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  • UF Physical anthropology
  • UF Anthropologie physique
  • UF Antropología física

52 Archival description results for Anthropology

52 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Wilson, Albert (1854-1928)
GB 0114 MS0176 · [1870]

Papers of Albert Wilson, c1870, comprising a volume titled [H]uman [P]athology, Prof. Saunders, 2 containing manuscript notes by Wilson, taken at the Pathology lectures of Professor Sanders at Edinburgh University; and a loose sheet containing notes on Tubercular Phthisis. The sheet of paper is from the Edinburgh Medical-Missionary Society's Training Institution and Dispensary at No 39 Cowgate. Wilson was resident physician at the Cowgate Dispensary.

Wilson , Albert , 1854-1928 , physician
GB 1370 WIA, Aby M Warburg · Collection · 1866-2000

Papers created and collected privately by Aby Moritz Warburg and members of his family, and administrative records of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg and its successor institution, the Warburg Institute, 1866-2000. Including records of the history of the Warburg Institute from the beginnings of Aby Warburg's private library to the present day in sections under the following headings: Buildings; Administration; Organization and Activities of the Library / Institute; Annual Reports; Visitors' and Address Books; Accession Books; Account Books and 'Scrap' Book. Personal documents and working papers of Aby Warburg, including his bibliographical notes, notebooks, diaries and journals, drafts of lectures and articles; poems and dramatic sketches. Topics covered include: Contemporary Art; Hamburg University; Early Renaissance and Florentine Art and Patronage: Botticelli, Leonardo, Ghirlandaio, Sassetti; Flemish Art; Transformation of Style; Festivals; Psychology of Art; Pueblo Indians; Art and Astrology in Italy and the North: Palazzo Schifanoia, Luther and the Art of the Reformation, Dürer; Rembrandt; Cosmology; Postage Stamps; 'Mnemosyne-Atlas'. Papers collected by Aby Warburg on the following topics: Hamburg University; Hamburg City Affairs; Hamburg Institutions; Art Historical and other Congresses; Kunsthistorisches Institut (Florenz); First World War and Aftermath and Universities. Photographic Material including negatives and prints.

Warburg , Aby Moritz , 1866-1929 , art and cultural historian
Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg x Warburg Institute
Vogt, Carl (1817-1895)
GB 0120 MSS.4951-4953 · c 1850-1852

Papers of Carl Vogt, c 1850-1852, comprising material on the German eduction system, comparative anatomy, and the life of the geologist Eduard Desor.

Vogt , Carl , 1817-1895 , naturalist
TORDAY, Emil (1875-1931)
GB 1446 MS 192-198 and 424-425 · [1908-1931]

Papers of Emil Torday, [1908-1931], including:

MS 192

Typescript notes for 'African races', published as Division I, no. 4 of Descriptive sociology, edited by H. Spencer, London, 1930, including notes on a number of African peoples including Bantu, Khoikhoi and Bushmen.

MS 193

Typescript notes on Loango, Angola.

MS 194

Questionnaires, papers and letters in connection with the Union Internationale de Secours aux Enfants, 1930-1931.

MS 195

Translation of Bacongo incantations and prayers, by J. van Wing, S.J.; translated by E. Torday. (London, 1930) and related correspondence.

MS 196

Draft of a book entitled Yarns from the West coast: being the diary of Mr Hilary Jones, edited by F.R.G.S., c. 1908, annotated with corrections.

MS 197

Typescript papers and lectures, [c 1930], including lectures on Hungary to Rotarians; lecture 'On some oddities of the Congo people'; lecture on West Africa, [1931] and lecture on female initiation in Africa.

MS 198

Typescript articles and African folk stories, annotated corrections, mostly in Hungarian.

MS 424
Notes ethnographiques sur les peoples communément appelés Bakuba, by Torday and Thomas Athol Joyce, 1911 (3 copies).

MS 425

Index cards from Torday's library.

Torday , Emil , 1875-1931 , anthropologist
THOMAS, Dr David J
GB 0402 LMS · 1970-1982

A collection of anthropological field notes from work among the Pemon (Arecuna) Indians in south-east Venezuela (notes, field books and tapes), 1970-1971, and 1975. Comprising two small field notebooks with semi-processed field data and two surveyor's notebooks; five field notebooks and one sketchbook containing genealogical schedules and computer coding forms with census data encoded on them; nine tapes (reel to reel); 13 cassettes and 7 packets of census cards (cassette tapes recorded in 1971 and 1975, containing life histories, religious ceremonies, and interviews; census cards and census photos.); envelope of maps and sketch diagrams, Venezuela and copies of depositor's correspondence, Mar 1982.

Thomas , Dr , David J , fl 1960-1982 , anthropologist
Spruce, Richard (1817-1893)
GB 0117 MS/236 · sub-fonds · 1850-1863
Part of Manuscripts General

Drawings from Richard Spruce's travels across Northern South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco river systems, throughout Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezeuela and the Guyana highlands. Included are several renderings of indigenous picture-writing figures Spruce found in the Guyana Highlands, with notes on their possible origin and meaning, portraits of local people from nine different nations of the Orinoco and Rio Negro with notes thereon, drawings of notable landscapes in the region, vegetation and sundry objects from local villages.
Drawn on for 'Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes' (1908).

Spruce , Richard , 1817-1893 , botanist
GB 0097 SELIGMAN · Collection · 1890-1975

Fieldwork notes of expeditions to Borneo and the Torres Straits, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and the Sudan along with Brenda Seligman's work on kinship, and both Charles' and Brenda's publications on anthropology; extracts from the work of other anthropologists and correspondence between the Seligman's and other colleagues; notes and photographs by Dr Neil Munro relating to his anthropological work with the Ainu and correspondence relating to the editing by Brenda Seligman of this work; material relating to Charles Seligman's work as a doctor treating shellshock during World War One, noting the patients' symptoms, treatment given and response to treatment; correspondence concerning Jewish identity; and papers relating to Charles and Brenda Seligman's interest in Chinese porcelain, journals of their visits to China and Japan and correspondence with friends and family.

Seligman, Charles Gabriel, 1873-1940, anthropologist Seligman, Brenda Zara, d 1960, anthropologist
GB 0097 SCHAPERA · Collection · c1929-c1982

Schapera's field notebooks from his work in Botswana (then Bechuanaland), recording work on the Kgatta, Kwena, Ngwato and Ngwakelse tribes; working papers and notes, including genealogies of royal families, correspondence, drafts of an unpublished book on David Livingstone; various printed documents on the subject of Botswana; and books from Schapera's library on the subject of David Livingstone.

Schapera, Isaac, b 1905, social anthropologist
GB 1446 Manuscripts · Collection · 1760-2001

The manuscript series, 1760-2001, includes field notes, research notes, vocabularies, transcripts of lectures, essays, cards, drawings, diagrams and photographs of anthropologists. Collections range from single volumes to many boxes and are assigned a numerical running number

1 Sir Alfred Claud Hollis, genealogical notes on the history of Vumba, East Africa, with an account of the descendants of its Diwans, 1899; 2 A L Lewis, stone circles and monuments: a collection of lectures; 3 Réné Caillié, Mandingo vocabulary; 4-5. John Clarke, A vocabulary or dictionary of the Fernandian tongue, 1854; African dialects, Fernando Po, 1841; 6. James Günther, Vocabulary of the Aboriginal dialect called Wirradhurri, 1839; 7. Hugh Stannus, The practice of scarification (tattooing) among the natives of Nyasaland, 1927; 8. James Philip Mills, Mongsen Ao word list, 1926; 9. H J Knox, Notes on figures engraved on rocks in the great trap dyke in the Peacock Hills near Bellarey, 1893.

10-11. William George Archer, Civil justice in tribal India, 1946; 12. Grammar of the Binandele language, Mamba River, British New Guinea; 13. Gerhard Lohmeyer, Recht und Zauberei in Nordwest-Amerika, 1948; 14. Thomas Crawford Johnston, Correspondence on 'Did the Phoenicians discover America?' 1913; 15. Vocabularies: West African dialects; 16-17. R Baudin, Dictionnaire Français-Yoruba; 18. Thomas Vincent Holmes, On some recent criticisms of the Denehole exploration report of the Essex Field Club, 1908; 19. August Vogl, Wahrhafte Heilkunst, 1949; 20. Sir George Laurence Gomme, A handbook to folk-lore, 1890.

  1. Francis J Hambly, Peru, the cradle of South America, post 1930; 22-23. Elphinstone Dayrell, More folk stories from Southern Nigeria; Anthropology, 1911; 24. Monique de Lestrange, Contributions à l'étude des plis palmaires chez l'homme, 1945; 25-25a. Adolph Brewster, Genealogies and histories of the Matanitu, 1923; 26. W A Buckingham, Beliefs and religious symbols in the bronze age of England; 27. Charles William Hobley, Anthropological papers by various people and correspondence, 1947; 28. Amedée Vignola, Translation of the introductory chapters and tables, from the French, in Tous les femmes, 1925; 29. G A Turner, Some anthropological notes on the South-African coloured mine labourer, 191-; 30. Tracey Philipps, The continental-European ethnic and cultural composition of Canada, 1947.

    1. Aliston Blyth, Tedi River tribes, 1922; 32. Granville St John Orde Browne, Physical peculiarities of the minor tribes of Mount Kenya, British East Africa, 1915; 33. Sir Herbert Gibson, Notes on the Indian tribes of the Paraguayan and Bolivian Chaco, 1922; 34. John Mathew, Explanation of some of the Australian class names, 1926; 35. H Olaf Hodgkin and others, Malagasy folk-lore; 36. Edward E Long, The mystery of the Sakai; 37. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, XIV observations on some Egyptian mummies opened in London, 1792; 38. W Champ, Aboriginal vocabulary, 1862; 39-40. Guybon Henry Damant, The wild tribes of north eastern India, 1900; Scrap album, 1867-78.

41-59. Mary Edith Durham, Collection, 1900-1940; 60-63. E Dora Earthy, Collection, 1939; 64. George Bellas Greenough, Ethnological dictionary; 65-76. Melville William Hilton-Simpson, Collection, 1906-26; 77-89. Richard E C Long, Collection, 1885-1950; 90-98. Arthur Bernard Deacon, Collection, 1926-1927; 99. L Marillier, Notes and extracts; 100. Charles Samuel Myers, Anthropometric measurements of Egyptians, 1901-1902.

101-09. Robert Sutherland Rattray, Collection, 1919-1930; 110-19a. Edward Horace Man, Collection, 1874-1920; 120. V Stefansson, Some Eskimo words of possible historical significance, 1911; 121. Paul Schebesta, The Zimbabwe - Kultur in Africa, 1923; 122. E T C Werner, Report on a journey N. and E. of Peking, 1887; 123-39. William Crooke, Collection, [1890]-1921; 140-52. Joseph Barnard Davis, Collection, 1800-1875; 153. Corpus of Indian Pottery: A card-index of Indian cairn and urn-burial pottery forms, 1929; 154. Anonymous, Jujus and Jujuism, 1913; 155-56. Gertrude M Godden, Naga and other frontier tribes of Eastern India, 189-; The Naga tribes, 1897; 157. Joseph Daniel Unwin, Tax and custom, 1913-34; 158. John Ogilvie, Notes and myths of aboriginal Indians of British Guiana; 159. J W Ogilvie Bennett, English native vocabulary of the Woolner dialect, Adelaide River, North Australia, 1869; 160. Francis Turville-Petre, The stone age in Palestine, Syria and Transjordania, 1927.

  1. Ponape notes; 162. J M A J Dawson, Aborigines of Malaya, 1956; 163. G B Gloyne, The batik art of Java, 1933; 164. S Gillmore Lee, A study of crying hysteria and dreaming in Zulu women, 1954; 165. Voyages: Extracts from voyages of exploration; 166. Robert Wood Williamson and M Campbell, Bibliographical material in classified form; 167. Pigmentation survey of Scotland, 1906; 168. Great Britain: Colonial Office: Committee of Civil Research. Kenya Native Welfare Subcommittee, 1926-7; 169. Australia: Aboriginals, 1930; 170. Ajit Mookerjee, Bengal folk art, 1949; 171. Father Gardner, Drawings to Excavations in a Wilton industry at Gokomere, Fort Victoria, S. Rhodesia, 1928; 172. Folklore Institute of America: Second session, 1946; 173. G R Carline, Newspaper and periodical cuttings arranged according to subject, 1931; 174. C H Hawes, Individual measurements and observations of about 2700 Cretan men, 1905-9; 175. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Human geography file, 1934-5; 176. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: Papers, abstracts of papers and press-cuttings, 1934; 177. R J Hunt, Lengua dictionary, 193-; 178. Great Britain: Colonial Office: Extracts from a despatch from the administrator of Dominica, 1918; 179-80. Michael Garfield Smith, The social structure of the northern Kadara, 195-; Social organisation and economy of Kagoro, 1952.

  2. Hugh Stannus, Some anthropometrical observations among the natives of Nyasaland; 182. Francis A Allen, The Easter Island monuments and tablets, 1904; 183. E Wynstone-Waters, The arches of the human foot and how they are maintained, 1904; 184. Brab I Purcell, Rites and customs of Australian aborigines, 1893; 185. R A Stewart Macalister and E W G Masterman, Occasional papers on the modern inhabitants of Palestine, 19-; 186. E S Menen, marriage customs among the Nayars of Malabar; 187. F S Brockman, Notes on aboriginal paintings, Australia, 1901; 188. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Curl Prize Essay, 1950 to date; 189. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Wellcome Medal, 1931 to date; 190. Chicago University Department of Anthropology: Papers, reports and symposiums, 1955-1957.

  3. Ioan Myrddin Lewis, The Somali lineage system, 1958; 192-98. Emil Torday, Collection. 1908-1931; 199. Gambia: Native law and customs, 1908; 200. Nigeria, Southern: Reports to Colonial Office, 1906-1907; 201-02. Nigeria, Northern: Enclosures in despatch No. 459 of 9th September 1907; Reports to Colonial Office, 1907-1908; 203. Gold Coast: Native law and customs, 1906-8; 204. Sir Percy Sykes, Persian notes, 1914; 205. James Edge-Partington, Register of objects from the Pacific, 1896; 206. Cyril Belshaw, Economic aspects of culture contact in eastern Melanesia, 1949; 207. Samoan Affairs Office, Pago Pago: Genealogies, 1956; 208. T B Cliffe, anthropological notes on the Afo pagans, 1957-8; 209. Phyllis Mary Kaberry, Report on farmer-grazier relations and the changing pattern of agriculture in Nsaw, 1959; 210. Elphinstone Dayrell, Africa West; 211. Dorothy D Lee, values and mental health, 1958; 212. Association of Social Anthropologists: The teaching of social anthropology, 1958; 213. Susannah Vibert Pearce, The appearance of iron and its use in protohistoric Africa, 1960; 214. Filiberto Giorgetti, La superstition Zande, 1958-60; 215. Laura Longmore, The dispossessed, 1957; 216. Annette Rosenstiel, The Motu of Papua New Guinea, 1953; 217. William Halse Rivers and others, Simbo-English vocabulary; 218. Ruth Fulton Benedict, Miscellaneous notes, 1930-1935; 219-40. Sir Everard Ferdinand Im Thurn, Collection, 1760-1922.

  4. H K Fry, Dieri legends [South Australia]; 242. J Gibson Hall, The Alungu chiefs, their families and genealogical tree, 1902-7; 243. Lakemba (Fiji): Drawings by school boys, 1911; 244. H M M Scroggie, The sociology of Ngwaketse diet, 1946; 245. Herbert John Fleure, Anthropometric survey of Wales, 1906-36; 246. Ruth H Finnegan, survey of the Limba people of northern Sierra Leone, 1962; 247. George P Murdock and others, Outline of cultural materials, 1938; 248. E J Wayland, The age of the Oldoway human skeleton, 1932; 249. Neil Gordon Munro, Ainu material; 250. N Dyson-Hudson, The present position of the Karimojong, 1958; 251. H Du Plessis, Die politieke organisasie van die Venda, 1941; 252. Eva Leonie Lewin-Richter Meyerowitz, Akan traditions of origin, 1952; 253. Cambridge Expedition to northern Africa, report, 1964; 254-56. Alice Joan Metge, Some modern Maoris, 1953; Urbanisation and the pattern of Maori life, 1954; The urban Maori, 1953; 257. LSE Report on a conference on applied anthropology, 1963; 258. British Museum, Department of Ethnography: Excavations at Las Cuevas, 1958; 259. Margaret E Kenna and John C Kenna, list of portraits of anthropologists and archaeologists and workers in allied fields, 1966; 260. T B Naik, Anavils, the unspoilt Brahmins, 1954.

  5. Brenda Zara Seligman, Genealogies; 262. Brenda Zara Seligman, Seligman's psychology collection; 263. William Charles Willoughby, Index to the Willoughby papers in Selly Oak Colleges, Library, Birmingham; 264. R Webb, Genealogy of the Lihoja, 1964; 265. Eric Wilton Morse, Immigration and status of British East Indians in Canada, 1944; 266. G D Walker, Garo customs and folk-lore, 1967; 267. Henry Boyle Townshend Somerville, Orientation in megalithic monuments and associated papers, anthropological notes on Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji and Samoa, and maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu, 1892-1936; 268. Marian Smith collection; 269. British Solomon Islands Protectorate: Notes on native custom, tradition, organisation and culture, 1938; 270. F J Language, Kapteinskap onder die Tlhaping, 1941.

  6. Otto Friedrich Raum, The social functions of avoidance and taboos among the Zulu, 1960; 272. Adam Kuper, Kinship, marriage, and local groupings among the Ngologa, 1965; 273. P H Brinckner, Brief v. 28.6.1876, Otyikaugo etc.; 274. Anthropolgicky Kongres K 100. Vyroci Narozenin Alese Hrdlicky; 275. Isaac Schapera, Notes on some Herero genealogies, 1945; 276-77. G P Lestrade, Miscellaneous notes on laws and customs of the Bahuruthse; Preliminary summary of main heads of information obtained at Maahoana (Gopane), 1926; 278. Philip and Iona Mayer, Sexual and fighting behaviour among Red Xhosa youth; 279. Sir Arthur Grimble, Gilbertese myths, 1964; 280. J P Luce, Private journal, 1852-1867; 281. G O Whitehead, Spagnolo's Bari grammar, 1933; 282. Philip F W Bartle, African rural urban migration, 1971; 283. G M Clifford, The Igala chiefdom, 1934; 284. Jose Llopis Martin, De genealogia medica, 1970; 285. Antonio A Arantes, Compadrio in rural Brazil, 1971; 286. Nicas Kipengele, Marriage celebration among Wamatumbi and Wapogoro and its relation to canon law, 1961; 287. M R Allen, Report on Aoba, 1969; 288. Allen, Ganguly, Pranab and Pal, Anadi. The Onge of Little Andaman, 1964; 289. James Bol Kalmal, Marriage rights and duties among the Shilluk, 1973; 290. Hans Schindler Bellamy, Problems of Tiahuanaco, 1938.

  7. Dugald Malcolm, The Kuna Indians, 1974; 292. Barrington J Howard, Social organisation in Eskimo communities, 1976; 293. P R Foulkes-Roberts, Letters home from an administrative officer in Nigeria, 1924-44; 294. Miriam L Tildesley, Miscellaneous notes, papers, letters, calculations, tables and graphs; 295. Douglas A Lorimer, Racist theory in British anthropology, 1870-1900; 296. James H Chaplin, Tribal art and painting; 297. Charles Staniland Wake, Correspondence 1892-1909; 298. Meyer Fortes, First and second reports on fieldwork, 1934; 299. Hilda Beemer, (Mrs Hilda Kuper), First report on fieldwork, 1937; 300. Margaret Read, Second report on field work, 1936.

  8. G Tillion and T Riviere, Sixth report on fieldwork, 1936; 302. Godfrey B Wilson, First report on fieldwork, 1936; 303. Monica Hunter (Mrs Godfrey Wilson), Methods of fieldwork, 1933; 304. G Gordon Brown, Notes on the progress of fieldwork, 1933; 305. S Hofstra, Reports on fieldwork among the Mendi, 1934; 306. Walter Scott, Economic condition of Sind, 1846; 307. Elizabeth Bott (Mrs James Spillius), Miscellaneous papers; 308. Garth A Rogers, Kai and Kava in Niuatoputapu, 1975; 309. James Spillius, Conscience, 1947; 310. Yvonne Blake, Infantile development; 311. Leslie M Young, Notes on various published papers, 1914-1987; 312-13. M S Swede, Scrapbook folders containing miscellaneous newspaper and journal cuttings, 1926-1982; miscellaneous articles and pamphlets, 1945-1983; 314. Stuart E Mann, Albanian literature, 1955, and Laura E Start, The Durham collection of garments and embroideries from Albania and Yugoslavia; 315. Ivor Hugh Norman Evans, Bornean diaries, 1938-1942; 316-17. Laura Longmore, Multi-racial dilemma, 1959; Polygamy among the southern Bantu, 1988; 318. Derek Bickerton, Language and species, 1990; 319. C H Browner et al, A new methodology for medicine; 320. James Weiner, Mountain Papuans, 1988.

  9. Derek Frank Bruce Roberts, The geographical distribution of the physical characters of man; 322. George W Stocking Jr, Reading the palimpsest of inquiry; 323. Douglas L Oliver, Somatic variability and human ecology on Bougainville, Solomon Islands; 324. Marilyn Hammersley Houlberg, Yoruba twin sculpture and ritual, 1973; 325. Shanthi Tambiah, Culture as adaptation: change among the Bhuket of Sarawak, Malaysia, 1995; 326. Mark Angus Jamieson, Kinship and gender as political processes among the Miskitu of Eastern Nicaragua, 1995; 327. Alexander Goldbloom, Thomas Bendyshe and the Anthropological Society of London 1863-1871, 1995; 328. Ethel John Lindgren, Anthropological film of the Reindeer Tungus of Manchuria, 1931-1932; 329. Association of Social Anthropologists/Social Science Research Council: Conference on the training and employment of social anthropologists, 1980; 330. Peter Johann Koblenzer, The state of health and the environment of the Rungus Dusun of Kampong Maksangkong-Dampirit of the Kudat Peninsula in the west coast residency of the Colony of British North Borneo, 1959.

  10. Bennet Greig, Memorandum on the Indians of the Peruvian Sierra, 1936; 332. Ethnological Survey of Canada: Copies of circular and of schedules, 1899; 333. Margaret Read, The value of social anthropology for nurses overseas, 1939; 334. Jonathan Benthall, 'And what should they know of England who only England know?', 1974; 335. George Soper Cansdale, String figures, 1937; 336. Johanna Felhoen-Kraal, Die Herkunft der sogenannten Portugiesischen Juden, 1942; 337. Kathy Curnow, The Afro-Portuguese ivories, 1982; 338. Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, Journals 1951-2000 and various papers (restricted access); 339. James Edge-Partington, An album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress etc of the natives of the Pacific Islands, 1890; 340. Hua Cai, Les Na: une société sans père ni mari (Chine), 1995.

  11. Jonathan Benthall, Christianity and British anthropologists, 2000; 342. Suzanne Preston Blier, Kings, crowns, and rights of succession; 343. John Pemberton III, Ere Ibeji from Ila-Orangun, 1981; 344. Joseph Nevadomsky, The Benin bronze horseman as the Ata of Idah; 345. William Robin Gray Horton, Ijo ritual sculpture; 346. Henry John Drewal, Art, history and the individual; 347. Bernice M Kelly, contemporary Nigerian artists, 1988; 348. Gavin D White, Material on Eskimos; 349. William Robin Gray Horton, Untitled about the Ijo of the Rivers Province; 350. S Pughe, Brodribb. A preliminary report ... on the origins and ages of ... man-made structures in ... Kenya; 351. Jonathan Skinner, Impressions of Montserrat, 1997; 352. Arnold L Epstein, A Melanesian masquerade, 1988 (forbidden access); 353. Muhammadu Aliyu, Socio-economic aspects of Saukar Karatu, 1980; 354. Alhaji Isa Kebbe, A sociological analysis of a despised occupation in Hausa society, 1984; 355. Jarle Simensen, The Asafo of Kwahu, Ghana, 1974; 356. Ramon Ramonet Riu, Totem, the first one and the future, 1996; 357. Audrey Isabel Richards, Some aspects of clan structure among the Baganda, 1956 and Problems of Buganda clans, 1961; 358. Z R Dmochowski, Gidan Makama in Kano, 1963; 359. H Fleure, bibliography of his writings 1898-1954; 360. Charles Gabriel Seligman, Shilluk, 1902-1909.

  12. Ethel John Lindgren, Notes for the proposed handbook on methods and problems of social psychology and sociology, 1937; 362. W Perkins Foss, The arts of the Urhobo people, 1971; 363. Harold Fullard, Anthropometric cards for an anthropometric survey in Lancashire mid-1930's; 364. Charles Gabriel Seligman, Notes and papers on the art and anthropology of the Massim; 365. Ronald M and Catherine H Berndt, Native labour and welfare in the Northern Territory, 1946; 366. O Werner and Frank Willett, The composition of brasses from Ife and Benin, 1974; 367. Arnold Rubin, Notes on regalia in Biu division, Northeast State, Nigeria; 368. Angelika Tunis, Neue untersuchungen zur Berliner Beninsammlung; 369. Jacob Festus Ade Ajayi, The impact of Europe on African cultures and values, 1974; 370. African Studies Association of the United Kingdom: Meetings, membership, papers, reports, 1973-1974; 370. Jonathan Benthall, Forgetting and reminding, 1994; 372. Ronald G Stansfield, The origins of the International Ergonomics Association, 1979; 373. David J Vandyke-Lee, The conservation of wooden specimens, 1974; 374. David J Vandyke-Lee, Ethnographical conservation, 1974; 375. Ronald G Stansfield, Operational research and sociology, 1980; 376. James Woodburn, Exhibition of material equipment of the Hadza, 1965; 377-78. Myra Bluebond-Langner, The dying child speaks, 1975; Death, self and society, 1976; 379. Juana Elbein Dos Santos, Les Nago et la mort, 1972; 380. William O Oldman, Index to tribes, rivers etc of Africa shown on map, 1919-1923; 381. P F Farina, Il popolo Karimojong; 382. A T H Jolly and Frederick George Godfrey Rose, The place of the Australian Aboriginal in the evolution of society, 1941; 383. Myra Bluebond-Langner and Marianne G Everett, The meanings of death in American society and its implications for health education, 1976; 384. Jeremy Montagu, Musical instruments of the world, 1970; 385. A A Y Kyerematen, Asante Cultural Centre, 1958; 386. Centre d'Analyse Documentaire Pour L'Afrique Noire: Various papers, 1965-1966; 387. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: Various papers, 1946-1976; 388. Jehanne H Teilhet, Paper to determine precisely who, among the French artists, were the first to feel the impact of, and to find inspiration in, the tribal arts of Oceania and the tribal arts in Africa, post 1966; 389. William Edward Hanley Stanner, Papers concerning New Hebrides administration, 1935-1937; 390-91. Craig Maginnis (Nelson), Notes and papers on the South Seas; Notebooks and pamphlets on the South Seas.

  13. William Horsfall, Papers on Tonga; 393. Keith Nicklin, Ekpu, 1988; 394. Patrick Muyendekwa Sikana, Agro-pastoralism and market integration, 1998; 395. Rachael Jane Sara Gooberman-Hill, The constraints of feeling free', 1999; 396. Alan Passes, The hearer, the hunter, and the Agouti head, 1998; 397. Richard Ssewakiryanga and David Mills,Vegetarianus economicus', 1995; 398. David Mills and Richard Ssewakiryanga, Women on top?, 1995; 399. Mary Mugyenyi and David Mills, Feminism, social theory and social reform, 1995; 400. Margaret Sarkissian, What happens when two worlds collide?, 1993; 401. Thomas Johnston, Two essays, 1969; 402.

Various anthropologists
GB 1446 Archives · Collection · 1843-2007

A1 Ethnological Society of London Council Minutes, 2 Jan 1844-1826, Jan 1869; A2 Ethnological Society of London List of members elected, 1844, 1846, 1868-1871; A3 Anthropological Society of London Council Minutes, 1863-1871; A4 Anthropological Society of London Ordinary Meetings - Minutes, 24 Feb 1863-1831, Jan 1871; A5 Anthropological Society of London Office: Letters to the Society, 1865-1866, [1 Jan 1867], A-D, G-S (incomplete); A6 Anthropological Society of London Finance: Membership subscription ledgers, 1863-1872; A7 Anthropological Society of London: Finance: Receipted accounts, Jan 1863-Dec 1866; A8 Anthropological Society of London: Reports on papers submitted to the Anthropological Review, 1866-1867; A8 Anthropological Society of London Supplements: Miscellaneous addresses, lists, and circulars published by the Society, 1863-1868; A9 Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Journal: Record of papers submitted to the Journal, including date of receipt, 1871-1952.

Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) series comprising: A10 RAI Council Minutes, 1871-2007; A11 RAI Executive Committee Minutes, 17 Apr 1900-1931, May 1961; A12 RAI Ordinary meetings: Minutes, 1871-1935; A13 RAI Council: Meeting attendance books, 6 Mar 1871-2007; A14 RAI Ordinary meetings: Attendance books, 1892-1987; A15 RAI Finance: Receipts and payments, 1880-1958; A16 RAI Finance: Petty cash expenses, 15 Aug 1879-4 Aug 1900; A17 RAI Library Committee Minutes, 23 June 1891-19 Nov 1981; A18 RAI General Correspondence (office day-to-day), 1871-1968; A19 RAI: Daily attendance of members and visitors, 1 Nov 1881-20 Oct 1908; A20 RAI Finance: Fellowship subscriptions, 1881-1885, 1910-1958; A21 Predynastic Research Committee: Papers and correspondence on the Fayum and Kharga Oasis Expeditions, 1927-1976; A22 Anthropological Survey Committee: report by Northcote W Thomas in the Central Province of Southern Nigeria, 1910; A23 Human Biology Research Committee: Minutes, 8 Jan 1932-1924, Apr 1934; A24 Rivers Memorial Fund: History, minutes, correspondence and other papers, 1922-1954.

A25 RAI Journal: Reports of referees on papers, 28 Mar 1893-12 May 1938; A26 India Research Committee Minutes, 18 Mar 1931-6 July 1932; A27 RAI: Finance: Nominal ledgers of expenditure and receipts, 1915-1970; A28 Man: Subscribers to Man, 1901-1953; A29 Man. Finance, 1906-1916; A30 RAI: Register of the despatch of the Journal, 1894-1899; A31 Ethnological Society, Anthropological Society, and RAI membership (Fellowship) lists, 1869-1955, 1995-2007.

A32 Library: Register of books presented, 1880-1885, 1919-1941, 1950-1972; A33 James Cowles Prichard Centenary, 1948; A34 Local Correspondents, 1933-1942; A35 Exhibition of Colonial Art, 1949; A36 British Association: Committee to Organise Anthropometric Investigation in the British Isles: minutes and diary, 12 Sep 1902 - 7 Sep 1908; A37 Ways and Means Committee: Minutes, 23 July 1945-4 Mar 1953; A38 RAI: Finance: passbooks, 1920-1941; A39 Notes and queries on anthropology, Sixth edition, 1951; A40 Royal Society Tercentenary, 1960; A41 Herbert Spencer Trust, 1916-1937; A42 Featherman, Americanus Bequest, 1903-1921; A43 Applied anthropology, 1928-1939.

A44 Leases: Premises, maintenance, 1909-1947; A45 Centenaries and RAI history, 1943-2007; A46 Finance Committee, 1974-1983; A47 Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett: Correspondence and papers on human remains from Kanam and Kanjera, Kenya, 1931-1932; A48 RAI Library Committee: Meeting attendance, 1894-1948; 1971-19 Nov 1981; A49 Library catalogues, 1882-1967; A50 Co-operative Housing Schemes, 1914-1961; A51 Library Administration, 1914-1976; A52 Conference on problems and prospects of European archaeology, 1944; A53 Autograph letters; A54 Keith, Sir Arthur: Correspondence, 1949; A55 Truganini: Correspondence with the Tasmanian Museum, 1954; A56 Imperial Bureau of Anthropology, [1908-1911]; A57 Friends of the RAI: Committee for Liaison with the Friends, Committee on Anthropology in Industry, 1947-1961; A58 British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research: Letters, minutes and papers, 1914-1963; A59 British Ethnography Committee Minutes, 1948-1957, 1969; A60 Dining Club, Sherry Club, Garden Party, Strawberry Teas, 1930-1977.

A61 Swanscombe Committee, 1936-1964; A62 Congrès international des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques: Correspondence, papers, and minutes, 1912-1934, 1937-1939; A63 Fellows' application forms, 1901-1965; A64 Americanist Congress, 1912-1955; A65 International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, 1931-1933; A66 Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund, 1944-2007; A67 Graig-Lwyd Excavation Committee, Expenditure, 1920; A68 Hornell, James, and Huxley Memorial Lecture, 1948-1949; A69 Fawcett papers, 1951-1961.

A70 RAI Museum Collection; A71 Census of British Anthropologists, 1940; A72 Library: Accession of books and pamphlets, 1891-1950; A73 William of Gloucester, HRH Prince, 1972-1973; A74 Library: catalogue arranged by the classification of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 1898-1919; A75 Committee for the Study of Beads, minutes, 3 Mar 1960-16 May 1961; A76 Standing Committee, Minutes, 1961-1978 [temporary entry]; A77 Publications Committee Minutes, 1961-1970 [temporary entry]; A78 Ethnographic Film Committee Minutes, 1957-1983; A79 Ethnomusicology Committee Minutes, correspondence and papers, 1953-1972; A80 Extraordinary General Meeting on Library transfer, 24 June 1976; A81 Committee on the export of works of art (Waverley Committee), 1951-1953; A82 Seligman Centenary symposium, 1973.

A83 Press cuttings (general); A84 Library: Register of negatives, prints and slides, 1897; A85 Education Committee Minutes, 1974-1985 [temporary entry]; A86 Percy Amaury Talbot Prize for African Anthropology, 1947-2007; A87 International Conference on African Children, 1929-1931; A88 Wellcome Medal for Research in Anthropology as Applied to Medical Problems, 1931-2007; A89 Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee, 1947-1971; A90 Metallurgy and Archaeology Conference, 1963; A91 Blood Group Committee, 1951-1972; A92 Congrès international des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques, 1938-1960; A93 Conseil Permanent, 1934-1954; A94 RAI Membership (Fellowship) Correspondence, 1923-1975; A95 Honorary Officers Correspondence, 1934-2007; A96 Man and the Journal editorial(not yet catalogued); A97 Corporate Membership, 1948-1950; A98 Mankind Quarterly, 1960-1965; A99 Christmas cards, 1953-1962; A100 Companies Act, articles of association, by-laws, and regulations, 1871-2007; A101 Association copies and other related books; A102 Ephemera, 1926-2007; A103 Burton Library, 1954-1986; A104 Library visitors' book, 1950-1976; A105 Manuscript and House Archives Collections (Donors), 1936-2007; A106 British Committee for the Standardisation of Anthropometric Techniques, 1932-1960; A107 Anthropometric Survey of Great Britain, 1934-1935; A108 RAI Officers' Meetings, 1945-1961; A109 Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society, 1934-1937; A110 Committee on Honours and Awards; A111 Aborigines' Protection Society, 1839-1909; A112 Ethnological Society publications, 1848-1870; A113 Anthropological Society publications, 1863-1871; A114 RAI publications, 1871-2007; A115 Huxley Memorial Lectures, 1940-2007; A116 RAI Annual General Meeting minutes, 1968-2001; A117 Radcliffe Brown Memorial Fund for Social Anthropological Research, 1962-2007; A118 Man T-shirts, 1981-1992; A119 British Somaliland Archaeology Ethiopia Committee, 1946-1954; A120 Exhibition Committee; A121 Arthur Maurice Hocart Memorial Prize; A122 RAI Local Branches; A123 RAI Editorial Committee for the JRAI, 1937-1951; A124 Presidency Committee.

Royal Anthropological Institute
Rolleston family
GB 0120 MSS.4245-4247, 6119-6127, 7494 and 8184 · Collection · 1805-1947

Personal and professional correspondence, photographs and papers of George Rolleston and his son Sir Humphry Rolleston, 1805-1947. There are also miscellaneous Rolleston family papers, as well as 2 papers given by John Davy Rolleston. George Rolleston's main areas of research were in comparative anatomy, zoology, archaeology, anthropology - his correspondence was often with contempories who were prominent in the same or related fields (botanists, biologists, natural historians). Humphry Rolleston was a keen photographer, and his albums contain a total of 323 photographs. These include portraits of relatives and friends, as well as contemporaries who were subsequently prominent in medicine and surgery. There are also general photographs taken during his career in medicine which are of interest for medical historians. His correspondence and papers cover both professional and personal matters.

Rolleston , George , 1829-1881 , Professor of Anatomy and Physiology Rolleston , John Davy , 1873-1946 , physician Rolleston , Sir , Humphrey Davy , 1862-1944 , Knight , physician
GB 0402 FJR · 1921-1945

Papers of Francis Rodd, including typescript copies of journals and astronomical and hypsometric records on expeditions to Air and the southern Sahara, 1922 and 1927. Seven folders of notes and correspondence relating to the same expeditions: notes on the Sahara from authorities of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; journal of route in 1927, with geographical and meteorological notes; drawings, unused chapters of Rodd's book People of the veil; copies of rock drawings, drafts for book lectures; diary, 1927; correspondence concerning the planning and conclusion of the expedition; papers on special subjects arising out of the 1927 expedition including botanical, anthropological and archaeological; survey notes; notes on instruments and chronometer ratings and letters from Francis and Peter Rodd to their parents, May-Jun 1927.

Rodd , Francis James Rennell , 1895-1978 , 2nd Baron , merchant banker and geographer
GB 0097 RICHARDS · Collection · 1902-1984

Richards' anthropological papers, including very full field notes from her research in Zambia and Uganda, together with a parallel set of field diaries, and a few diaries and notes from her research in South Africa; texts drafts and notes for papers and lectures; correspondence, mainly relating to anthropological subjects; material about Bronislaw Malinowski; letters home from Africa to Richards' mother and sister; testimonials and other material relating to Richards' career; printed material, including offprints and a press cuttings book; and additional material from sources other than Richards.

Richards , Audrey Isabel , 1899-1984 , anthropologist
GB 0097 READ · Collection · 1935-1969

This collection covers Read's fieldwork among the Ngoni of Malawi, 1935-1939, her work on education and nutrition in India 1958-1960, her teaching, and her published works.

Read, Margaret, 1889-1991, social anthropologist
GB 1446 MS 101-109 and 445 · [1919-1930]

Papers of Robert Sutherland Rattray, [1919-1930] including:

MS 101 and 102

19 anthropological papers by various authors, [1919-25].

MS 103

Manuscript transliteration of Hausa laws [from Arabic to Hausa] in a number of hands; with an introduction and preface by Rattray.

MS 104

Three notebooks containing manuscript notes on Nankani customs, [1928-1929].

MS 105

Six notebooks containing notes on language, grammar and vocabulary of a number of languages including Mole and Isal, 1928-1929.

MS 106

25 note-blocks containing notes on subjects including genealogy; prohibited marriages; Ashanti weights; Abrammuo; Kobina Winak, Headman; Baya ceremony; drum talking cylinders; weaving Ntama-nweno; Obonus ceremony at Tekimas; Nsa, cloth use at funerals; Ashanti law, constitution, history and folklore; Maine's Ancient Law; enstoolment; training of a priest; Adamfo in Kuman and the history and constitution of Kwawu.

MS 107

Notebooks containing field notes and genealogies on Ashanti law and constitution, 1925.

MS 108

Note blocks containing field notes, 1927, on subjects including Kwawu; Nkyinnyewa or Nkwawie and genealogy notes of Osai Bonsu mamid.

MS 109

Note blocks containing field notes, 1928-1930, on subjects including: vocabularies of a number of African languages; Nankani customs and folk tales; the Dagaba classification-system; Isala modern constitution claims; Isala and Dagaba tribes; kobi classification system, inheritance and clans; Kusassi custom; Mamprum constitution; Dagomba constitution and history of Gwalo.

MS 445

Photographs and illustrations taken in Ashanti and the Northern Territories, Ghana, with letters and record books.

Rattray , Robert Sutherland , 1881-1938 , colonial official and ethnographer
GB 378 LDGSL 1101 · Series · [1972]

Typescript draft, with corrections, of paper 'The Piltdown Problem Reconsidered' by Dr Kenneth Page Oakley, [1972]. Paper describes the circumstances of the original Piltdown discovery by Charles Dawson and recounts Oakley's involvement in proving that the affair was a fraud.

OAKLEY , Kenneth Page , 1911-1981 , anthropologist
GB 0097 NADEL · Collection · 1934-1955

Fieldwork notes from Nadel's Nupe and Nuba tribal studies; diaries and papers from his time in Ethiopia and Eritrea; material relating to Nadel's lectures and papers, including draft articles, correspondence and offprints; and photographs from Nadel's expeditions.

Nadel, Siegfried Frederick, 1903-1956, anthropologist
GB 0120 PP/AEM · 1919-1996

Biographical material includes the draft of Mourant's autobiography, Blood and Stones published after his death in 1995, together with the correspondence and papers Mourant assembled while writing it. There is also documentation of Mourant's education at Victoria College Jersey and at Exeter College Oxford. The latter includes notes on lectures 1922 - ca 1926. Documentation of Mourant's career, honours and awards is patchy, although there is material relating to his search for employment in the early 1930s. There are pocket diaries spanning 1915-1982, with a fairly continuous sequence 1922-1961. Biographical material also includes extensive family and personal correspondence, much of which dates from or relates to the German occupation of Jersey or shortly thereafter. Mourant's other documented interests include his membership of the Methodist Church and his political affiliations, the League of Nations Union in particular.

There is a little material relating to Mourant's early career with the Geological Survey 1929-1931, miscellaneous material relating to Mourant's service with the MRC's Blood Group Reference Laboratory at the Lister Institute and the Nuffield (later Anthropological) Blood Group Centre at the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, and more extensive but uneven coverage of the Serological Population Genetics Laboratory. Although there is some documentation of the foundation of the Laboratory 1964-1965 and of its staff, the surviving material consists chiefly of correspondence and papers relating to Mourant's largely successful efforts to find continued funding for the Laboratory 1969-1977. Haematological research material, though not extensive, covers Mourant's work in a number of areas from research on blood serum in the mid-1940s to the mapping of blood groups in the 1960s and 1970s. There are early research notes, correspondence and papers relating to student and other expeditions undertaking blood group and physical anthropology research and some MRC material assembled by Mourant relating to projects in which he had an interest. The largest group of research papers, however, is maps and data produced during preparation of the second edition of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups. There is a chronological sequence of drafts and correspondence relating to Mourant's publications, 1929-1991, with extensive material relating to editions of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups and to The Genetics of the Jews (1978). There is also editorial correspondence relating to publishers and journals, chiefly invitations to review books or referee papers and an incomplete set of offprints. There is correspondence and papers relating to some of Mourant's lectures and broadcasts, most notably the lectures on blood groups given at the Collège de France, Toulouse, 1978-1979. Societies and organisations material is not extensive, and is confined to brief documentation of only a few of the societies and organisations with which Mourant was associated. It includes professional and geological bodies as well as haematological, biological and medical organisations. Visits and conferences material covers the period 1960-1987. It is not comprehensive, though there is also considerable documentation of Mourant's visits and conferences in the papers he assembled in the course of preparing his biography and with lectures material. Mourant's correspondence is extensive. Its complexity reflects Mourant's organisation of the material, the bulk of which was found in three main series: 'Foreign 1965-1977', 'Biological' and 'Geological', together with a fragment of a fourth series 'Home 1965-1977'. Principal correspondents include C.C. Blackwell, B. Bonné, O.J. Brendemoen, V.A. Clarke, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, A. W. Eriksson, T.J. Greenwalt, J.K. Moor-Jankowski, T. Jenkins, W.S. Pollitzer, D.F. Roberts, J. Ruffié, D. Tills and J.S. Weiner.

Mourant , Arthur Ernest , 1904-1994 , haematologist and geologist
GB 0101 ICS 55 · 1933-1967

Papers of Zachariah Keodirelang Matthews, 1933-1967; comprising typescript drafts for autobiography, including chapters on the Native Representative Council of South Africa, his role in the African National Congress (ANC) and his detention and trial for High Treason in 1956; microfilm of Z K Matthews personal papers comprising papers on his academic research on anthropology and native law, 1933-1935; correspondence and papers on his political activities, including material on the Native Representative Council of South Africa, 1942-1946, the ANC, 1942-1955; papers on Treason Trials, 1956-1961; general political correspondence, 1936-1967, includes letters from Govan Mbeki, Helen Suzman, Canon L John Collins and others, political articles and statements by Matthews, 1930-1967; correspondence and papers on education, including correspondene on his resignation from Fort Hare University, 1959, lecture notes, articles and statements on education; personal correspondence, 1937-1968; correpondence and papers on his work for the World Council of Churches, 1960-1966; papers on political and educational affairs in Botswana, 1933-1966; miscellanea, including articles by Matthews and others.

Matthews , Zacharaih Keodirelang , 1901-1968 , anthropologist and political activist
Marian Smith collection
GB 1446 MS 268 · 1845-1988

Field notes, papers, charts, maps, photographs and references of Marian Smith, 1845-1988, notably on the following subjects: Salish, Coast Salish, North West Coast American Indians, British Columbian Sikhs, Indian subcontinent and Punjab and Bengal.

Smith , Marian Wesley , 1907-1961 , anthropologist x Akehurst , Marian
GB 0097 MALINOWSKI · [1920-1942]

Papers of Professor Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski, 1907-1947, comprising the following: Material relating to his work in the Trobriand Islands, [1907-1934], such as field notebooks, pencil drawings and notes; manuscript notes for a general ethnography of the Trobriands; notes on agriculture, economy, magic, warfare and social structure; working materials for articles; correspondence, and photographs, [1915-1918], taken whilst undertaking fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands. Material relating to Malinowski's early works, [1918-1935], such as unfiled manuscript notes on ethnological society, evolution and the functional method, early scientific notes, notes on reading in areas of sociological theory, psychology and folklore, working notes and drafts for early articles and extensive manuscript notes on economics and primitive economics. Working papers and manuscript and typescript drafts for published works and lectures, notably Coral gardens and their magic (G Allen and Unwin, London, 1935), [1916-1935]; a general study of kinship, [1919-1930], especially notes on the linguistic and cultural aspects, and drafts of chapters by both Elsie and Bronislaw Malinowski; The sexual life of savages in North-West Melanesia (Routledge and Sons, London, 1929), 1917-1938; general writings and working papers on kinship, [1920]-1939, including drafts of articles, reviews and lectures at the London School of Economics; papers relating to linguistics, [1915-1935], notably collections of Kiriwina vocabulary and texts, field records, notes on grammar, and working papers and seminar transcripts for a course of lectures on linguistics given at SOAS in 1932 and 1935; manuscript drafts, notes and papers relating to religion and myth in primitive societies, [1917-1938], including drafts for lectures and books; papers relating to culture in general and on the functional method, [1925]-1942, notably notes and drafts on the nature of culture, working papers for articles and lectures on the subject, charts for the analysis of culture, and notes for a projected book; working materials, notes, drafts and texts for lectures and papers on the function of war and nationalism in human societies, 1924-1942; working papers and drafts for Malinowski's articles on anthropology in the 1926 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, [1925-1926], and the 1937 and 1938 Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbooks, 1937-1938; notes, working papers and materials relating to law, [1924]-1942, notably revisions and part of the original manuscript of Crime and custom in savage society (Kegan Paul, London, 1926), and corrected typescripts of articles on primitive law; working materials, 1940-1942, comprising drafts, synopses and notes for a book provisionally entitled 'Human nature, freedom and civilisation', which was published posthumously. Material relating to Africa and the International African Institute, 1925-1938, including papers on finance and organisation, memoranda concerning the teaching of anthropology and research in Africa, research papers and proposals, correspondence and manuscript texts of lectures on anthropology and war; general material relating to the African research of Malinowski and his students, 1934-1941, such as working papers and drafts for The dynamics of cultural change: an inquiry into race relations in Africa (Yale University Press, New Haven, 1945), correspondence with contacts and pupils in Africa, and notes and articles on African politics and culture. Papers relating to Malinowski's teaching work, including the London School of Economics, 1923-1938, mainly comprising correspondence with and about his anthropology students, including copies of papers and fieldwork, and texts of seminars and lectures on subjects including the functional method, primitive economics, colonial administration, religion and magic and linguistics; papers relating to teaching at Yale University, 1939-1941, notably a list of referees for the appointment, correspondence relating to lectures at other US colleges, and business correspondence. Drafts, correspondence and press cuttings relating to talks given by Malinowski, notably for the BBC on 'Marriage', 'Race and African labour' and 'Science and religion', 1930-1938, and external lectures and activities, 1934-1938, such as invitations to Malinowski to deliver lectures in the UK and abroad, and papers concerning trips to the USA and Scandinavia. Printed material, 1910-1942, including offprints of published material, scrapbooks containing press cuttings relating to Malinowski (1922-1936), reviews of his books, books and journals annotated by Malinowski. Material relating to Malinowski's later life, [1933-1942], including papers concerning his position at the LSE and move to the USA following the outbreak of World War Two; typescript drafts of reviews, articles and lectures; personal and business correspondence; papers concerning Polish refugees; and material relating to fieldwork in Mexico during 1940 and 1941 and the publication of research undertaken there. Personal material, 1931-1942, including correspondence with and relating to his children; financial papers; correspondence with friends, students and colleagues, 1917-1942, notably Professor Charles Gabriel Seligman, Raymond William Firth, Sir James George Frazer, Fernando Ortiz, Robert Harry Lowie, Princess Marie Bonaparte (Princess George of Greece), Karl Mannheim, Professor Montague Francis Ashley Montagu, Phyllis Kaberry, and Audrey Isabel Richards; posthumous papers, 1942-1947, including obituaries, letters of condolence and material relating to the publication of an edition of Malinowski's papers. The papers also include correspondence relating to the Malinowski Archive and the archival collection of other anthropologists, 1951-1983.

Malinowski , Bronislaw Kasper , 1884-1942 , Professor , anthropologist
GB 0120 WTI/ALC · 1930s-1970s

Photographs and publications relating to surgery, elephantiasis and local customs in Nigeria, 1930s-1940s.

Campbell , Alexander Cosby Lovett- , 1899-1985 , medical officer
GB 1446 MS 77-89 · 1885-1950

The collection of Richard Long, 1885-1950, including:

MS 77

Manuscript and typescript notes made by Long, extracted from periodicals and books.

MS 78

Scrap paper notes made by Long.

MS 79

Correspondence between Long and S.G. Morley.

MS 80

Three notebooks containing abstracts. [Kilcavan, Geashill, 1885-1896].

MS 81

'Researches of Maya astronomy' translated 1-6, [by] Hans Ludendorff, Berlin, 1930-1933.

MS 82

Proofs of Maya hieroglyphic writing, by J.E. Thompson, Washington, 1950 with notes by Long inserted.

MS 83

Notes and abstracts from papers by various authors including on Mexico, Maya and Egypt.

MS 84

Typescript 'The new and the old in Guatemala' and 'The calendar of Soloma and of other Indian towns', by Robert Burkitt. 1929-1930 and proofs of 'The calendar of Soloma', published in Man, 1929.

MS 85

'Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimen: Tun prophecies, with comparisons from the Mani version', translated by Ralph Roys, [11 June 1948].

MS 86

Collection of reprints and photostat copies of papers by Robert H. Merrill, [1941-1947].

MS 87

Collection of reprints by various authors, including correspondence and notes, [1924-1949].

MS 88

'Further implications of Thompson's readings of Maya inscriptions at Copan', 2 Apr 1948.

MS 89

Biography of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford (1593-1641).

Long , Richard Charles Edward , 1872-1951 , solicitor
GB 1446 MS 9 · Collection · 1893

Notes on figures engraved on rocks in the Great Trap Dyke in the Peacock Hills near Bellary, Karnataka, India. Written by H J Knox in Beechen, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, 17 Nov 1893.

Knox , H J , fl 1893
GB 0114 MS0018 · Fonds · 1890-1955

The papers contain Keith's extensive correspondence, diaries (1908-1954), reports on work as conservator annual (1931-1934) and quarterly reports (1928-1932), talks, drafts of publications, unpublished manuscripts; drawings, notes on visits to Siam, Egypt and America.

Keith , Sir , Arthur , 1866-1955 , knight , Anatomist, Anthropologist and Botanist
GB 0097 KABERRY · 1938-1963

Fieldwork notes, correspondence, photographs and papers relating to the Abelam people of Papua New Guinea and the peoples of the Bamenda province of Cameroon; correspondence with other anthropologists; notes on the Abelam language, data on Abelam individuals, drafts for a projected book on the yam cult of Abelam; and language material from the Cameroon.

Kaberry, Phyllis Mary, 1910-1977, anthropologist
GB 0097 IAI · 1925-1990s

Minutes of the Executive Council and other committees; accounts; central memoranda and correspondence; projects and reports on subjects including the Ethnographic Survey of Africa, Industrialisation, Pan African Exchange, Food Supply in Gambia, West African Museums and Somali Refugees; papers concerning seminars; research works submitted to the IAI for consideration, some smaller research projects, and Nigerian intelligence reports, some of which touch on Cameroon; proofs and correspondence relating to IAI publications; printed publications; material relating to other organisations such as UNESCO, the Ford Foundation, and the United Nations Organisation; and general correspondence.

International African Institute
GB 1446 MS 27 · Collection · [1897-1947]

Anthropological papers by Charles William Hobley and other authors and related correspondence, chiefly on ethnic groups in Kenya. Listed and annotated by A W Champion, [1897-1947].

Hobley , Charles William , 1867-1947 , colonial administrator and geologist
Hacker Papers
GB 0103 HACKER · 1859-1975

Papers of Helga Hacker created while writing a biography of her father, Karl Pearson, [1920-1974]. Chiefly comprising transcripts of material in the Pearson papers held by University College London (UCL), notably on the 'Men and Women's Club' but also comprising original material including: press cuttings; notes from the Galton papers and on Galton's anthropometrical data; notes on Olive Schreiner transcripts; notes on 'Heritage' and 'Fanny and William'; notes on Karl Pearson's activities, 1881-1890; notes on Kasmiri language; notes on snails; manuscripts of essays of R J Parker; correspondence between Hacker and UCL Library; letters to Hacker on Olive Screiner; description of Dr Kahn's anatomical museum and photograph of a graph of 'Curve of fertility in man'.

Hacker , Helga Sharpe , née Pearson , 1898-1975 , daughter of Karl Pearson
GB 0097 GELLNER · [1946]-1996

Papers of Professor Ernest André Gellner, [1946]-1996, notably correspondence with friends and colleagues, [1946-1995], including Professor Sir Isaiah Berlin, Professor (Avram) Noam Chomsky, Professor Bernard Rowland Crick, Professor John Horsley Russell Davis, Professor Ralf Dahrendorf, Baron Dahrendorf of Clare Market, Professor Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, Professor Sir Raymond (William) Firth, Professor (Walter) Bryce Gallie, Sir Victor Gollancz, Professor John Rankine (Jack) Goody, Professor Richard Mervyn Hare, Professor Sir Edmund Ronald Leach, Professor Claude Lévi-Strauss, Anne Mary Lonsdale, Professor Alan Donald James Macfarlane, (Jean) Iris Murdoch, Professor Sir Karl (Raimund) Popper, Professor Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, Baron Dacre of Glanton, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, Professor Gilbert Ryle, Professor Edward W Said, Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow, George Soros, Professor Alfred Stepan, Professor (Ann) Marilyn Strathern, and Professor Sir Bernard Arthur Owen Williams; material relating to Gellner's teaching work at the London School of Economics and Cambridge University, 1977-1989, including individual files relating to his PhD students, 1977-1984, and correspondence with Macfarlane regarding the administration of the Anthropology Department at Cambridge, 1988-1989; papers created during Gellner's time as Director of the Centre for the Study of Nationalism at the central European University, 1992-1996, notably correspondence with students, material relating to conferences, Senate papers, documents concerning the financial future of the Centre, details of project funding and grant proposals, and correspondence relating to the Erasmus Chair at Warsaw University; material relating to field trips to Morocco, [1950-1968], probably in connection with Gellner's PhD thesis, including maps, manuscripts, correspondence, field notes, research notes, reports and photographs; manuscripts, 1957-1995, some with corrections, of Gellner's published books and articles, as well as unpublished material, on subjects including anthropology, Islam, social science, nationalism, politics and religion, imperialism, Marxism, the London School of Economics, philosophy, history, culture, psychoanalysis, Eastern Europe, and Russia; offprints and newspaper cuttings of reviews of Gellner's work, 1957-1995, and reviews written by Gellner concerning the work of others, 1960-1995; papers relating to the publishing of books, [1957-1996], including proofs, contracts with publishers, and correspondence; tapes and films, 1982-1990, mainly comprising lectures on philosophy by Gellner; obituaries and papers relating to the memorial service in Prague, 1995.

Gellner , Ernest André , 1925-1995 , philosopher and social anthropologist
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP65 · 1896-1969

Papers of Reginald Ruggles Gates, 1896-1969, including diaries and research notebooks, papers relating to Botanical Biology; Gates' research files; photographs; appointment diaries; correspondence; papers relating to professional memberships and conference material; press cuttings and published articles on his research interests.

Including diaries and research notebooks, 1906-1962. Papers relating to Botanical Biology, an unpublished work by Gates, including manuscript notes, statistics, photographs and plant seeds. Research files, including draft papers by Gates such as notes from publications, articles, lecture transcripts, lecture notes, chapters of books, book reviews and others. Also photographs, articles, tables of data on physical characteristics of various peoples, graphs and charts, press cuttings and correspondence, on a variety of subjects including botany, oenothera, ethnic groups, race, genetics, biology, anthropology and Gates' anthropological studies in Australia, Canada, Cuba, India, Japan, Mexico, New Guinea, Okinawa, South Africa and Taiwan. Photographs from Gates' travels to Algeria, the Amazon river, Andamanese Islands, Australia, California, Canada, Canadian Arctic, Cuba, England, Gibraltar, Italy, India, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, New Guinea, Russia, Sicily, South Africa, South Rhodesia, Spain, Swedish Lapland and Tunisia; photographs of plant life, particularly oenothera; lecture slides; photographs used for publication in various books and articles by Gates; photographs of human and ape skulls and skeletons, photographs of people suffering from genetic diseases and personal photographs. Appointment diaries, 1921-1962. Personal and professional correspondence, including personal financial papers, 1903-1962. Papers relating to professional memberships and conference material, 1922-1962; press cuttings collected by Gates, 1915-1962 and printed material collected by Gates and his widow, 1928-1966, on subjects relating to his research including oenothera, botany, race, blood groups, physical anthropology, human biology, genetics, prehistoric man and population.

Gates , Reginald Ruggles , 1882-1962 , anthropologist, biologist, botanist and geneticist
GB 0097 FREEDMAN · c1940-c1970

Research papers and correspondence of Maurice Freedman, Professor of Anthropology.

Freedman , Maurice , 1920-1975 , anthropologist
FORTES, Meyer (1906-1983)
GB 1446 MS 298 · 1934

First and second reports on Meyer Fortes' field work on the Gold Coast, Africa, Jul 1934 and 14 Oct 1934.

Fortes , Meyer , 1906-1983 , anthropologist
GB 0097 FIRTH · Collection · 1902-2001

Papers relating to Sir Raymond Firth's research and professional career, including field notes and papers relating to Firth's research on the Tikopia, the Malayan peasantry and the New Zealand Maori; field notes and papers relating to Firth's studies of London kinship; texts of lectures and seminar papers delivered by Firth; subject files compiled by Firth; papers relating to relating to Firth's involvement with various academic and professional institutions, including the Association Of Social Anthropologists, the Australian National University, the Colonial Office, the Colonial Social Science Research Council, the West India Social Survey, and the London School of Economics and Political Science; correspondence, including correspondence with Bronislaw Malinowski and other professional colleagues. The collection also includes field notes, diaries and other papers relating to Rosemary Firth's research on the domestic economy of the Malayan peasantry.

Firth , Sir , Raymond William , 1901-2002 , Knight , anthropologist
GB 0120 GC/14 · Collection · 1941-1945

'Memorandum on Yellow Fever in Africa' [1941]; notebooks on tropical medicine, including case histories of blackwater fever among military personnel in West Africa, 1941-1945, and anthropology and history of Africa.

Findlay , George William Marshall , 1893-1952 , pathologist
GB 1446 MS 205 & 339 · [1890-1898]

Papers of James Edge-Partington comprising the original manuscript version of An album of the weapons, tools, ornaments … of the natives of the Pacific Islands, issued for private circulation by James Edge-Partington and Charles Heape. Manchester, 1890-8, with illustrations (MS 339) and an index of objects from the Pacific arranged geographically, 1896, some of the objects were reproduced in An album... (MS 205).

Partington , James , Edge- , 1854-1930 , ethnographer
GB 1446 MS 60, MS 61, MS 62 and MS 63 · [1930]-1939

Papers of E Dora Earthy, [1930]-1939, comprising MS 60: typescript manuscript for a book by Earthy, 1939, entitled 'Children of the Liberian hinterland', containing original photographs of Liberians; MS 61: British Association paper by Earthy (abstract only published) entitled 'The social structure of a Gbande town, Liberia'; MS 62: British Association paper by Earthy (abstract only published) entitled 'The Kisi tribe of Liberia' and MS 63: 'Krepoh Kru: a short grammatical sketch by E. Dora Earthy'.

Earthy , E Dora , fl 1930-1959 , anthropologist and plant collector
GB 1446 MS 50 · [1900-12]

Papers of Mary Edith Durham, comprise water-colours, drawings and photographs from the Balkans, [1900-1912], many of the pictures are annotated, the paintings and drawings are signed M.E. Durham, 1900 and 17 water-colours, 4 black and white drawings and 2 photographs are mounted. Images depicted include Monastery churches at Deèani and Ipek, 'Moslem' peasants at Podgorica and market places at Cetinje and Cattaro.

Durham , Mary Edith , 1863-1944 , Balkan traveller and author
GB 1446 MS 49 · c1899-1902

Papers of Mary Edith Durham, c 1899-1902, comprise six sketch books including pencil and watercolour drawings of coastal scenes and of local people and rural scenes including farms and cattle; areas depicted include Trieste, Viterbo and Nivica.

Durham , Mary Edith , 1863-1944 , Balkan traveller and author
GB 1446 MS 43 · Collection · 1900-1912

Papers of Mary Edith Durham, 1900-1912, comprise letters to the family, mainly to her mother and her sister Nelly.

Durham , Mary Edith , 1863-1944 , Balkan traveller and author
GB 1446 MS 42 · Collection · 1900-1936

Papers of Mary Edith Durham, 1900-1936, comprise notebooks mainly concerning journeys in the Balkans which include sketches, photos, postcards of places including Ostrog, Podgorica and Scutari.The notebooks also contain inserts including a coloured cartoon from Papaghan, Constantinople and notes, letter and draft of a 'Petition to the Powers'.

Durham , Mary Edith , 1863-1944 , Balkan traveller and author
GB 0114 MS0243 · Early 19th century

Papers relating to North American Indian Crania, early 19th century, comprising a drawing titled 'North American Savage Wabash Nation. Female. Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'North American Indian Wabash nation. Male. Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'North American Indian. Paunee tribe. Missouri. Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'Jack Snake. Cherokee Chief, aged about 23. (side view) Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'Jack Snake. Cherokee Chief. (front view) Drawn by Charles Alexandre Lesueur'; a drawing titled 'Head of a Carib. Drawn by F C Lewis from the skull in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons'; a drawing titled 'Head of a Carib of the Island of St Vincent. Drawn from the original' (in the museum of St Thomas's Hospital), by FC Lewis; a drawing titled 'Head of a negro, drawn from the original in the museum of St Bartholomew's Hospital by F C Lewis'; a drawing titled 'North American Indian from Columbia River, N. West Coast' by B A Vitry; and a drawing titled 'North American Indian from Columbia River, North West Coast' by B A V[itry].

Lesueur , Charles Alexandre , 1778-1846 , naturalist Lewis , Frederick Christian , 1779-1856 , engraver and landscape painter Vitry , B A , early 19th century , artist
GB 0116 Cecil Henry Desch Collection · 1884-1949

Papers of Cecil Henry Desch consist of correspondence (CHD/1) to and from various recipients, including Henry Edward Armstrong, John Oliver Arnold, Henry Balfour, Herbert John Fleure, Henri Frankfort, John Vernon Harrison, Sir John Linton Myers and Harold John Edward Peake; mainly relating to geology, archaeology, metallurgy and honours.

Desch, Cecil Henry, 1874-1958. Metallurgist
GB 0060 DF PAL · 1813-1986

Papers of Department of Palaeontology comprising:

DF100 Palaeontology Departmental Correspondence;
DF101 Registers of Palaeontology Departmental Correspondence;
DF102 Palaeontology Departmental Finance and Accounts;
DF103 Palaeontology Reports to Trustees and other Official Documents;
DF104 Palaeontology Reports of Progress, Monthly and Annual;
DF105 Palaeontology Acquisition, Loan and Exchange Correspondence and Papers;
DF106 Staff Files and Diaries;
DF107 Keeper of Palaeontology's subject files;
DF108 Palaeontology Departmental visitors books;
DF109 Publications correspondence and artwork;
DF110 Parcel books;
DF116 Correspondence and papers on Piltdown Man;
DF117 Palaeontology loan registers;
DF120 Early members of staff, correspondence and papers;
DF121 Fossil Reptilia Section: correspondence and papers;
DF122 Fossil Mollusca Section: correspondence and papers;
DF123 Fossil Echinodermata Section: correspondence and papers;
DF124 Fossil Brachiopoda Section: correspondence and papers;
DF125 Fossil and Recent Protozoa Section: correspondence and papers;
DF140 Anthropology Sub-Department correspondence;
DF141 Anthropology Sub-Department subject files;
DF142 Anthropology Sub-Department visitors books;
DF160 Palaeontology Library accessions;
DF161 Palaeontology Librarian's correspondence.

Department of Palaeontology , Natural History Museum
GB 1446 MS 40 · [1867-1878]

Scrap album by Guybon Henry Damant, [1867-1878], containing photographs of Indian scenes, reprints of anthropological articles by Damant and press cuttings relating to or by Damant. Numerous leaves have been torn out and blank leaves show erased hand writing.

Damant , Guybon Henry , 1846-1879 , colonial administrator and orientalist
CROOKE, William (1848-1923)
GB 1446 MS 123-139 · [1890]-1923

Papers of William Crooke including:

MS 123

Collection of 27 Greek stories, manuscript notes, [c 1895].

MS 124

Collection of 118 Indian stories, told by various people; recorded and translated by W. Crooke and others, manuscript notes, [1895].

MS 125

Notes on religion, magic, rites, customs, prehistory, etc. with particular reference to India, [and] part of a manuscript of a new edition of Popular religion and folklore in northern India, [1890-1921].

MS 126

Papers, notes and correspondence on death, funeral and the soul, including material used in Religion and folklore of Northern India, and draft chapters and articles.

MS 127

Material for a glossary of Indian terms arranged in alphabetical order and supported by notes, references and correspondence.

MS 128

Correspondence between Crooke and John Murray, publishers. London and accounts relating to Things Indian, by Crooke, 1906-1923.

MS 129

Loose notes and references by Crooke including on Finger folklore; Hair and Swinging rites.

MS 130

Bibliographies, notes, papers, references and cuttings gathered by Crooke.

MS 131

Notes on folklore, magic, rites and customs, including prehistory, mainly India.

MS 132

Lecture notes and papers by Crooke, 1915-[1923].

MS 133

Draft of a history of Rajput society or of Rajputanas, [1908-1915].

MS 135

Notes for a lecture, 'Cults of Mother Goddess' and correspondence concerning cow worship and cattle veneration.

MS 136

Annotated typescript draft of book entitled, The folk-beliefs of the Homeric poems.

MS 137

Notes and correspondence pertaining to edition The Diary of John Fryer's voyage in the Hakluyt Society series and notes and correspondence pertaining to Fanny Parkes' 'Wanderings of a Pilgrim', 1908-1916.

MS 138

Papers relating to an entry in the Encyclopaedia Britannica by Crooke: 'Saints and martyrs (Indian)' including a glossary of saints and martyrs.

MS 139

Correspondence, including detailed description of native cloths and wooden and stone vessels, 1900-1921.

Crooke , William , 1848-1923 , colonial administrator
GB 0097 CLARKE · [1930]-1949

Field notes and working files collected by Edith Clarke and others for a survey of marriage and parentage in three rural communities in Jamaica, 1948-1949, known as the West Indian Social Survey. The two-year study was sponsored by the Colonial Social Science Research Council, and financed by the Colonial Office from funds provided for research under the Colonial Development and Welfare Act. The fieldwork was supervised by an advisory committee of the London School of Economics, comprising Professor Raymond Firth, Professor David Victor Glass and Professor Isaac Schapera.

Clarke , Edith , 1896-1979 , Jamaican anthropologist
GB 0097 CHILVER · 1953-1994

Papers collated by Elizabeth Millicent Chilver, mainly relating to anthropological work in Cameroon, 1963-1989, notably papers by various authors on the anthropology of the Cameroon Grasslands, 1963 and 1989, covering subjects including matrilineal society, witchcraft, magic and divination, with notes on the authors by Chilver; working notes on the Kingdom of Bum in the north-west province of Cameroon, compiled by Chilver in 1993, including a volume of photographs; translations of German documents dated 1908-1913 relating to German policy in the Bamenda Division in the north-west province of Cameroon; photographs of Chilver and Audrey Isabel Richards in Uganda and Cameroon, with an explanatory postcard by Chilver; copy of a memoranda by Dr Mervyn David Waldegrave Jeffreys, Senior District Officer in charge of the Bamenda Division, and Mr F R Kay, District Officer, on land tenure in Nigeria and the South Cameroons, 1936; copies of press cuttings about womens' demonstrations in south-west Cameroon, 1994; and two letters to Chilver regarding conditions in Uganda, 1953-1957, from Lady Helen Cohen, wife of the Governor of Uganda, and Mrs Noni Crossfield.

Chilver , Elizabeth Millicent (Sally) , b 1914 , née Graves , political scientist and anthropologist
GB 0097 CARLTON · Collection · 1965-2004

Papers and correspondence concerning the work of the Labour Party, Fabian Society and the role of women in politics, 1965-2004, including papers relating to a study of Deptford Labour Party, 1984-1985; Special Advisers pay and meetings, Royal Institute of Public Administration 1974-1992; leadership and deputy leadership elections, 1983-1988; Broadcasting bill 1989; Labour common market safeguards and Euro safeguards campaign, 1986-1995; John Silkin's reselection and Deptford CLP membership 1983-1986; evidence to Fabian Society 1992; NHS Support Federation 1990-1991; devolution, c 1976; Labour Solidarity Campaign 1982; Defence Spokesmen resignations 1983-2004; defence, 1983; Parliamentarians for World Order, peace initiative 1982-1984. Also unpublished articles, c 2003-c2004; Carlton's correspondence as Labour Party Local Government Officer 1967-1973, and copies of PARTNERSHIP: Newsletters for Labour Councillors, Volumes 1965-1972

Carlton , Ann , fl 1965-2004 , Labour party activist