Asian languages

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    Display note(s)

      Equivalent terms

      Asian languages

      • UF Oriental languages
      • UF Langue orientale
      • UF Lengua oriental

      Associated terms

      Asian languages

      2 Archival description results for Asian languages

      2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0102 PP MS 8 · Created 1890-1957

      Papers, 1890-1957, of Sir Edward Denison Ross and his wife Dora, comprising his correspondence, including that with his wife (1902-1940); personal material including diaries and notebooks of Lady Ross; articles, lecture notes, language material and notes gathered by J. A. Chapman whilst editing Denison Ross's autobiography Both Ends of the Candle published in 1943.

      Ross , Lady , Dora , 1869-1940 , née Robinson
      Ross , Sir , Edward Denison , 1871-1940 , Knight , Orientalist
      GB 0099 KCLMA Jacobs-Larkcom · Created 1916-1945

      Papers relating to service in World War One, 1917-1919, and in China, 1921-1945, including copies of personal letters from Army colleagues, 1918-1919; copy of manuscript account of service during third battle of Ypres, 1917; typescript narrative diary of 15 Field Company Royal Engineers, 8 Div, 2 Army, Somme, German March offensive, 1918, with copy of manuscript account ofthe German attack, 21 Mar 1918; correspondence relating to road surveys in China, 1921-1927, with copy of typescript account of journey by Jacobs-Larkcom from Yunnan to Sichuan, China, 1921; copies of two manuscript narrative diaries, British Military Mission to China, 1943-1945; three typescript articles relating to China entitled 'Disease', 'For those interested in the Chinese language' and 'River travel-and a question of cash' [1945].
