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      • UP Biomaterials
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      • UP Biomaterial

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      12 Descrição arquivística resultados para Biochemicals

      Chick, Dame Harriette (1875-1977)
      GB 0120 PP/CHI · 1906-1974

      Papers of Dame Harriette Chick: this collection represents a relatively limited record of Chick's long and active career. It is particularly strong on the period around her important work in Vienna, 1919-1921, and includes some material relating to other research on nutritional questions.

      Sem título
      Harris, Professor Henry Albert (1885-1968)
      GB 0120 GC/19 · Coleção · 1932-1945

      Correspondence on the enzyme phosphotase, 1932; correspondence, notes, lists, pamphlets etc re talks to forces (general and on first aid) during Second World War; anatomical and physiological information supplied to RAF; personal correspondence, 1940-1945.

      Sem título
      Clarke Papers
      GB 0103 CLARKE · 1963-2003

      Papers of Patricia Hannah Clarke, 1963-2003, comprising biographical material including autobiographical material compiled for Clarke's personal record as a Fellow of the Royal Society; curriculum vitae; video of an interview for the Biochemical Society; papers relating to Deer Park School, Cirencester of which Clarke was a Governor, 1988-1999 and correspondence with local and national politicians on education, tobacco advertising and asylum seekers.

      Papers relating to Clarke's interest in the historical contribution of women scientists and her concern in encouraging women scientists. Includes, correspondence, notes, printed reports and photocopied material used for a number of activities including her lecture 'Women in Science at University College, 1878-1978', 1992; Royal Society meeting on 'Women in Science and Technology: opportunities for change?', 28 May 1993; papers relating to Clarke's service on the Committee on Women in Science, Engineering and Technology and a meeting on Women in Science at the Royal Society, 27 Mar 2001.

      Publications including an incomplete set of offprints of Clarke's works; papers relating to her biographical memoirs of Roger Yate Stanier and Michael Douglas Lilly and her entry for Muriel Robertson for the New Dictionary of National Biography; lecture material including for Clarke's Royal Society Leeuwenhoek Lecture 'Experiments in microbial evolution: new enzymes, new metabolic activities', 1979, and the 19th J D Bernal Lecture, 'New directions in biology: basic science and biotechnology', delivered at Birkbeck College London, 1988.

      Papers relating to eight UK and overseas societies and organisations, 1975-2001, including the British National Bibliographical Research Fund, the Royal Society, the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia and the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong.

      Papers relating to Clarke's visits and conferences, 1971-1998, including visits to the Far East including Singapore, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong and meetings marking the centenary of the birth of J B S Haldane, 1992.

      Correspondence, including with researchers at University College London, colleagues in the UK and scientists in the USA and Europe. Correspondents include R E Drew, B W Holloway, S Brenner; H L Kornberg, R D Sager and R Y Stanier.

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      Mann, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph (1908-1993)
      GB 0120 GC/64 · Coleção · 1938-1984

      Papers of Thaddeus Robert Rudolph Mann, 1938-1984; comprising biographical and bibliographical material, notebooks and reprints on enzyme research, 1938-1954; photographs of the Molteno Institute of Biology and Parasitology, Cambridge, 1925-1960.

      Sem título
      Gilpin, Archibald (1906-1959)
      GB 0120 GC/84 · 1923-1959

      Papers of Archibald Gilpin including notebooks, 1923; case notes; writings, 1930s-1940s; and papers on clinical trials of cortisone.

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      Rolleston, Sir Humphrey Davy (1862-1944)
      GB 0114 MS0167 · c1940

      Papers of Sir Humphrey Davy Rolleston, c 1940, comprising 10 files of manuscript material containing notes for articles on subjects such as the thymus, pineal, pancreas, carotid body, diabetes, and tuberculosis; notes for the review of a volume on the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1939; biographical notes on individuals including Caspar Bartholinus, Edmund Dickinson, and Jonathan Goddard; and a list of the biographical notes sent to the Royal College of Physicians in 1945. The notes are written on recycled correspondence and papers dating from the late 1930s to the early 1940s.

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      Halliburton, William Dobinson (1860-1931)
      GB 0120 MSS.2672-2719 · 1874-1902

      Note-books of William Dobinson Halliburton chiefly of lecture notes taken while a student at University College, London. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in London, 1874-1902.

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      Vogt, Marthe Louise (1903-2003)
      GB 0120 PP/MLV · 1895-1988

      Papers of Marthe Vogt, relating almost entirely to Vogt's scientific career, 1895-1988. Personal material is found in section A and includes a rare set of publications by her distinguished scientist parents Oskar and Cécile Vogt (A/1/2-4), a bibliography of Oskar Vogt (A/1/1), plus biographical information on Marthe Vogt (A/2) and various certificates of awards presented to her (A/3). Section B chiefly comprises notebooks and other papers relating to her experimental research, from Vogt's Berlin days through to the early 1980s. This research, meticulously recorded by Vogt, formed the background to many of her important and seminal papers in the field of neurotransmitters. The bulk of the collection is formed by Section C; 20 boxes of Vogt's correspondence covering all aspects of her work and career, chiefly from her arrival in Britain in 1935 up until 1988. This has been listed in detail and is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Section D is a rather miscellaneous grouping of material relating to various aspects of Vogt's work. It includes papers and lectures on her adrenal research (D/1), lists of those who were sent reprints of her published articles (D/2), some ephemera relating to the Institute of Animal Research at Babraham (D/3), Vogt's University of Berlin doctoral thesis 1929 (D/4/1) and some book reviews written by her between 1952 and 1983 (D/4/2). The photographs comprising Section E include portraits of Vogt's father, mother and sister taken in Germany (E/1), an excellent collection of portraits of Marthe Vogt (E/2) and series documenting her attendance at conferences all over the world (E/4) and her many colleagues-friends and contacts (E/3).

      Sem título
      Pirie, Norman Wingate (1907-1997)
      GB 0117 NWP · sub-fonds · 1926-1999

      The collection is particularly noteworthy for its full documentation of all aspects of Pirie's research, development and promotion of leaf protein for human comsumption. It is divided into the following sections:

      Section A, Biographical. It includes obituaries, a copy of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir, a little documentation of undergraduate work, and historical material assembled by Pirie relating to J Brachel, J B S Haldane, F G Hopklins, and H H Mann. Miscellaneous material includes Pirie's philosophical notes on the nature of life the scientific method and other topics.

      Section B, Research notebooks. These complete the sequence of numbered notebooks listed in the 'Catalogue of the Papers of Sir Frederick Charles Bawden including the papers of Alfred Alexander, Peter Kleczkowski and Norman Wingate Pirie' and also deposited in the Archives of the Royal Society. The sequence presented here runs from 1929-1996, with the missing notebooks to be found in the Bawden collection. The work documented includes Pirie's earliest research with A A Miles on 'Brucella abortus' and 'Brucella mellitensis', his research with F C Bawden on viruses, and the many facets of his work on leaf protein to the end of his life. There are also two numbered notebooks not included in the sequence which date from the 1940s.

      Section C, Leaf Protein work. This is the largest section in the collection and documents the work for which Pirie became widely known. The material comers Pirie's own research work on leaf protein, his interest in leaf protein work worldwide, the promotion of leaf protein and the development of equipment, especially suitable for use in less developed countries, which could be used to extract it. There is documentation of Pirie's struggles within the Agricultural Research Council to find support for his work, his reports on progress and later fund raising for his reasearch. There is material relating to design and construction of leaf protein apparatus of various types. Pirie believed strongly that leaf protein could make a positive contribution to nutrition in poorer countries and trials were undertaken in India, Jamaica and other countries. Latterly he found backing for his work from the 'Find Your Feet' charity and this relationship is documented. Also of interest is Pirie's interest in promoting leaf protein, including sample recipes using the foodstuff.

      Section D, Other Research interests. This focuses on Pirie's earlier research, including the work for which he was elected to the Royal Society and was awarded the Copley Medal. It is not extensive and should be consulted alongside the notebooks in Section B. It is presented by topic and includes research on tobacco mosaic and tomato bushy stunt viruses by Pirie and F C Bawden in the 1930's, work on 'Brucella abortus' in the 1930's and 1940's and bracken extraction in the 1950's. There is also material relating to various alternative sources of protein, including seafood, which relates to this interest in nutrition. Miscellaneous material includes documentation of Pirie's lobbying on behalf of 'biochemical engineering' research in the 1950's.

      Section E, Drafts and Publications. This presents drafts and related material including publication on food resources and his 1987 book 'Leaf Protein and its by-products in human and animal nutrition', a small number of book reviews and a little editorial correspondence. The bulk of the section, however, comprises a sequence of Pirie's volumes of bound offprints, from 1929 to 1991 (with material for 1992-1996 unbound). This sequence is more than just a full record of Pirie's published work output, as intercalated or pasted to pages of the volumes are typescripts of unpublished work or work not published in full, reports on research, visits abroad etc, correspondence, and letters to the press on a wide variety of topics including nuclear weapons, the Communist Party, space exploration, scientific writing and world nutrition. The offprints themselves may bear later manuscript annotations and typescript notes by Pirtie, giving improved methods, corrections and later bibliographical references.

      Section F, Visits and Conferences. These document a few of Pirie's visits 1946-1989. There is material relating to extended visits to the USA in 1946, to Czechoslovakia, the USSR and China in 1952, and later visits in connection with leaf protein work. The lack of coverage is partially compensated for by the quality of some of the documentation of the visits, including Pirie's manuscript and typescript notes and his official reports.

      Section G, Correspondence. This is again partial in its coverage. The bulk relates to Pirie's work on leaf protein. There are also individual letters from significant correspondents, from the 1930's on, including A Szent-George, J B S Haldane, G C de Hervey, Sir Peter Medawar, T Svendberg, R L M Synge etc, which Piries appears to have kept for historical reasons. The correspondence is presented in alphabetical order by correspondent.

      Sem título
      British Insulin Manufacturers
      GB 0120 WF/BIM · [1938-1967]
      Parte de Wellcome Foundation Ltd

      Papers of the Burroughs Wellcome and Co arm of the British Insulin Manufacturers (BIM) including correspondence, marketing, production and research of insulin. Most of the papers date from 1938-1953. Also including British Insulin Manufacturers committee minutes.

      Sem título
      Insulin Controversy
      GB 0120 GC/67 · Coleção · 1922-1959

      Copy documents collected by Sir Henry Dale c 1959 relating to the controversy over the responsibility for the discovery of insulin in Toronto in 1922.

      Sem título
      Lilly Papers
      GB 0103 LILLY · 1957-2003

      Papers of Malcolm Lilly, 1957-2003, comprising biographical papers including obituary; curriculum vitae; bibliography; list of theses supervised and an account of Lilly's efforts to secure membership of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.

      Notebooks, 1962-1998 and research notes, 1965-1997, including on control systems, fermentation and progesterone conversion.

      Papers relating to biochemical engineering at University College London (UCL), including on the history of development of biochemical engineering at UCL; the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering; the Interdisciplinary Research Centre; research grants, teaching, training and personnel.

      Publications by Lilly, 1962-2003; manuscript and typescript drafts for publications and unpublished drafts and correspondence relating to journals with which Lilly was associated with as author, reviewer or editor.

      Transcripts of Lilly's public and invitation lectures, 1966-1996, including on 'Immobilised Enzyme Reactors', Developments in Biocatalysis', 'Two-liquid phase biocatalytic reactors', 'Industrial use of Biocatalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis' and 'Biochemical Engineering - It's Contribution to Society.' Also untitled and draft lecture notes and visual material.

      Papers relating to twenty four British and international organisations and societies including the European Commission, the European Federation of Biotechnology; the International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering and the Institute for Biotechnology Studies.

      Papers relating to Lilly's consultancy work with twenty one commercial organisations including Beckman Instruments; Beecham Group Ltd and Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories.

      Papers relating to visits and conferences, 1964-1998, including programmes, lists of participants; abstracts and Lilly's notes on proceedings.

      Correspondence, 1966-1998, including references and recommendations.

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