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          Educación antialcohólica

          12 Descripción archivística resultados para Educación antialcohólica

          GB 0074 CLC/051 · Colección · 1863

          Request of the City of London Temperance Union to the Licensing Justices in Petty Sessions, requesting that the justices should consider the question of the withholding of licences or restricting the opening hours of public houses in the City.

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          GB 0074 ACC/2425 · Colección · 1895-1984

          The collection contains minutes of the NUTC and the LUTC from their foundation to the 1950's. Files date from the 1940's to 1984. It also contains a minute book of the Sunday Closing Special Campaign Committee (SCSCC) which transferred its work to the NUTC in 1903 (this Committee may have been appointed by the NUTC). The secretary of the NUTC (and LUTC) also served as one of the two general secretaries on the SCSCC. A minute book of the Free Churches Pledge Signing Campaign Committee (FCPSCC) appears in the collection. This committee was dissolved in 1911. Representatives of the NUTC and LUTC attended meetings which were held in Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, and in 1911 the secretary of the NUTC and LUTC was also secretary of the FCPSCC.

          A minute book of the Society of Cogers appears in the collection probably because an NUTC member, H. Weightman (later NUTC secretary and treasurer), was acting secretary of the society c.1919.

          The recording of financial income and expenditure into ledgers was not always done. A number of blank ledgers deposited suggest the aim of entering such information, but it was never achieved. An almost complete set of audited, annual summary accounts from 1911 to 1975 provide the bulk of information on finance.

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          MURRAY, Eunice Guthrie (1877-1960)
          GB 106 7EGM · Fondo · 1895-1960

          The archive consists of three diaries of Eunice Guthrie Murray, a member of the Women's Freedom League (with full transcript by her grand-niece Frances Sylvia Martin), covering the period 1895-1918; with copy death certificate of Eunice Guthrie Murray. Subjects covered include the women's suffrage campaigns, temperance, social conditions in Glasgow, politics, foreign travel, family life and Scotland.

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          GB 106 9/24 · Fondo · 1897-1921

          The collection contains correspondence, mostly concerned with the activities of the British Women's Temperance Association.

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          Horsley Papers
          GB 0103 HORSLEY · 1790-1965 (predominant 1863-1916)

          Papers of and relating to the Horsley family, comprising papers of Sir Victor Horsley; papers of Eldred, Lady Horsley; papers of Siward Horsley and of Oswald Horsley; papers of Pamela, Lady Robinson, including items relating to the Babies Club in Chelsea; papers of Stephen Paget, author of Victor Horsley's biography; photographs and postcards. Victor Horsley's papers include large sections on his medical career, his service in the army during the Great War, and his political and social interests, including his involvement in the temperance movement and the Medical Defence Union, support for the suffragettes and for Home Rule for Ireland, and his role in the reform of the bodies representing the medical profession: the General Medical Council, the British Medical Association, and the Royal College of Surgeons. His personal papers reflect his interest in archaeology and genealogy.

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          GB 0097 MACDONALD · 1893-1923

          Margaret MacDonald's correspondence, papers and lectures, on subjects including factory and shop legislation, the employment of women, housing, the Licensing Bills of 1901-1902, Sunday School teaching, vagrant children, women's organizations and women's suffrage, and the Franco-British Exhibition at Hammersmith in 1908. James Ramsay MacDonald's papers, correspondence and press cuttings on subjects including the financing and aftermath of World War I, Labour Party policy and his leadership of the party, working conditions, and women's education.

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          Barlow, Sir Thomas (1845-1945)
          GB 0120 PP/BAR · 1794-1981

          Although Barlow is best known for his original researches on infantile scurvy, there is very little material relating to that subject in the collection. There are manuscript drafts of his address to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh and his Bradshaw Lecture on infantile scurvy (BAR/E1-2), but the bulk of the clinical and scientific component of the papers relates to other matters, particularly Raynaud's disease and erythromelalgia, diseases to which Barlow turned his attention later in his career.

          Among Barlow's clinical papers is a notebook recording minutes of a 'Clinical Club', 1875-77 (BAR/D.2), whose members included, apart from Barlow himself, Sidney Coupland, Rickman Godlee, William Smith Greenfield, Robert Parker, and William Allen Sturge.

          Most of Barlow's private patients' records have not survived, though there is an index to his private patients' books, covering the years 1876-1918 (BAR/F.1).

          Scientific and clinical matters are also discussed in Barlow's correspondence, but again this is relatively thin for the period when he was active in research. Barlow's non-family correspondence has clearly been heavily weeded: there are few letters from patients, with the exception of some prominent individuals, such as Mary Curzon, wife of Lord Curzon, Randall Davidson, archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Salisbury and Lord Selborne, and in general it seems that while letters from important or well-known figures have survived those from individuals deemed less important have been discarded. Significant numbers of letters remain however from several of Barlow's regular correspondents, such as the poet, Robert Bridges, Lord Bryce, and William Page Roberts, dean of Salisbury, as well as medical figures like Sir William Jenner and Sir James Reid.

          Barlow's personal papers and family correspondence have survived in bulk and form a rich source of material for both his private and family life, and his public career. There are travel journals and sketchbooks from his earlier years, mainly documenting visits to the Continent, 1869-83; correspondence with his parents, brother, wife and children, 1852-1940, including letters written by Barlow from Balmoral, where he served as royal physician intermittently between 1897 and 1899, an eye-witness account of the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 (BAR/B.2/4), and letters and telegrams from court in 1902 during the crisis of Edward VII's appendectomy; and commonplace and scrapbooks compiled in retirement, 1920-37. Also from this period are various temperance notes and addresses.

          The archive also comprises letters and papers of Barlow's parents, 1842-87; of Barlow's wife, Ada, including letters from her brother and sisters in India, 1858-80, and to her daughter Helen studying in Darmstadt, Germany, 1905-6; of Barlow's sons, Alan, Thomas and Basil, including letters from the last-named while serving on the Western Front, 1916-17; and notably of his daughter Helen, including correspondence with Archbishop and Mrs (later Lady) Davidson, 1910-35, and letters from Sir John Rose Bradford and his wife while serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps in France, 1914-19. Helen Barlow's papers also include records of three charities with which she was associated: the University College Hospital Ladies Association, 1900-50, the Southwark Boys Aid Association, 1914-36, and the Quinn Square [Southwark] Social Centre Society, c. 1935-1951. Finally there is a handful of letters to Andrew Barlow, Sir Thomas's grandson, mainly relating to articles he wrote about his grandfather, 1955-81.

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          GB 0074 LMA/4005 · Colección · 1919-1986

          Records of the National Temperance Federation, including minutes, correspondence, publications, annual reports and photographs.

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          GB 0120 MSS.6028-6032 · 1883-1915

          Correspondence and papers of Sir Victor Horsley, 1883-1915, including notebook as Secretary to the Local Government Board inquiry into Pasteur's anti-rabies therapy, Apr-May 1886; papers and addresses by Horsley; letters to Horsley and miscellaneous papers, comprising papers relating to evidence given by Horsley to the Royal Commission on Vivisection, 1906-1907; an antivivisectionist postcard opposing Horsley as a parliamentary candidate (showing a banner with the head of a bulldog and the words 'Who said vivisection?'), Dec 1910; papers relating to Horsley's support for Christopher Addison, afterwards 1st Viscount Addison, at the Hoxton parliamentary election, January 1910; and a circular signed by Horsley as President of the National Temperance Federation, opposing the Army rum ration, 27 October 1914.

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          Independent Order of Rechabites
          GB 0096 MS1158 · 1836-1998

          Board minutes, 1864-1975; minutes of districts and tents; Rechabite Magazine, 1864-1873, 1878-1925, 1927-1977; Juvenile / Junior Rechabite magazine, 1890-1925, 1927-1977; conference reports and papers, 1839-1998; directories, 1887-1916; temperance song books, ritual books, tent books, case files.

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          GB 0074 LMA/4006 · Colección · 1953-1987

          Publications of the Christian Economic and Social Research Foundation, on subjects as diverse as drink offences; theft and the victims of crime; taxation; shopping centres; violence; social problems of youths; family problems; alcohol advertising; road safety; and licensing legislation. The majority of the publications are concerned with alcohol and the control of drinking.

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          GB 2242 · 1843-1994

          Records of the United Kingdom Alliance and related temperance organisations comprising:

          UK Alliance records including minutes of the Executive of the UK Alliance 1871-1975 (1899 missing); minutes of the UK Alliance Finance Committee 1910-1921, 1924-1971; minutes of the UK Alliance Agency Committee 1908-1923; minutes of the UK Alliance Special Consultative Council, 1906-1932; minutes of the Hull Auxiliary of the UK Alliance 1859-1876; (34 vols)

          Bound collection of printed UKA Documents [1850-1880] including letters, pamphlets, lectures, speeches, articles, reports, with index, (7 vols); printed papers including Alliance First Prize Essay An Argument legal and historical concerning the Traffic in Strong Drink, Dr Frederick Richard Lees, 1857, third edition, revised, William Tweedie, London, (1 vol); 'No case against the United Kingdom Alliance and the Permissive Bill', reprint of pamphlet issued by the Executive Committee for the Provincial Licences Victuallers' Defence League entitledThe case against the United Kingdom Alliance and the Permissive Bill', [1872]; One Hundred objections to a Maine Law; being a sequel to the `argument' of the United Kingdom Alliance for the legislative prohibition of the Liquor Traffic, Dr Frederic Richard Lees, London, 1857; typescript copies of addresses at Centenary events held for the UK Alliance, 1953 (1 vol)

          Administrative files of the UKA including Annual Meeting correspondence, 1955-1963; Centenary conference reports 1953; donations and subscriptions; accounts relating to Lord Arnold (bequest); financial arrangements relating to Joseph Hood Challenge Shield, 1922; correspondence relating to legacies; One Million Pledges Campaign Committee, 1966-1967; Working party on education on dangers of alcohol 1968; stock letter book 1930-1936; Sermon competition entries, 1955; press releases, 1953-1968; Conference in Wales 1954; summer school programmes 1963-1969; Essays on social drinking; UKA card campaign about drugs 1969; insurance; District Superintendent's report 1959-1960;

          General Correspondence arranged alphabetically by subject, [1930s-1960s] (2 boxes); correspondence arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent, [1940s-1960s] (7 boxes);

          Correspondence relating to the International Order of Good Templars; miscellaneous papers and articles including Accounts of the Bradford Temperance Hall Trust, 1928-1954, and Leicester Temperance Society and Band of Hope 1950s-1960s (3 boxes);

          Papers relating to the Carlisle Scheme 1925-1934; and correspondence and papers relating to the Licensing Bill campaign 1961;

          Publications including The Alliance News - monthly magazine of the UKA 1854-1991; The Alliance News Summary - weekly news sheet of the UKA, 1934-1943; Alliance Reports 1853-1915; 1982-1993 (incomplete); Alliance Temperance Almanac, 1907-1921l; Alliance Year Books 1910-1952, (incomplete); UKA London Auxiliary Reports 1883-1904; London Alliance Review quarterly issued by the London Auxiliary of the UKA, 1899-1902, 3 copies, one annotated with list of annual meetings, 1862-1906; United Kingdom Alliance Convention Report, 1887; Research Student Service bulletin, 1951-1972; (67 vols)

          Papers relating to the National Temperance Federation including Correspondence and Articles of Association 1959-1966; Press releases and pamphlets, 1940-1960; accounts, 1960-1968; Conference paper, Oct 1943; and miscellaneous papers 1936-1939; (2 boxes)

          Papers and letters relating to the Parliamentary Temperance Group, 1951-1966 (1 box);

          Temperance Research and Information Centre (UKA) visitors book, 1975-1994;

          Collection of scrapbooks containing national and local press cuttings generally arranged by subject, including scrapbook of election posters, advertising, newspapers cuttings relating to the Fulham Parliamentary election 1906; scrap book containing the printed articles by George B Wilson, 1920; cuttings of articles by Rev A Jeans Courtney 1921-1939; scrap book of H Cecil Heath (General Secretary of UKA), containing press cuttings, invitations, posters etc, 1926-1933 (2 vols); The Carlisle Scheme, 1916-1930, 2 vols; Carlisle experiment, 1924-1935; UKA Local Option Campaign 1925-1930; UKA Local Option Campaign, 1927-1930; Ban on temperance advertising 1954; Underage drinking, 1957, 1969; The Breathalyser 1967 (3 vols); Blennerhassett Report cuttings relating to drink driving, 1976; miscellaneous cuttings 1970s;

          Collections of cartoons and prints relating to prohibition and temperance, including original sketches and printed copies, 1901-1966; World Temperance Federation display papers;

          Advertising posters relating to temperance issues, the campaign for a constructive peace, conscription, Peace Pledge Union, and World Prohibition Federation public meetings (3 boxes);

          Photographs and illustrations including print of the Second meeting of the UKA, Manchester, Oct 1854; painting of Clement O Boardman; drawing of Very Reverend Theobald Matthew of Cork; photographs of the Essex Union Temperance Council, 1921; Newcastle and Gateshead and District Band of Hope Union musical festival, 1906; North of England Temperance League, 40th Annual Conference, Darlington, 1898; Arthur Pease; Thomas Whittaker; Thomas Cairns; W Johnson; Wilfred Lawson, 1905; and John B Gough;

          Records of the National Commercial Temperance League (NCTL) including minutes of 1894-1903; minutes of Executive Meetings, 1910-1953; minutes of the Literature and Publishing Committee 1924-1938; minutes of the General Purposes Committee, 1933-1953; minutes of the NCTL in amalgamation with the Strength of Britain Movement Ltd, London Division, Committee, 1923-1939; minutes of NCTL London Branch 1899-1910; NCTL Annual Conference - minutes and related printed papers etc 1904-1910; account books 1951-1969; scrapbook of press cuttings, printed matter, circulars, newsletters, rules, pamphlets, posters and invitations 1916-1928; (10 vols)

          Records of the North of England Temperance League including Executive Committee minutes 1913-1923 (incorrectly labelled `old records and accounts from 1892-1921'), minutes of the Bazaar Sub-committee 1920; and press cuttings 1920s;

          Records of the National United Temperance Council (NUTC) including minutes of the Executive Committee, General Committee, AGM, and London Committee, 1959-1975;

          Records of the National Temperance Federation (NTF) including minutes 1924-1955, 1962-1971; and Report of Proceedings 1909-1918, 1932-1967; (6 vols)

          Records of the Temperance Group of the Two Houses of Parliament (Parliamentary Temperance Group) comprising minutes, 1952-1970;

          Records of the World Prohibition Federation visitors book 1925-1936; (1 vol)

          United Temperance Association of Manchester and District minutes 1954-1969; (1 vol)

          Epworth Temperance Hall Trust account book 1911-1958; (1 vol)

          Band of Hope Union (of Newcastle on Tyne) minutes 1867-1920; (1 vol)

          Templar Institute Roll and Record - Ordinary Course 1938-1979, and Roll of Fellows and Post Graduates 1898-1977; (2 vols)

          Records of the International Order of Good Templars (IOGT) including minutes of the Grand Lodge of England and United Services of the IOGT, Herne Bay 1963-1966; minutes of the Lancashire District Lodge of the IOGT, 1929-1975; minutes of the Lincolnshire District Lodge 1901-1928; Register of Lodges of the IOGT, [1868-1920]; IOGT account book 1947-1977; (5 vols)

          and printed volumes including Journal of Proceedings of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of IOGT 1871-1899; Journal of Proceedings of IOGT of Scotland 1870-1880; Journal of Proceedings of IOGT of the World 1876-1885; Journal of Proceedings of IOGT of North America 1866-1870; Journal of Proceedings of IOGT of North America and England 1866-1872 ; Journal of Proceedings of IOGT of England 1870-1929; Journal of Proceedings of IOGT of Wales 1889-1899; and related material; (54 vols)

          Publications relating to the temperance movement including United Kingdom Bank of Hope Union Reports 1876-1985; Band of Hope Annual 1902; British Temperance Advocate 1903-1914; Reports of Proceedings of the World Temperance Association 1876-1892; Church of England Temperance Magazine 1864; Devon and Cornwall Temperance Journal 1868-9; East Yorkshire Temperance Review 1847-1848; The Friend 1915-1916; Good Templar Watchword 1878-1892 (incomplete), 1925-1937; International Good Templar 1888-1928; International Record 1917-1968; Temperance Record 1872-1898 (incomplete); Temperance Magazine; Temperance Journal; Temperance Chronicle 1882-1883; Scottish Temperance Review 1846-1858; Rechabite Magazine 1843-1846; Rechabite Magazine and Juvenile Rechabite 1916-1970; 

          Personal papers of Walter Colbert comprising manuscript illustrated volumes by Walter Colbert titled James McCurrey Magazine, Aug 1901, and James McCurrey Magazine, Coronation Number, 1902;

          Personal Papers of Mark H C Hayler (MHCH) 1920s-1960s comprising manuscript and typescript papers including articles, stories, drama scripts The splendid gestures' andThe barrier of Kankoku', 1945; papers relating to his book Vision of a century - the history of the UKA; papers on the life of Robert Barclay (1648-1690); printed copies of journal No traitor's Gait - the autobiography of Guy Aldred (1886-1963), 1955-1957; papers and letters on Prohibition and temperance including the International Order of Good Templars, 1929-1930; printed copies of songsSerenity' and `Quiet things', words by MCHC and music by Herbert M Gildersleve; printed report of the International Convention of the World League against alcoholism, Toronto, Canada 1922; Files of papers and correspondence relating to the death of Guy Hayler (1850-1943); family letters, 1927, 1930s; cuttings of published articles by MHCH 1950s-1960s; scrap book of articles by MHCH published in The Christian Science Monitor, Boston, 1928; scrapbook of typescript papers relating to the World Prohibition Federation, Mark Hayler 1927-1929; scrap book of printed articles by various authors, [1910-1911]; new cuttings of articles by Mark Hayler compiled by Walter Trevelyan Hayler, 1902-1928 (2 vols); Papers relating to the World Prohibition Federation (founded 1909), of which Guy Hayler (father of Mark Hayler) was president and Mark Hayler, Secretary, including articles, addresses, press notices relating to George Bernard Shaw's lecture on temperance, Oct 1931; scrap book containing the official souvenir handbook of the World Prohibition Federation all nations bazaar, 1926 and 1931, [1935]; newspaper cuttings 1925-1932; (4 boxes)

          Glass plate negatives attributed to Mark Hayler and probably used as illustrations for lectures and talks, [1920s-1930s] (6 boxes) of people, places, buildings, drawn illustrations.

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