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      • UF Biological sciences
      • UF Sciences biologiques
      • UF Ciencias biológicas

      380 Archival description results for Biology

      380 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0505 PP27 · 1904-1948

      Papers relating to her life and career, 1904-1948, including correspondence and notes, 1904-1906, mainly relating to experiments by Berridge on the fertilisation of Carpinus Betulus (European Hornbeam), and the publication of a paper on the subject by the Linnean Society, notably including correspondence with Professor Margaret Jane Benson, Head of the Botany Department at Royal Holloway College, and a copy of 'Contributions to the embryology of the Amentiferae part II: Carpinus Betulus' by Berridge, Benson and Elizabeth Sanday, [1905]; correspondence, 1912, between Berridge and Professor Margaret Jane Benson, on the collection of new flower samples and the prospective reading of their Amentiferae paper in Dundee; research notes by Berridge, 1910-1948, on a variety of botanical subjects including Carpinus and agglutination, mainly comprising notebooks, notes on articles and experiment notes; notebook, 1948, belonging to Professor Elizabeth Marianne Blackwell, Head of the Botany Department at Royal Holloway College, containing obituaries of Berridge from the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, 26 Nov 1948, and Nature vol 161, 17 Jan 1948, with a list of Berridge's papers.

      Berridge , Emily Mary , 1872-1947 , botanist
      GB 0120 MSS.1140-1142 · 1748-1757

      Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Berlin, avec des Mémoires: Classe de Philosophie Expérimentale. Illustrated with folding and other pen and wash drawings. Produced in Berlin, 1748-1757.

      Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften
      GB 0505 PP26 · 1871-1943

      Correspondence, 1892-1943, between Benson and various academic colleagues, mainly on subjects relating to botany, and the reading and publication of papers by women to scientific societies, notably with Professor Francis Wall Oliver, Professor of Botany at University College London, Professor Sir Albert Charles Seward, Professor of Botany at Cambridge University, and Dukinfield Henry Scott, President of the Linnean Society. Papers, 1871, 1906 and [1936] relating to Benson's death, including her childhood exercise book, 1897, given to Professor Elizabeth Marianne Blackwell, Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, various copies of the obituary notice written by Blackwell, [1936], and material relating to a bequest by Benson to the Botanical Laboratory at Royal Holloway College, [1936]. Photographs, [1893-1922] of staff and student life at Royal Holloway College, including boating scenes, costume tableaux in the College quad, formal portraits of Benson in academic dress, and laboratories in the College.

      Benson , Margaret Jane , 1859-1936 , botanist
      GB 1538 S1 · 1913-1931

      Papers of William Blair-Bell, 1913-1931, comprising personal correspondence, correspondence and papers relating to the treatment of cancer, and letters relating to individual patients; casebooks, 1900-1903, 1908-1911; notebook containing physiological tracings obtained by Blair-Bell and G H Lansdown, 1893; notebook of test results kept for Blair-Bell, 1911 with case notes inserted; Blair-Bell's lecture notebooks, c1904, on topics including chemistry, insanity, anatomy, diseases of the eye, psychology, surgical pathology, zoology, physiology, intestinal obstruction, surgery, tumours: innocent and malignant, midwifery and gynaecology, infectious diseases, diseases of the gall bladder, a sketchbook of histology and loose notes on various medical conditions; notebooks entitled 'catalogue of old books belonging to W Blair Bell', divided into 'general' and 'medical', 1907 and thesis by Helen Standring, 'An investigation of the cause and treatment of uterine inertia', 1928.

      Bell , William Blair- , 1871-1936 , President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
      GB 0114 MS0219 · Early 19th century-1842

      Papers of Sir Charles Bell, early 19th century-1842, comprising drawings by Sir Charles Bell, early 19th century; and letters and miscellaneous material, 1821-1842.

      Bell , Sir , Charles , 1744-1842 , Knight , surgeon
      Bell, John (1763-1820)
      GB 0114 MS0220 · Late 18th century- early 19th century

      Papers of John Bell, late 18th century- early 19th century, comprising a watercolour painting by Bell, of the Dutch Vice Admiral Rutzius, who was mortally wounded in the Battle of Camperdown in Oct 1797; a reproduction of the watercolour which was made for Gordon Gordon-Taylor in 1951, for an article in the British Journal of Surgery; and annnotated pencil drawings of the bones of the skull.

      Bell , John , 1763-1820 , surgeon and anatomist
      Becquet, D (fl 1750)
      GB 0114 MS0181 · 1750

      Papers of D Becquet, 1750, comprising a manuscript volume in Latin, titled D. joh. Georgio Waltherio Silva Ophthalmica exscripta, ... Budissa 1679. Collecta D Becquet 1750 compiled from Johann Georg Walther's Silva Opthalmica... (1679), on the diseases of the eye.

      Becquet , D , fl 1750 , medical practitioner?
      Bayliss Papers
      GB 0103 MS ADD 273 · 1903-1962

      The papers consist of notes and notebooks of William Bayliss' experiments. There is also correspondence, press cuttings and photographs, a great part referring to the 'Brown Dog Affair' of 1903 and to other disputes between anti-vivisectionists and University College London.

      Bayliss , Sir , William Maddock , 1860-1924 , Knight , physiologist Bayliss , Leonard Ernest , 1900-1964 , physiologist
      GB 0117 Bawden papers · 1934-1973

      The papers include laboratory notebooks dealing with Bawden's research on various plant viruses, and in particular his collaborative work with N.W. Pirie and with A.A.P. Kleczkowski. There is also a detailed exchange of correspondence with Pirie on research in progress, 1937-1940. (Pirie moved to Rothamsted as Virus Physiologist in 1940 when Bawden became Head of the Plant Physiology Department.) There is a wide range of correspondence, with individuals and institutions. It deals with scientific research and problems including viral nomenclature, lectures, conferences, publications, Bawden's reports on research projects, grant applications and appointments. The correspondence relating to Bawden's overseas visits as adviser or lecturer is mainly after 1958 and is sometimes accompanied by Bawden's reports.

      Bawden , Sir , Frederick Charles , 1908-1972 , Knight , Plant pathologist
      BATE, George (1608-1669)
      GB 0113 MS-BATEG · 1654-1660

      Bate's medical casebook, 1654-1660. Containing record of prescriptions given to his patients, also includes notes and sketches.

      Bate , George , 1608-1669 , physician
      GB 0100 TH/PP7 · 1775-1776

      Papers of Thomas Basnett comprising notes on lectures on anatomy, 1775, and surgery, 1775-1776, delivered by Joseph Else (d1780).

      Basnett , Thomas S , fl 1775-1776 , medical student
      GB 0120 MSS.8531-8533 · 19th century - 20th century

      Copy of holograph manuscript of Edward Barclay-Smith's 'Advanced Course of Lectures on Anatomy', for the use of Cambridge students (this copy lent to Leonard Bousfield).

      Smith , Edward , Barclay- , 1861-1945 , Professor of Anatomy
      GB 0100 TH/PP4 · 1829-1830

      Papers of Edward Barber comprising his notes on Joseph Henry Green's lectures on the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye and ear, and anatomy and physiology of the larynx, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1829-1830.

      Barber , Edward , fl 1828-1830 , medical student Green , Joseph Henry , 1791-1863 , anatomist
      Banana Industry in Cameroon
      GB 0102 MS 380640 · 1954-[1982]

      Papers, 1954-[1982], relating to the banana industry in Cameroon and in particular to organisations representing banana growers, comprising microfiche copies, undated, of papers relating to companies including Elders and Fyffes Ltd and United Fruit Shippers Ltd; meteorological statistics (1929-1982) for Tiko, Loum, Mbanga and Nkongsamba [1982]; British Cameroons Co-operative Department printed reports, 1954-1958, including statistics relating to bananas and other products, and related issues; BCUF (Bakweri Co-operative Union of Farmers) and Contracts file, 1957-1965, comprising typescript and printed papers and contracts with Elders and Fyffes Ltd relating to banana production and sales; typescript papers by David Philip on Sigatoka disease and the BCUF, 1958, and Cameroon Banana Industry, c1980; selected typescript minutes and papers of SDIBC (Syndicat de Defense de Interêts Bananier du Cameroon), 1959-1980; selected typescript minutes, 1962-1965, of FEBACAM (Federation Bananiers du Cameroon) and UGECOBAM; typescript extracts from IFAC (Institut Français de Recherches Fruitières) Programme de Reconversion Bananiere and agreements with smallholders, 1967; typescript papers on land tenure, 1967-1976.

      GB 0098 B/BALFOUR-BROWNE · Created 1925-1936

      Papers of Professor Frank Balfour-Browne, comprising correspondence relating to the Department of Entomology, and a grant to Richard B Pike, 1925-1936.

      Balfour-Browne , William Alexander Francis , 1874-1967 , naturalist
      Baldwin Papers
      GB 0103 BALDWIN · 1930-1970

      Papers and correspondence of Ernest Hubert Francis Baldwin, 1930-1970.

      The main deposit includes biographical papers, largely documenting Baldwin's academic career from 1934 onwards, including his appointment to the Chair of Biochemistry at University College London, 1950; correspondence, 1951-1968, including personal correspondence and exchanges with scientific colleagues; documentation on Baldwin's research, especially in notebook form, comprising notebooks, 1930-1933, including material documenting Baldwin's work at Cambridge with Dorothy Mary Moyle Needham, Joseph Needham and John Yudkin, a continuous sequence of ten notebooks documenting his research, 1934-1948, and notebooks kept at Woods Hole, 1948, and at Scripps, 1956-1957; extensive material relating to publications, lectures and broadcasts, illustrating Baldwin's role as writer and lecturer on biochemical matters; drafts and correspondence relating to his principal biochemical texts such as Dynamic Aspects of Biochemistry and The Nature of Biochemistry; documentation relating to public and invitation lectures and extensive teaching material prepared for his biochemistry courses at Cambridge and University College London, showing signs of revision and rearrangement, and evidence that they were used in the preparation of some of Baldwin's books; material on visits and conferences, 1948-1965, much of it documenting Baldwin's visits to the USA to attend conferences, give lectures at academic institutions, undertake research and take up visiting professorships; a little printed material on the First International Congress of Biochemistry at Cambridge in 1949.A supplementary deposit comprises biographical material, including documentation on the award of the 1952 Cortina Ulisse Prize by Edizioni Scientifiche Einaudi for the Italian edition of Baldwin's Dynamic Aspects of Biochemistry; photographic materials, including two photograph albums recording the visit to Italy during which he received the Cortina Ulisse award and a group photograph of the participants at the Third International Congress for Experimental Cytology, held at Cambridge in 1933; a small amount of material relating to Baldwin's classic biochemical texts, especially royalty statements; material on visits and conferences, including Baldwin's notes of his visit to the USSR for the All-Union Congress of Physiologists and Biochemists held in Kiev, 1955; additional material relating to Baldwin's visiting professorships in the USA for 1956-1957 (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) and 1965 (University of Kansas).

      Baldwin , Ernest Hubert Francis , 1909-1969 , biochemist
      Baker, Thomas (1710-1770)
      GB 0120 MSS.5780-5781 · 1732-1770

      Journal and account book of Thomas Baker comprising journal of a visit to Paris containing narratives of visits to the Surgeons' College of Saint-Côme, and to the hospitals of Les Invalides, L'Hôtel-Dieu, and La Charité. At the latter Baker witnessed operations for fistula in ano and facial abscess by Sauveur François Morand (1697-1733), whose collection on the pathology of bones he also inspected and account book containing accounts of his income and expenditure. Included are accounts of annual income from surgery and bleeding, and from named apprentices, dressers and surgical pupils at St Thomas' Hospital, London, where Baker held the post of Surgeon from 1739. On ff. 1, 2, 40, 41 and on the end-papers are notes by Baker and others on his family and on surgeons at St Thomas' Hospital, 1703-1768.

      Baker , Thomas , 1710-1770 , surgeon
      BAILLIE, Matthew (1761-1823)
      GB 0113 MS-BAILM · 1790-c. mid 20th century

      Papers of Matthew Baillie relating to his professional work and his publication on morbid anatomy, 1790-19th century. Collection includes bound volume of Baillie's case notes for St George's Hospital, 1790; Printed copy of Baillie's The Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts of the Human Body (1793), 2 volumes, signed with additions and alterations to the text by Baillie, 1793-c.1797; William Clift's original drawings to accompany Baillie's text, The Morbid Anatomy..., pencil and watercolour drawings, 24 leaves, n.d. c.1790s; 10 sets of 65 copper plates of A Series of Engravings Tending to Illustrate the Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts of the Human Body, n.d. c.1799; 70 black and white photographs of Clift's drawings, n.d., C20th.

      Baillie , Matthew , 1761-1823 , physician and anatomist
      BACK, Sir George (1796-1878)
      GB 0402 SGB · 1814-1878

      Papers of Sir George Back, 1814-1878, including c. 250 letters addressed to Sir George Back by various correspondents (listed by name), 1848-1878; personal letters from Back to his family, 1813-1878; photocopies of extracts from Back's sketchbook and slides of his sketches from 1819-1822 expedition to Arctic; passports and framed letter with sketches of polar bear, 1874.

      Back , Sir , George , 1796-1878 , Knight , Arctic navigator , Admiral
      GB 0114 MS0119 · c 1860

      Papers of Philip Burnard Ayres, c 1860, comprising a manuscript volume of extracts and translations from various authors (Macellus Malpighi; A Van Leuwenhoek; J Douglas; Lieutenant J P Assolaut; Delasone; Gulliver; Meyer; Vesalius; Laurentius; Sharpey; John Hughes; Cuvier; and Johannes Muller) and publications concerning the structure and functions of the spleen. The date range of the authors is 1535-1857; and a volume titled Ea qua seimus sunt pars minima eorum qua ignoramus, Linnaeuscontaining a collection of 50 plates illustrating the spleen of humans, and various animals and reptiles.

      Ayres , Philip Burnard , 1813-1863 , physician
      GB 2127 AAGBI · 1848-2002

      Archive, 1932-2002, of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI), also including some material relating to the history of anaesthesia dating back to 1848:

      Council minutes, 1932-1995; Annual General Meeting minutes, 1932-1988, 1997, and various other papers, 1934-1995 (with gaps); Advisory Committee minutes, 1978-1984, and papers, 1987; papers of various other committees, including the Safety Committee, Education and Research Committee, Archives, Library and Museum Committee, International Relations Committee, and Finance Committee.

      Records of the Group of Anaesthetists in Training (GAT), including yearbook, 1993, 1995, 1997; GAT committee election papers, 1998-1999; circulated papers concerning 'New Deal Working Patterns', 1997.

      List of Linkmen, 1995-1997; Linkmen's newsletter, 1995-1997, 1999.

      Papers on constitutional matters, including transcript of grant of arms, 1945; constitution, 1962; amendments to rules, 1971 and undated; report on the constitution of the Council, 1974; printed Memorandum of Association [after 1981] and Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1985; copy of coat of arms, 1991; papers on composition of Council, its sub-committees and working parties, 1992-1993; Standing Committee in the Republic of Ireland constitution, 1997.

      Album containing photographs and obituaries of Presidents, 1932-2002; Presidents' newsletters, 1970-1971, 1978; miscellaneous Presidential correspondence, including letters from HRH Princess Margaret (Patron of AAGBI), 1990-1998; list of Presidents (1932-1992), 1993; undated album containing photographs and biographies of officers; papers relating to elections, 1984-1998.

      Annual reports, 1933-1999 (with gaps), including lists of members to 1969.

      Papers relating to membership, including material on Fellowships, 1946-1949, 1953, honorary membership, 1987-1996, and subscription rates, [1991]-1995; lists of members, 1976-1995 (with gaps).

      Accounts, 1983; directors' report and accounts, 1987-1995 (with gaps); financial papers, including charitable donations, 1991, 1995-1996.

      Printed or typescript reports of the AAGBI, its Working Parties, or Irish Standing Committee, 1963-1997, on subjects including staffing and manpower, anaesthetists' workload, stress, the Lewin Report (1970) on the organisation and staffing of operating departments, provision of anaesthetic services and accommodation, private fees, dental anaesthetics and anaesthesia in general practice, day case anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthetic practice, management of trauma, intensive care, management of pain, use of drugs, anaphylactic shock, HIV and other viruses, anaesthetic equipment, recovery facilities, standards of monitoring, and other professional techniques and practices.

      Publications of AAGBI, comprising guidelines, booklets and leaflets (largely aimed at Anaesthetists), 1975-1998, on subjects including anaesthetists' workloads, career appointments, professional references, fees for and conduct of private anaesthetic practice, anaphylaxis under general anaesthesia, prescription of Noscapine, consent forms, checklist for anaesthetic machines, standards of monitoring, obstetrics, intensive care, AIDS and Hepatitis B, and other professional matters; also including some information leaflets on anaesthesia aimed at the general public.

      Programme of the first Scientific Meeting, 1957; papers on the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), 1991-1997; papers on the Winter Scientific Meeting (WSM), 1992-1997; papers, including programmes and minutes, relating to various other AAGBI meetings, seminars, training events, lectures, dinners and other events, 1958-1998, including some joint events with other bodies, and some events relating to the history of anaesthesia rather than its current practice. Papers of the GAT ASM and annual Linkman Conference, 1995-1998, including some sound and video recordings, 1997. Ephemera and other material relating to events, including congratulatory address on the silver jubilee from the Finnish Society of Anaesthetists, 1957; historical note on AAGBI for the golden jubilee, 1982; diamond jubilee flag, 1992; ephemera relating to various social events, 1967-1998; menus for AAGBI Ancient Brethren Luncheon, 1995-1997; visitors' books, 1951-1972, 1984.

      Various papers relating to honours and prizes awarded by the AAGBI, 1946-1998, including the Sir Ivan Magill Gold Medal and John Snow Silver Medal, John Snow lecture, and Pask Certificate of Honour; undergraduate prize essays, 1987-1997 (with gaps); entries for the AAGBI Safety Prize, 1995, 1997; reports and papers of recipients of travel grants and scholarships, 1997-1998.

      Papers, 1984-1987, including correspondence, plans, press cuttings and other printed material, relating to the appeal for funds, acquisition and opening of the new AAGBI headquarters at no 9 Bedford Square, London, including material relating to the earlier history of the premises.

      Papers, 1953-1995, relating to the King collection of historic apparatus, including its acquisition, and to the administration of the AAGBI museum, archives and library, including advertisements for museum exhibitions on the history of anaesthesia, 1991-1997 (with gaps), and offprint of K Bryn Thomas's 'The A Charles King collection of early anaesthetic apparatus', Anaesthesia, vol 25 no 4, October 1970.

      Papers, 1947-1999, on professional issues accumulated by the AAGBI, relating to anaesthetics but also touching on wider medical issues, including papers of AAGBI working parties on professional topics, and also papers and publications, for instance reports and discussion documents, produced by government bodies (e.g. NHS Executive and Audit Commission) and by other medical organisations, including other professional bodies representing anaesthetists in the UK and overseas, among them papers relating to the implications of the creation of a College of Anaesthetists and the structure of anaesthetic organisation, 1974-1979.

      Various papers relating to international conferences, 1978-1999, including joint meetings of the AAGBI.

      Papers, 1857-1998, relating to the history of anaesthetics, including material on eminent anaesthetists, such as Sir Ivan Magill, John Snow and Sir Robert Macintosh, and the restoration of graves of some eminent anaesthetists; anniversaries in the history of anaesthesia including the 150th anniversary of the first public administration of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital (1846); the history of anaesthetic apparatus; a letter written at Lucknow, India, concerning an amputation, 1857; memoirs including Vernon Hall's Reminiscences and Anaesthesia in India 1939-1946 (privately published, 1997); published items including copies of articles on chloroform and vinic ether, 1875, and vapour of aether, 1933, and a facsimile edition, 1996, of Allen & Hanburys Ltd catalogue of anaesthetic and oxygen apparatus (1938); material relating to the history of the AAGBI, including its coat of arms.

      Miscellaneous printed items relating to other organisations, 1987-1997, including the Pain Society.

      Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
      GB 0120 MSS.5310-5312 · 1882-1892

      Minute books of the Council and Executive Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research, with inserted loose papers, from its formation in 1882 until 1892; minutes of the sub-committee on the Promotion of Research, 1882-1883, and letters to Stephen Paget, 1891-1892.

      Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research
      Armitage Dispensing Chemist
      GB 0120 GC/100 · Collection · 1899-1943

      Armitage Dispensing Chemist prescription registers 1899-1943, a total of 30 items, 1-27: registers, 1899-1940; 28-30: Records of Prescriptions Dispensed for Particular Doctors, 1919-1925, 1928-1943.

      Armitage Dispensing Chemists
      GB 0114 MS0047 · 1847-1849

      Papers of John Thomas Arlidge, 1847-1849, comprising notes on dissections, anatomical and related topics, compiled while he was a student of anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons.

      Arlidge , John Thomas , 1822-1899 , physician
      GB 0114 MS0101 · Undated

      Undated notes and pencil sketches of anatomical and pathological subjects, including bones and muscles; the face; the spine; the eye; and the heart. Some sketches of the spine are in colour, and one sketch uses the pages as flaps to lift and reveal different layers.

      GB 0114 MS0205 · 1776-1812

      Papers of William Allison and William Jeremiah Allison, 1776-1812, comprising a volume titled Hunters Lectures Volume 1, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, c 1785. Including a portrait of William Hunter; a volume titled Hunters Lectures Volume 2, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, on topics including 'Chirurgical Operations' and 'The method given by Dr Hunter for the preservation of dead bodies called embalming', c 1775-1776; a volume titled Hunter's Lectures Volume 3, and Dr Hunter on the Gravid Uterus, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, c 1785; a volume titled A Summary View of the Succeeding Lectures, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures thought to be by William Hunter, on topics including midwifery and children's diseases, c 1785; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 1, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including blood, bile, urine, milk, anatomy and fevers; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 2 containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including diseases; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 3, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including chronic diseases, preganancy, and children's diseases; and a volume of manuscript notes by William Jeremiah Allison titled Lectures on the Principal Operations of Surgery delivered by Sir Everard Hume Bart in the year 1812.

      Allison , William Jeremiah , early to mid 19th century , physician of Ilford Allison , William , c 1762-1832 , physician of Darlington
      Allen, Benjamin (1663-1738)
      GB 0114 MS0036 · 1710-1723

      Papers of Benjamin Allen, 1710-1723, comprising two manuscript volumes with their original vellum bindings, titled Praxis Medica. Medical observations towards a knowledge and cure of diseases (1710) and Conclusions in several subjects as Anatomy Medicin, Nature, Problems of the State and Accidents of the World (1723). Both contain medical notes; descriptions of diseases; cases notes; natural history information; and astronomical information.

      Allen , Benjamin , 1663-1738 , physician and naturalist
      GB 0114 MS0049 · 1721-[c1846]

      Papers of Berhard Siegfried Albinus, 1721-[c1846], comprising an undated manuscript, probably containing a student's lecture notes, titled Collegium Physiologiae, [c 1721-1770]; letters from Bernhard Siegfried Albinus to Robert Nesbitt, 1721-1728; and a manuscript copy of the text and plates of Albinus' Tabulae anatomicae musculorum hominis by Thomas Howitt, [1785-1846].

      Albinus , Bernhard Siegfried , 1697-1770 , German anatomist x Weiss , Bernhard Siegfried
      GB 0114 MS0214 · 1823

      Papers of John Abernethy, 1823, comprising an autograph letter from John Abernethy of Bedford Row, to Mr Mortimer of Mr W H Partridge's, 13 New Hall Street, Birmingham, 2 Jan 1823. Advising Mr Mortimer on the best way to study anatomy and diseases, and also suggesting the study of languages.

      Abernethy , John , 1764-1831 , surgeon
      Abernethy, John (1764-1831)
      GB 0114 MS0210 · Early 19th century

      Papers of John Abernethy, early 19th century, comprising one and a half volumes of manuscript notes by R Collett, House Surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital and dresser to Abernethy, taken at Abernethy's lectures on surgery, c 1806; two and a half volumes of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's lectures on surgery, c 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's surgical lectures at St Bartholemew's Hospital, 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's surgical lectures; and an envelope of manuscript fragments including a slip containing Abernethy's signature; a museum admittance for [G]iles Gardner and Captain Phillips signed by Abernethy; a slip signed by Abernethy regarding a payment; and an undated letter from Abernethy regarding an absence from the College due to the illness of his mother.

      Abernethy , John , 1764-1831 , surgeon