Agricultural workers

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Hierarchical terms

Agricultural workers

Equivalent terms

Agricultural workers

  • UF Rural workers
  • UF Travailleur rural
  • UF Trabajador agrario
  • UF Trabajador rural

Associated terms

Agricultural workers

4 Archival description results for Agricultural workers

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Account book, farm work
GB 0096 MS 659 · 1816

Manuscript volume of accounts lettered 'Farm Work 1816' giving daily rates paid to labourers, boys and women from 5 Jan to 27 Dec 1816 on a farm probably near Stockbridge, Hampshire, and followed by a weekly 'abstract of farm work for the year 1816'. The volume is signed by Thomas Beazly and inscribed 'This account balanced in the book of 'Stock bought & sold', on page 62.

Beazly , Thomas , fl 1816 , farmer
GB 0099 KCLMA Denman · Created 1939-1946

Copies of correspondence and papers relating to the Women's Land Army, 1939-1946, covering clothes rationing and uniform, housing and billeting, conferences, wages, and related printed memoranda, circular letters and leaflets.

GB 0096 MS 171 · 1832-1833

Manuscript volume containing 'An essay on the causes and cure of a redundant agricultural population', written in Glasgow, 1832-1833. Inscribed by Herbert Somerton Foxwell as written 'By a boy under 16 years of age'.

Perlman, Melvin Lee
GB 0102 PP MS 38 · Created 1890-1987

Papers, 1890-1987, of Melvin Perlman, comprising correspondence; research data gathered during 1959-1962 for his study on Toro marriages in Uganda; data gathered for his research on Tea Estate Workers in Uganda; and his articles and lectures.

Perlman , Melvin Lee , 1933-1988 , anthropologist