Zone d'identification
- 1807, [1867]-1931 (Création/Production)
Étendue matérielle et support
3 boxes or 0.03m3
Zone du contexte
Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
The Wells were a prosperous farming family, who lived in Farnborough, Hampshire, in the late 19th century. Family members included Sarah E Wells, and her children, Edward, William, John Percy, Gretchen (Grace), Edith and Frank, the last named dying in southern Africa in 1896. Edward Wells was a chartered accountant in London, working in the Enemy Debts Department of the Treasury in the years following World War One.
Histoire archivistique
GB 0505 PP8 1807, [1867]-1931 Collection (fonds) 3 boxes or 0.03m3 Wells , family , of Hampshire
The Wells were a prosperous farming family, who lived in Farnborough, Hampshire, in the late 19th century. Family members included Sarah E Wells, and her children, Edward, William, John Percy, Gretchen (Grace), Edith and Frank, the last named dying in southern Africa in 1896. Edward Wells was a chartered accountant in London, working in the Enemy Debts Department of the Treasury in the years following World War One.
Possibly placed in Bedford College by Gretchen Wells following the death of Edward Wells in 1931.
Family correspondence, 1879-1931, notably letters, 1884-1893, from Sarah E Wells to her sons, Edward and John Percy, mainly concerning the running of the farm, family events, her religious beliefs, and news of other family members; correspondence, 1879-1896, between William, Edward, John Percy, Sarah E, and Frank, notably from Frank concerning his impressions of South Africa, 1895-1896; twentieth century family correspondence, 1924-1931, mainly relating to the arrangement of Edward Wells' personal effects in preparation for a serious operation, 1931. Papers, 1899-1904, relating to the will of John Percy Wells, who died in 1900, mainly comprising financial records such as Inland Revenue forms, and papers relating to estate duty. Papers, 1898-1907, relating to shares in the London and North Western Railway and the Vulcan Foundry held by Gretchen Wells, including correspondence from various stockbrokers. Financial papers of Edward Wells, 1913-1931, including insurance policies, receipts and invoices, banking correspondence, income tax assessments, receipts relating to his hospital and funeral expenses, and London County and Westminster Bank account books for Edward Wells and Mrs S E J Sortman. Various anonymous articles, 1904-1920, on subjects including free trade and protectionism, the 'fall of the franc', and relief work among prisoners of war and refugees in Poland. Other family papers, 1807-1928, notably the British passport of Edward Wells, 1928; an Almanack, printed by W Peacock and Sons, 1807; a National Rifle Association medal and case, 1860; and assorted photographs, [1920-1925], coins and notes on the family history, [1920-1929].
Arranged in sections as noted in the Scope and Content.
Open to all registered users of the Royal Holloway, University of London Archives.
Copies may be supplied, subject to the condition of the original. Requests to publish original material should be directed to the College Archivist.
Handlist available in the Royal Holloway, University of London Archives reading room.
Compiled by Sarah Aitchison as part of the AIM25 project. Compiled in accordance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate names, 1997. Feb 2000 Accounting Agriculture Family Family environment Farmers Finance Financial administration Financial statements Households London and North Western Railway Parent child relationship Photographs Religious belief Rural areas Rural population South Africa Southern Africa Theology Visual materials Vulcan Foundry Wells , Edward , d 1931 , accountant Wells , family , of Hampshire Wells , Frank , d 1896 , son of Sarah E Wells Wells , Gretchen , fl 1898-1931 , daughter of Sarah E Wells Wells , John Percy , d 1900 , son of Sarah E Wells Wells , Sarah E , fl 1879-1896 , farmer Wells , William , fl 1879-1896 , son of Sarah E Wells
Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert
Possibly placed in Bedford College by Gretchen Wells following the death of Edward Wells in 1931.
Zone du contenu et de la structure
Portée et contenu
Family correspondence, 1879-1931, notably letters, 1884-1893, from Sarah E Wells to her sons, Edward and John Percy, mainly concerning the running of the farm, family events, her religious beliefs, and news of other family members; correspondence, 1879-1896, between William, Edward, John Percy, Sarah E, and Frank, notably from Frank concerning his impressions of South Africa, 1895-1896; twentieth century family correspondence, 1924-1931, mainly relating to the arrangement of Edward Wells' personal effects in preparation for a serious operation, 1931. Papers, 1899-1904, relating to the will of John Percy Wells, who died in 1900, mainly comprising financial records such as Inland Revenue forms, and papers relating to estate duty. Papers, 1898-1907, relating to shares in the London and North Western Railway and the Vulcan Foundry held by Gretchen Wells, including correspondence from various stockbrokers. Financial papers of Edward Wells, 1913-1931, including insurance policies, receipts and invoices, banking correspondence, income tax assessments, receipts relating to his hospital and funeral expenses, and London County and Westminster Bank account books for Edward Wells and Mrs S E J Sortman. Various anonymous articles, 1904-1920, on subjects including free trade and protectionism, the 'fall of the franc', and relief work among prisoners of war and refugees in Poland. Other family papers, 1807-1928, notably the British passport of Edward Wells, 1928; an Almanack, printed by W Peacock and Sons, 1807; a National Rifle Association medal and case, 1860; and assorted photographs, [1920-1925], coins and notes on the family history, [1920-1929].
Mode de classement
Arranged in sections as noted in the Scope and Content.
Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation
Conditions d'accès
Open to all registered users of the Royal Holloway, University of London Archives.
Conditions de reproduction
Copies may be supplied, subject to the condition of the original. Requests to publish original material should be directed to the College Archivist.
Langue des documents
- anglais
Écriture des documents
- latin
Notes de langue et graphie
Instruments de recherche
Handlist available in the Royal Holloway, University of London Archives reading room.
Mots-clés - Sujets
- Finances » Administration financière » Comptabilité
- Agriculture
- Famille
- Famille » Milieu familial
- Zone rurale » Population rurale » Agriculteur
- Finances
- Finances » Administration financière
- Finances » Administration financière » Comptabilité » État financier
- Famille » Ménage
- Famille » Milieu familial » Relation parents-enfants
- Support visuel » Photographies
- Théologie » Croyance religieuse
- Zone rurale
- Zone rurale » Population rurale
- Théologie
- Support visuel
Zone du contrôle de la description
Identifiant du service d'archives
Règles et/ou conventions utilisées
Compiled in accordance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate names, 1997.
- anglais