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identificadores para entidades coletivas
Área de descrição
Datas de existência
Fritz Zietlow was born 24 August 1900. He was a law student, one of the early Nazi party activists, who became a Nazi party member in July 1925. He served the party as Gaugeschäftsführer (regional organiser) in Kiel and was a member of the Prussian state council from March 1932. After his legal studies in Kiel and Greifswald he began working as an editor on the Schlesischer Zeitung then on Der Angriff. At the end of 1932 he became the chief editor of the official party paper, the Ostfriesischen Tageszeitung.
Despite being regarded as ideal material for a position as lecturer at the Reichspresseschule, and being nominally included on the staff of that organisation in 1937, he never took up the post. It is thought that this may have been because he was fired by Goebbels from his post on Der Angriff for stealing from the petty cash.