Збирка GB 0074 ACC/1312 - WRIGHT, Richard (1890-1976)

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GB 0074 ACC/1312

Назив јединице описа

WRIGHT, Richard (1890-1976)


  • 1924-1969 (Стварање)

Ниво описа


Обим и носач записа

0.15 linear metres.

Подручје контекста

Назив/Име ствараоца архивске грађе


Richard Wright, M.C., F.L.A. (1890-1976) was a pioneer of the county library movement. His early library training and experience were gained in public and reference libraries in Croydon, Sunderland, Coventry and Wiltshire. In 1922 he was appointed County Librarian of Middlesex with the task of inaugurating a county library service, following the adoption by the County Council of the Public Libraries Acts of 1919. The service was founded on a Carnegie Trust grant of £1,500 and a budget estimate of £600 and was intended to provide for rural areas without district council libraries. The initial library service comprised collections of books at schools and other centres, open to the public for a few hours weekly and staffed by volunteers, chiefly teachers. From 1930 full-time branch libraries, with professional staff, were opened, and these gradually replaced the part-time library centres. Richard Wright built up a service that was regarded as one of the most comprehensive and efficient in the country. His great enthusiasm and organising ability were evident in the development of the County Library through the medium of local library centres, whole-time branch libraries and students' library services.

Richard Wright served in the Royal Garrison Artillery in the First World War and gained the Military Cross. Throughout the war of 1939-45 he gave encouragement and support to members of his staff on active service and the letters he received are a testimonial to the high regard in which he was held (see Acc/1312/1-60). At the same time he was a member of the Book Recovery Committee which was instrumental in saving books and manuscripts from salvage. He took a prominent part in the scheme for organising a Regional Library System in S.E. England, and, among other professional activities, served on the Council of the Library Association. He retired in 1952 after thirty years service with Middlesex County Libraries.


Историјат фонда

GB 0074 ACC/1312 1924-1969 Collection 0.15 linear metres. Wright , Richard , 1890-1976 , librarian

Richard Wright, M.C., F.L.A. (1890-1976) was a pioneer of the county library movement. His early library training and experience were gained in public and reference libraries in Croydon, Sunderland, Coventry and Wiltshire. In 1922 he was appointed County Librarian of Middlesex with the task of inaugurating a county library service, following the adoption by the County Council of the Public Libraries Acts of 1919. The service was founded on a Carnegie Trust grant of £1,500 and a budget estimate of £600 and was intended to provide for rural areas without district council libraries. The initial library service comprised collections of books at schools and other centres, open to the public for a few hours weekly and staffed by volunteers, chiefly teachers. From 1930 full-time branch libraries, with professional staff, were opened, and these gradually replaced the part-time library centres. Richard Wright built up a service that was regarded as one of the most comprehensive and efficient in the country. His great enthusiasm and organising ability were evident in the development of the County Library through the medium of local library centres, whole-time branch libraries and students' library services.

Richard Wright served in the Royal Garrison Artillery in the First World War and gained the Military Cross. Throughout the war of 1939-45 he gave encouragement and support to members of his staff on active service and the letters he received are a testimonial to the high regard in which he was held (see Acc/1312/1-60). At the same time he was a member of the Book Recovery Committee which was instrumental in saving books and manuscripts from salvage. He took a prominent part in the scheme for organising a Regional Library System in S.E. England, and, among other professional activities, served on the Council of the Library Association. He retired in 1952 after thirty years service with Middlesex County Libraries.

Gifted to the Archive in June 1976.

Papers of Richard Wright, Middlesex County Librarian, 1922-1952, including letters and cards sent to Wright from members of staff serving in the Second World War; newsletters; newspaper cuttings; journal articles; and photographs of libraries.

ACC/1312/001 to 077.

Available for general access.

Copyright to this collection rests with the City of London.



Please see online catalogues at: http://search.lma.gov.uk/opac_lma/index.htm

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.

Records prepared May to September 2011. Information sources Documents Primary documents Personal papers Archives Personal archives Information sciences Library science History of libraries Wars (events) World wars (events) World War Two (1939-1945) Information/library personnel Librarians Organizations Military organizations Letter writing Writing Communication skills Communication process Armed forces State security Libraries Military personnel Wright , Richard , 1890-1976 , librarian County Library , Middlesex Middlesex England UK Western Europe Europe

Непосредни извор набавке

Gifted to the Archive in June 1976.

Подручје садржаја и структуре

Оквир и садржај

Papers of Richard Wright, Middlesex County Librarian, 1922-1952, including letters and cards sent to Wright from members of staff serving in the Second World War; newsletters; newspaper cuttings; journal articles; and photographs of libraries.

Вредновање, излучивање и рокови чувања


Систем сређивања

ACC/1312/001 to 077.

Подручје услова приступа и коришћења

Услови приступа

Available for general access.

Услови умножавања

Copyright to this collection rests with the City of London.

Језик грађе

  • Енглески

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  • Латиница

Напомене о језику и писму


Физичке особине и технички захтеви

Информативна средства

Please see online catalogues at: http://search.lma.gov.uk/opac_lma/index.htm

Подручје сродне грађе

Постојање и локације оригинала

Постојање и локације копија

Сродне јединице описа

Повезани описи

Подручје напомена

Алтернативни идентификатор(и)

Приступне тачке

Приступне тачке места

Приступне тачке назива/имена

Приступна тачка жанра

Подручје контроле описа

Идентификатор описа

Идентификатор установе

London Metropolitan Archives

Правила и/или прописи употребљени

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


Ниво детаљности

Датуми стварања, ревизије, отписа


  • Енглески



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