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98 Archival description results for Animals

98 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 CLC/B/109-07 · Collection · 1961-1967

Financial records of A Langley and Company Limited, cooked eel merchants.

A Langley and Co Ltd , cooked eel merchants
GB 378 LDGSL/613-616 · Series · 1831-1844

Drawings and watercolour paintings of fossil fish by Joseph Dinkel, J C Weber, Cécilie Agassiz, Jacques Bourkhardt, G A H Köppel and Sixtus Heinrich Jarwart and others, commissioned by Jean Louis Rudolphe Agassiz for his publications 'Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles' (1833-1844) and the follow up 'Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Grès Rouge' (1844-1845). Also includes drawings commissioned by Lord William Willoughby Cole (1807-1886), later the Earl of Enniskillen, and Sir Philip de Malpas Egerton (1806-1881) of their own fossil cabinets.

Agassiz , Jean Louis Rudolphe , 1807-1873 Agassiz , Cécilie , 1809-1848 , née Braun , natural history artist and first wife of Louis Agassiz Bourkhardt , Jacques , fl 1808-1867 , natural history artist Dinkel , Joseph Wenceslas Anton , [1806-1891] , natural history artist Hellmuth , Thomas , fl 1835 , natural history artist Hogard , Henri , 1808-1880 , watercolourist and lithographer Jarwart , Sixtus Heinrich , 1813-1865 , natural history artist Koppel , G A H , fl 1836-1838 , natural history artist Nicolet , Hercule , 1801-1872 , artist, lithographer and entomologist Stiven , Jonathan , [c.1799]-1872 , geological artist Vogt , Carl Christoph , 1817-1895 , scientist Weber , J Charles , fl 1831-1835 , natural history artist
GB 0060 AL · c.1850-2002

Papers of the Anti-Locust Research Centre, c 1850-2002, principally comprising: locust report forms, narrative reports, survey reports, control campaign reports; cables, letters, transcripts; organisation and committee papers; bulletins, abstracts, memoirs; indexes, registers, catalogues; field note books and records; synoptic meteorological and hydrological data and reports; photographs and slides; films and microfilms.

Key components of the archive are: the report forms, cable messages and supporting correspondence detailing records of locusts and locust activity, spanning over 100 years of sightings; the long runs of meteorological data used in conjunction with locust reports that enable forecasts of future locust activity to be made; the large collection of maps (estimated at 18,000 items) recording locust sightings and distributions, and meteorological data such as temperature, rainfall and humidity. The same locust event is often described in several different documents, and information taken from several reports combined with meteorological and habitat data is required to build up a complete picture of the original observation. The large collection of photographs and slides (an estimated combined total of 15,000 items) provides a valuable pictorial record of locust research and control, and of the people involved and places visited. The archive holds information on locust records spanning nearly 3,500 years. The earlier dates are from analyses of historical documents that contain records of locust plagues.

Anti-Locust Research Centre
GB 0114 MS0050 · 1920-1935

Papers of Edward Percy Argyle, 1920-1935, comprising lecture notes compiled at the Army Veterinary School, Aldershot, 1920; correspondence and notes relating to the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health, 1934-1935; correspondence and notes relating to writing abstracts for the Veterinary Bulletin, for the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health; notes and memoranda for the article 'Lesions in Cases of Roaring' published in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Journal, Aug 1933; letters, drawings and notes, including letters relating to the Buckstone Browne Research Farm at Downe; press cuttings relating to animals; letters relating to abstracts for Biological Abstracts, 1934; observations on horses and flies, 1933; letters from B Williamson at the Military Veterinary Hospital, Delhi, 1932; research notes; notes from lectures by Professor Monro at the Imperial College of Science, South Kensington, 1931; notes from Professor Munro's 2nd lecture series; notes and diary entries relating to experiments, investigations and publications, 1934-1935; notes for an article, 1934; correspondence and notes concerning research into the condition of roaring, 1933-1935; letter from John Beattie of the Hunterian Museum relating to research reports and Buckstone Browne Research Farm, 1934-1935; notes on Facial Palsy in horses; and photographs.

Argyle , Edward Percy , 1875-1935 , veterinary surgeon
GB 0114 MS0047 · 1847-1849

Papers of John Thomas Arlidge, 1847-1849, comprising notes on dissections, anatomical and related topics, compiled while he was a student of anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons.

Arlidge , John Thomas , 1822-1899 , physician
GB 0120 MSS.993-994 · 1705-1740

The first book of horses and the Second book of horses contributed to by a number of different grooms, huntsmen, farriers, etc., but predominately in the hand of Eusebius Ashby.

Ashby , Eusebius , 1662-1741
GB 0114 MS0119 · c 1860

Papers of Philip Burnard Ayres, c 1860, comprising a manuscript volume of extracts and translations from various authors (Macellus Malpighi; A Van Leuwenhoek; J Douglas; Lieutenant J P Assolaut; Delasone; Gulliver; Meyer; Vesalius; Laurentius; Sharpey; John Hughes; Cuvier; and Johannes Muller) and publications concerning the structure and functions of the spleen. The date range of the authors is 1535-1857; and a volume titled Ea qua seimus sunt pars minima eorum qua ignoramus, Linnaeuscontaining a collection of 50 plates illustrating the spleen of humans, and various animals and reptiles.

Ayres , Philip Burnard , 1813-1863 , physician
BACK, Sir George (1796-1878)
GB 0402 SGB · 1814-1878

Papers of Sir George Back, 1814-1878, including c. 250 letters addressed to Sir George Back by various correspondents (listed by name), 1848-1878; personal letters from Back to his family, 1813-1878; photocopies of extracts from Back's sketchbook and slides of his sketches from 1819-1822 expedition to Arctic; passports and framed letter with sketches of polar bear, 1874.

Back , Sir , George , 1796-1878 , Knight , Arctic navigator , Admiral
GB 0113 MS-BAGSA · 1908-1909

Bagshawe's correspondence, in his role as Director of the Sleeping Sickness Bureau, 1908-9, with Professor Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), in English and German, and with Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922). Mostly on the subject of the work of the Bureau, and particularly the prevalence of sleeping sickness in Africa.

Bagshawe , Sir , Arthur William Garrard , 1871-1950 , Knight , physician and tropical medicine specialist
GB 0114 MS0171 · c 1857

Papers of Charles Spence Bate, c 1857, comprising 2 manuscript notebooks containing tracings and lists of crustacea; and a manuscript index and notes referring to various species of crustacea.

Bate , Charles Spence , 1819-1889 , dental surgeon and zoologist
GB 0120 MSS.1164-1165 · c 1800-1823

Two volumes of notes, on medical and chemical books, and on diseases and their treatment, c 1800-1823.

de Villiers , F. T. , Bidault , 1775-1824 , physician
GB 0074 CLC/B/151-02 · Collection · 1975-1976

Records of Billingsgate Cold Stores Limited, comprising financial accounts.

Billingsgate Cold Stores Ltd
GB 0406 Brodie · 18th century-1934

Papers of or relating to Sir Benjamin Brodie comprising case notes taken by Brodie as House Surgeon at St George's Hospital, 1805-1851, and include details of experiments on guinea pigs, 1817-1826 and notes of lectures on madness delivered by Dr Sutherland at St Luke's Hospital, 1851; surgical cases and commentaries by Brodie, 1805-1807 (2 volumes); hospital notes, 1813-1816; case books, 1821-1834, including letter from Mrs Marion Warren Harries, St Thomas' Rectory, Haverfordwest, requesting new prescription for her throat, 29 Dec 1840; case notes, 1824-1827; note book containing extracts from Wallace Dublin on venereal disease, 1833, and case notes 1827-1828; case notes, 1849; case notes, 1839-1854 (3 volumes); case notes, 1829-1830, 1838-1839, 1854 (4 volumes); case notes of Hugh Rowen, 73 Henry Street, 1815; case book, 1820-1860. Lectures and related notes, comprising 'An essay on the principles of science', read to the Academical Society, 1802; 'Analysis of the principal memoirs of the French Academy of Surgery', 1808; 'An introduction to comparative anatomy and physiology', introductory lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeon, 1816; introductory lecture of anatomy and physiology, 1820; notes of lectures on anatomy, 1820; notes of lectures delivered by Brodie, taken by Gregory Smith, 1827 (4 volumes); notes of lectures delivered by Brodie, taken by Henry Johnson, 1830; notebook containing: 42 lectures, undated, lecturers name not given, including clinical lectures by Brodie, 1839-1840; introductory discourse to the students of St George's, 1843, including testimonial given by Brodie to Dr Morson, 12 Dec 1834; 'Psychologia', 1851; physiological experiments and observations, 1810-1817; selections from notes of Brodie's physiological experiments and observations, 1812-1826; notes of lectures on the practice of medicine, 1816; notes of symptoms, 18th-19th centuries; commonplace book, undated. Other material, comprising notes of anatomical lectures delivered by Thomas Tatum and Henry James Johnson, taken by John Morgan, School of Anatomy, Kinnerton Street, 1837-1839; notes of lectures on structural anatomy and physiology delivered at the Hunterian School of Medicine by William Vesalius Pettigrew, 1840-1846; copy of an address presented by the students of St George's to G G Babington on his retirement as Surgeon to St George's, with his reply, 1843; testimonial presented to George D Pollock, on his retirement as Consulting Surgeon to St George's, 1882; notes taken by Dr Charles Slater while attending a course in bacteriology at the Pasteur Institute, 1893; case notes of Dr Marriott Fawckner Nicholls, 1933-1934.

Note: this collection is currently on loan to the Royal College of Surgeons.

Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, 1783-1862, 1st Baronet, surgeon
GB 0100 TH/PP12 · Collection · [1895-1904]

Register, [1895-1904], entitled 'Rabies Investigations' of tests on the bodies of dogs sent to the Brown Institution for suspected rabies. Descriptions and results of the tests are given, with some related correspondence pasted into the register. Cases were investigated by Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, Sir John Rose Bradford and Frederick William Twort, Professor-Superintendents of the Institution.

Brown Institute Sherrington , Sir , Charles Scott , 1857-1952 , Knight , pathologist
GB 0120 MSS.1371-1373, 8226-8233, 8298, 8527-8528, 8542 · 1897-[1905]

A collection of material for, and drafts of, professional papers by William Brown, 1897-[1905]. Several of these works remain unpublished. The papers were concerned with: the use of animal substances for the cure of disease; urinary tests and diathesis; the history of Scottish medicine; and the history of the Medical Periodical Press.

Brown , William Lauzun , d 1919 , physician
GB 0814 ZCA · 1869-1879

Letters from Frank Buckland to Prince Christian of Schleswig Holstein, 1869-1879. Most are written from the Salmon Fisheries Office, but some are from his 'Land and Water' office. They concern fish, pheasants, Buckland's Museum, seals, and his new book dedicated to Prince Christian, among other topics.

Buckland , Francis Trevelyan , 1826-1880 , naturalist
GB 0117 MS 251 · 1812-1902

Letters addressed to William Buckland (DD, FRS, Dean of Westminster and Reader in Mineralogy and Geology in University of Oxford) and other posthumous correspondence relating to his work.

Buckland , William , 1784-1856 , Dean of Westminster and geologist
Camper, Petrus (1722-1787)
GB 0114 MS0061 · 1805-[1800s]

Papers relating to Petrus Camper, 1805-[1800s], comprising 2 volumes of manuscript translations of works by Petrus Camper, mostly by unknown translators but including Sir Richard Owen. Containing treatises on the organs of hearing of various fish and a whale, 1805; and a treatise on the Orangutan, [1800s].

Owen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , comparative anatomist and palaeontologist Camper , Petrus , 1722-1789 , Dutch comparative anatomist and palaeontologist x Camper , Peter x Camper , Pieter
GB 0402 ADC · 1904-1957

Papers of Alexander Douglas Mitchell Carruthers, 1904-1957, comprise travel diaries and notebooks from Syria and Lebanon, Central Africa, Turkestan and Arabia; correspondence, notes, published articles and cuttings about birds, mammals and other natural history topics.

Carruthers , Alexander Douglas Mitchell , 1882-1962 , explorer and naturalist
Clift, William (1775-1849)
GB 0114 MS0007 · Fonds · 1780-1849

The collection is divided into four main groups: The first group contains papers relating to William Clift's work as conservator of the Hunterian Museum. This is the largest of the four groups and contains a number of sub divisions such as explanation and display of specimens, expanding the collections, administration of the museum, and correspondence. This group also contains the transcripts made by Clift and others of the Hunterian manuscripts. The second group contains work carried out by William Clift as an illustrator for publications. The third group contains a small amount of personal material that is in the collection. The fourth group contains transcripts and copies of manuscript material by William Clift that is held in other repositories such as the Natural History Museum.

Clift , William , 1775-1849 , naturalist
GB 0114 MS0239 · 1825-1832

Papers of William Home Clift, 1825-1832, comprising manuscript notes and sketches by Clift, taken at lectures given by Sir Charles Bell, on topics including sensory organs, hernia, and lythotomy, 1827; notes and sketches by Clift and J Streeten, taken at lectures on surgery given by Sir Charles Bell, on topics including mechanical construction of the body, the structure and growth of teeth, and the nervous system, 1828; notes by Clift and Sir Richard Owen titled Rough Account of Diagrams, Preparations etc., used at the Lectures 1828, containing lists of diagrams for lectures by Sir Charles Bell and Joseph Henry Green; notes by Clift titled Lectures 1832. Mr Guthrie and Sir Charles Bell. Commenced Tuesday February 28th, Terminated Saturday May 5th. WH Clift; reports by Clift to the Board of Curators, on the progress of the catalogue of monsters and osteological items, and other activities in the museum, 1829-1831; and colour drawings of fish by Clift, 10 Jun 1825.

Clift , William Home , 1803-1832 , museum curator Owen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , naturalist
Colles Family receipt books
GB 0120 MSS.8012-8013 · [1816-1890s]

Two receipt books from the 18th-early 19th century: mostly culinary but some medical and household recipes. MS.8012 contains accounts.

Colles family
Cromwell, Tom Pearson
GB 0102 PP MS 33 · Created 1923-1966

Papers, 1923-1966, of Tom Pearson Cromwell, comprising letters written mainly by Tom Pearson Cromwell to his parents (1926-1964). There are also some photographs taken in Malaya of Tom, his wife Betty, Malaya people, flora, fauna etc.

Cromwell , Tom Pearson , b 1909 , colonial administrator
GB 0074 CLC/B/109-02 · Collection · 1954-1978

Records of D and J Barber (Eels) Limited, including articles of association; minutes of meetings; register of members and shares; and financial records.

John and Paul (Eels) Ltd x D and J Barber (Eels) Ltd
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP6 · Created 1886-1925

Correspondence, 1887-1925, mainly between Dendy and fellow academics relating to the morphology and classification of sponges, notably with George Parker Bidder, President of the Marine Biological Association of the UK; Professor William John Dakin, Professor of Zoology, University of Liverpool; Francisco Ferrer Hernandez, Musea de Gencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain; Professor William A Haswell, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Sydney, Australia; Ernst Hentschel, Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, Germany; William Abbott Herdman, University of Liverpool; Professor Sydney John Hickson, Emeritus Professor of Zoology, University of Liverpool; Randolph Kirkpartick, Natural History Museum, London; Professor James Herbert Orton, Emeritus Professor of Zoology, University of Liverpool; Joseph Pearson, Director of the Columbo Museum, Ceylon; and Edgar Thurston, Superintendent of the Government Museum, Madras, India. The correspondence also includes letters, 1919-1921, relating to the establishment of a research grant in memory of Harold Row, Dendy's assistant. Papers, 1886-1899, relating to sponge collections, particularly specimens in Australia and New Zealand, and including the dredging records for Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia, 1887-1890. Lecture notes written by Dendy, [1903-1925], including handwritten texts of lectures on 'Echinodermata', 'The development of starfish', 'Holothurioidea', 'Class Gastropoda', 'Mytilus', 'Anodarta cygnea', 'Helix', 'Mollusca', and 'Merozoa', and typescript texts of public lectures including 'The stream of life', given at a Citizens' Lecture in Edinburgh, 1921, and 'The evolution theory today', given at the Liverpool Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1923. Working notebooks, [1886]-1912, mainly containing scientific experiments and observations relating to sponges, notably the Challenger Amphipoda and the Grantia Compressa, and notes on the topographical distribution of, and biographical references to, sponge specimens. Two notebooks, 1917-1919, recording experiments and observations during Dendy's membership of the Royal Society's Committee for the Investigation of Grain Pests. Papers, 1892, relating to The Victorian land planarians [1894] by Dendy, comprising a volume of annotated and revised extracts from that work, and a letter to Dendy from Thomas Steel concerning flatworm species. Printed obituaries of Dendy, 1925-1926. Papers relating to the study of lizard-like reptiles commonly known as Tuatara (the scientific name being Sphenodon), [1897]-1910, including correspondence, 1908-1910, between Dendy and Edward Bles, Elliot Smith, Annie Howes and [William Thompson] Sedgwick, and catalogues, notes and photographs of Tuatara embryos.

Dendy , Arthur , 1865-1925 , Professor of Zoology
GB 0060 DF ENT · 1866-1990

Papers of the Department of Entomology comprising: DF300 Keeper of Entomology's correspondence;
DF301 Registers of Entomology departmental correspondence;
DF302 Keeper of Entomology's out-letters;
DF303 Entomology reports to Trustees;
DF304 Sectional correspondence;
DF305 Keeper of Entomology's expedition files;
DF306 Keeper of Entomology's subject files;
DF307 Keeper of Entomology's staff files;
DF308 Entomology donation records;
DF309 Entomology departmental and sectional visitors books;
DF310 Entomology Financial Records;
DF311 Artwork for Publication;
DF312 Entomology Librarian's Correspondence;
DF313 Entomology Specimen Loan Books;
DF330 Economic Section correspondence and papers;
DF331 Diptera Section correspondence and papers;
DF332 Lepidoptera Section correspondence and papers;
DF333 Coleoptera Section correspondence and papers;
DF334 Hemiptera Section correspondence and papers;
DF335 "Neuropteroid" Orders Section correspondence and papers;
DF340 Custodian of Rothschild Collection of Siphonaptera Correspondence and Papers.

Department of Entomology , Natural History Museum
GB 0060 DF ZOO · 1819-2000

Papers of the Department of Zoology comprising: DF200 Keeper of Zoology's correspondence and files;
DF201 Keeper of Zoology's out-letters;
DF202 Department of Zoology: Keeper's miscellaneous documents;
DF203 Keeper of Zoology's wartime papers and memoranda;
DF204 Registers and indexes of Zoology departmental correspondence;
DF205 Zoology Reports to Trustees and other official documents;
DF206 Keeper of Zoology's subject files;
DF207 Zoology Departmental finance and accounts;
DF208 Keeper of Zoology's staff files and official diaries;
DF209 Zoology reports of progress, monthly and annual;
DF210 Keeper of Zoology's building and accommodation files;
DF211 Keeper of Zoology's publication files;
DF212 Keeper of Zoology's confidential files;
DF213 Keeper of Zoology's expedition files;
DF214 Keeper of Zoology's Great Barrier Reef Expedition files;
DF215 Keeper of Zoology's John Murray Expeditions files;
DF216 Zoology Acquisition, loan and exchange records;
DF217 Artwork for publication;
DF218 Zoology Accessions Registers;
DF219 Collection Catalogues;
DF220 Zoology Departmental Visitors Books;
DF230 Bird Section correspondence;
DF231 Vertebrate Section reports to Trustees and other official documents;
DF232 Mammal Section correspondence;
DF233 Fish Section correspondence;
DF234 Osteology Section subject files;
DF235 Reptile Section correspondence;
DF250 Invertebrate Section correspondence and papers;
DF251 Invertebrate Section reports to Trustees and other official documents;
DF252 Crustacea Section correspondence;
DF253 Coelenterata Section correspondence;
DF254 Mollusca Section correspondence;
DF255 Arachnida Section correspondence;
DF256 Crustacea Section research papers;
DF257 Coelenterata Section research papers;
DF258 Coelenterata Section collection records;
DF259 Parasitic Worms Section correspondence;
DF260 Sponge Section correspondence;
DF261 Bryozoa Section correspondence;
DF262 Invertebrate sections visitors books;
DF263 Sponge Section, photographs and artwork for publication;
DF264 Echinodermata and Protochordata Section correspondence;
DF265 Annelida Section Correspondence and Papers;
DF266 Echinodermata and Protochordata Section research papers;
DF270 Zoology Library accession records;
DF271 Zoology Library correspondence and memoranda;
DF272 Zoology Library catalogues and related material.

Department of Zoology , Natural History Museum
Dolben Family
GB 0120 MSS.2201-2203 · c 1785-1860

Receipt books, with medical and culinary recipes plus pasted-in material including newspaper cuttings, c 1785-1860.

Dolben Family
Dubois, - (fl 1669-1672),
GB 0814 ZAAE    · 1805-1811

Manuscript copy of a rare printed book by Dubois: Journal et relations des voyages fait par le Sr. D. B. aux isles Dauphine ou Madagascar et de Bourbon ou Mascarenne, 1669 [copy 1805-1811]

Dubois , - , fl 1669-1672 , "The Sieur Du Bois"
Experiments [in] Physiology
GB 0114 MS0034 · 1776-1777

Manuscript volume titled Experiments Physiology 1776, 1776-1777, comprising notes of experiments carried out on dogs, cats, and on eggs. Including the names of persons present during the experiments. The script of the volume's title is in the handwriting of William Clift, however the text inside does not belong to Clift. In his catalogue of manuscripts, Victor Plarr suggests that the text is by a Scot experimenting at John Hunter's house.

Clift , William , 1775-1849 , museum curator and scientific illustrator
GB 378 LDGSL/348 · Series · 1889-1998

Personal papers, notebooks and diaries relating to Sir Lewis Leigh Fermor, particularly his early life. Personal papers include marriage certificate to second wife (Lady Frances Fermor), and birth certificate of son (Patrick Leigh Fermor), CV, photos, and his initial contract with the Geological Survey of India, with diaries covering 1902-1904 and 1908, and notebooks on natural history.

The series also includes extensive correspondence between Lady Frances Fermor, the Geological Society, and other individuals on the subject of Lady Fermor's will and the establishment of the Fermor Fund and Fermor Lecture, as well as the will itself and conditions of the Fund.

Material ranges in date from 1889 to 1998.

FERMOR , Sir , Lewis Leigh , 1880-1954 , Knight , geologist FERMOR , Lady , Frances Mary , 1898-1990 , née Case , 2nd wife of Lewis Leigh Fermor Geological Society , 1801-
Forbes, James (1749-1819)
GB 0814 ZAAG · 1818

Bound manuscript by James Forbes entitled "Bills, Feathers, Eggs, etc., of various Birds in the Torrid Zones", 1818.

Forbes , James , 1749-1819 , artist, author and traveller
GB 0809 Garnham · 1966-1995

Papers of Percy Cyril Claude Garnham, 1966-1995, relate to the last field research project, by Garnham, to Sabah, Malaysia, in 1972 and his death in 1994. Correspondence and notes regarding the expedition to Sabah include an introduction to the expedition and photographs and scanned images of Garnham at work, undated, (Garnham 01/01); typewritten notes with handwritten corrections concerning the film 'Expedition to Borneo', [1972], (Garnham 01/02); correspondence concerning blood films and a bibliography for protozoa, insects and acoredae, 1972-1973, (Garnham 01/03); correspondence, maps, diagrams, reports and notes related to the study of orang-utans including a draft copy of 'Malaria parasity of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus)' by Garnham and others, 1969-1975(Garnham 01/04); notes belonging to Peters including a workbook comprising diagrams of blood cells and notes and charts regarding parasites, 1972, (Garnham 01/05); Garnham's correspondence largely with Peters regarding the continuing work concerning malaria and chimpanzees, 1966-1991,(Garnham 01/06); photographs and diagrams including a photograph of G S de Silva outside the animal clinic in Sabah and a diagram indicating zoogeographic sub regions of the oriental region, c1970, (Garnham 01/07); correspondence largely to Wallace Peters including notes on the orang-utans in Sepilok, 1966-1974 (Garnham 01/08); correspondence notably regarding pongo paper, 1966-1975, (Garnham 01/09); photographs of chimp blood slides, c1970, (Garnham 01/10); correspondence mainly addressed to Peters, including notes and graphs of orang-utan study; correspondence regarding the setting up and funding of the project; and draft paper by Garnham, N Rajapaksa, W Peters, and R Killick-Kendrick 'Malaria parasites of the orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus)', 1969-1973, (Garnham 01/11); photographs of Sepilok, application for Government grant for scientific investigations, correspondence regarding blood films, slides and orang-utans and new buildings in Sepilok, notes and contents of reels of film from Sabah and Borneo, 1969-1977 (Garnham 01/12) and a documentary film entitled 'Expedition to Borneo, 1972', comprising footage of orang-utans in their natural surroundings, transferred to DVD (Garnham 01/13).

Papers also concern the death of Garnham and notably comprise correspondence from Claude Garnham, including a letter of thanks to Peters for writing Garnham's obituary; copies of many obituaries within various journals and newspapers including two in French; programme of service and thanksgiving for the life and work of Garnham and correspondence regarding the founding of an award in Garnham's memory, 1994-1995,(Garnham 02).

Garnham , Professor , Percy Cyril Claude , 1901-1994 , Parasitologist
GB 0809 Gillett · [1941]-1993

Papers of Professor John David Gillett, [1941]-1993, relate to his work concerning mosquitoes and tropical diseases and comprise published and unpublished works by Gillett and others, and original research carried out by Gillett.

Published work includes The swarming habits of some Danish mosquitoes by E T Nielson and H T Nielson, (Entomolgiske Meddeleber, 1963) and The essential role of temporal discontinuity in swarming insects by J D Gillett (Flying Kites, Biologist, 1993). Unpublished work includes a copy of Gillett's bound PhD 'Embryonic Diapause in the genus aedes Meigen (Diptera: Culicadae)', 1952.

The collection also notably contains a notebook used by Gillett to collate research and encloses correspondence with Kenneth C Smithburn and A F Mahaffey of Yellow Fever Research Institute, Uganda regarding samples, including mosquitoes, sent by Gillett, 1941.

Gillett , John David , 1913-1995 , Professor of Tropical Medicine
GB 0100 TH/PP26 · 1825

Papers of Joseph Henry Green, comprising notes of his lectures on anatomy, physiology and surgery, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, taken by an unidentified student, 1825;
clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1824-1826, prepared by one of his dressers for a prize;
clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1832-1836, probably prepared by John Simon (Sir John Simon was an apprentice of Green at this time);
incomplete report of a medical case, possibly by Green, undated [mid 19th century].

Green , Joseph Henry , 1791-1863 , anatomist
GB 0113 MS-GREEW · Fonds · 1839-1894

Correspondence and papers of William Alexander Greenhill, 1839-1894, mainly relating to medical biography including notes on Galen; notes on the classification of animals; printed drawings of surgical instruments; notes on Arabic medicine and transcripts of Arabic texts; five engravings of Halle and engraving of A H Francke's Monument; prescriptions; biographical notes on doctors and other eminent men and correspondence, chiefly on his work on Galen.

Greenhill , William Alexander , 1814-1894 , physician and sanitary reformer
GB 0096 AL426 · Fonds · 1912

Letter from William Henry Grenfell of 30 Bruton Street, London [the printed letter-head 'Carlton Club' has been struck through] to [Edward] Marston, 26 Jun 1912. Relating to Marston's query about the origin of the Port of London Authority regulations for fishing.

Autograph, with signature.

Grenfell , William Henry , 1855-1945 , Baron Desborough , sportsman and politician x Desborough , Baron
GB 0098 B/GULLAND · 1972-1990

Papers of John Alan Gulland, 1972-1990, comprising correspondence and papers from Gulland's period as Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College, London, 1984-1990; drafts for publications and editorial correspondence; papers relating to his consultancies, including those for the European Community and the Canadian Government; documentation of overseas visits, including a 1985 visit to Antarctica; correspondence files.

Gulland , John Alan , 1926-1990 , fisheries ecologist
GB 0074 CLC/B/109 · Collection · 1989-1981

Records of H Barber and Son Limited, salmon and eel merchants, and their subsidiaries including D and J Barber (Eels) Limited; Braddan Fishing Company Limited; Cahill and Young Limited; John T Clark Limited; U C Farmer Limited; A Langley and Company Limited and E F Marchant Limited.

HALL, Libby (fl 1966-2006)
LIBBY HALL · Fonds · c1860-1920

Photographs, postcards adn other (collected) photographic items depicting dogs and their owners c 1860-1920.

Hall , Libby , fl 1966-2006 , collector
GB 0074 ACC/0576 · Collection · 1922-1936

Records of the Harrow and District Field Club, comprising minutes and programmes of meetings (including rules and lists of officers).

Harrow and District Field Club
GB 0098 B/HEWER · 1918-1974

Papers of Professor Humphrey Robert Hewer, 1918-1974, comprising biographical papers, 1918-1974, including diaries, photographs; notebooks, journals and working papers, 1929-1973, relating to field trips, his work on seals, zygaena and woodpeckers; papers and correspondence of various natural history committees and societies on which he served, 1967-1974; drafts and material relating to Hewer's publications (especially British seals), 1926-1972; photographs, drawings, notes, and scripts for various wildlife films, 1951-1974; correspondence;
notebooks on zoology, cytology, made whilst a student at the Royal College of Science (Imperial College), [1920-1926].

Hewer , Humphrey Robert , 1903-1974 , zoologist
GB 0814 ZFA · 1824-1874

Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson, 1824-1874, comprising annotated British Museum Catalogues, " Brief Notices of Several New or Little-Known Species of Mammalia", 1855; List of specimens sent to British Museum, [1846]; notebook by Archibald Campbell in Nepal and annotated by Hodgson, 1833; catalogue of a collection of Mammalia from Nepal, Sikim, and Tibet, 1856; copies of printed papers, 1846-1848; correspondence, 1836-1874; correspondence and lists concerning the proposed publication of drawings, 1836-1845; descriptions of the animals of Nepal, Sikim and Tibet, 1830-1857; letters from Joseph Hooker to Brian H Hodgson, 1848-1850; lists of drawings and specimens, 1835-1838; lists of drawings and specimens sent to various recipients, 1842-1874; manuscripts of journal articles, 1831-1847; 'Memoranda of manners and habits of the birds of my Collection (according to the numbers attached to the drawings). Done by my native sportsmen or Shikarees and translated by my Writer', 1846-1857; miscellaneous journal articles, 1843-1846; notebook containing copies of letters to Hodgson, 1833-1842; Zoological Memos of 1846 made on the way from Monghys to Darjiling, 1846; Zoology Nepal notebooks, 1824-1827.

Hodgson , Brian Houghton , 1800-1894 , Indian civil servant and naturalist
Holland, Samuel
GB 0114 MS0052 · 1740

Papers of Samuel Holland, 1740, comprising four volumes of manuscript notes from Charles Alston's lectures on 'Materia Medica'. The first volume is titled Dr Alston's Lectures, 1740. The other volumes are: Volume 1 containing notes on minerals, lead, silver, copper, iron, tin, alumen, borax and vitriolum, 1740; Volume 3 containing notes on vegetables, roots, bark, leaves and flowers, 1740; Volume 4 containing notes on fruits, seeds, juices, and animals, 1740.

Holland , Samuel , fl 1740 , student of botany and anatomy
GB 0120 MSS.2867-2932 and 7961, WMS/Amer.145-148 · 1876-1930

Notes and extracts on vegetable materia medica, botany, etc. (with the exception of MS.2882, which deals with British insects, and MS.7961 which consists of general correspondence). The plants discussed include species from Africa, Asia and the Americas. Many of the pieces are drafts of lectures (to bodies such as the Royal Botanic Society) or of papers later published in journals such as the Pharmaceutical Journal, Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, etc. Some items include inserted correspondence.

Holmes , Edward Morell , 1843-1940 , botanist and lecturer in materia medica Batters , Edward Arthur Lionel , 1860-1907 , botanist
GB 0114 MS0258 · [1813]

Papers of Sir Everard Home, c1813, comprising 2 letters from Sir Everard Home to Sir William Clift concerning the dissection of an ear from a Dugong or Sea Cow.

Home , Sir , Everard , 1756-1832 , 1st Baronet , surgeon
Hopkins, June Mary (b 1930)
GB 0814 ZAAP · 1962-2005

Papers of June Hopkins, 1962-1968, comprising observational notes on the rearing and behaviour of duikers and other animals (lions, antelopes and a pet cat) in Nigeria. Includes some correspondence. Also an extract from June Hopkins' journal describing a visit to Nairobi National Park Animal Orphanage in Dec 1966; and explanatory notes by Brian Hopkins, 2005. People mentioned in the notes include Niels Bolwig (Professor of Zoology) and Robert Golding (Curator of the Zoo).

Hopkins , June Mary , b 1930 , naturalist
GB 0402 CHU · 1899-1943

Diaries and notebooks of Col Corrie Hudson illustrated with watercolours recording his career in the Indian Medical Service, and his travels and observations, chiefly in North India and Kashmir, also in the Far East, Europe, Iran and the Gulf, 1899-1943 and photographs comprising: diary in India, China, Japan, Korea, Somaliland, Balkans, Muscat and Persia, 30 Mar 1899-29 Dec 1913; diary in Bombay, France, Kashmir and North India, 30 Dec 1913-1 May 1921; diary in India and the Persian Gulf, 2 May 1921-22 Dec 1932; diary in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Rhodes, Cornwall and Scilly Isles, 22 Dec 1932-3 Nov 1943; notebook containing watercolours of landscapes and maps and notes on the Himalayas and Kashmir; notebook of watercolours of birds in India and the UK together with some notes and anatomical drawings and photographs of Hudson, 1900-1927.

Hudson , Corrie , 1874-1958 , Army surgeon , Major General
GB 0114 MS0058 · 1846-1851

Papers of Edward Charles Hulme, Student in Human and Comparative Anatomy, 1846-1848, and George Robert Skinner, Student in Comparative Anatomy, 1849-1851, comprising a volume containing notes by Hulme relating to the dissections of various animals including Chimpanzee, Sciurus Vulgaris (Red Squirrel), Cynocephalus (Phillipine Flying Lemur), Wombat, Leopard, Ateles (Spider Monkey), Elephant, and Honduras Turkey, 1846-1848; also containing notes by Skinner relating to the dissections of various animals including Rhinoceros, Puff Adder, Ostrich, a malformed foetus, and Malayan Tapir; and notes by Skinner relating to compiling a manuscript catalogue in the Museum.

Hulme , Edward Charles , 1821-1900 , surgeon Skinner , George Robert , 1825-1856 , surgeon
HUXLEY Scientific papers
GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1846-1846

Scientific papers of T H Huxley, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst Assistant Surgeon to HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, containing his observations, sketches of specimens, notably oceanic hydrozoa, mollusca and crustacea, related notes;

scientific notebooks, papers and correspondence, [1855-1888], relating to botany and principally zoology, bound in volumes largely according to zoological classification, including invertebrata, crustacea, vertebrata, teleostei, amphibia, reptilia, aves, mammalia, carnivora, primates, anthropology, mycological, bacteria, hirudinea, mollusca, petromyzon, ganoidei, sturiones, dipnoi, teleostei, salmonidae, insectivora, rodentia, lepus, canidae, fossil fishes, dinosauria, ethnology, origins of biology, gentiana; correspondence concerning deep sea soundings, 1857; syllabus and notes for lectures, [1860-1886], for the Government (later Royal) School of Mines, Royal Institution, working men, London Institution, University of Edinburgh, notably on natural history, zoology, ethnology, elementary geography, physiography; correspondence, 1851-1894; notebooks, [1847-1884], concerning visits to Switzerland, Tenby, Italy, notes on anatomy and vertebrae;

drawings, [1847-1895] many illustrating laboratory work, and relating to observations in his notebooks, relating to protozoa and botany; coelenterata, brachiostomata, echinodermata, mollusca; vermes and arthropoda with peripatus; pisces with tunicata and amphioxus; mammalia; anthropological photographs, [1868-1898].

Huxley , Thomas Henry , 1825-1895 , scientist and educationalist