie Palmer (ICS 57), Edward Roux (ICS 67), South African Institute of Race Relations (ICS 95), and University of Transkei (ICS 19).
Finding aids
Access points
Subject access points
- Interethnic relations » Ethnic discrimination » Racial segregation » Apartheid
- Civil and political rights
- Ethnic groups
- Human rights
- Interethnic relations
- Labour relations » Labour disputes
- Labour relations
- Interethnic relations » Ethnic discrimination » Racial prejudice
- Interethnic relations » Ethnic discrimination » Racial segregation
- Labour relations » Labour disputes » Strikes
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), 2nd edition 2000. National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English