
Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques


      Terme générique Conflit international


      Termes équivalents


      • Employé pour Armed conflicts
      • Employé pour Invasion
      • Employé pour War aggression
      • Employé pour Conflit armé
      • Employé pour Guerre d'agression
      • Employé pour Invasion
      • Employé pour Conflicto armado
      • Employé pour Conflicto bélico
      • Employé pour Contienda
      • Employé pour Invasión

      Termes associés


      1045 Description archivistique résultats pour Guerre

      1045 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      CHIESMAN, Sir Walter Eric (1900-1973)
      GB 0100 TH/PP14 · [1920s]-1963

      Papers of Sir Walter Eric Chiesman comprising typescript copies of his theses, including his MD thesis The application of Rehberg's filtration re-absorption theory of renal secretion in the study of the excretion of water urea etc by the human kidney in health and disease', andThe treatment of tuberculous pleural effusion by aspiration and replacement with air' [1920s];
      file of papers by Chiesman, including off prints of published articles and typescript lectures relating to toxic effects of ethylene chlorohydrin, haemorrhage from peptic ulcers, diagnosis and treatment of lesions due to vesicents, industrial medicine, absenteeism, 1932-1963;
      `Wartime papers' file containing mainly papers and lectures of Dr W E Chiesman, Medical Officer of the Ministry of Supply Factories, including papers relating to medical aspects of chemical warfare including health of factory workers and descriptions of individual cases, accident statistics, treatment of toxic burns, first aid in event of gas attack, decontamination of clothing, 1938-1943.

      Sans titre
      Committee on woman power
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0548 · Collection · 1940-1945

      Minutes of the Committee on woman power.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0676 · Collection · 1913-1950

      Papers of Dingle Foot retained by his secretary J Solomons. These include papers concerning the Ministry of Economic Warfare, notes and letters on the Liberal position on rearmament and the liberties of the subject, also speeches on foreign policy.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0787 · Collection · c1940-c1960

      Miscellaneous papers of Professor Paish, found with his books. They include a box of slides, probably for a series of lectures on the UK Economy; two folders of statistical material; the duplicated text of a lecture by D H Robertson to the Marshall Society, Cambridge, 19 Oct 1961 on 'Mr. Lloyd's Fireworks'; off prints of papers by Paish; photocopy of "War as a Temporary Occupation, First World War Memoirs of a second Lieutenant", Paish's account of his service in the 2nd Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, in France, Aug 1915-Mar 1918.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0818 · 1940-1945

      Minutes, agendas and papers of the Executive Committee of the British Association for Labour Legislation. The file includes papers submitted to the minutes on national health, post-war reconstruction, education for democracy (by R H Tawney) and hours of work. The committee also discussed conditions which prevailed in air raid shelters.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 CROSLAND · 1920-1980

      This collection encompasses all the main phases of Crosland's career; his education and early career, World War II, his time as a Member of Parliament. It includes personal and professional correspondence, diaries, notes and notebooks, publications, speeches, broadcasts, photographs, and ephemera (including opera, theatre and concert programmes) and comprises the following:
      Part I. Education and Early Career, 1930-1950
      Section 1) Highgate School (exercise books and certificates); Section 2) Trinity College, Oxford (essays and notes, material relating to student societies, and ephemera); Section 3) War (including diaries, correspondence and notebooks).

      Part II. Member of Parliament, 1950-1977
      Section 4) Papers; Section 5) Ministerial; Section 6) Labour Party; Section 7) Constituency; Section 8) Official foreign visits.

      Part III. Correspondence (personal and professional), 1927-1976:
      Section 9) 1927-1949; Section 10) 1950-1966; Section 11) 1967-1970; Section 12) 1971-1976.

      Part IV. Various, 1920 - 1980
      Section 13) Books, pamphlets, articles, speeches and broadcasts (concerning socialism, economics, and political campaigning); Section 14) Co-operative Independent Commission; Section 15) Profiles and biography; Section 16) Notes, note books, press cuttings and miscellaneous (personal accounts, notes and reflections); Section 17) Susan Crosland's papers (concerning biographies of Anthony Crosland); Section 18) Crosland Additional (photographs and ephemera).

      The following sections, describing printed items, have been added to the catalogue as appendices: 1. Printed articles and speeches by Crosland; 2. Pamphlets (collected by Crosland); 3. Opera, Theatre and Concert Programmes.
      There are two later accessions of scrapbooks, press cuttings, photographs, war medals and correspondence, c1920-c1980, and a file on the International Monetary Fund, 1976-1987.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 DELL · 1895-1973

      Material for a biography of Robert Edward Dell, 1895-1973, collected by his elder daughter Sylvia Blelloch in the 1960s, notably family correspondence, 1854-1940, mainly between Dell and his wife and daughters; general correspondence to Robert and Sylvia Dell, 1889-1973, with correspondents including Edmund Bishop concerning Catholic affairs, Clifford Sharpe, Dorothy Frances Buxton (wife of Charles Roden Buxton), Joseph Cailleux (French Minister of Finance), Herbert George Wells, Rabbi Stephen Wise (Rabbi of the Free Synagogue, New York), Maxim Litvinov (Soviet Foreign Minister), Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (President of the League of Nations Union), and Diana Sheean (wife of James Vincent Sheean); letters and press cuttings relating to the publication of Germany unmasked (Martin Hopkinson, London, 1934) and The Geneva racket, 1920-1939 (Robert Hale, London, 1921), 1934-1973; papers concerning Dell's relations with Anatole France, [1913-1939], including typescript copies and photocopies of correspondence between the two, [1913-1922], material relating to the Cercle Carre, and a typescript of part of 'Anatole France as I knew him' by Dell, [1930-1939]; rough draft of an autobiography by Dell, [1930-1940]; typescript articles by Dell, 1900-1940, mainly concerning European politics following World War One, especially relating to Germany and France, and the build up to World War Two; published pamphlets and articles by Dell, 1899-1940, notably relating to Catholicism, foreign affairs, and the Geneva League Assembly; biographical material relating to Dell, [1950s-1960s], including papers relating to Dell's membership of the Fabian Society, his work as Editor of the Surrey Mirror, his work as a Catholic modernist, as well as photographs, certificates and correspondence of Sylvia Blelloch relating to her research.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 LLOYD · 1906-1973

      Papers of Edward Mayow Hastings Lloyd, 1906-1968, including early notebooks, essays and addresses, 1906-[1914], the latter mainly relating to economics and international trade; material relating to Lloyd's employment at the War Office and the Ministry of Food, 1915-1919, mainly comprising administrative papers concerning the supply and distribution of wool and food during World War One; material relating to Lloyd's post in the League of Nations Secretariat, 1919-[1923], mainly relating to international food control, the economic foundations and administrative organisation of the League of Nations, and international economic and financial conferences; material relating to Lloyd's employment at the Empire Marketing Board and the Market Supply Committee, 1926-1939, notably reports on the economies of Australia, Canada, the USA, Russia and South Africa, reports and memoranda for international economic conferences, memoranda and statistics relating to the international wheat trade, memoranda and correspondence on the National Food Policy, nutrition and agriculture, and correspondence with Arthur Greenwood, George Dallas and Sir George Ernest Schuster; administrative papers created during Lloyd's employment at the Ministry of Food, 1936-1944, mainly related to food supply during World War Two, notably minutes and papers of the Interdepartmental Committee on War Time Control of Food Prices, working papers on food controls, wages, and rationing, and papers of the British Food Mission, especially relating to food rationing; material relating to Lloyd's work as Economic Adviser to the Minister of State, Middle East, 1943-1944, mainly relating to the problems of inflation and rationing; material concerning Lloyd's work in the Balkans with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 1944-1946, including UNRRA administrative memoranda, papers relating to the Balkan Mission notably reports and correspondence on the economic situation in Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece, especially relating to food supplies; various economic papers, 1920-1942, on subjects including international trade and economics, unemployment, British industry, agricultural policy, Independent Labour Party views on banking, credit and living wage, and post-war trade and food supplies; post-war papers collated by Lloyd, 1947-1967, notably material relating to food economics in the Middle East, notes on the history of food control, correspondence with the Ministry of Agriculture, texts of lectures by Lloyd on British agriculture and world markets, papers of the European League for Economic Cooperation; writings by Lloyd, 1920-1967, comprising articles and essays mainly concerning economics and agriculture; personal papers, 1907-1968, including an ILP engagement diary and material relating to Lloyd's death. Papers of Margaret Frances Lloyd, 1914-1970, including material relating to POWs during World War One, 1914-1919; letters to Lloyd from James Ramsay Macdonald, David Mitrany and James Joseph Mallon, 1917; pamphlets and leaflets, 1906 and 1914-1919, on subjects including the Russian Revolutions, conscientious objection, and sweated labour; material concerning Lloyd's work as an inspector for the Czech Refugee Trust, 1939-1947, including correspondence, reports on hostels, and papers relating to conditions in internment camps; material relating to Allies Inside Germany, 1942-1969, notably Council minutes, correspondence and exhibition photographs; correspondence with Polish, Jewish, Austrian, Czech and German refugee organisations, 1940-1944; material relating to Lloyd's work on the Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey, 1942-1943; maps and accounts of prisons and concentration camps in Germany, [1945]; correspondence with the British Council for German Democracy, 1947; correspondence and papers relating to a visit by Lloyd to Romania and Hungary, in her role as the International Secretary of the International Assembly of Women, 1954-1955; material concerning the Hemel Hempstead CND, 1965-1970. Papers concerning Edward Frank Wise (1885-1933), comprising notes and drafts by Edward Lloyd for a biography of Wise, 1935, and correspondence between Margaret Lloyd and Wise's family and friends, 1969-1973.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 MORRISON · Collection · 1921-1969

      The collection consists of Jones and Donoughue's research notes and transcripts of interviews they conducted with Morrison's associates, and original documents and copies collected from various sources, the provenance of some of which is uncertain. The papers include material relating to Morrison's time as Lord President and Leader of the House of Commons, his speeches, publications by and concerning Herbert Morrison, the research notes and correspondence of Jones and Donoughue, interviews with Morrison's associates, original manuscripts and printed material, and copies of manuscripts and printed material held at Nuffield College, Oxford.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 PIERCY · Collection · 1915-1966

      Notes, correspondence and other papers relating to Piercy's time at the Ministry of Munitions; at the British Ministry of Food in the USA; as General Trading Manager of Harrisons and Crosfield; as Joint Managing Director of Pharaoh Gane and Co Ltd; as a partner in the stock broking firms of Capel, Cure and Terry, and Fenn and Crosthwaite; as leader of the British Petroleum Mission; at the Ministry of Production; as personal assistant to Clement Attlee; as Chairman of the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation; and his official appointments. Personal letters and biographical material, including the records of the Evelyn Trust and Chichester Estate Trust; essays, notes and other material relating to Piercy's education and lecturing; and material relating to Piercy's involvement with educational institutions, the Wellcome Trust, and his various other interests.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 UNA · Collection · 1945-1997

      This collection consists mainly of the papers of the central organisation of the UNA and relate to the day to day running and administration of the Association. It includes material relating to the establishment and administration of the World Federation of United Nations Associations; minutes and agendas of annual general meetings, organisational committees and campaign committees, including the Working with Africa committee; material relating to the Association's finances and general administration; minutes and correspondence relating to the UNA Trust; correspondence concerning the Media Peace Prize; reports and papers relating to the Falklands War, the Iran/Iraq War, the Middle East, disarmament, peace activities, human rights and the environment; minutes, correspondence and other material relating to International Years; correspondence relating to the United Nations Day and the 40th anniversary of the UN; material relating to the organisation and appraisal of Walk for the World; minutes and newsletters of the International Broadcasting Trust; material relating to the regional groups, the Youth and Student Movement, and the International Student Movement of the United Nations; and UNA publications.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 WIGHT · [1939-1972]

      Papers of (Robert James) Martin Wight, [1939-1972], including research material for books and articles, texts of lectures and talks, conference papers, quotations, press cuttings and correspondence all on subjects including international politics, the United Nations and European unity, World War Two, religion, Russia, and the teaching of history; material relating to societies; and files on the teaching of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

      Sans titre
      GB 0102 CBMS · 1872-1973

      Archives of the Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1912-1970, including some material dating from 1872-1973, relating to administration, the work of other missionary bodies, and issues affecting missionary work.

      Records, 1901-1970, of the Standing Committee and other committees comprise minutes, annual reports, and administrative papers and correspondence, including some relating to the CBMS constitution, finance, staffing, World War Two, and broadcasting, and papers relating to various other missionary bodies, including the Foreign Missions Conference of North America and National Council of Churches in Christ in the USA, 1893-1960 (Ref: S).

      Records, 1907-1968, of the Home Council comprise minutes and administrative papers (Ref: H); records, 1926-1960, relating to audio-visual aids, including minutes, administrative papers, and reviews of films (Ref: H/AVA); records, 1920-1944, of the Far and Near Press Bureau, with detailed information on numerous individual missionaries and missionary issues, including BBC talks, publications, manuscripts and matching press cuttings, and obituaries (arranged chronologically), biographical files and photographs of people and regions (arranged alphabetically), and background information on various areas (Ref: H/PB); records, 1921-1960, relating to recruitment and training of missionaries (Ref: H/RT); records, 1946-1965, of the Schools Committee, relating to speakers, exhibitions and publicity material (Ref: H/Sc); records, 1939-1961, of the Youth Committee (Ref: H/Y); records, 1907-1968, of the United Council for Missionary Education and Edinburgh House Press, including minutes, finance papers, records of publications and papers relating to production, stock and publicity, book reviews, correspondence, and publications on missionaries and missionary subjects (Ref: H/UP).

      Area files, including correspondence with national Christian councils, overseas governments and overseas churches and churchmen, comprise minutes of the Africa Committee and papers on missionary work in countries in Central, East, Southern and West Africa, 1915-1960, touching on educational work, political events and decolonization, African customs, Islam, social problems, and interethnic relations, including papers of the Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies (including areas outside Africa), 1927-1961 (Ref: A); records of the Committee on Work among Jews and Near and Middle East Committee and papers relating to missionary work in Middle Eastern countries and Egypt, 1921-1967, touching on work among Moslems, political events and refugee issues (Ref: N); records of the West Indies Committee and papers relating to missionary work in the Caribbean, 1938-1968, touching on social and economic development (Ref: W); records of the Asia Committee and papers on missionary work, including educational and medical work, in China, India, and other parts of East, South, and South East Asia, 1872-1964, including political events, the Sino-Japanese War and World War Two, the development of Communism in China, and political events and self-government in India (Ref: E).

      Records on literature and medical work comprise records of the Christian Literature Committee and Christian Literature Council, including finance and policy papers, and papers relating to literacy and literature in Central, East, Southern and West Africa, East, South, and South East Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean and Latin America, 1920-1968 (Ref: L); records of the Medical Advisory Board and papers on medical missionary work in Africa, India and China, 1928-1963 (Ref: M).

      Records on co-operative action with other missionary bodies relate to the World Missionary Conference and its Continuation Committee, 1907-1929, the International Missionary Council, 1917-1973, World Council of Churches, 1945-1960, and British Council of Churches, 1938-1960 (Ref: C).

      Sans titre
      GB 0102 CIM · c1850-1999

      Records of the China Inland Mission (later the Overseas Missionary Fellowship), including the minutes of the London Council, 1872-1951; minutes of the Mission's China Council, 1886-1947, 1951; various publications including Chinese Missionary Gleaner, 1853-1859, China's Millions, 1875-1964, and Chinese Recorder, 1867-1933 (Ref: CIM);
      Overseas Missionary Fellowship papers (Ref: CIM/OMF) for the post-1950 period;
      substantial papers of the mission's founder, James Hudson Taylor (Ref: CIM/JHT), including some records, c1850-1860, of the Chinese Evangelization Society;
      material, 1880-1999, relating to the Chefoo Schools (Ref: CIM/CSP), founded by Hudson Taylor, including registers of pupils and papers of the Chefoo Schools Association;
      private papers (Ref: CIM/PP), comprising varied information on the lives of individual missionaries;
      a large photographic collection (Ref: CIM/PHOTO), including the official records of the China Inland Mission and Overseas Missionary Fellowship, among them a series of photographs collected from missionaries in the field concerning medical work and scenes of life in China, Taiwan, Thailand and Tibet.

      Sans titre
      Withers, Henrietta
      GB 0102 CIM/PP 93-118 · 1914-1974

      Papers, 1914-1974, of Henrietta (Hettie) Withers, comprising correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1936-1974 (mainly 1930s-1950s), including letters to her family, 1937-1941, letters from the China Inland Mission (CIM) London Council, 1947, and two booklets on the Emmanuel Home for the Homeless, Shanghai, 1939, 1945; diaries, 1915-1945 (some gaps), including typescript circular letters, 1927-1932, describing her work, activities and experiences in China, including references to the Sino-Japanese War and World War Two; notes, on talks given [post-1930], meetings addressed in Chefoo (Yantai), 1938-1939, and on Sisiang in Shensi province, undated; photographs and some watercolours, 1914-1965 and undated, the subjects including Chefoo, Miss Withers, other teachers, and children; passport, 1932, with endorsements for escorting children; typescript list of publications about CIM missionaries and readers' comments, 1960s-1970s.

      Sans titre
      GB 0505 RHC AS100-102 · 1889-1975

      Minute books of the College Meeting, 1890-1925; Minute books of the Library Committee, 1889-1892; Minutes, 1915-1919 and 1939-1942, and Accounts, 1916-1917, of the War Work Committees, including correspondence and accounts of the War Work Fund (afterwards the Post War Relief Fund, 1939-1975.

      Sans titre
      GB 0102 IMC · 1910-1961

      Microfiche copy of the archive, 1910-1961, of the International Missionary Council, including records relating to early history and committees; staff and officers' correspondence; Committee on the Church and the Jewish People; papers on mission field subjects, industrial and social questions, war and missions, orphaned missions, intermission aid, missions and governments, alien missionaries, religious liberty, religious education, and Christian literature; finance papers; papers relating to the International Review of Missions; records of the Research Department, Department of Missionary Studies, and Study Centres; country files on Europe, Asia, East Asian Christian Conference, Burma, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Near and Middle East, Africa, North America, Latin America, Australia and the Pacific; records of the IMC assemblies at Jerusalem, 1928, Tambaram, 1938, Whitby, 1947, Willingen, 1952, and Ghana, 1957-1958; records of the Joint Committee relating to the integration of the IMC into the World Council of Churches; Commission on World Mission and Evangelism conferences at New Delhi, 1961, Mexico City, 1964, Bangkok, 1972-1973, and Melbourne, 1980; questionnaires and responses in preparation for the World Missionary Conference (Edinburgh, 1910).

      Also the archive of the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches, 1906-1948.

      Sans titre
      Alabaster, Sir Chaloner
      GB 0102 MS 380451 · Created 1845-1898

      Papers, 1845-1898, of Sir Chaloner Alabaster, including nine diaries, 1854-1875, which give accounts of his time in China. The later diaries are incomplete and contain far less detail than earlier volumes. Additional material, 1868-1898, includes papers and correspondence detailing his military service, accounts, obituaries and copies of 'A Chapter from the Chinese Gospel', by Alabaster, from Occasional Papers on Chinese Philosophy.

      Sans titre
      Francis, Rev David Lloyd
      GB 0102 MS 380563 · Created 1933-1989

      Papers, 1933-1989, of David Lloyd Francis, comprising his diaries (1943, 1947-8) and correspondence concerning his work with the Melanesian Mission, the effects of the War on the Mission's work and his own work during this period. Later correspondence with the BBC is also included.

      Sans titre
      Roberts Memorial Hospital photographs
      GB 0102 MS 380584 · [Early 20th century]

      Three captioned photograph albums [early 20th century] of the Roberts Memorial Hospital, T'sangchou, including images relating to damage caused by the Boxer Rebellion (1900-1901), construction of the hospital, dispensary, out-patients, Chinese and European members of staff, patients and hospital scenes, also including some general scenes of Chinese life outside the hospital. One album apparently belonged to Dr A D Peill and two albums to Dr S G Peill.

      Sans titre
      Blackburn, Jack F
      GB 0102 MS 380628 · 1927-1941

      Letters, 1927-1941, of and relating to Jack F Blackburn, mainly comprising his letters to his mother Margaret Blackburn in Guildford, 1927-1941, concerning his activities and discussing family affairs, describing visits as a naval officer to the ports of Singapore, Malaya, Cairo, and Aden, and including information on his work with the Chinese Maritime Customs; also including two letters from well-wishers to his mother congratulating her on Blackburn's behaviour on HMS LADYBIRD in 1941.

      Sans titre
      Godfrey, Emily
      GB 0102 MS 380758 · 1919-1979

      Papers, 1919-1979, of and relating to Emily Godfrey, comprising a record of her missionary work and biographical information, 1921-1978; copy certificate as founder member of the Royal College of Nursing, undated; her testimony when applying to be a missionary, 1919, and typescript copy; letters and papers, 1919-1921, relating to her appointment by the Primitive Methodist Missionary Society (PMMS); PMMS congratulations on receiving the Royal Red Cross medal for war work, undated; printed papers relating to Methodist activities, mainly in England, some relating to addresses by Emily Godfrey, 1921-1937; printed and typescript reports on her work in Nigeria, 1922-[1934]; letters received from various correspondents, 1922-1954, the subjects including her missionary work and retirement (1944); letters, 1942-1946, from German missionaries who were interned in Nigeria and England during World War Two; papers relating to pensions, 1937-1964; leaflet appealing for funds for the Methodist Hospital, Ama Achara, Nigeria, c1976; typescript accounts by Emily Godfrey of her work in Nigeria, one made from a tape recording (since lost), undated; printed and typescript items on her death, including obituaries and a letter of condolence, 1978-1979.

      Sans titre
      The Moot
      GB 0366 MOO · Collection · 1939-1949

      Papers of The Moot, mainly consisting of Sir Fred Clarke's set of the circulated discussion papers, 1939-1942; also an incomplete run of the Christian News-Letter, 1939-1949.

      Sans titre
      DENHAM, Dixon (1786-1828)
      GB 0402 DD · 1815-1827

      Journals, notebooks, papers and letters of Maj Dixon Denham, 1815-1827, chiefly relating to the Denham / Clapperton / Oudney expedition from Tripoli to Bornu 1821-1825; also including diaries kept during the Waterloo campaign and subsequent travels around Europe; papers relating to Ensign Tootle and to the Sahara expedition of 1822-1824.

      Sans titre
      Polytechnic Secondary School
      GB 1753 PSS · Fonds · [1885]-1986

      Records, [1885]-1986, of the Polytechnic Secondary School, its predecessors and successors, consisting of membership records, comprising Day School registers, 1890-1892, 1905-1911, including lists of free scholarships, 1891-1894, Girls' Day School register, 1900-1906, and Polytechnic Secondary School lists, 1925-1935; administrative papers, including papers relating to a conference between the Governing Body and H M Inspectors concerning inspection of the Polytechnic Secondary School, 1929, circulars from the London County Council, Ministry of Health and Board of Education and other papers relating to the evacuation of the school, 1939-1940, Instrument dealing with the government of the Quintin School, 1951, file relating to management of the Quintin School, including Governors' minutes, 1962-1967, and miscellaneous other papers relating to the school; material relating to events, comprising Polytechnic Intermediate & Technical School for Boys programme of swimming display, 1890, programme of annual sports, 1920, Speech Day programmes, 1920-1922, 1926, 1930-1931, 1934, 1951, 1968, including Headmaster's reports, 1925-1926, 1929-1930, 1933-1924, programmes of presentation of athletic prizes, 1929-1930, 1934, including Headmaster's report, 1928-1929, programme for the opening of the new building, 1957; printed material, comprising photocopy of a prospectus of the Polytechnic Middle Class School for Boys [1885], Commercial School fifth form gazette, 1903, The Old Quintinian, 1912-1913, The Quintinian, 1920, 1927-1943, 1949-1959, The Polytechnic Secondary School [1938], L C B Seaman, The Quintin School 1886-1956: a brief history (London, 1957), and The Quintin School Hymn Book, undated; photographs of pupils, staff, activities and sports teams, c1888-[1960s], some undated; ephemera, artefacts and memorabilia, including dictionary inscribed F H Master, 1917, Christmas crackers, 1938, engraved House Fours cup, 1939, school cap and tie, and undated song sheet; papers of Lehman Robert Baars relating to his time at the school, 1931-1935, including reports, exam results and school lists; papers relating to an exhibition on the school, 1986.

      Sans titre
      COL/SJ · Sous-fonds · 1216-1997
      Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

      Papers relating to railways, 1839-1983, including reports, evidence and petitions relating to the construction of new lines and stations; papers relating to fires, 1522-1974, including papers on the provision of fire fighting equipment, the introduction of fire insurance policies and the establishment of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade; papers relating to the Great Fire of London, 1667-1966, including acts, orders and financial accounts relating to the rebuilding of the City of London including receipts from Christopher Wren, papers relating to the investigation into the cause of the Fire, financial accounts of funds to relieve those affected, descriptions and accounts of the Fire; papers relating to Royal and Municipal Commissions, 1816-1969; papers relating to war 1692-1995, including papers relating to the Corporation's activities during World War One; air raid precautions and casualties, Roll of Honour of Civilian War Dead in the City of London and papers relating to the bombing of Guildhall, World War Two and City of London salute to the task force, Falklands Campaign, 1982.

      Papers relating to transport, 1663-1985, including hackney coaches and hackney carriages, carts and carmen, stage coaches, river traffic, tramways, omnibuses and buses, subways, Heathrow and Fairlop Airports, the London Underground and the Channel Tunnel terminal in London; papers relating to shipping, 1610-1989; papers relating to trades and crafts, 1510-1991, including bills, wages, regulations, acts and petitions regarding bricklayers, carpenters, carters, founders, glaziers, masons, painters, paviors, plasterers, plumbers, smiths, wireworkers, button makers, butchers, chimney sweeps, hairdressers, ironmongers, spoon makers, paper makers, tanners, tailors, rakers, midwives, engravers, clock makers and printers; papers relating to the Honourable Artillery Company, 1503-1967.

      Papers relating to the history of London, 1565-1994, including "An exposicion of the Kinges prerogative collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitz-Herbert and other olde writers of the lawes of England" by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, 1565, "Londinopolis: An Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, The Imperial Chamber, and chief Emporium of Great Britain: Whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster, with the Courts of Justice, Antiquities, and new Buildings thereunto belonging" by James Havel, 1657, and various other antiquarian and modern books, articles and pamphlets on the history of London; papers relating to health and medicine, 1657-1994, including bills of mortality, papers relating to the outbreak of plague in London, 1665-1666, letters, reports and conference papers relating to the control of cholera; papers regarding provisions, 1607-1990, including warrant authorising the Mayor to receive venison out of the Royal Parks, 1607 and papers of committees investigating the high price of provisions, 1767-1822; papers relating to the government of the City of London and Greater London, 1849-1993; papers relating to the provision and price of gas, 1828-1918; papers relating to the supply of water to the City, 1538-1992; papers relating to the placing, erection and upkeep of statues and monuments in London, 1680-1995; papers relating to weights and measures, 1678-1997, including records of action taken against those using false weights and measures and registers of weighed goods; papers relating to seals and medals, 1285-1995, including examples of medieval seals and register of documents sealed; papers relating to insignia and plate, 1650-1993, including information on the Collar of SS, Diamond Badge or Jewel, Mace, Crystal Mace, Swords, City Purse, Mayoralty Seal, Robes and Sceptre and inventories of City plate; papers relating to the population of the City of London, 1719-1982, including "A compu tation of the increase of London and parts adjacent; with some causes thereof, and remarks thereon", 1719, population returns, 1821-1897 and population studies and articles; papers regarding tolls, 1605-1833, including Acts, bonds, exemptions and leases; papers relating to the postal service, 1741-1938, including examples of early stamps and papers relating to the Penny Post; papers relating to the carrying out of writs, 1460-1965, including writs of habeas corpus, certiorari, subpoenas and jury summons; papers relating to the textile trade, 1674-1995, including orders, rates, inventories, petitions relating to the production of textiles including cloth, lace and wool, bonds of searches and sealers of tanned leather, 1699-1804, and articles on the history of textiles.

      Papers relating to probate, 1693-1786, including estate inventories, letters of administration and notes on legal customs; papers relating to the regulation of fireworks and bonfires within the City, 1673-1857; papers relating to archaeological investigations in the City of London, 1972-1989; extracts relating to archery in Finsbury Fields, 1521; reports and articles relating to the armorial bearings of the City, 1216-1973; bullion certificates, 1696-1819; licences issued for the right to use calcium carbide, 1897-1919; papers relating to convex lights, 1692-1694; papers relating to conveyancing, 1770-1948 and various other papers relating to aspects of the administration of the City of London including common soil, conservation, criminal prosecutions, city customs and liberties, the Customs House, erection of hoardings, gifts and presentations, regulation of gunpowder, income tax, the London Building Acts, licensing, lotteries, regulation and licensing of petroleum, precedent books, precepts issued by the Mayor or Common Council, bills for printing and stationery, the Olympic Games, pageantry, proclamations, brewers and public houses, the Shops Act, smoke abatement and clean air, street cleaning, theatres, the unemployed, Viewer's reports, wharves, woods and forests, newspapers and cuttings, fishing, the Festival of the City of London, coffee houses, coinage, the Bank of England and other financial institutions.

      Sans titre
      Mourant, Arthur Ernest (1904-1994)
      GB 0120 PP/AEM · 1919-1996

      Biographical material includes the draft of Mourant's autobiography, Blood and Stones published after his death in 1995, together with the correspondence and papers Mourant assembled while writing it. There is also documentation of Mourant's education at Victoria College Jersey and at Exeter College Oxford. The latter includes notes on lectures 1922 - ca 1926. Documentation of Mourant's career, honours and awards is patchy, although there is material relating to his search for employment in the early 1930s. There are pocket diaries spanning 1915-1982, with a fairly continuous sequence 1922-1961. Biographical material also includes extensive family and personal correspondence, much of which dates from or relates to the German occupation of Jersey or shortly thereafter. Mourant's other documented interests include his membership of the Methodist Church and his political affiliations, the League of Nations Union in particular.

      There is a little material relating to Mourant's early career with the Geological Survey 1929-1931, miscellaneous material relating to Mourant's service with the MRC's Blood Group Reference Laboratory at the Lister Institute and the Nuffield (later Anthropological) Blood Group Centre at the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, and more extensive but uneven coverage of the Serological Population Genetics Laboratory. Although there is some documentation of the foundation of the Laboratory 1964-1965 and of its staff, the surviving material consists chiefly of correspondence and papers relating to Mourant's largely successful efforts to find continued funding for the Laboratory 1969-1977. Haematological research material, though not extensive, covers Mourant's work in a number of areas from research on blood serum in the mid-1940s to the mapping of blood groups in the 1960s and 1970s. There are early research notes, correspondence and papers relating to student and other expeditions undertaking blood group and physical anthropology research and some MRC material assembled by Mourant relating to projects in which he had an interest. The largest group of research papers, however, is maps and data produced during preparation of the second edition of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups. There is a chronological sequence of drafts and correspondence relating to Mourant's publications, 1929-1991, with extensive material relating to editions of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups and to The Genetics of the Jews (1978). There is also editorial correspondence relating to publishers and journals, chiefly invitations to review books or referee papers and an incomplete set of offprints. There is correspondence and papers relating to some of Mourant's lectures and broadcasts, most notably the lectures on blood groups given at the Collège de France, Toulouse, 1978-1979. Societies and organisations material is not extensive, and is confined to brief documentation of only a few of the societies and organisations with which Mourant was associated. It includes professional and geological bodies as well as haematological, biological and medical organisations. Visits and conferences material covers the period 1960-1987. It is not comprehensive, though there is also considerable documentation of Mourant's visits and conferences in the papers he assembled in the course of preparing his biography and with lectures material. Mourant's correspondence is extensive. Its complexity reflects Mourant's organisation of the material, the bulk of which was found in three main series: 'Foreign 1965-1977', 'Biological' and 'Geological', together with a fragment of a fourth series 'Home 1965-1977'. Principal correspondents include C.C. Blackwell, B. Bonné, O.J. Brendemoen, V.A. Clarke, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, A. W. Eriksson, T.J. Greenwalt, J.K. Moor-Jankowski, T. Jenkins, W.S. Pollitzer, D.F. Roberts, J. Ruffié, D. Tills and J.S. Weiner.

      Sans titre
      Williams, Cicely Delphine (1893-1992)
      GB 0120 PP/CDW · 1901-1988

      The collection covers most aspects of Williams' life and career after 1939. Papers from her work with the British Colonial Service in Ghana, 1928-1936, were largely lost during transit to her next appointment in Singapore, but the typescript copy of her 1935 report The mortality and morbidity of the children of the Gold Coast is extant. Many papers relating to Williams' work with the British Colonial Service in Singapore, 1936-1941, were lost during the Japanese invasion, but she took a few files into Changi jail, where she wrote up the report An experiment in health work in Trengganu in 1940-1941. Notebooks, correspondence and writings made during her internment, when she was appointed as camp nutritionist by her fellow women prisoners, are also in the collection. Post-war papers cover most aspects of Williams' work, including positions with the World Health Organisation, the American University at Beirut and Tulane School of Public Health, as well as correspondence and collected reprints relating to work carried out in 'retirement' at Wyndham House, Oxford.

      Sans titre
      Mental After Care Association
      GB 0120 SA/MAC · c1886-1994

      Papers of the Mental After Care Association (MACA), c 1886-1994, comprising the constitution and background, c 1886-1992; annual reports, 1887-1993; minutes, 1921-1982; financial records, c1880-1987; administrative records, 1891-c1990; records relating to homes and hostels administered by MACA, including property documents and registers of individual residential homes in the South of England, 1910-1992; case records, 1888-1986; publicity material, publications including Journal of Mental Science containing papers by Henry Hawkins, and ephemera including scrapbooks, c1880-1994; and photographs and audio-visual material, 1927-1989.

      Sans titre
      GB 0122 Bo · [1903-1935]

      Papers of Francis Alphonsus Bourne as Archbishop of Westminster, [1903-1935], including material on the Holy See; Bishop's conferences; synods; religious orders; Vicars General and Chaplaincies; Papal Encyclicals; ecclesiastical and diocesan matters; moral, social and political issues; ecumenicalism; media, communications and publications; foreign countries; national and international institutions; government; embassies; hospitals; trusts, foundations and communities; lectures; homilies; patronages; personal correspondence; staff; invitations; education bills; visits; finance; St Edmund's College, Ware; missions, including in Austria, Germany and India and boy scouts and girl guides.

      Sans titre
      O/484 · Collection · 1945-1946

      Report, dated 1946, prepared by the Civil Defence Department, Home Office, on a flying bomb incident at Lewisham, 28 Jul 1944; and draft report, apparently prepared for Deptford Borough Council, on rocket incidents in the borough, 1944-1945.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Berger · 1934-1983

      Papers, of Col Oliver Charles Berger, 1934-1983, comprising:
      Papers relating to Berger's education and early career, including: notes and essays on the history of political thought, 1934; Wilton Park Training Centre lecture notes and leaflets for German POWs 1946; correspondence relating to Berger's appointments and awards, 1946-1958; standing orders, memoranda and notes relating to A Sqn, Royal Scots Greys, Lopshorn Training Camp, Germany, Jul-Aug 1948; annual confidential reports on Berger, 1951-1953 and 1955-1957.
      Papers relating to diplomatic service and international relations, 1954-1980, including: reports, correspondence, guest lists and notes relating to Berger's service as Military Attache, British Embassy, Rangoon, Burma, 1954-1957, with notes on visits to London by senior Burmese military personnel, 1956. General background information, 1956-1983, including: US government publication, `Mutual inspection for peace', [1956], relating to the role of aerial reconnaissance and photographic interpretation in US-USSR mutual inspection and peace-keeping; press cuttings, 1961-1980, chiefly relating to the Middle East, Africa, USSR, South East Asia and British nuclear policy; speeches made by Sir Alec Douglas-Home as Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1970-1971.

      Sans titre
      ADAM, Gen Sir Ronald, 2nd Bt (1885-1982)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Adam · Created 1939-1960

      Note on the development of the Army rearmament programme, 1937- 1939; notes for the estimates speeches in 1941 and 1943 by the Secretaries of State for War, Capt the Rt Hon David Margesson and the Rt Hon Sir James Grigg, including formation of new corps, Home Guard, Dominion troops and prisoners of war; official paper entitled 'The Use of Manpower in the Army', 1941; printed circular letters from Adjutant General to Corps District, Divisional and Area Commanders, Dec 1942-Dec 1943; papers on Army education for the Armistice and Post War Planning Committee, 1945; reports to Army Council on overseas tours by Adjutant General, 1942-1946; typescript narrative on administrative aspects of World War Two, 1960.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Alderson · Created [1932]-1959

      Papers and photographs relating to Alderson's RNVR and RN service, [1932]-1939, including photograph of Alderson as a Surgeon Sub Lt, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve [1932]; loose pages from a photograph album with 87 captioned photographs relating to Alderson's service on HMS GLORIOUS, Mediterranean Fleet, 1935-1936, notably photographs of HMS COURAGEOUS, HMS HERMES, HMS REVENGE, HMS NELSON, individual RN and RAF officers, and flying operations from HMS GLORIOUS, 1935-1936; typescript memorandum entitled 'Medical organisation for war', HMS GLORIOUS [1937]. Papers relating to the loss of HM Submarine THETIS, Liverpool Bay, 1 Jun 1939, including typescript statement by Alderson, Assistant Medical Officer, HMS DOLPHIN, on his medical examinations of Capt Harry Percy Kendall Oram, RN, and Lt Frederick Greville Woods, RN, two of the four survivors to escape from HM Submarine THETIS, Jun 1939; correspondence between Alderson and other RN Medical Officers relating to the recovery of the survivors of HM Submarine THETIS, Jun 1939; typescript memorandum entitled 'DSEA (Davis Submarine Escape Apparatus)-effect of breathing oxygen under pressure' [1939]; typescript memorandum by Alderson entitled 'Summary of information as to the medical aspects of the sinking of HMS THETIS and the escape of four survivors by DSEA (Davis Submarine Escape Apparatus)', 3 Jun 1939. Papers and photographs relating to Alderson's service as Medical Officer, HMS KELLY, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, Home Fleet, 1939-1940, and to HMS KELLY reunions and commemorations, 1958-1959, including typescript copy of news-sheet 'K D F News' (K Destroyer Flotilla News), relating to the return to the UK from France of HRH Prince Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, Duke of Windsor and Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, on board HMS KELLY, 13 Sep 1939, with photograph of the Duke and Duchess on board HMS KELLY with Capt Lord Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1939; two photographs of Mountbatten, three photographs of HMS KELLY, and one HMS KELLY Christmas card, 1939; typescript routine orders, Medical Section, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, Home Fleet, Nov 1939; correspondence between Alderson and Mountbatten, 1939-1940, relating to Alderson's appointment as Medical Officer, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, and to Mountbatten's recovery from jaundice, Jan-Feb 1940; correspondence, memoranda and notes relating to patients from HM Destroyers KIMBERLEY, KELLY and KELVIN, treated by the Medical Section, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, 1939-1940; lists of medical stores and routine medical supply orders, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, 1939-1940; printed and manuscript medical reports detailing the overall health of the ship's companies of HM Destroyers KELLY, KELVIN, KHARTOUM, KIMBERLEY, KINGSTON and KIPLING, 1939-1940; typescript list of dead and wounded, following German torpedo strike, HMS KELLY, 9 May 1940, with detailed manuscript casualty reports for individual ratings, and photograph of the damage to HMS KELLY, May 1940; eight photographs of Alderson and AF Rt Hon Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, at ceremony at the grave of an HMS KELLY crew member, Hebburn, County Durham, Nov 1958, and at an HMS KELLY reunion, 1959. Photograph album entitled 'Singapore Commission, Jan 3rd 1950-June 30th 1952', containing 150 photographs, 1949-1952, relating to the voyage to Singapore and Alderson's subsequent service at the Royal Naval Sick Quarters, HMS TERROR, Singapore, 1950-1952.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Amlot · 1938-1950

      Collection includes manuscript memorandum by Amlot to 6 Sqn RAF Headquarters relating to the suppression of terrorist activities in Palestine, 15 Sep 1938; and press cuttings relating to the Royal Pakistan Air Force, 1948-1950, including mention of Pakistan's procurement of Dakota aircraft, Nov 1949; Amlot's inauguration of the first University Air Sqn at Dacca, East Pakistan, Nov 1949; articles written by Amlot relating to Royal Pakistan Air Force training, strategy, and force strengths, Aug-Sep 1950.

      Sans titre
      GB 0120 MSS.3667-3681 · 1780-1805

      The collection consists of original and copy documents relating to Viscount Nelson. Although it spans his career from 1780 to his death in 1805, the bulk of the collection centres on 1798 - the year of the battle of Aboukir Bay - and the three years 1803-1805, during which Nelson commanded the Mediterranean Fleet. Included are several hundred official reports and surveys concerned with the manning, ordnance, stores, defects and sick lists of the ships under Nelson's overall command, plus reports on courts martial, prize money, prisoners, sailors' pay, etc. Also present are weekly reports by the chief physicians of the Fleet comparing health on various vessels and giving details of treatments proposed; letters to Nelson on issues such as inventions, requests for places, etc.; and a collection of bills. The papers carry the signatures of most of the senior officers under Nelson and are generally addressed to Nelson himself.

      Sans titre
      DONLEA, Patrick Plunkett (1877-1936)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Donlea P P · Created [1911], 1915, 1932

      Copies of papers relating to his life and career and other family members, 1911, 1915, 1932, comprising: letter from Lt Col Sir George Roos-Keppel, Chief Commissioner and Agent to the Governor General, North West Frontier Province, to the Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department, reporting the capture of a party of raiders at Tarnab and commending various army and police officers, including Michael Donlea, Inspector of Police, North West Frontier (brother of Patrick), for their services in the incident, 2 March 1911; photograph [of raiders referred to in the above letter, 1911]; press cuttings describing charge of 21Lancers at Shabkadr, Aug 1915; brief typescript account of opium production and the organisation of Opium Department, United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, 1932; copy of letter to Mrs Lucy Sophia
      Le Marchand (aunt by marriage of Patrick's wife) from Maj Cecil Allanson, 1/6 Gurkha Rifles describing the death of her son, Lt John Wharton Jones Le Marchand, Gallipoli, 1915.

      Sans titre
      EDGELL, Lt Col Philip Mawbey (1906-1997)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Edgell P M · Created 1944, 1990

      Typescript copy of account entitled 'The five years of 345 Coy RASC (Royal Army Service Corps), from Baquba to Trieste, 1940-1945', written in Apr 1990 by Edgell, Officer Commanding 345 Company, 1940-1941, with additional notes by LtCol D S L Rolph, Officer Commanding 345 Company, 1942-1945. Typescript copy of account entitled 'Convoy 343. Carrying aid to Russiaacross the Persian mountains in midwinter', written by Capt A G Wallis, Officer Commanding C Platoon, 204 General Purpose TransportCompany, Royal Indian Army Service Corps, relating to the first truck convoy, driven by Indian troops, from Persia to the USSR, Jan1944.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Elliott · Created [1944-1953], [1960-1980]

      Papers relating to his military career, 1944-1952, dated [1944-1953], [1960-1980], comprising account of advance of 2 Bn, Essex Regt through Northern France and Belgium, June-Oct 1944, notably covering the attack on Le Havre, 10 Sep 1944, written in [1945], with appendix dated [1960-1980]; account of withdrawal of 2 Infantry Bde from Belgium and Northern France, May 1940,culminating in their evacuation from Dunkirk on 1 Jun 1940, written in [1944-1945]; notes on the allotment and loading of vehicles, Operation OVERLORD, June 1944; map of German defences at Le Havre, issued by [the War Office], 1944; map showing position of 51 and 49 Div to the north of Le Havre, 7 Jun 1944, issued by the War Office, 1947; two accounts of the work of 1 Bn, The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regt, in Malaya, 1952, written in [1953].

      Sans titre
      FERNYHOUGH, Brig Alan Henry (b 1904)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Fernyhough · Created 1940, 1980

      Papers relating to his service in the BEF during 1940, dated 1940 and 1980, notably including a text comprising a description of his role as Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General, General HQ, BEF, France, 1940, written in 1980, an account of his work relating to ammunitions supply, May 1940, including an expedition to Dunkirk to unload an ammunitions ship, written in Jun 1940,an account of a reconnaissance expedition to assess the area around La Rochelle and La Pallice as a possible site for a new base for UK forces, Jun 1940, written in 1980, and a conclusion giving Fernyhough's views on the success of the Dunkirk evacuations, May-Jun 1940, written in 1980.

      Sans titre
      FISHER, R Adm Ralph Lindsay (1903-1988)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Fisher · Created [1977-1988]

      Memoir entitled 'Salt horse: a naval life', covering his career 1917-1957, notably his participation in the evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk and the sinking of the HMS WAKEFUL, May-Jun 1940, his service in the Mediterranean, Arctic and Atlantic, 1940-1945, including Battle of Matapan, Mar 1941, second Battle of Sirte, Mar 1942, and Battle of North Cape, Dec 1943, privately printed in [1977-1988].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Foulkes · Created 1894-1981

      Diaries, 1901-1968; papers and photograph albums relating to the Boer War and photography in military reconnaissance, including an unpublished manuscript, 1897-1902, service in Northern Nigeria on the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, 1902-1904, West Africa, 1903, West Indies, 1902 and Ordnance Survey of Scotland, 1904-1909; papers relating to the introduction and use of chemical warfare during World War One, 1914-1918, and on the North West Frontier, India, 1919-1920 andphotographs taken on the Western Front, 1914-1915 and 1919; articles written as Director of Irish Propaganda during the Anglo-Irish War, 1921; papers concerning appointments as Colonel Commandant and Representative Colonel Commandant, 1937-1944; papers concerning writing and publication of 'Gas!' The story of the Special Brigade (Blackwoods, 1934) and Commonsense and ARP (C Arthur Pearson, 1939) and draft chapters and photographs concerning the unpublished manuscript 'Adventures of an Engineer Subaltern' dealing with military career, 1897-1903; personal correspondence and papers relating to memorial service, 1900-1981; glass and film negatives covering career, 1897-1920.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Four hours in My Lai · 1964-1992

      The Four hours in My Lai archive, 1964-1992, relates to the massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians on 16 Mar 1968, by members of C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry, 11the Light Infantry Brigade, US Army, at Tu Cung sub hamlet (known to US Army as My Lai (4) in the Pinkville region), My Lai hamlet, Son My village, Son Tinh district, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam, and includes the documentary video, uncut interview transcripts, photographs, audio recordings, press cuttings, photocopied material from US archives, research notes, and the published book relating to the documentary and also titled Four hours in My Lai (Viking Penguin, New York, 1992).
      Eyewitnesses interviewed on film for the documentary include Vietnamese survivors of the massacre and well as members of C Company, and other US Army personnel.
      The photographs collection includes colour and black and white photographs taken on the day of the massacre by Army photographer Ron Haeberle, Frederick Widmer's photographs of his tour of Vietnam and photographs of individuals involved in the massacre and the investigations, some of which were published in the book.
      Photocopied documentation from US archives includes statements and evidence gathered during the US Army Inspector General's investigation, conducted by Col William V Wilson, Apr-Jun 1969, the US Army Criminal Investigation Division (USACID) investigation conducted by Chief Warrant Officer André Feher, Aug 1969-1970 , and the Peers Inquiry conducted by Lt Gen William R Peers, Nov 1969-Mar 1970, as well as the courts martial of Lt William Laws Calley, the only soldier who was ever convicted for the crime, and Capt Ernest M Medina and Col Oran K Henderson.
      Audio material in the collection includes recording of the radio communications between helicopters on 16 Mar 1968, news interview from 1969, as well as recordings of Bilton's telephone interview with various witnesses. News cuttings cover reports of the massacre in the US press and the subsequent investigations and trials, as well as articles on the post-1968 careers of individuals involved.

      Sans titre
      FREEDMAN, Lt Cdr Julian (1917-1987)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Freedman J · Created [1917-1919], 1939-1945, 1974

      Papers relating to his service in the Fleet Air Arm, 1939-1945 and 1974, principally comprising aerial propaganda leaflets collected by Freedman. 'Annals of minds at war', an article on aerial propaganda by John Moorehead, from The Daily Telegraph, 8 Mar 1974. Three scripture pamphlets issued by the United States Army, namely Roman Catholic and Protestant editions of 'The Gospelaccording to St Matthew' and 'Psalms from the Jewish Holy Scriptures', 1943-1944. Notebook of Trooper T W Thorn, Surrey Yeomanry, containing a diary covering his service in Salonika, Jun 1917-Jan 1919. Notes on the history and use of grenades, and descriptions and drawings of different types of grenades, [1917-1919].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Gathorne-Hardy · Created 1914-1941

      Papers relating to service on the Western Front, World War One, 1914-1919 including correspondence referring to campaigns on the Western and Italian Fronts and account of the battle of Le Cateau, Aug 1914; service as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command, 1931-1933 including press cuttings; service as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Aldershot Command, 1933-1937 and ADC General to the King, 1934-1937, including press cuttings; copy photographs, 1916-1937,including Trench Mortar School at General HQ and pontoon bridge over River Piave at Salettuol, Italy; family papers of Lady Isobel Gathorne-Hardy and Elizabeth Gathorne-Hardy, 1914-1937.

      Sans titre
      GIBSON, Brig Arthur Blair (1894-1986)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Gibson · Created 1915-[1951]

      Personal diaries relating to Gibson's service with 15 (Service) Bn, (1 Glasgow) Highland Light Infantry and 4 Army Intelligence Section, on the Western Front during World War One, 1915-1917; war diary and photograph album of a tour of duty with 56 Frontier Force Rifles (2 Bn, 13 Frontier Force Rifles) in Asad Khal and Razmak, North West Frontier, India, 1922-1923; unofficial war history of the 56 Frontier Force Rifles from 1942-1946, [1951].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Glover · Created 1940-1946

      Papers, diaries and photographs relating to Glover's RAF service, 1940-1946, including typescript 'Notes on organisation of enemy aircraft section' by Flight Lt P B Horne, 5 Jul 1941; one manuscript narrative diary, 16 Nov 1941-9 Jan 1942, with RAF Officer's service and release book, 1946; two manuscript narrative diaries, 1943 and 1944, with copy of manuscript pocket diary, 1945; two typescript reports by Glover, as member of Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia, relating to landing by US 41 Div on Wake Island (north of New Guinea, Dutch East Indies), 16-17 May 1944, and Biak Island (north west of New Guinea, DutchEast Indies), 27 May 1944; typescript notes on the formation and operations of Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia, 1944-1945; manuscript list of US Navy, USAAF and RAF personnel, Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia, [1945].Photograph album containing 29 captioned photographs, Feb-May 1942, containing Allied officers on board ship KOTA GEDE, following the evacuation of Java, Dutch East Indies, 26 Feb 1942; Calcutta, India, Apr 1942; Mandalay, Burma, Apr 1942; RAF Hawker Hurricane fighters landing at Chittagong, India, May 1942. Sixty seven loose photographs, some captioned, Far East, 1944-1946,including British and US personnel of Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia [1944-1945]; USAAF C47 Douglas Dakota transport aircraft in flight [1945]; aerial photograph of Allied POW camp, Burma, Aug 1945; official Japanese surrender ceremony, Saigon, French Indo China, 1946; portrait photograph of Glover as a Wg Cdr, RAF [1946].

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Godwin-Austen · Created 1940

      Papers relating to his service in Somaliland, 1940, notably including typescript copies of telegrams to Lt Gen Arthur Francis Smith, Deputy Chief of General Staff, [GHQ Middle East], giving a brief account of the attack by Italian troops on British forces at Tug Argan, 11 Aug 1940, dated 12 Aug 1940, and to [Gen Sir Archibald Percival Wavell] giving an appreciation of the current situation in Somaliland, 14 Aug 1940.

      Sans titre
      GOLD, Col Philip Roland (1912-2002)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Gold · 1992 (1942)

      Copy of personal account by Colonel Philip Roland Gold of his escape from Singapore, 13 Feb - 8 April 1942, including vivid descriptions of: street fighting; the chaos of evacuation and lack of boats; the commandeering of a Chinese fishing boat by Gold and subsequent difficulties steering the vessel, ensuring provisions lasted and keeping up morale; crossing the Sumatran jungle, Indonesia, in canoe and on foot; negotiations with villagers for assistance; evacuation to Padang, Indonesia; journey from Padang to India on Royal Navy Cruiser HOBART.

      Sans titre